Maggie, “big-sis” Disa, owner Hanna met up with their friends Linda, Keaton and Caesar at the sand-pit.

Maggie and partner-in-crime Keaton

Maggie and Keaton

Maggie and big-sis Disa

Disa and Maggie

Disa and Maggie

Disa sometimes want to send Maggie right back to Norway 😉

Caesar, Maggie and Keaton

Maggie in front with Keaton behind

Poor Disa, never gets a calm moment…

Maggie, who else 😉


Keaton and Maggie

Keaton, Disa and Maggie

Wonderful colors in this photo!
Keaton, Disa and Maggie

Maggie, wonders who to torment next…

And Linda is the lucky one!

First we box her a little bit…

Then we try to push her down..

And then we bite her. Perfect day for Maggie in other words 😉