News 2012

News 20122018-04-02T12:20:51+00:00

09 December 2012

December 9, 2012
Last week while I was in Gothenburg, I met up with Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day) and Emma while I was there. It was so nice to see them again, and impartially I think Juno is a wonderful supersweet female πŸ™‚ She have a wonderful expression, is happy and playful and a just adorable little devil in disguise πŸ˜‰ See more photos of Juno here.
Last sunday we met up with Leon, Kani and Juba while we took Sheriff and Isi with, and took a walk on the winter-closed golf-course at Losby. While the sun was up we didn’t feel the cold so much, but when the sun disappeared behind the threes, we could very much feel that it was -15 degrees celsius. Se photos from the little get-together here.
Kani, Leon and Juba Leon and Juba The group Juno Juno Juno

28 November 2012

November 28, 2012
We are sorry to say that we are putting our Airedale-puppy plans on hold for a while. Isi stopped her heat before mating, and we are not sure if we will try to mate her again in the future or not. For now she will just be the great puppy-nanny for the ridgebacks she have showed herself to be.

08 November 2012

November 8, 2012
A couple of weeks ago, Isi was chosen to participate in a tv-commercial for one of Norways largest newspapers. I was asked to learn Isi to put her head to the ground, among other easier stuff. So I sent Isi with my good friend Geir to the shooting of the commercial, together with his border-collie Fight. They were away for almost 8 hours, and the result was 6 seconds of glory and fame πŸ™‚ Geir was very proud of them both when he came home, saying that they were both calm and easy, concentrated and focused. The enironment in the studio was quite different than what they are used to, with much light, sounds and people. But the two girls was a pure joy to work with, and I was very happy and proud to hear this πŸ™‚ It shows that a dog with good nerves and a good head can cope with every situations presented to it! Se the TV-commercial here

05 November 2012

November 5, 2012
Nothing much is happening here these days, certainly not with Isi and her heat πŸ˜‰ We are still waiting for her heat, it should be right around the corner! In the meantime we try to do some usefull stuff, and this weekend I attended “Oppdretterskolen Kurs 1”, translated to breeder-course 1, who is a course the Norwegian Kennel Club is arranging for new and old breeders. The courses are very educational and it should be mandatory for all breeders I think. The speakers was Astrid IndrebΓΈ and Hilde Bremnes, and NKK region Oslo/Akershus was the organizers of the course, in which I am a secratary, and thus had to help out. One of the best citations from this course was: “The basis for progress in dog-breeding? Cooperation, openness and honesty. Do not punish the honest, and “reward” those dishonest. Work together for the best of the breed. Talk with each-other, not just about each-other. ” I will for sure try to remember that as long as I can!
I have “stolen” some new photos of Hektor, Juno, Enya and Kani πŸ™‚
Hektor celebrating Halloween :-) Juno Juno Enya Kani

28 October 2012

October 28, 2012
Juba have stayed with us for the weekend, and she attended 2 shows in Eidsvoll during the weekend. Yesterday she became Best Female 2 with res.CAC, and today she got Excellent 1. See her critiques here. Also some photos of Sheriff, Isi and Juba having fun together in our garden here
Juba Sheriff, Juba and Isi isi Sheriff Juba

21 October 2012

October 21, 2012
Juba have attended 2 shows this weekend, and I am happy to see that she slowly is getting more and more used to lay down on her rug at shows, staying in the cage and don’t ask all the dogs she sees if they want to play. She also is getting better to stand still while beeing touched by the judge, and have fun in the ring. Sometimes she have a little to much fun, when she decides to act like a kangaroo πŸ˜‰
Today she was BOB Junior, and recieved excellent, champion quality and Best Female 4. She got a very nice critique from judge George Schogol: “15 months of lovely type. Very nice outline, good lines of head, good eyes, lovely neck, well balanced”.
Juba Juba

15 October 2012

October 15, 2012
We attended a dogshow last weekend, CACIB Hamar and we are pleased to say that Leon, Juba and Kiwi all got excellent. Juba won her juniorclass, Leon placed 2nd in his juniorclass and Kiwi was not placed in championclass. Leon wagged his tail through the whole thing like he always does, and he is such a charmer πŸ™‚ Juba also behaved very nice, and just need a little more training in standing still when I tell her to. That girl sure have her own opinions on things πŸ˜‰ She reminds very much of both her mother and father sometimes! 

