
Nani is new Norwegian Rally Obedience Champion!

October 27, 2024

In Norway, for a dog to become any kind of working champion, they need at least a «Good» from an exterior show. Today Nani attended her first and probably last exterior show, with excellent and CAC from open class with the critique «Excellent size, medium strong, beautiful long feminine head, very elegant neck, medium strong back, perfect crop set, excellent back and front angulation, very harmonious movement, excellent presentation

With this result, Nani is now officially a Norwegian Rally Obedience Champion, having more than the required 3 CACs in Rally Obedience Elite class. To my knowledge, she’s also the first Airedale to receive this title.

She now goes by RLI RLII RLIII RLE BH-VT N RLCH Wayosi Isidore Isolde.

Thank you to Nani’s partner in crime and co-owner Turid T. Moseng for joining my efforts in showing the true versatile nature of the Airedale terrier ❤️

October 27th, 2024|

All K-litter puppies have found their forever homes

June 5, 2024

All our Airedale terrier puppies in our K-litter have now found their forever homes. The four girls, Keeva, Tyra, Kara, and Kelsi, will live in Norway, while the boy, Keny, will live in Finland. The litter will be named Kenward on their pedigree, which means “brave guardian” or “royal guardian” and which we believed worked well on the brave “King of Terriers”. 

June 5th, 2024|

Airedaleterrier puppies 6 weeks old, available to the right home

May 9, 2024

Our lovely Airedaleterrier puppies from our K-litter turned 6 weeks old, and the “fun period” has certainly started. Now their personalities are showing more and more, and we are happy to see that the puppies are happy, curious, playful and social. We do our outmost to give the puppies the best start of life, and everyday we give them an eventful day with indoors and outdoors activity, and a lot of social contact with both grown ups and children.

At the moment we are getting to know the puppies, and we are everyday considering the owner puzzle in regards to what pup would make a good match to what owner. Depending on the personality development the last two weeks, we have either a female or a male available to the right home. We are looking for an active home – with children or not – who have a well-thought-out dog ownership and who are well-acquainted with the breed and its needs. If you would want to pursue different kind of  dog sports on hobby level, the dog would have the capacity, but it would also make a happy dog with active owners. 

Please email us at mona(a) if you would like to be considered for one of our puppies. 

May 9th, 2024|

Our K-litter is here!

April 6, 2024

On Wednesday, March 27 2024, Nani gave birth to our K-litter, which consisted of four females and one male. The puppies were delivered naturally, and the birth was uncomplicated. All puppies were strong and had great suction from the beginning. Today, the puppies are 10 days old, and they have all more or less doubled their birth weight. They are hungry, feisty, and are thriving.  

As always with our Airedale terrier litters, we had a lot of interest in the litter, and when we only have five puppies to place, we are very sorry that we have to disappoint many people who will not be able to get a puppy from this combination. As always, we take measures to match the puppies to their owners in the best way possible, trying our best to make sure the owners get the dog they are hoping for. Due to this, in the case we can´t match the puppies to anyone on our interest list, we still welcome enquiries for this litter, especially for active family homes or owners looking for a dog who would excel in dog sports. 

Please email us at mona(a) if you would like to be considered for one of our puppies. 


April 6th, 2024|

Airedaleterrier puppies expected spring 2024

February 26, 2024

After a trip to Germany in January, where Nani and I travelled 3,500 kilometres by car and spent a total of 35 hours on a ferry, Nani was confirmed pregnant with the German male Yoda von der Laubenhaid. We are very much looking forward to seeing what this combination will give us. The puppies are expected during week 13 and will be ready to leave for their new homes during week 21.

We hope that this combination will give us some loyal and friendly family dogs with strong nerves, who are playful and active, and who, in addition, would make a great all-around working dog. Read more about the combination here

We have great expectations about this litter, but we are also realistically aware that nature always has the end saying. Read more here about what you can expect from us as breeders, as well as what we expect from you as a buyer. 

