News 2013

News 20132017-06-05T20:08:41+00:00

Updates from Juno

November 22, 2013
I recieved some new photos of sweet Juno, and they are as always wonderful photos! You can see the album here.
131122Juno03 131122Juno05 131122Juno08 131122Juno09
November 22nd, 2013|

Norwegian Winner Show

November 21, 2013
Last weekend we attended Norwegian Winner Show -13 at Norwegian Trade Fairs, just about 10 minutes from our house. As board member of Norwegian Kennel Club region Oslo/Akershus, I was also involved in the technical arrangement of the show, and spent almost 50 hours from thursday – sunday at the trade fairs. But I also found time to brus the dust of my dogs, and enter them.
Isi was first out in Obedience 1, and she did a good work, even though I know we can do much better. She was very slow with her sit, due to high expectations to the reward. At least I know what we need to focus on in the future ๐Ÿ˜‰ She ended up with 164/200 points, got her second 1.prize in Obedience 1, and was placed as number 10 of 19 participants. The competition was extremely high, as every contestant had to have recieved a 1.prize to enter, and the judge was also very strict. And not to forget that all other dogs was mostly border collies ๐Ÿ™‚
Next out was Kiwi and Sheriff in the showring. They have not been showing since the Norwegian Speciality Show in may, and both was extremely happy to join me in the ring. Sheriff was entered in veteranclass, and recieved excellent and champion quality, and thus became Norwegian Veteran Winner -13. I am very happy about this title, as he now have both a championtitle, working titles and a winner title. This means that he is a beautiful dog, have good working abilities and is a healthy dog. Perfect! ๐Ÿ™‚
Kiwi is in super shape and health now, and was also happy to join the “meatball-circus”. She wagged her tail non stop in the ring, and enjoyed all the attention she got. She recieved excellent in a very strong championclass of 13 champion females. 
November 21st, 2013|

Maggie and family

November 6, 2013
A while ago I got some new photos from Maggie, her halfsister Hรคrja (Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff), and Hรคrja’s aunt – and Maggie’s “big sister” – Disa (Ridgebow’s Nandisa of Zazazela. The lovely photos are taken of Hรคrja’s owners sister Sara. See the photos here
IMG 6279 IMG 6284 IMG 6236 IMG 6233
November 6th, 2013|

Keeping up with the Wayosi’s

October 9, 2013
We had a small get-together last weekend with KaniJuba and Varga from our A-litter, as well as daddy Sheriff, mommy Kiwi and auntie Isi. It was so nice to them again, thank you for coming ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos here
Maggie have gotten a new friend – her halfsister Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff “Hรคrja” – which lives next door with owner Hanna’s good friends Sandra, Henrik and little Olle. Hรคrja is after Sheriff and Ridgebows Odara of Zazazela “Hiki”, wich is the halfsister of Maggie’s “big-sis” Ridgebows Nandisa of Zazazela “Disa”. So one big happy familiy ๐Ÿ™‚ Hanna sent me some photos from one of their walks, see here.
 MLH6348copy  MLH6355copy  MLH6371copy  MLH6406
 MLH6435  MLH6454  MLH6466  MLH6482_2
 MLH6506  MLH6516 131006MDH38 131006MDH52
October 9th, 2013|

Updates from Maggie and Kani

September 12, 2013
Kani spent a weekend in the Swedish archipelago and I got some wonderful photos of him. His owners Ingunn and Jon Sverre cannot praise him enough. He is a delight to have in the city, on the bus, on the office, in the boat and Kani always follows when they are visiting friend – and now he came along to some friends of them and behaved like the gentleman he is ๐Ÿ™‚ See some photos from their little holiday here. here
Maggie and Hanna also had a eventful weekend with among others Rally Obedience. It was their first time in Rally Obedience Graduate class and they did great (75 points), except for a minor fault with the leash – giving them an disqualification. But you learn from your mistakes, and I am sure the duo will do just as well next time! See some photos from the competition here. They also spent some time on an island in Stockholm where the dogs can run free and play with other dogs, see photos here. here
IMG 1818 IMG 1804 130908Maggie29 130908Maggie27
September 12th, 2013|

Obedience LP1

September 7, 2013
Isi and I attended Obedience class 1 (LP1) this week, and we did great! Isi was a pleasure to work with, and we had a wonderful flow. We got 185 of 200 points, 1.prize and was placed as number 2, only 3 points behind the winner. Isi was simply amazing, and I am more motivated than ever to keep going ๐Ÿ™‚ My sweet little girl!
 MLH5598  MLH5627  MLH5647  MLH5664
September 7th, 2013|