13 October 2012

October 13, 2012
I have stolen some photos of Juno and Hektor from Facebook, hope you forgive me Emma and Mailinn Wink
Juno Juno Juno Juno Juno Hektor

12 October 2012

October 10, 2012
I have updated the photopage with some new mixed photos of Juba here, and Ecco and Uno here. Uno’s photopage is updated, as well as stacked and head photos of Juba and some new photos of Ecco.
Uno Uno Ecco Ecco Juba Juba

29 September 2012

September 29, 2012
We are happy to tell that also Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day) have done her x-rays, and her results also came back as HD: A/A ED: A/A! 7 dogs from our A-litter is now x-rayed and all 7 is perfect with HD: A/A ED: A/A! I couldn’t be happier! πŸ™‚

26 September 2012

September 26, 2012
Uno (Herr Uno von Thekla) was x-rayed together with the A-litter at our local veterinary, and I have completely forgotten to announce that he also have A/A hips!! This means that Uno is our third import from German working-lines and the third to have perfect hips. Very happy to see how strong these lines are on joints. In Norway we don’t x-ray elbows on Airedales.
A month ago we took some mobil-photos of Uno preparing for a track, and I show them here. But we promise to take some photos one day, and show fresh photos of this lovely, energic airedale-cangaroo.
Uno Uno Uno Uno Uno

24 September 2012

September 24, 2012
Maggie and her owner Hanna attended a unofficial Show in TΓ€by, Sweden on Sunday, and they managed to become BOB (4 entered RR) and was BIG-1 (3 breeds attending). Congratulations Hanna! A great practice before they will enter the official ring this winter πŸ™‚ Hanna said that Maggie behaved beauifully, and showed her good side. Maggie is usually a little monster, having inherited all the naughty genes from both mother and father. Just like we love them πŸ˜‰

23 September 2012

September 23, 2012
We met up with Kani, Leon and Juba with their owners for a walk in the forrest, light a fire, eat hotdogs and introduce the youngsters to fieldtracking. The youngsters did a great job fieldtracking for the first time, and we have a bunch of  talented fieldtrackers here! We will do more practice, and eventually try some competitions! Thank you everyone for a fantastic day in the forrest with you! πŸ™‚ Look here for more photos!
 Sheriff Isi  Leon Kani Juba

13 September 2012

September 13, 2012
6 of 10 puppies from our A-litter is now x-rayed, and the results are back……..
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Afer Ventus “Enya” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Amazing Grace “Varga” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon” HD A/A ED 0/0
This means that all 6 have perfect hips and elbows, they are all super healthy and have wonderful mentality. I could not have asked for anything more! Thank you wonderful owners who takes such good care of your Wayosi-monsters πŸ™‚

11 September 2012

September 11, 2012
9 September Leon, Kani, Maggie, Juba and Kiwi traveled with us and their owners to SΓ€tra in Sweden for their mentalitytest. The youngers are still young, and this test is a good help to get to know the dogs better. The mentalitytest is also called “mental conditions for dog training” and this is a very appropriate description for this test. For the older dogs we use the test to see “how did they end up”. 
Kiwi was first out, and she showed that she is a VERY good dog. The judges smiled when they came back with the results, and was happy to tell me that “this dog is a VERY good dog”. The test showed that Kiwi is open and social towards people, she abreacts quickly, direct and independently, she have a very good concentration and get the highest scores for nerveconstruction. She is also gunshot proof. A perfect balance between her mental traits, and a dog like this surely does not “grow on threes”. Kiwi is not just beautiful, she also have a proven wonderful mentality! πŸ™‚ See her MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
Maggie did a very good test, and even if she is only 14 months, she shows a very good balance and a very good nerveconstruction. I am sure this girl will end up to be even better than her mother Kiwi and father Sheriff. See her MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
Leon also did a very good test, and he also have a very good balance and good nervconstruction. With time I’m sure this boy will get full score on nerveconstruction, abreaction and concentration, just like mummy Kiwi and sister Maggie. And just to emphasize, these scores is not easily earned! See his MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
Kani and Juba also did great, and showed good nerves, concentration and abreactions. But they are still very much “puppyish” and needs time to mature. But with time and experience, I am sure these two would do just as good as their more “grown up” siblings πŸ™‚ See Kani’s MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test will come later. See Juba’s MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
It’s important to remember that the youngsters are only 14 months old, and there are still happening much in their minds at this age. But I’m extremely happy to see that all our dogs tested this weekend either got relatively good nerveconstruction or good nerveconstruction, showing that they are strong and concentrated, abreacts quickly and reacts correctly in every situation.
See more photos here
Leon Leon Kiwi Kiwi Juba Kani