Want to know more or want to come into consideration for a puppy? Then please contact us

February 26th, 2024|

Successful BPH with Dingo, Navi and Majken

October 3, 2023
Almost every dog from our breeding has attended some kind of DMA (Dog Mentality Assessment), and in the last weeks three siblings from our J-litter (Ninja x Aramis, 2022) have attended BPH (Behavior and Personality Assessment in Dogs / Beteende- och personlighets-beskrivning hund) in Sweden (…/bph-behavior-and-personality…).
Dingo, Navi and Majken have somewhat different personality and mentality traits, but common for them all is that they are easygoing kind dogs with great nerves. They show LESS fear and MORE curiosity than the average ridgeback. These are two traits that are very important for us, and something we strive for.
Dingo is a cool guy in every aspect, and there is not much that can upset him. His owner can also confirm that he is a delight to live with.
Navi is the playful and energetic one who enjoys people and scores with highest possible points for playfulness. She has loads of curiosity and handles scary things easily without remaining fear. Even though she is very energetic and playful, she is the sweetest and easiest dog to live with, with a superb on/off button and the ability to concentrate and focus. Lucky us who have this sweet girl in our close family. Navi will probably be the mother of our next Ridgeback-litter 😉.
Majken is a sweetheart who likes everyone, and her BPH shows her great social skills. She doesn’t really need a BPH to prove this, as she was selected as a blood donor due to her ability to stay calm no matter what. She is super brave and curious and solves all situations presented to her quickly and without remaining fear whatsoever. The tests can be seen on film, links here: DingoNavi and Majken 
Congratulations to their owners for having managed the personality of their dogs in the best way possible👌
October 3rd, 2023|

Puppy update on the Bicuari-litter

May 7, 2023

The Hunting Pride Bicuari W-litter are 36 days old and are developing nicely. The pups are quite similar both in looks, structure and personality, and seems to be a curious, unafraid and playful lot.  We are looking forward to the following weeks when they will show their personality more and more. Their photoalbum on their own page is updated with stacked photos and head shots.

May 7th, 2023|

Updates on the Bicuari-litter 24 days old

April 25, 2023

The HP Bicuari W-litter have become 24 days old and they are getting more alert and more active by the minute. They are starting to play with each other, play with toys we place in the pen and they react to our voices when we enter the room. Mbali is such a sweetheart and she is being the best mom for them. 

The photoalbum on the litter page is updated with photos from today, and will be sporadically updated from now on. 

At the moment we have a few available male puppies. Please contact Mona or Kamilla if you want to come into consideration for a puppy. 

April 25th, 2023|

Let us introduce, Hunting Prides Bicuari W-litter

April 2, 2023

In cooperation with kennel Hunting Pride we welcomed 10 little wonders April 1, 2023. We have 6 females and 4 males out of Hunting Prides Mayumba Mbali ~ Mbali and Juliagårdens X Marks The Spot ~ Wilmer. There are two ridgeless females, otherwise no other faults so far.

Wilmer has done an absolutely fantastic mentality assessment (BPH), he is an incredibly steady and fearless dog who is social and gets along with all kinds of dogs and other animals. These are exactly the qualities we were looking for when we had to match the wonderfully kind and good-natured Mbali. Mbali is the world’s most uncomplicated ridgeback. She is kind and good, calm and balanced, happy and fearless. Wilmer is a slightly more active type, but still just as confident and kind. We expect the puppies to become steady and good ridgebacks, which can be suitable for all types of activities with dogs. Mbali has offspring from the previous litter who act as visiting dogs, among other things. In terms of exterior, we hope for medium-sized dogs, with good angulations, good proportions and fine details that can do well in the show ring.

We have a few available puppies. Want to know more or want to come into consideration for a puppy? Then please contact Mona or Kamilla

April 2nd, 2023|

Welcome to the world, J-litter

March 20, 2022

Our J-litter was born March 3, 2022 and we are happy to welcome 3 females and 2 males. All puppies are reserved at this point. 

March 20th, 2022|

A new Ridgeback litter in the making!