Training time

September 5, 2013
Last weekend we met up with Christin who owns Airedale-Uno and my friend Stine with her Riesenschnauzers Storm and Trym to train obedience. We had a great training, and both Isi and Sheriff was happy to use their head. Sheriff still know most exercises and does them perfectly. He still got it at the age of 8 years ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos here
 MLH5062  MLH5188  MLH5504  MLH5509
September 5th, 2013|

Fame and glory for Isi

September 3, 2013
Last year Isi attended a commercial for one of Norway’s biggest newspapers VG, and the commercial is still shown on television. If we had been paid for each time the commercial was shown on TV, we would have been rich by now ๐Ÿ™‚ See the commercial here. Isi’s “partner in crime” was the Border Collie Fight, owned by a good friend of ours Geir Larsen. Last week on training we took a photo of the two “movie-stars” which can be seen under. Isi and I also attended Obedience class 1 at the International Show in Oslo last weekend and was number 4 of 13 participants. We got 159,5 points out of 180, only 0,5 points from 1.prize and 1st leg towards the LP-title. Both Isi and I did some stupid mistakes, but hopefully we have learned and we are reaching for the 1st prize next time ๐Ÿ™‚
 MLH5035 120826Isi  MLH4941 AlfIsi
September 3rd, 2013|

Juba was here!

September 3, 2013
Juba joined our household last week and as always she settles in nicely and becomes a part of our pack. Isi is especially happy to have Juba staying with us, as she then have a never tired buddy that also wants to play outside all day long. Juba also appreciate a lazy time on the couch with her head in my lap and both Isi and Juba follows me like a shadow, always wonder what I am doing and seeing if there are some mischief they can do.. Juba also tagged along with me to my work in Oslo, and relaxed for a whole day on her blanket in the lab. For lunch we went outside in the busy Oslo saturday, and she was a delight to have with us for lunch. Good girlie!
Juba also attended the International Show at Bjerke and recieved a Very Good from Open Class, and comment from the judge that she needs to get more bodymass. Well, we are working on that ๐Ÿ˜‰ But Juba is a lean and elegant build female so time will tell if she will ever get more mass. But I think she is gorgeous anyways ๐Ÿ™‚
130903Juba2 130903JubaIsi  MLH4934  MLH4938
September 3rd, 2013|

Maggie’s first CAC

September 1, 2013
Maggie and Hanna entered Solvalla National Show today and ended up winning Open class with CQ, and then placed as Best Female 3 with their first CAC! Congratulations Hanna and Maggie, well done! ๐Ÿ™‚
Her critique: “2 years. Very nice type and size. Beautiful head. Correct conditions. Strong scissor bite. Nice ears and eyes. Nice neck and topline. Correct ridge. Sound chest. Good feet and paws. Very nice movements. Nice temper.”
130901Maggie01 130901Maggie02 130901Maggie05 130901Maggie06
September 1st, 2013|

Showreport from Maggie

August 21, 2013
Maggie and Hanna attended Eskilstuna International Show last weekend and gained a nice excellent. Maggie is developing into a wonderful dog, and I often ask Hanna if Maggie isn’t soon coming home to me. But sadly Hanna don’t want to give her away ๐Ÿ˜‰
130818Maggie02 130818Maggie04 130818Maggie09 130818Maggie15
August 21st, 2013|

Juba and Kani on vacation

August 18, 2013
Juba joined Kani and his family for a week in the Norwegian mountains. We just call Juba and Kani “the twins”, they are very similar in temper and personality, and they enjoy each others company. They are the perfect match together, and Kani’s owners – Ingunn and Jon Sverre – enjoys having Juba around ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos from their vacation here
130813KaniJuba02 130813KaniJuba20 130813KaniJuba09 130813KaniJuba13
August 18th, 2013|

Double trouble!

August 8, 2013
Juno with owners have spent some time in Stockholm – where also Maggie lives. They met up and went for a walk. Maggie and Juno was the two black nosed girls in our A-litter and they was very similar as puppies. They were hard to tell apart, exept that Juno was the little fat puppy we were afraid would burst because of her big belly filled with food. Maggie have grown up to be a lady with integrity, while Juno still lives her life as a unpredictable youth. But they both behaved well, and their owners could take some photos of them together.  
130807MaggieJuno01 130807MaggieJuno02 130807MaggieJuno03
August 8th, 2013|

Out for a swim

August 6, 2013
Last week we took the dogs out swimming on the evening to cool down a bit in the heat. The ridgebacks however was not very eager to be anywhere near the water this day, so Isi got the water all by herself. She loves the water, and could swim for hours. More photos here.
 MLH4752  MLH4778  MLH4767  MLH4779  MLH4783  MLH4793  MLH4785  MLH4803
August 6th, 2013|