26 August 2012

August 26, 2012
We have had a busy weekend at the show-arena, and I am happy to say that we have had some quite good results this weekend.
>>>National show Drammen 25 August
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” – Excellent 2, CQ, Best Male 4
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” – Excellent 1, CQ
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi” – Excellent 2, CQ, Best Bitch 2
>>>National show Drammen 26 August
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon” – Excellent 1, CQ, Best Male 1, CAC, BOB
>>>Breed speciality show Randsfjorden 26 August
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani” – Excellent 2
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” – Excellent 4, CQ
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” – Excellent 1
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi” – Excellent 2, CQ, Best Bitch 2
I was very surprised to hear that Leon had recieved his first CAC and gone BOB, as his owners had not told me they had entered πŸ™‚ They were so nervous, and thoght that if it was no preassure, it would not be so scary πŸ™‚ And so Gry showed him all by herself and did great! And he wagged his tail the whole time as he always does. A happy boy for sure πŸ™‚
At the breed-clubs “small” special today at Randsfjorden, we had 4 dogs entered, and all got excellent. I am so happy to see how Kani develops and get more muscles, and even when he gets more masculine, his baby approach is just the same. The judge also commented on his lovely and friendly temperament, and that warms a breeders heart!
See more photos here.
 Kani  MLH8273  MLH8276 Kiwi  MLH8576  MLH8573
 MLH8601  MLH8619  MLH8226  MLH8239  MLH8242 Juba

12 August 2012

August 12, 2012
Our sweet Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) have been to her third official show as a junior today, and she for the third time in a row won the juniorclass with championquality. See her critique her and photos here. Way to go Hanna and Maggie, we are very proud of you πŸ™‚
Kani (Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart) have been hiking in the norwegian mountains and we have gotten some photos of him in the beautiful norwegian nature here. Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) have been here for the weekend, and I took some new stacked photos of her. She is such a sweet girl and both daddy Sheriff and “aunt” Isi was happy to have her her on visit πŸ™‚ See more photos of her weekend here
  Juba Juba Isi and Juba

4 August 2012

August 5, 2012
There haven’t been any big news lately, but I have collected a bunch of nice photos from our “puppies”. We have been here and there on holidays, the dogs have come with us off course, and we have been training obedience and tracking. It’s been a long time since I have trained obedience with Sheriff, but he surprised me by still knowing all the exercises and worked with such a joy and happiness. I’m so happy to see that he still have the sparkle at a age of 7 year. Isi have also trained a bit this summer, and she was so happy to be able to work again. This is what she is bred for, and this is what she loves more than anything!
For the last 7 months, Sheriff have had 2 small lumps. One in the ridge and one on his shoulder. They haven’t grown, but now I decided to remove them. Histology done by my wonderful collegues showed no pathology, in other terms no danger. Sheriff and Kiwi have also been to the chiropractor, and they both had some lockups who needed some adjustments, but other than that they were all fine. So a little 7-year old service for Sheriff there πŸ™‚
At the Swedish Specialityshow in Gysinge, Jenny Jurnelius took some photos of Kiwi, Maggie and Juba. Thank you so much Jenny! See the photos here

17 July 2012

July 17, 2012
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) had her debut in the official showrings a month ago, and the judge Dr. Agnes Kertes Ganami gave some comments after the show, that I found on SRRS’s webpage. I was so happy to read what she had written after the show: 
“I would like to mention shortly the dogs I have still in my mind and impressed me.
(…) The junior class winners, the “future of the breed” ULON-HILLS LEO THE FIRST ATLAS and WAYOSI A KIND OF MAGIC.” Thank you so much for these nice words about our precious girl! 