February 25, 2022

We are looking forward to welcoming a litter after Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ NINJA and Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U ~ ARAMIS in the beginning of March 2022. We have high hopes this litter will give us some wonderful and healthy dogs to continue our line for the future, and we do hope to keep a puppy for our selves. We were the first who used Aramis in breeding when we chose him as the sire of Kiwi’s second litter in 2014, our B-litter. From that litter came some lovely dogs, and Nixon have given 3 nice litters. From these litters several have been used in breeding with great success. We do hope Ninja and Aramis will be a great combination, and we are looking forward to some puppies in the house again.

February 25th, 2022|

An update from Wayosi – not a minute to early

February 1, 2022

So 2021 came fast and it flew away just as fast. Suddenly we are writing 2022. We are doing just great, however as a family with small children we experience that our time and energy is not what it once was. This webpage have not been prioritized for a long while, but I will try to make some efforts in updating it and finishing rebuilding litter pages etc.

We have always had all available information from our own dogs and bred dog available on each dogs page and on each litter page, but it doesn’t give a fast and full overview. I wanted to do something about that, and uploaded every single thing known to me about every single dog we have owned or bred into one excel sheet which is presented in a table for the Airedale Terriers HERE and the Rhodesian Ridgebacks HERE.

My wish is that every other breeder in Norway and the Nordic countries (at least) would publish a similar overview on their website or as file on their Facebook site. Only then could we have complete transparency and you as a breeder, puppy buyer or stud dog owner could learn what health issues occurs in the lines. And as we well know, those who states that everything is perfect and no health issues has occurred what so ever, IS LYING.


So with this we give you some photos of our life the last year. 

February 1st, 2022|

We have Airedale terrier puppies!

October 11, 2020

Elza gave birth to our I-litter September 18, 2020. She did an amazing job and from the very beginning she showed her strong maternal instinct that her mother Isi also had. 11 puppies was born, but sadly 2 puppies were stillborn and one weak and small female passed away after 2 days. In the puppy box we have 8 wonderful puppies, 5 females and 3 males. Thank you to Pia Gerdin for letting us use your amazing boy Kaschpa! I also want to send a big thank you to Elza´s owner Maria Juslin for taking this journey with me, without you this would never been possible.

We have had a tremendous interest in this litter and most puppies are reserved to working homes at this point. It’s not a matter of interest, but we are still waiting for the very special home for a male or a female, with owners who wants to work with their dog in some kind of dog sports or practical hunting. If you think you are the one you are welcome to contact us.

October 11th, 2020|

Working Airedales with success

September 15, 2020

Our working Airedales have been doing some working lately, and I am proud to show off some of their results. These dogs primarily lives happy lives as family dogs and loyal companions, but thrives when being worked with in dog sports and doing what they were bred to do. I know their owners have put down many hours training and working their dogs, and I am happy to see they are getting results for their effort. Big congrats on your success, and well done! 

Wayosi Faolan Faye ~ Effie
Owner Anette Nielsen, Denmark
Obedience class 1 in Denmark: Two 1.prizes, official title LP1
Obedience class 2 in Denmark: Seven 1.prizes, official  title LP2.

Wayosi Faolan Finley ~ Finley
Owner Monika Frimand, Finland
Obedience class 1 in Finland: Three 1.prizes with official title TK1
Begleithund/Companion dog test in Finland: Approved with official title BH
Nordic working dog trials class 1 tracking in Finland: Approved with promotion to class 2, official title JK1.
Finley is even trained in retriever hunting with dummies and is doing a great job! 

Wayosi Faolan Fergus ~ Fiks
Owner Andreas Borud Evensen, Norway
Nordic working dog trials class D (class 1) tracking in Norway: Approved with promotion to class C.

Wayosi Faolan Faegan Kawanda ~ Fixa
Owner Hanna Karlsson, Sweden
Nordic working dog trials appell class (class 1) tracking in Sweden: Approved with promotion to lägre class (class 2).
Obedience startklass (class 0) in Sweden: Three approved results with promotion to class 1, official title LD Startklass.