Summer greetings from Maggie

August 6, 2013
Maggie have spent her summer south in Sweden together with “big-sis” Disa and owner Hanna. It seems she also behaved good – a good sign that our monsterMaggie slowly is starting to deserve to be called only Maggie ๐Ÿ˜‰ See some more photos here
130802Maggie06 130802Maggie03 130802Maggie11 130802Maggie13
August 6th, 2013|

Summer greetings from Juno

August 5, 2013
I got some photos of Juno out swinning in the ocean. Juno and owner Emma have taken a swinning course this summer, and are now training so Juno can start swimming in an indoor pool by herself. This is good training for the dog, just as swimming is good for us humans.
130802Juno01 130802Juno02 130802Juno03
August 5th, 2013|

Isi 4 years old and photo-updates

July 29, 2013
Isi was 4 years old yesterday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet little Isi! 
I have gotten photos of some of our A-litter monsters, and have also been snooping around on Facebook and stealing photos ๐Ÿ˜‰ Juba have been to the mountain in Norway with owner Trine and some photos from Juba’s summer can be seen here. Juno have spent time along the Swedish coastlines with her owner and their family, more photos here. Leon have been out driving in Norway and spent time in beautiful Norwegian nature, more photos here. Maggie have spent her summer with owner Hanna and “big-sis” Disa sputh of Sweden – photos here. Enya have been out boating and spent time with her family – photos here. Kani have had summer jobb at owner Ingunn’s work, and trotted around Oslo Centrum and spent time in Oslo’s forrest, see photos here. Varga have been with her family at the beach, photo here
130724Juba02 130724Juba04 130724Juno03 130724Juno01 130724Leon05 130724Maggie01 130724Maggie03 130724Maggie04 130729Enya04 130724Kani06 130724Kani05 130724Varga01 
July 29th, 2013|

Swedish BISS-13

July 9, 2013
We attended the Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialityshow 2013 in Hรถรถr south in Sweden last weekend, and as always we had a great time with good friends and fantastic dogs. Once again we were blessed with lovely weather, altough it from time to time was a bit to hot..
I haven’t competed with my own dogs in obedience for some years, but this year I had entered Isi in Obedience class 1 and Sheriff in Obedience class 2. As always I did not prioritze to train and prepare for the competition, and when entering the ring, both dogs had 2 training-sessions on their back, after 2 years doing everything else than obedience… But both dogs did their very best and I couldn’t be more happy with their efforts. Sheriff was number 3 of 4 in obedience class with 129/180 points, beaten by a retriever and our good friends Camilla and Kito. I was so satisfied with Sheriff, and it felt really good to enter the obedience-ring with him again. He was obedient and happy and did the absolutely best he could. We had some mistakes, that was entirely my fault due to my own lack of training and routine. But I still have a smile on my face when thinking about how fun it was to compete again. And I am delighted that Sheriff still is healthy and a eager worker.  This was Isi’s first official start in Obedience class 1, and she just as well won the entire thing with 153/180 points, only 7 lousy points from 1.prize and our first leg for the LP1 title. But I am more than happy with Isi, and she was a delight to compete with. I never imagined that we would do as well as we did! We got 10,10, 8, 0, 9.5, 5, 10, 9 and 9 as scores, and the 0 and 5 was enturely my fault as I used aunnecessary extra commands. This experience made me think about why I haven’t been out competing for a while, and this fall we will enter the obedience-ring again ๐Ÿ™‚
This years judge for the show was Mr Richard van Aken from South-Africa. 120+ dogs was entered, and the judge handed out only 55 excellent, the rest recieved Very Good. Sheriff was entered in Veteran class for the first time, and was one of many to recieve a Very Good. Also Sheriff’s son Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” recieved a Very Good from Open Class. Luckily we had some lovely Sheriff-daughters entered who saved our day. Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” recieved excellent from Intermediate class but was thanked of as number 5. Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” was best working class female with excellent and CQ, and ended up 5th Best Female. Thank you all friends and “relatives” for yet a wonderful weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos here.
 MLH4251  MLH4263 130707lp1web 130710web  MLH4348  MLH4454  MLH4532  MLH4538  MLH4614 130710monamarie  MLH4709  MLH4743
July 9th, 2013|

Happy Birthday to our A-litter!