16 July 2012

July 16, 2012
We spent the weekend at the Swedish National Specialityshow at Gysinge Bruk and had a wonderful time with good friends! Thanx everyone for a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚
We had some very nice results, and I am so proud of our “babies”. 
Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) had his debut as a show-dog and he behaved beautifully and was maybe the happiest dog on the show. He wagged his tail constantly, giving big hugs and kisses to everyone who wanted one πŸ™‚ He was awarded Excellent 3 in juniorclass, out of 7 entered males. He got the critique: The head is a bit too strong for my taste, could use a little more forechest, the crowns in the ridge are a bit off set, over all good balance, moves well.
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) had her 2nd outing in juniorclass and won the class (11 entered females) with champion quality and ended up as 6th Best Female with res.CAC (of 75 entered females).  She got the nice critique: The bitch is not shy, but lacks training. Beautiful head – perfect plains, strong underjaw, the right forechest, I like her angulations in front and rear, good balance overall. I could like a little longer ridge, excellent movements. Thank you dear Ulrika Blom for perfect handling of our princess!
Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) got Excellent 3 and championquality with the critique: Beautiful head, I’d prefer more depth of the chest, good laid back shoulders, the rear angulation is a bit too much at the moment, correct movements.
Kiwi (Tappinskis Peach And Passion) was entered in championclass (14 entered females) and got Excellent with the critique: Very good head, very nice front assembly, maybe a bit to much forechest, her ridge is a bit too short, moves well.
Sheriff’s daughter Nephora (Dahidos Canephora af Hilandra) got Excellent 1 with champion quality in working/hunting-class and ended up as 8th Best Female (of 75 entered females) with the critique: Beautiful head, correct front assembly but her pasterns are a bit to straight, nice rear angulation, moves well, I’d prefer a wider ridge.
So all Sheriff’s offsprings at the show got excellent and was placed in their classes πŸ™‚ See more photos here!
I also got to show Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton who was awarded Excellent 2 in working/huntingclass with champion quality.
15072012  MLH7577 DSC 0488 DSC 0676  MLH7554
 MLH7350 DSC 0449  MLH7524 DSC 0629 DSC 0871 

11 July 2012

July 11, 2012
We had a visit from Kaizer and his family yesterday, and it was so nice to see him again. We have not seem him since november, so I was happy to see that he have developed into a strong, masculine male with a wonderful temperament. He is very playful, loves his family and especially their 4-year old and he have inherited mum Kiwi’s love for hunting flies πŸ™‚ Kaizer will be tried in hunting for Moose, deers and birds, as well as Lynx this fall. It will be very exiting to see how it goes. He have some very sound hunting-instincts, and I think he will be doing quite well. Some pictures of him here.
 MLH7202  MLH7243  MLH7252  MLH7312

9 July 2012

July 9, 2012
Our A-litter turns 1 year old today, and we wish them a happy birthday!
They are all healthy and happy, and are starting to behave quite nicely πŸ™‚ They all have much motor, and are loaded with energy, and once in a while I get some rather funny mails and sms’s from their owners, stating that they soon would leave them with me and go on a holiday! πŸ™‚ Luckily it seems they are growing up and calms down a bit now, and I keep reminding that they would need up to 1 more year to settle down completely.. But all in all I am very pleased with the litter. They are extremely curious, very social towards people, happy all day long, unafraid and have a high willingness to work. I got what I wanted, and now we will wait to see the official HD/ED-scores in september, and MH (mentalitydescription) for the whole litter in May 2013.
I have also put together a photo showing how similar Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) and his “brother from another mother” Diezel (Damisis Aboisso) is. Both are two lovely males with a wonderful mentality, sharing the same father πŸ™‚
We have spend the weekend at 2-days show in TvΓ₯Γ₯ker, Sweden. We had a great time around the ring as usual, despite the judges not beeing on our side this time πŸ˜‰ On our way home we stopped in Bovallstrand and said hello to Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day). It was so nice to see Emma, Sebastian, Hanna and their older ridgeback Stella again, and I can see that Juno have not found out that she is 1 year old yet.. πŸ™‚ 
1yearold 800  brothers2 liten 120708 120708Juno 120708Kani 120709Maggie

5 July 2012

July 5, 2012
If the nature are with us, we are hoping to have another litter after Sheriff spring/summer 2013. His new girlfriend is a lovely swedish female, Ridgebow’s Odara of Zazazela “HIKI”, wich I have followed for a long time, and I have met several of her offsprings. We look very much forward to this planned litter. Read more here.

