☼: July 11, 2011
HD: A/A | ED: 0/0 | LTV0
Height: 65 cm | Weight 38 kg
D-locus: D/D | B-locus: B/b
DM (SOD1): N/N (clear) | JME: clear
EOAD: N/N (clear) | Ridge: R/r (heterozygous)
Correct scissor bite
MH (advanced dog mentality assessment)
MT (advanced dog mentality assessment)

☼: June 11, 2009
HD: A/A | ED: 0/0
D-locus: D/D | B-locus: B/B
Height: 69 cm | Weight 46 kg
DM (SOD1): N/N (clear) | JME: clear
EOAD: N/N (clear) | Ridge: R/r (heterozygous)
Correct and full scissor bite
MH (dog mentality assessment)
MT (dog mentality assessment)
11 puppies born June 26, 2014.
5 males (2 correct, 2 ridgeless, 1 kinked tail) and 6 females (3 correct, 3 ridgeless). 1 weak ridgeless female put to sleep at day 2. One correct male DS-operated (neck) at 14 months.
Wayosi Charlie Brown ~ Kiito
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy): N/N (clear by parentage)
– Very good from junior class at International Show.

Wayosi Casino Boogie ~ Lillebror
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy): N/N (clear by parentage)
- Lillebror BPH diagram

Wayosi Coat Of Many Colors ~ Olaf
Put to sleep due to chronic colitis from age 9 years, which eventually worsened.
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy): N/N (clear by parentage)
- Olaf BPH diagram
⭐️ In loving memory ⭐️

Wayosi Circle Of Life ~ Ted
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy): N/N (clear by parentage)
Ted was an amazing dog in so many ways, and he will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him. Our thoughts goes to his owners Linn and Simen who have lost their best friend. Rest in peace Ted, we will never forget you.

Wayosi Cannonball ~ Atlas
- Atlas BPH diagram

Wayosi Could It Be Magic ~ Nicki
Behaviour and personality test (BPH) May 22, 2016. Age 23 months. BPH protocol, video.
- Nicki BPH diagram

Wayosi Crazy For You ~ Crazy
- Crazy BPH diagram
⭐️ In loving memory ⭐️

Wayosi Come Dance With Me ~ Poppy
Behaviour and personality test (BPH) May 22, 2016 at the age of 23 months. BPH protocol, video.
- Poppy BPH diagram
⭐️ In loving memory ⭐️

Wayosi Constant Motion ~ Lucky
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy): N/N (clear by parentage)
- Crazy BPH diagram