July 9, 2013
Our A-litter (better known as the monster-litter…) are 2 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are spoiled rotten today ๐Ÿ™‚
alitter 2yearsweb
July 9th, 2013|

Change of plans

July 2, 2013
Due to worksituation we have decided to postpone the planned mating between Kiwi and Aramis to the next heat. Next heat will be in November/December 2013, with puppies born early February 2014, and ready for moving to new homes in the beginning of April 2014. The more we think about it, the more we think this is the best decision we could take at the time beeing. We look forward to November/December, and to meet lovely Aramis ๐Ÿ™‚
July 2nd, 2013|

Planned litter 2013/2014

July 2, 2013
Due to worksituation we have decided to postpone the mating between Kiwi and Aramis to the next heat. Next heat will be in November/December 2013, with puppies born early February 2014, and ready for moving to new homes in the beginning of April 2014. The more we think about it, the more we think this is the best decision we could take at the time beeing. We look forward to November/December, and to meet lovely Aramis ๐Ÿ™‚
July 2nd, 2013|

RLDN Maggie

July 1, 2013
Hanna and Maggie have been out competing in Rally Obedience Novice class again. They showed what an amazing team they are, and got their third approved start, with 95 of 100 points. They were placed as #3 of 40 dogs and last but not least they recieved their new title – RLDN (Rally Obedience Diploma Nivice). This is kennel Wayosi’s first title, and I am so proud that the title was an obedience title. Congratulations Hanna and Maggie, I am so proud of you!
130630Maggie01 130630Maggie02 130630Maggie03 130630Maggie04
July 1st, 2013|

Happy birthday Sheriff!

June 24, 2013
My precious prince Sheriff is 8 years old today, and today I will give him some extra hugs and kisses! He came into our lifes like a little whirlwind, and gave us several gray hairs from day one. He was high and low, and was a never ending bundle of energy. Sheriff and I have experienced so much together, and I am proud to say that we have accomplished more together than many other could just dream about. I hope to have him with us for many many years to come, and I will be a proud owner when entering this healthy and wonderful dog to veteranclass the next years.
June 24th, 2013|

Dog weekend in Stockholm

June 18, 2013
While I was in Stockholm to meet Sheriff’s pups, I stayed with Hanna, Maggie and Disa and as always I had a great weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚
I joined Marie – who owns Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” – and Ingela and travelled to Avesta National Show on Saturday. Hektor was also entered here today, and I was hoping for a good placement for him. But the judge wanted it otherwise. Nevermind, it was a good practice for Hektor, as this was only his 2nd time on a showground. But already he was so much calmer than the first time. He will be great with a little more practice ๐Ÿ™‚ Nephora went all the way to the top and became Best Female and BOS with her first CAC. I was thrilled to be there to see it! Congratulations Marie, you are so worth it!
On Sunday I joined Hanna and Linda (who owns one of my favorite boys Keaton, and Maggies good friend) to Vรคsterรฅs for RR coursing. Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis Bu U “Aramis” – the sire for our planned litter was also there, and it was a pleasure to see him and his owners again. It was nice to see all the dogs strech out and chasing the rag, and they really enjoyed it every one of them. Maggie is a fast and focused little girl, and she was number 4, just a tenth of a second before Keaton as number 5. Aramis is extremely fast and eager to run, and won both the two short laps and the whole round. He is one fast dog ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos from the coursing here
 MLH3086  MLH3220  MLH4016  MLH4101
June 18th, 2013|

Visiting Sheriff-pups

June 17, 2013
I travelled to Stockholm this weekend to meet Sheriff’s puppies at Sabaku Inus Kennel before they starts to leave for their new homes this week. 11 wonderful little puppies met us when we arrived, and I enjoyed having a little puppy in my lap again! They are all lovely little puppies, and I am sure they will make their new owners very happy, as well as give them some grey hairs also ๐Ÿ˜‰ I recieved some new photos of them stacked at 7 weeks today, see them HERE.
 MLH3260  MLH3261 7weeksyellow 7weekspurple
June 17th, 2013|

New photos of Sheriff-puppies

June 6, 2013
I have recieved new photos of Sheriff’s puppies at Sabaku Inus kennel, as they were 6 weeks old yesterday. They are so sweet and I could take them all! They are looking great, and breeder Pernilla say they have a very sweet temper every single one of them. See photos of all puppies here
6weeksblue 6weekspurple 6weekswhite 6weeksyellow
June 6th, 2013|

Photos from Kani and Juno

June 5, 2013
While we are waiting for Kiwi to come into heat we are enjoying these photos of Kani and Juno, and looking forward to some puppies in the house again.
130531Kani 130531Kani2 130531Juno1 130531Juno2
June 5th, 2013|

Photos of Sheriff-puppies

June 4, 2013
Sheriff’s puppies at Sabaku Inus kennel in Stockholm is 6 weeks old this week, and we have gotten some photos of the lovely bunch. See mixed photos here and 5 weeks stacked photos here
5w04 5w03 5wyellowhead 5w10
June 4th, 2013|