4 July 2012

July 5, 2012
We had a little “mini” get-together a couple of weeks ago at our place, and you can see the photos here. We are planning a bigger get-together when the dogs can run free in the forrest πŸ™‚
I have updated Juno‘s ear-special with a couple of new photos here, “normal” photos of Juno here, Kani here, Aragorn here, Juba here, Maggie here and Kiwi here.
120507Juno 120705Kani 120705Kani2 120705Maggie2
120705Maggie3 bilde 1 bilde 4 bilde 5 

22 June 2012

June 22, 2012
I have put together a little album called “Juno’s earspecial”. I often find photos on facebook of her, never wearing her ears like she should. So it was time to collect them in a little album πŸ™‚ Take a look at the album HERE.

19 June 2012

June 20, 2012
Other Wayosi’s have also been active during the weekend. Aragorn have participated at a weekendcourse in obedience and Varga have attended a search-course (search for lost people in the forrest) and impressed the instructors with her motor, motivation, learningabilities and mentality! I stole some photos of Aragorn (Wayosi All Fired Up) and his owner Marianne. Especially one photo shows so much love! 
Nephora (Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra – Sheriff x Hilandra) have also been out this weekend, and was rewarded Excellent 2 with Ck in working/huntingclass at SRRS Speciality at Γ…rsta castle! Congratulations πŸ™‚
We are so proud of all of you!

120617Aragorn 120617Aragorn2 120617Aragorn3 120617Nephora

17 June 2012

June 20, 2012
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) have had her debut in the official showrings, and juniorclass. Hanna had entered her to SRRS Stockholms specialityshow at Γ…rsta castle, and even though Hanna was nervous Maggie would act like the little monster she is, Maggie was a little angel and behaved beautifully with superhandlers Johanna Falk and Helena Boberg. Maggie managed to gain ecxellent and place as # 1 in juniorclass with Ck (out of 8 entered), and was thanked of in best female when it was only 6 dogs left. So what a debut! I could not be happier! Doing good at show is one thing, but the thing I am the most happy with, is to see that Maggie is just as easygoing and social as her mother, father and siblings, and couldn’t care less when some complete strangers takes the leash, offers some treats and enters the showring with them. Just the way I want them to be πŸ™‚
Maggies album is updated with new photos from the show and at home and her critique can be seen her.

17062012-IMG 1446 17062012-IMG 1454 17062012-IMG 1464 17062012-IMG 1477 17062012-IMG 1524

15 June 2012

June 15, 2012

Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) have been visiting us for some days, and this was the first time we saw him after he moved to Sweden at 8 weeks. He lives on a farm with horses in Sweden, and enjoys the life of a farm-dog. I was very happy to see that he have developed into a stunning male, and have the wonderful mentality as the rest of his siblings have! I can’t wait to see what the future brings for this wonderful dog! See stacked photos here, head photos here and mixed photos here

 MLH6071  MLH6156  MLH6165  MLH6163  MLH6317 

13 June 2012

June 13, 2012

Our A-litter turned 11 months 9th of June, and I can’t believe how the time is flying away! Almost all the girls have had their first heat, the boys are developing into big powerful males, an I’m happy to see that they have not forgotten what they have learned from daddy Sheriff, and are submissive and shows a very good language around other dogs. Let’s hope it stays that way πŸ™‚ I have gotten some short movies of Maggie were she takes her first swim, and rocking around at home πŸ™‚ We also met up with Kani at obedienceclass last day, and I took some photos of him with my phone. He is such a sweet “little” big baby, and have now rounded 45 kilos! 45 kilos of gold, as his owners says πŸ˜‰


120613Kani 120613Kani2 120609Juno 120609Maggie 120609Kani

09 June 2012

June 9, 2012

I’m happy to see that Sheriff’s blood is continued with his lovely offspring and their puppies! Damisis Ariana “TIISHA” (Sheriff x Olivia) got 8 puppies 11 May 2012 with stunning Sorbonne, and I’m so exited to follow these little hearbreakers! There are 5 males and 3 females, were 2 of the males are ridgeless and one female with 3 crowns. No DS, no kinks or any other faults!