Wayosi Faolan Ferris ~ Ferris
Owner Rune Horvli, Norway
Blood tracking trial, ordinary test, open class (AK): 1.prize and best dog of the trial. 
Ferris is being used in practical hunting and show great potensial as an allround hunting dog. He is used as an off-leash hunting dog in deer hunting with great success. He drives the deer towards hunters lying in wait, and show a great compromise between independent off-leash hunting dog with obedience towards his owner giving him a shorter radius which is convenient in the very harsh and steep terrain they hunt. He is also showing great promise in baying elk and hunting fox, badger and other small game. He has also put down a great application as a tracking dog for predatory game such as wolf and wolverine. I am so happy to see an Airedale being used in practical hunting, and I want to send a big thank you to Rune for giving Ferris all this great adventures! 

September 15th, 2020|

Thank you for everything, Isi

September 3, 2020

⭐️ Thank you for everything, Isi ⭐️
28.07.2009 – 03.09.2020
LP1 BH RL1 RL2 RL3 D’Isolde von de Drift ~ Isi

Whether a dog’s life is short or long, it’s always hard to say goodbye to your best friend. Today we had to make the difficult decision to let Isi go. This autumn she has gotten in increasingly worse condition and it turned out that she had poor liver values and an enlarged liver with areas that may indicate that the liver is no longer functioning properly. I have promised Isi that when her eyes is no longer filled with joy and expectation, I will let her go. And that day came today. Rest in peace the world’s best little terrier, they probably need an “auntie cruel” in the dog heaven too. Thank you for everything Isi, you were everything I hoped for and 1000 times more. 

I waited a long time for Isi and from the moment I picked her up in Germany I knew she was all I ever wanted. She always did the best she could with an enormous will to please. I have lost count of how many people who have met Isi and ended up with their own Airedale, even though the breed never was in their mind. She was just that kind of dog you couldn’t resist, she was the most happy and kindest little girl. In the training field and in the competition arena she was in her element, and often we got to stand on top of the podium. Our house is empty without her and a big piece is missing. There will never be anyone like her.

September 3rd, 2020|

We have Ridgeback puppies!

August 30, 2020

Our H-litter saw the day of light August 28, 2020. This is a very special litter for us, and it turned out to be a quite exclusive one with only 4 pups. We have 2 boys and 2 girls born in 5 hours and weighing from 625 to 750 grams. This is by far the largest puppies I have ever gotten, and I am happy Pippi managed to give birth to them natural. I guess they have had enough nutrition while in the womb 😉 We are still waiting for the very special owner for one of the girls, if you think you are the one you are welcome to contact us. 

August 30th, 2020|

Airedale puppies in the making!

August 13, 2020

We are happy to welcome our I-litter in the beginning of September 2020, after Wayosi Eimhir Elza and Lulu’s Kaschpa!

We expect the combination to give us mentally strong dogs wrapped in a healthy conformation, with the extra willingness to please and great motivation for work. The pedigree consists of some of the best working airedales in Europe with many well proven breeding dogs. More information about the litter can be seen HERE.
The litter will be in cooperation with Elza’s owner Maria Juslin and we are both exited to see what this combination will bring. Thank you Maria for giving me the chance to include Elza in my breeding! Also a big thank you to Pia Gerdin for allowing us to use your precious boy!
August 13th, 2020|

Working dog of the Year, Elza!

January 31, 2020

Breeding working line Airedale Terriers our goal is to provide Airedale Terriers for owners who wants to work with their dog in different types of dog sports. Maria Juslin and her Elza (SPHI SPHII SPHIII Wayosi Eimhir Elza, E-litter 2015) have worked determined from the very beginning, and have climbed the classes in Nordic working dog trials in tracking. They are now competing in the highest levels (elite class) in which they have excelled. We are proud to announce that they have been awarded:
🏆🥇 Nordic working dog trials – Terrier of the Year (2019, Sweden)
🏆🥇 Nordic working dog trials – Airedale Terrier of the Year (2019, Sweden)
Big congratulations, we are very proud of Team Elza!

📷: Martin Hoverberg, Richard Lundström and Maria Juslin

January 31st, 2020|

Wayosis on the dog sports winners list 2018

March 4, 2019

The National breed clubs organizes lists where results from dog sports like rally obedience, obedience, agility, working trials and blood tracking are recorded. We have had several Wayosies competing in dog sports in 2018, and it makes me very proud to present the following results.