Diagrams of our A-litters MH

May 30, 2013
Our A-litters MH (mentalbeskrivning hund – dog mentality assessment) have been published in the Swedish Kennelclubs database, and this is how it looks like. As a summary the litter is social, playful, have high interest for chasing/hunting a prey and have good nerves – more than the average RR. They are moderate regarding ability to get angry and are more or less on the breed average.
The first diagram belongs to Hektor. He shows us what we already suspected – that he is a very good dog and that he have a lot of good qualities. He is a little bit more of everything compared to the total of the litter, and after this test I am happy to say that we will offer him for breeding if the right female comes along. I am sure he have lots of good qualities to contribute to in the breeding.
The next diagram belongs to Leon, wich also did a good test – just as we had expected. Compared to Hektor he showed a little bit less playfullness, but all in all he is just as strong as Hektor, just a bit cooler type ๐Ÿ™‚ We also think that Leon have something to contribute to the breeding, so he will also be available for breeding if the right female comes along.
The third diagram is Kani‘s. Just as we expected, he had matured since his MT at 14 months of age. He is a kind, social and very playful boy and have very good nerves. He actually did not show any agression at all – he is just cool and selfassured –  kind of Ferdinand the Bull ๐Ÿ˜‰ 
Firth diagram belongs to Juba. She had also matured since her MT at 14 months, but she also surprised us a bit.  She got a low value on sociality, but that was more due to a little careful testleader , rather than fear. As the judge said – she likes people, but on her conditions. Typical RR you say? ๐Ÿ˜‰ She is extremely playful, have high interest for hunting and since her last MT at 14 months she had matured a lot. She was not very scared, she abreacted quickly, but the judge said that he thought she was very difficult to read. She is trotting and sniffing around during the whole test, and that is just the way she is. Always looking for something to stick her nose into. To our surprise she reacted a bit to the shot, a sign that it probably was a little “overload” for her. But she haven’t reacted to shooting before, neither on the MT-test. So in many ways we feel that the Juba we saw this day, wasn’t completely the Juba we know from everydaylife. We will test her again when she gets a little older, in order to get to know her a little bit better.
The fifth diagram belongs to Juno. We was very exited to see how Juno did on the test, as she is a very impulsive dog and is certainly not the easiest dog around. Juno did quite well on the test, but was not very interested in playing and chasing a pray this day, so a bit lower than the average RR there. But she is social and friendly, and even if she gets afraid she abreacts quite nicely with no remaining fear. 
Next diagram is Maggie‘s. She attended MT at 14 months, were she did great. So we had high expectations for her this day. She did just as good as we expected, but she was ghostpregnant and tired after beeing away for the whole weekend – so her total scores on playfulness and hunting is lower than we would have expected. But she shows the right reactions to the threat and abreacts with no remaining fear. I am very satisfied with the results, and if Maggie stays healthy, I hope that we will have a litter after Maggie in the future. 
Seventh diagram belongs to Varga, who was travelling with us this weekend, away from her owner for the first time. Varga reminds me very much of her mother Kiwi, and by experience I know she will need more time to mature, and in a couple of years I believe she will do a very good MT. She did well on her MH, she is playful and have quite a lot instincts for hunting. She needed a little bit more time to abreact and had little or no remaining fear. Varga is a very good doog in both body and mind, and I am looking forward to see how she matures.
The last diagram belongs to Uno, our youngest Airedale. The red line is the average Airedale Terrier, and the green filling is Uno. It’s needless to point out why we only use these lines.. It’s a little bit more of everything, but in my opinion is Uno a Airedale Terrier as it should be. Our little ferrarri ๐Ÿ˜‰
May 30th, 2013|

Busy weekend for Maggie

May 29, 2013
Maggie and owner Hanna have been out competing again, and they got 73 points in Novice Rally Obedience, and got their second leg towards the RLDN-title (rally obedience diploma novice). You are the best Hanna and Maggie! Laughing See some photos here. The day after they attended a show again, and got excellent with CQ. Some photos here.  A couple of days after Maggie attended a RR-race for the first time, and did great! She ran very fast to be her first time. She is already signed up for the next race ๐Ÿ™‚
25052013-IMG 8447 25052013-IMG 8446 26052013-IMG 8588 28052013-IMG 8768 
May 29th, 2013|

Updates from Maggie

May 22, 2013
I recieved some photos of Maggie from last weekend, thank you Hanna! Some of them can be seen under. Some of Maggie’s albums are also updated, see here and here
19052013-IMG 8360 19042013-IMG 7902 10052013-IMG 8224 10052013-IMG 8271
May 22nd, 2013|

