The puppies are 30 days old today and now we are starting to se more of their personalities as they start to move around more and engage in different things. This weekend they have been out for the first time, and they did very good for being their first time outside. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us in the next weeks, so the puppies can explore the outside as much as possible! We have taken 30-day portraits and stacks, as well as some other photos from the puppy box. Enjoy! 🙂

Days 0 3 7 15 30 %
 Pink 510 545 785 1055 2065 305
 Green 455 470 655 870 1920 322
 Purple 555 595 925 1015 2155 288
 Yellow 540 510 760 935 2130 294
 Blue 555 615 910 1120 2385 330
 Beige 435 450 645 860 1845 324
 Brown 480 495 715 940 2165 351
 Black 545 625 900 1185 2280 318
 Red 455 465 600 835 1715 277
 Orange 500 520 760 1010 2275 355