BH RL1 RL2 Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ Ninja
– #2 Best rally obedience RR 2018 (Norway)

RL1 Filippa Rouge Qwandoya ~ Pippi
– #3 Best rally obedience RR 2018 (Norway)

RL1 Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
– # 16 Best rally obedience RR 2018 (Norway)

– #2 Best agility RR (Sweden)
– #5 Best obedience RR (Sweden)
– #8 Best rally obedience RR (Sweden)
– #21 Best show dog (Sweden)
SPH1 SPH2 Wayosi Eimhir Elza ~ Elza
– #3 Best allround AT (Sweden)
– #3 Best working AT (Sweden)
– #4 Best obedience AT (Sweden)
RL1 Wayosi Eimhir Edgar ~ Chaco
– 3 x 1.prize rally obedience class 1 (Norway) – official title RL1
Even though there are no Finnish winners lists for Finnish Airedale terrier, we want to give attention to our Finish boy who have done well in the obedience ring.
TK1 Wayosi Faolan Finley ~ Finley
– 3 x 1.prize in obedience class 1 (Finland) – official title TK1.
March 4th, 2019|

All good things must come to an end – R.I.P Sheriff

February 25, 2019

⭐️All good things must come to an end ⭐️
26.06.2005 – 25.10.2018
NUCH LP1 LP2 BH NVV-13 NVV-14 RL1 Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff

Like a whirl wind he came into our life, and kept stirring it up to the very last moment. 4870 days I would never be without. He was my pride and joy, my headache and my everything in between. Together we made memories and friends, and thanks to him I learned what matters. Because of him I will continue reaching for what matters.

The S in Wayosi. Thank you for being the best teacher a girl could ever wish for.


October 25, 2018 we had to say goodbye to our old boy Sheriff. He was close to 13,5 years and even though we had hoped he would live to 100 years, it was his time to leave us. When he turned 13 years summer of 2018 we noticed that he had some issues with his rear, and found that he had calcifications in his back, not unexpected for a dog of his age. Even if we thought that it would be his back who eventually would get the hold of him, he suddently became ill one day and we found that he had a tumor on his aorta, leading to sirculatory failure. There was nothing else to do, and he got to take his last breath October 25, 2018.

Sheriff lived his life to the fullest, and he always went all in. Even though we have other dogs in the house, something was missing when we lost Sheriff. No one is breaking into the garbage cans or stealing food from the counter top. No one is destroying jacket pockets to get that last little piece of some left over treats, and no one tells me that feeding time are long overdue. No one is looking at me with a demanding look and hitting me with his paw to demand some attention, and no one is greeting our visitors just as hard as Sheriff used to do. 
We got him back in a beautiful steel urn, and now he is watching over us from his place in the living room. We are happy that we still have a little piece of him in his granddaughter Ninja, and at some point of time we will be using the semen we have stored from him. It will not bring him back, but perhaps I will have a little piece of him back with me.

February 25th, 2019|

RL1 title for Pippi and Chaco

September 23, 2018

Both Pippi and Chaco have gotten three 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1, and thus received the official title RL1 in front of their name. It’s the first title for them both, and we are mighty proud of them. Chaco has been competed by me, and even though we haven’t had the time to practice a lot, Chaco have really impressed me and gotten one first placement and one second placement in tough competition. He has a wonderful attitude when working, and his heal is really impressive. He for sure make some heads turn when he works, and he gives me such a good feeling by putting so much power and energy to his work.

Pippi has done her qualifying runs with her best friend Bente, and also shown us that she is a ridgeback with that will to please. She will do everything for a treat, and she really doesn’t care at all about all the things that are going on around the ring, other dogs, people etc. She mostly has her eye on her handler, and where the treats are 🙂

They now go under the name RL1 Filippa Rouge Qwandoya and RL1 Wayosi Eimhir Edgar. 

September 23rd, 2018|

New obedience title for Maggie!