Norwegian Specialityshow 2013

May 21, 2013
We had a great weekend at Malungen and the Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback Speciality Show 2013, with great weather and great company. We are very happy with our results, but I have to say that I am very proud of our soon to be “golden oldie” Sheriff, only a few weeks from 8 years, who judge Rosemary Green said was in “excellent condition for his age” and also got to compete about best movements and best head. That makes me very emotional, and also very proud. Sheriff is in super condition, and I hope he will stay like this for a long time. 
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” – excellent and certificate quality. Also selected to compete for best movements and best head
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi” – excellent and certificate quality. Selected to compete for best head
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani” – Very good – and I also have to highlight a wonderful interaction between him and owner/handler Ingunn
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” – excellent 3 and certificate quality. Selected to compete for best head. 
And while we was strutting around in Norway, Hanna and Maggie recieved 96 points (of 100) in Novice Rally Obedience and got her first “leg” towards” the Rally Novice title (RLN). Great work Hanna and Maggie – we are very proud of you! The day after she attended the SRRS Stockholm Speciality Show at ร…rsta and recieved excellent by judge Sandra Piscedda. 
 MLH2846  MLH2862  MLH2884  MLH3035
May 21st, 2013|

Photos of Hektor

May 15, 2013
Hektor stayed with us for some days, and I took some new photos of him. Thank you Kristin for helping me! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hektor have turned into a wonderful male, and I’m happy to see that he have a wonderful mentality, is perfectly healthy and also have a balanced exterior. 
 MLH2717r  MLH2760r  MLH2786r
May 15th, 2013|

Our A-litters MH

May 10, 2013
Last weekend 7 of 10 dogs from our A-litter was entered to mentalitytest – MH (mentalbeskrivelse) at Arvika Brukshundklubb. Airedale-Uno was also entered. Some of us came on friday, and had a wonderful evening with barbeque, laughter and a lot of talking ๐Ÿ™‚ On Saturday we had a quite day, went for a walk, took some photos and had a barbeque again ๐Ÿ™‚
On Sunday all the dogs did their MH, and I am very pleased with the result. The litter is quite even, no one stands out compared to the others very much. They are all social towards people, they are very playful and can relax when needed. They don’t get very afraid, abreacts quickly, and have no remaining fears. They can get angry if needed, but are balanced and don’t do any mistakes. They feel good by themselves, and don’t have any problems with everyday-life.
MH is a very good tool for evaluating a combination, and to see what mental qualities each dog possesses. The results from a mentalitytest goes in the big puzzle, and together with your own experiences with the dog, it could help to describe what kind of dog this is. I’m happy we also filmed all the dogs, because it could help explain some of the crosses in the protocol that seems a little weird or are difficult to understand. If someone have any questions about any of these dogs and their results, feel free to ask. Maybe you get a little wiser ๐Ÿ˜‰
Follow the links to each dogs own side, to find links to MH-protocols and videos. I have lost the memorycard with photos from the MH (!!), but hope to find it during 2013…. :-/
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba

Wayosi Amazing Grace “Varga
Wayosi Anything But Ordinary “Hektor
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon
Herr Uno Von Thekla “Uno
See some more photos from the weekend here and some photos of Hektor at home here
 MLH2178  MLH2245  MLH2305  MLH2414

May 10th, 2013|

Update from the weekend

April 30, 2013
Juba spent the weekend with us, as she was entered to 2 shows this weekend. She is as playful and happy as always, and is a joy to have around. She finds her self a toy and spend hours playing with herself ๐Ÿ™‚ Both Juba and Leon attended the shows, and both behaved great and was a joy to show. Juba became Best Female 4 on Sunday, and in Sweden Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora Av Hilandra “Nephora” became Best Female 3. Daddy is proud of you ๐Ÿ™‚
Juba Juba Leon Nephora
April 30th, 2013|

Sheriff became a daddy again

April 25, 2013
Finally they are here, the pups after Hiki and Sheriff at Sabaku Inus kennel. Hiki did a great job, and delivered 11 healthy puppies. 8 females (5 livernosed, 3 blacknosed), 3 males (1 livernosed, 2 blacknosed). 1 ridgefault, 1 small kinktail. No DS found or other faults so far.
Congratulations Pernilla with a wonderful litter ♥ Look here for more info. 
130424Hiki 130424Hiki3 130424Hiki2
April 25th, 2013|


April 22, 2013
Kani have stayed with us for 2 weeks while his owners have been to Mexico, and he will be reunited with them on wednesday. I guess there will be a very happy reunion for both parts. Kani is a sweet and kind male, and he obeys his fathers wishes very well. Sheriff is the dictator of this house, clearly inspired by North-Korea. But Kani thinks his father is the worlds greatest, and Isi is the perfect play mate. 
Sheriff is 2 months from 8 years old, and he is in great condition and well muscled. He have almost no grey hairs, and the older he gets, the bigger food-thief he becomes… For this reason my hair certainly becomes greyer ๐Ÿ˜‰
MLH1877 Kuzonga's Cheriff "Sheriff" Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart "Kani" D' Isolde von de Drift "Isi"
April 22nd, 2013|