Sheriff’s stunning son, and my big LOVE, Damisis Aboisso “DIEZEL” (Sheriff x Olivia) will sire a litter in Holland during 2013/2014 with lovely Red Packs Addicted To My Way “LANA” at Kennel Kuanzia Kani. I have met Lana personally, and she have just as amazing mentality as Diezel. I’m following with exitement πŸ™‚

120608Tiisha 120608Diezel

08 June 2012

June 8, 2012

I have completely forgot to show everyone the wonderful gift I got from our lovely puppy-byuers for my 30th birthday! One day in May Leon and Juba with owners came driving into our courtyard with the most amazing gift from ALL our lovely A-litter “puppies” and owners. On top of that they had been planning this secretly on a facebook-page they had created and made secret for me, for several months! I have now gotten accsess to the “secret” facebook-page, that are open for people with Wayosi-dogs πŸ™‚

THANK YOU SO MUCH! This meant a lot to me, and I’m so happy to have the most fantastic puppy-family! Love you ALL! πŸ™‚


07 June 2012

June 7, 2012

I have gotten a lot of new photos of the “puppies” from our A-litter. Click their names to see the photos – Juba, Juno, Leon, Maggie. I also put together a little collage of Juno, Juba, Kani and Maggie showing of their sofa-sitting-styles, that they share with a lot of their full- and halfsiblings πŸ™‚


120527Juno 3kopi 120527Leon 120607Maggie01 collage

30 May 2012

May 29, 2012
The happening of the year in the Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback Club was finally here, and we had been looking forward to this weekend for quite some time. We had 5 dogs from our A-litter entered, as well as daddy Sheriff and mum Kiwi.
We spent the days around the ring with lovely people and dogs, and had an even greater time eating, drinking and laughing almost all night long πŸ˜‰ 
Thanks to all lovely people involved in this fantastic weekend! 
Juniorclass males
– Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “LEON” – Very Good
– Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart (l) “KANI” – Good 
Championclass males
– Kuzonga’s Cheriff “SHERIFF” – Excellent
  Β» Very nice dog, good proportions, very nice head, good neck and front, well balanced in body, nice hindquarters, moved very well. 
Juniorclass females
– Wayosi Amazing Graze (l) “VARGA” – Excellent 3
  Β» Well balanced livernosed girl, good color, just a little light in eyes, nice feet, good tailset. moved very well covering ground.
– Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO” – Excellent
  Β» Well balanced bitch, nice head and front, nice hindquarter, good tailset, moved well covering ground.
– Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA” – Excellent 1, CQ, Best Bitch 2, res.CAC!!!
  Β» Very nice bitch, good size and color. Nice front and strong hindquarters, good tailset, moved very well
Championclass females
– Tappinkis Peach And Passion (l) “KIWI” – Excellent 1, CQ 
  Β» Nice feminin bitch, livernose, lovely head, neck and earset. Good front and hindquarter, nice feet, moved very well.
So Juba topped this already amazing weekend of by going Best Bitch 2 with res.CAC, only 10 months old! It’s unreal, and a absolutely amazing feeling seeing my own kennel-name on the winnerslist! Even if we had some nice results, I was so happy to see how nice tempered these dogs are. All 5 juniors entered the ring without any concerns, they behaved beautifully and had an amazing contact with their handlers/owners. They stood like statues when the judge examined them, and wagged their tails happily. I could not ask for more! Varga had never met her handler before, they trained for 5 minutes, and Varga acted like she had known Gunn Tove for ever! This is exactly the types of dogs I want to breed!! See more photos HERE!
  MLH5371  MLH5683  MLH5529  MLH5268 
 MLH5161  MLH5471  MLH5498  MLH5186 

29 May 2012

May 29, 2012
I have stolen some photos of Sheriff’s 4 lovely puppies at Kennel Hunting Pride, both stacked and mixed photos. They look so nice, and I just love those livernosed faces πŸ™‚ Read more and see photos HERE.
garamba litter_3weekstack_male1 garamba litter_3weekstack_male4 garamba litter_3uker_hosdisco3

15 May 2012

May 15, 2012
Kani have now moved to his new home, with Ingunn and Jon Sverre in Oslo, just 20 minutes from us! I wish you the best of luck with this wonderful dog with a heart of gold, and welcome you to the the “Wayosi-gang” πŸ™‚ See some photos her of Kani and Isi playing in our now fenced garden, before he left.
The biggest disapointment with Isi being empty have now let go, and we are looking forward to new plans in the fall. Isi is expected to come into heat in october/november, and the plans are starting to fall into place. We are chosing another male, because we don’t know if it is the natures way of telling or not, but I’m sure we will find another amazing male for Isi πŸ™‚

8 May 2012

May 8, 2012
We did an ultrasound on Isi yesterday, and we could not se any small embryo sacs. This means we will not have any small puppyfeets in our house this summer. We were off course very disapointed, but nature have the final call. We are already planning for the next try, and will come back with more info when all is decided.