September 9, 2018

Hanna and Maggie got their last approved run in obedience start class (LP Startklass) today, and Maggie can now ad the title “LD Startklass” to her name. Big congratulations Hanna, well done! It makes me very proud that Maggie has continued the heritage after her father Sheriff, and proved that willingness to work doesn’t stop after 2 years of age.

Maggie now goes under the name RLDN RLDF SEVCH LD Startklass Wayosi A Kind Of Magic.

September 9th, 2018|

A road trip to Sweden

August 27, 2018

The Swedish Working Dog Association had combined the national championships for obedience, rally obedience, working trials, Swedish protection dog – amongst others, and organized a big dog event in the city of Ronneby south in Sweden. As it happens, this is Hanna’s home town (the owner of Maggie and Fixa), and we were invited to stay with Hanna and her parents while visiting Ronneby. On our way, I also made a stop in Helsingborg to meet Gandi for the first time since he left us as a 4 months old puppy. It was great meeting him again, and what a wonderful boy he has developed to be! Self assured, kind and friendly, and with a great size being around 65 cm and 39 kg. 

All the way from Northern Sweden, we also had the pleasure of meeting Elza and her owner Maria, for the first time since Elza left us as a puppy. They were cheering on a good friend competing in the obedience championship, and we got to spend time with them at the event area. Elza was just as cool and wonderful as Maria had told me she was, and she made me a proud breeder when seeing how unaffected she was with all things going of around her. Elsa, Chaco and Fixa made some head turns by being so cool and well behaved, and just ignoring other dogs almost stepping on them. On the other hand they were focused and eager when asked to work, never taking the focus from the job they were asked to do. Just like a good airedale should be!

On the way home we joined Pia and Gandi at Ljungskile national dog show. Chaco was not this judges cup of tea and got a VG, while Gandi had his debut in the show ring, did a great job and got his first excellent. 

August 27th, 2018|

3 generations photogenic dogs…

August 9, 2018
Take 3 generations of photogenic dogs, place them beside each other, tell them to stay and “VOILA” 😂🙈
13 year old Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff, 7 year old Wayosi A Kind Of Magic ~ Maggie and 4 year old Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ Ninja.
August 9th, 2018|

Isi 9 years old!

July 28, 2018

Today our princess Isi celebrates her 9th birthday! She still looks and behaves like a puppy, always wagging her tail and always in the mood to go for a walk or even better, training obedience! She is still as healthy as they come, and we are asked if she is a puppy   The photos below were taken in June together with her son Chaco

July 28th, 2018|

Happy first birthday to our G-litter!

July 20, 2018

Today our G-litter celebrates their first birthday and we want to congratulate their owners with surviving, and thanking them for giving them such loving homes! I am happy to say that, so far, everyone is super healthy in body and mind, and lets hope it stays that way! No one of the puppies are above maximum height according to the breed standard, and they are rather on the lower side of the standard –  which I highly value! 

July 20th, 2018|

Swedish BISS-2018

July 16, 2018

This weekend we travelled to Sweden, to attend BISS-2018 at Öster Malma. Swedish BISS is my favorite dog show, and it is always a joy to attend. I try to attend this speciality every year, and there are always a great atmosphere around the ring which makes it great to be a Norwegian in Sweden 

I met up with Hanna who have Maggie and Fixa, while I had Ninja and Pippi with me. I haven’t met Fixa since she moved from us at 8 weeks of age last year, so it was a joy to meet her again. I can see so much of her mother Isi in her, but also her father Lasse and his mother Ivy. She is active and curious, social and playful, and so far just as a working airedale should be. In addition she has an extremely good coat quality, and superb body proportions which makes her fit for function. Looking promising! 

On saturday both Ninja and Maggie was signed up for attending obedience start class, and Maggie and Hanna went all the way to best ridgeback of the day! They also got challenge prizes for becoming best obedience ridgeback at BISS, as well as best female obedience ridgeback at BISS! Big big congratulations! They were missing some points to get their last leg for the start class title, but the heat made it difficult for both dogs and owners. Ninja had her first start ever in this class, and we hadn’t even been practicing that much, if anything… She wasn’t convinced that obedience was the best idea this day, and was extremely slow, but still did what she was supposed to, although in slow motion  

Maggies son from her litter at Kawanda, Kawanda After Work Rebel Rebel ~ Nelson was shown in intermediate class with excellent and did great together with his owner. Hopefully they will be seen at more shows in the future! 