Isi and Kiwi eyes clear

April 16, 2013
Today we had both Kiwi and Isi checked for inherited diseases in the eyes, and I’m happy to say that both were clear and had perfect eyes. No signs of any inherited eye-diseases – great!
April 16th, 2013|

Hektor x-rayed free

April 13, 2013
I have been waiting the whole week for the x-rays for Wayosi Anything But Ordinary “Hektor” to come back, and this morning I got the results. Perfect results with HD: A/A and ED: 0/0! I am so happy and relieved! Congratulations Mailinn and Axel ๐Ÿ™‚ Now 8 of 10 pups in our A-litter are x-rayed and all have HD: A/A and ED: 0/0! 
I found some photos I took during our easterholiday at the mountain, were we enjoyed lovely easterweather – both us and the dogs. Kani is staying with us for 16 days while his owners are in Mexico, and this weekend Kiwi is also here.  A big happy familiy ๐Ÿ™‚
130413 Isi 130413 Sheriff 130413 skei 130413 KiwiKani
April 13th, 2013|

Presenting the chosen sire

April 11, 2013
I am happy to finally present the sire of our planned litter winter 2013/2014 with our beloved Kiwi. I have searched long and far to find a male that would fit into my goals for breeding — wonderful mentality wrapped in a sound and healthy body. And I found that in Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U “Aramis”. We are looking forward to Kiwi getting into heat in the end of November 2013, and hopefully we will have a bunch of wonderful little pups in the beginning of February 2014. We look very much forward to this litter! Read more about the planned litter HERE.
Aramis11 Aramis22 Aramis29 
 MLH9742  DSC2979 20120714-IMG 0061
April 11th, 2013|


April 8, 2013
I have been snooping around on Facebook again and found new photos of our soon to be 2 year old “puppies”. First we have Aragorn, as a true ridgeback finding the only strip of sun in the apartment. Then we have Kani from a walk in the forrest, were he was occupied with greeting all the other people stopping at the same spot for some food. Everyone got a kiss from Kani ๐Ÿ™‚ Then we have Leon in his usual position in the couch. He is a very energetic dog outside, but inside he is relaxed and enjoys a good sleep. Then I found a photo of Hektor playing with one of his friends, it’s lovely to see how much he enjoys it! Hektor have also been to the vet for his x-rays, and I don’t think his owners ever have seen his so relaxed as when sedated ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was super proud to hear from Hektor’s owner Mailinn that the vet had said they never had met such a beautiful and friendly ridgeback. Well done Mailinn ๐Ÿ™‚ Last but not least I found a photo of sweetie Juno, looking like she is planning some new mischief ๐Ÿ˜‰
Aragorn Kani Leon 
130403Hektor3 130403Hektor4 130406Juno1 
April 8th, 2013|

Soon ready to introduce Mr X

April 4, 2013
We are just some few steps away from introduce you to the sire we have chosen for our B-litter with Kiwi winter 2013/2014. He is a stunning male who have a absolutely wonderful mentality. In addition he have a balanced and strong body, which I believe will combine Kiwi very well. He is DM free, Blue dilute free and carries the livernose gene. We will therefor most probably have some gourgeous livernosed pups in this litter as well ๐Ÿ™‚ We just have some paperwork to finish, and then we are ready to introduce you to Mr X!
April 4th, 2013|


March 22, 2013
The easter holidays is soon over us, and we are looking forward to sunshine and long trips cross-country skiing. 
Two weekends ago Juba was with us over the weekend, and we went for a long walk in Oslo with Kiwi. Mother and daughter are both a pleasure to have around, and they sure are two lovely dogs. I have also gotten two photos of Hektor, and he have developed into a strong and lovely male. He lives his life on a horse-farm, and likes to stay warm and cosy in the sadle-room. I wish we could say that he have won all the lovely rosettes on the sadle-room, but it’s his owner Mailinn’s horses that have won them ๐Ÿ™‚ I also recieved a photo of a tired Juno, and Sheriff’s granddaughter Daysie (Thakawi Glory Days).
Kiwi and Juba Hektor Hektor photo by Peter Engman 
130120SheriffKiwiIsi 130120Juno 130120Daysie
March 22nd, 2013|

Meeting Varga and Aragorn

March 3, 2013
A week ago I stopped by to meet up with Varga and Aragorn while I was driving past their hometown. It’s been a long time since I have seen them in real life, and it was very nice to meet them and their owner again! Aragorn was mostly occupied with trying to hook up with Varga’s “cousin” Wilma, while Varga was occupied with begging for food ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos here
I have also updated Kiwi’s photoalbum
Varga Varga Varga Aragorn 
March 3rd, 2013|

