Both Pippi and Chaco have gotten three 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1, and thus received the official title RL1 in front of their name. It’s the first title for them both, and we are mighty proud of them. Chaco has been competed by me, and even though we haven’t had the time to practice a lot, Chaco have really impressed me and gotten one first placement and one second placement in tough competition. He has a wonderful attitude when working, and his heal is really impressive. He for sure make some heads turn when he works, and he gives me such a good feeling by putting so much power and energy to his work.
Pippi has done her qualifying runs with her best friend Bente, and also shown us that she is a ridgeback with that will to please. She will do everything for a treat, and she really doesn’t care at all about all the things that are going on around the ring, other dogs, people etc. She mostly has her eye on her handler, and where the treats are 🙂
They now go under the name RL1 Filippa Rouge Qwandoya and RL1 Wayosi Eimhir Edgar.