On sunday it was time for the girls to be shown, and Maggie was first out in working/hunting class. The judge liked her very much, and she was awarded excellent 2 with CQ. Pippi and Ninja was shown in open class, and Pippi was awarded excellent 4 and Ninja excellent. In best female Maggie ended up as Best Female 10, in though competition with a lot of lovely females! 

Pippi’s critique: 

Well balanced body. Enough wide scull. Very nice neck and topline. Good ridge. Good front and forechest. Excellent rear angulation.

Ninja’s critique: 

Good length of body. Feminin head. Could have little darker eyes. Little bit short muzzle. Very good topline. Good angulation. Little narrow behind in movement. 

Maggies critique: 

Very nice female. Lovely head. Beautiful eye expression. Nice outline. Good ridge. Sloping croupe. Good front. In movement a little narrow behind.

I also got to meet Sheriff’s lovely daughters Dahidos Beloya Av Hilandra ~ Bella and Dahidos Canephora Av Hilandra ~ Nephora, soon 10 years old and in great condition! Bella was BOB in pet class, and Nephora placed 2nd with CQ in veterans class. It was so nice to see the lovely girls, and I can see so much of their father in them!

July 16th, 2018|

First x-rays results of the F-litter are in!

July 11, 2018

First one out from our F-litter to do x-rays on hips and elbows are Wayosi Faolan Faegan Kawanda ~ Fixa and to our delight she came out with HD: A/A and ED: 0/0! Congratulations to us Hanna!  Now we will wait for the rest of the litter to get their x-rays done during fall 2018!

Fixa HD/ED

July 11th, 2018|

Alma gains her first CAC on her first official show

July 9, 2018

Big congratulations to Kaisa, Jenni and Jari with Wayosi Gold Digger Vastakarva ~ Alma and her debut in junior class! At a national show in Kokemäki, Finland she won junior class with excellent and QC, and was later placed as best female with her first CAC and BOS. Good luck with showing her in the future as well! 

July 9th, 2018|

Forever in our heart

June 17, 2018

It’s with great sadness I have to announce the passing of our foundation bitch Tappinskis Peach and Passion ~ Kiwi. She was born May 13, 2008 and was put to sleep June 14, 2018 at the age of 10 years, 1 month and 1 day after finding a tumor with metastasis in her abdomen. Our thoughts are with Hilde and Stig, where Kiwi lived her every day life and was deeply loved and cherished every second of her life. 

Kiwi is the foundation bitch of Wayosi Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and up until today she is behind every ridgeback with the Wayosi prefix. She gave us 24 puppies, and to this date she has gotten 44 grandchildren and 30 great grandchildren. In one way it is a comfort that she lives on in her descendants. 

Kiwi was a very special dog. Without exaggeration, she was the most intelligent dog I have ever met. She could open every locked door and drawer, and even the refrigerator. She was a notorious food thief, and we have lost count on every person she has stolen food from or all the times she has been counter surfing. She has eaten all the stuff a dog shouldn’t eat, and she’s eaten it without regret at all. She was the type of dog who would observe, learn and act, and sometimes she could drive us crazy with her mischiefs. On the other hand she was the most calm, balanced and unafraid dog and every person who ever met her fell for her beautiful soul. She was the type of dog who would curl up in everyones lap, and she would demand her space. If she was asked to lay in the floor in her dog bed, she would look at you with her never tiresome look, and in the end she would get her will. She was special, and I am happy I got the opportunity to start my breeding with such a wonderful dog.   



I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
And shared her silent thoughts with me.

She’ll come no longer to my call
Eat no more her favorite meat ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to his golden throne.

Although my eyes are filled with tears
I thank him for the happy years
He let her spend down here with me
And for her love and loyalty.

When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with a bark.