Updates about this and that

February 21, 2013
Long time no see…. Roll Eyes We have had a cold winter here in Norway, and haven’t seen much of the sun either.. But the last days we have had wonderful sunny Norwegian winter-weather and I’m tired of sit inside my office and look at the wonderful sun outside! We have been out walking with friends and other RR-fanciers now and then, and off course the camera had to join. Look HERE for some fantastic photos of Maggie and friends in Stockholm shot by Maggie’s owner Hanna. Look HERE for photos from a little RR-meeting in our district were several Wayosi-monsters joined. And look HERE for some photos from a little Wayosi-meeting at Losby golfcourse near us. 
People are asking me for information about the sire to our planned litter with Kiwi this summer, but you have to wait a bit longer untill everything is finally decided. I promise that it is a male with excellent mentality and health, and maybe Mr.X and Kiwi will produce some nice looking wayosi-monsters also ๐Ÿ™‚
The A-litter is booked in for MH (mentalitydescription) May 5th, and we are having a kennelweekend in Arvika at the same time. Can’t wait to get all the pups and owners together again ๐Ÿ™‚
Hektor Juba Juno 
Sheriff Kiwi and Isi Sheriff
February 21st, 2013|

Sheriffs daughters Cleo and Maggie

January 14, 2013
I have gottens some photos of Sheriff’s 5 year old daughter Cleo from his first litter, and we are very proud of her. She and her owner Ann Kristin lives an active life west of Norway, and they are approved for search after wounded animals, such as roedeer, deer, elks etc. She is a very good tracking-dog and have an excellent motivation. Ann Kristin says Cleo can go for hours and hours, in all kind of terrain and is not scared by a thing. Cleo is a typical ridgeback with good nerves and strong instincts, packed in a sound body. Then we can forgive that she is the biggest food-thief ๐Ÿ˜‰ Keep up the good work Ann Kristin and Cleo ๐Ÿ™‚
Maggie have left us after staying with us for 28 days, and it is very quite in the house now. We will for sure miss her. Look here for some photos we took before Maggie and Hanna took the train back home to Stockholm. 
Cleo Cleo Cleo Cleo
January 14th, 2013|

Updates about planned and previous puppies

January 11, 2013
We are planning a new litter with Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” during summer 2013. We expect Kiwi to come in heat may/june 2013, with pups being born july/august. Kiwi have had one litter before, our A-litter, and in this litter all puppies are healthy and crazy, 7 are x-rayed with hips A/A and hips 0/0 and they are all showing very promising mental qualities. 
We have not completely decided about a male, but we have a few excellent candidates. Our main concern in the search for a suitable male is mentality and health. We want to produce pups with excellent mentality who have all the mental qualities a ridgeback should have, in a sound body with health to live a long life. Stay tune, and we will introduce Mr.X when the time is right ๐Ÿ™‚ Read more about Kiwi and the planned litter HERE.
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO” attended MyDog double international show in the beginning of january, and she gained excellent 3 the first day, and excellent 2 with champion quality the second day. Read her critiques here. Big congratulations Emma and Sebastian, well done! ๐Ÿ™‚
We went for another walk, this time together with Leon and his family. Leon was super happy as always, while Maggie thought that he was just a tiresome brother. But Leon did not let that get into him, and enjoyed running around and teasing the others ๐Ÿ˜‰ See photos from our walk here
I have updated with some new photos of Hektor here, Juno here and Leon here
Planned litter 2013 Juno Leon Hektor
January 11th, 2013|

Maggie is in the house

January 1, 2013
While her co-owner Hanna have been on holiday, Maggie have stayed with us for 2 weeks, and will stay for one more week. That is if we want to give her back, at the moment I am not so sure if I want her to go ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maggie is a wonderful female, who have inherited the best from her mother and father. She is curious and full of energy, strongminded yet easy to correct and totally unafraid. She is the kindest little girl and have been wonderful with the children in our family during the christmas-visits. Sheriff thought she was a handful the first days, but now he have changed his mind and allows her to play with him and tease him, and he is more and more treating her like a princess ๐Ÿ™‚
While Maggie have been her we have been out for some walks, and some times we brought the camera. See photos from our christmas-eve walk here, meeting with Kani & friends at the “dog-corner” at Ekeberg and a little walk in our favorite forrest here. We also took Maggie to this years last show in Norway, and she was a pleasure to bring to the show, totaly relaxed and behaved wonderful. She also impressed the judge, and ended up as Best Female 3 with res.CAC. So year 2012 ended great ๐Ÿ™‚
With this we wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR
Maggie The gang Isi Maggie
January 1st, 2013|
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