29 April 2012

April 29, 2012
We have attended 2 national shows this weekend in Eidsvoll, Norway. On Saturday we had Juba and Leon entered for judge John Wauben, and they both gained VG. They both got nice critiques, but needed to mature and develope more all over. 
 MLH4607  MLH4608  MLH4618  MLH4668
On Sunday we had Juba and Kani entrered for judge Eli-Marie Klepp, which also handed out 2 VG’s to our juniors. She also thought they needed to mature, but they got a very nice critique I absolutely could agree with. Kani charmed his way to the judge, who said: “powerful beautiful junior (…) large dog with a wonderful temperament, good luck in the future“. I couldn’t be happier for this words about our golden boy! A sweet temper hangs much higher for me than anything else.
 MLH4730  MLH4731  MLH4698  MLH4708
As the judge also pointed out, Kani needs more muscles in his paws. He had lost a lot of muscles when we got him back from the guidedog-school. We are working on building muscles on him, but he will need much time and careful training to get better. But he is slowly getting better and better! The most lovely boy no matter how he looks!…

28 April 2012

April 27, 2012
I have stolen some photos on Facebook of some of Sheriff’s offspring. Dahidos Canephora af Hilandra “NEPHORA” gained Exc with CK and was 3rd Best Female with res.CACIB at VΓ€sterΓ₯s, Sweden today. Congratulations Marie and Mats! I also stole a photo of her brother Dahidos Laurentii af Hilandra “WINSTON” looking better for each time I see him. Sheriff’s offsprings are developing slow, but good πŸ™‚ Sheriff’s daughter Tiisha is having puppies in Kennel Thakawi in a couple of weeks, and the pregnancy really suits her! 
120428Nephora 120429Winston 120429Tiisha

22 April 2012

April 23, 2012
Sheriff, Kani and I met up with Leon, Juba and Enya (that came all the way from Fredrikstad to meet us) and went for a walk in the city to have some environment-training, and let the dogs run free in a fenced area outside LillestrΓΈm. I thought it was a large fenced area, but it turned out it was small and MUDDY! But the youngsters loved it, while Sheriff was not very satisfied and was rather crumpy over the conditions πŸ™‚ Need I say we had some dirty dogs that had to go straight in the shower when we came home.. I have gotten new photos of Juno here, Juba here, Maggie here, Leon here, Hektor here, and also a new photo of Kani on “easter-holiday” here
 MLH4494  MLH4527  MLH4511 120423Maggie

06 April 2011

April 6, 2012
I have made a new album of Isi, with a selection of my favorite photos of her, and updated her other albums as well. I have also updated with new photo’s in Ecco’s album.

02 April 2012

April 2, 2012
I got a little movie of Maggie, she is full of lust for life and speed! πŸ™‚ 
I also got a new photo of Juno.

31 March 2012

March 31, 2012
Kani (Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart) and I took the train to Oslo together with Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) and her owner Trine. We walked around whole central-Oslo, and also visited Akershus Fortress were we took some photos. The dogs got to experience both trains, trainstation, crowded places, noices and they behaved great. They were so tired at the train home that they almost fell asleep standing up πŸ™‚ See a lot of photos from the day here
 MLH3975  MLH4028  MLH4085 
 MLH4116  MLH4140  MLH4150
 MLH4159  MLH4188 

29 March 2012

March 29, 2012
I recieved some new photos of Maggie, and they are just lovely! Thank you Hanna and Johan! See the photos here.  I have also stolen a new photo of Juno, see it here.
thumb IMG 1376 thumb IMG 3488 thumb IMG 3493

22 March 2012

March 22, 2012
We recieved some new photos of Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day), see them here. One new photo of Juba here.
 MG_3142  MG_3223  MG_3177

21 March 2012

March 20, 2012
I have taken some new photos of Kani today, as well as one hairy photo of Isi πŸ™‚ Se more photos here!
 MLH3534  MLH3564  MLH3554  

18 March 2012

March 17, 2012
Sheriff’s son Damisis Aboisso “DIEZEL” (liver) rocked the show-rings at MalmΓΈ International Show today, and ended up BEST MALE and BOS with CAC and CACIB. New photos of Diezel here.
Diezel was expertly handled by Ilse Hulsebos, and acted like he had always known her. In reality they had met 30 minutes before entering the ring!  But he would follow you to the moon and back if you have treats for him, just like his dad Sheriff πŸ™‚ 

 diezel267 diezellarge108 diezel095 diezel251
Juno have been out show-training and I got this photo. She’s developing so nicely, and is so much like her litter-sister Maggie. I hope to see Juno in the show-ring soon πŸ™‚

16 March 2012

March 16, 2012
We attended MyDog International Show in Gothenburg, and got some really nice results! Kiwi was Excellent 2 with CQ and Best Bitch 4 on thursday, and Excellent 4 with CQ on Friday. Sheriff’s drop dead gorgeous son Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” was Excellent 3 with CQ on Thursday, and was Excellent 1 with CQ and Best Male 2 with CAC and res-CACIB on Friday! See more photos here.

11 March 2012

March 11, 2012
We had a lovely day on our kennelmeeting, see photos here! 5 of 10 puppies was present, as well as mum Kiwi, dad Sheriff and airedale-auntie Isi. All the dogs was happy to be out in the lovely weather, and I am so proud of our fantastic puppies!
 MLH3481 collage 

A-litter 8 months today!

March 9, 2012
Congratulations to our A-litter who is 8 months today! 
Iza have been mated to Sheriff and we now cross our fingers for puppies in the middle of May. We are proud to present Sheriff’s new girlfriend Qira, read more about this combination here.


9 March 2012

March 9, 2012
Congratulations to our A-litter who is 8 months today! 
Iza have been mated to Sheriff and we now cross our fingers for puppies in the middle of May. We are proud to present Sheriff’s new girlfriend Qira, read more about this combination here.

See some new photos of Kani under.

 MLH3222  MLH3226  MLH3218  

25 February 2012

February 25, 2012
Some new photos of Juba here, Leon here and Juno here.
 MLH3040  MLH2965

21 February 2012

February 21, 2012
Kani loves to train obedience and shows such a attitude and motivation!

MLH 2774  MLH 2774-1 

Maggies first show

February 20, 2012
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” have been on her first puppy-show today and became Best Female Puppy and BOS. Congrats Hanna! Se picture and critique her.

New homepage and Kani’s back home

February 17, 2012
Welcome to our brand new homepage! All pages are not yet updated, but we are working on it! Please let us know if you are experiencing any strange “stuff”.
Our lovely livernose-boy Kani flunked out of guide-dog-school with flying colors! πŸ™‚ Now he is back home with us, and time will show what the future brings. But we are so happy to have him back, he is the sweetest ridgeback-boy, and even daddy Sheriff loves him!
 MLH2719_600  MLH2675  

30 January 2012

January 30, 2012
I have spend the weekend in Stockholm, attending SRRS’s lecture with Jan Gyllensten about “Our dogs mentality – in everydaylife and breeding” and stayed with Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” and her owner Hanna. See pictures here. It was so nice to seeing them again, and Maggie is just the most lovely little girl – and appears just as crazy as I like them to bee! πŸ˜‰ 

27 January 2012

January 27, 2012
We are happy to introduce the sire of our planned Airedale Terrier litter this spring! The choosen one is Wilson von Erikson “BOR” and we are very pleased to get the oppurtunity to include him in our breeding-plans. Read more about the planned litter here.
Juba and her owners visited us last weekend, and we went for a lovely walk in the snowy forrest, and we also got to take some photos. See them here.


1 january 2012

January 1, 2012
We have recieved some new photos of our cutie Maggie! See them here.
We are sorry to inform that Sheriff’s girlfriend Fahari is not pregnant, and that all our work didn’t give us any puppies. But we have made some really nice acquaintances we don’t want to be without.

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