June 17th, 2018|

Maggie and Fixa at Norrköping national dog show

June 3, 2018

Wayosi A Kind of Magic ~ Maggie and Wayosi Faolan Faegan Kawanda ~ Fixa attended a national show in Norrköping, Sweden June 2-3, 2018 and for Fixa it was her first show ever. She did a great job, and gained excellent 1 and ended up as second best female with reserve CAC! Maggie also did a great job, as always behaving her best  and gained excellent 1 and ended up as second best female with her second swedish CAC! Maggies son Kawanda After Work Rebel Rebel ~ Nelson had his dog show debute, and ended as fourth best male with R-CAC. Big congratulations Hanna! 

June 3rd, 2018|

Happy first birthday to the F-litter!

May 26, 2018

Today at May 26th, 2017 our F-litter was born. This was the second and last litter of our wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime Isi, and to our great delight she gave us 7 lovely pups by Lasse von der Christinenheide. The puppies are spread in different parts of Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden and they are firstly family members, second working dogs and one are also trained to be used in hunting. We wish you all the best in the future! 

Lovely Wayosi Faolan Finley celebrated his birthday by debuting in obedience beginners class, and managed to get a first prize. Big congrats to Monika and Finley! 

Even though no F-litter pup, we want to congratulate Wayosi Go Gina with her debute in junior class in Denmark today, with excellent 3! Congrats and well done Karina and Gina! 

May 26th, 2018|

Elza qualifying for elite class tracking!

May 21, 2018

Big congratulations to Maria Juslin and Wayosi Eimhir Elza who managed a strong first start in next highest class tracking (högre/B) in the Nordic working dog program, resulting in qualification for the highest class (elite/A). Elza are only 3 years old, and she is the third Airedale competing at this level at the time being in Norway. The other two are also closely related to Elza, being from german working lines as well. We wish you good look in the future! 

May 21st, 2018|

A lovely walk with some of the Wayosies

May 13, 2018

We had a lovely walk with some of our puppies and their owners, as well as our own dogs, and showed them some of Fetsund’s lovely nature. We are looking forward to even more of these walks during the summer 🙂

May 13th, 2018|

Planned litter at Damisis kennel in Sweden

April 9, 2018

We are happy to announce that Damisis kennel in Sweden are planning a litter during fall 2018 after Nixon (Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive) and their lovely female Dizza (Damisi’s Durdaana). They have both quite unique pedigrees, which gives a inbreeding coefficient on 0% on 6 generations. They have both done BPH (behavior and personality test) and MT (mentality test, Svänska Jägareforbundet) with flying colors, and they are quite similar in temperament. They are both social with people and loves to play with toys, they are completely unafraid with great nerves and good concentration. They both loves to train and cooperate with their owners, and are lovely working ridgebacks. At the same time they have the important “on/off button” that gives them the ability to completely relax when needed.We are so much looking forward to this combination, and we have high hopes that this combination will give us lovely Rhodesian Ridgebacks with the correct temperament, in a healthy exterior. 

If you would be interested in a puppy from this combination, please contact Petra and Janne Väljä at Damisis kennel.

April 9th, 2018|

Pippi with two 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1

April 8, 2018

Even though Pippi lives with us and with our pack, she has a great relationship with Bente, Halvor and Turid who are the owner of Nixon from our B-litter. And because Bente really loves to train rally obedience, and Pippi loves training with Bente, Pippi has been visiting them every now and then for shorter and longer periods, and joined Bente at rally obedience practice. Together they have had great progress, and Bente and Pippi can now add two 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1 to their list! 

They got 188/200 pints and 193/200 points, with 5th place (of 20) and 4th place(of 20) respectively, and thus 2 times 1.prize and two legs towards the RL1 title. Big congrats Bente and thank you for taking Pippi to practice and competitions! We are very happy to be able to share Pippi with you every now and then! 

April 8th, 2018|

Show success for the G-litter puppies

April 2, 2018

Three of the puppies from our G-litter has shown their paws in the showring, and they have done very well. Not only did they get nice critiques and good placements, but they behaved like pro’s and were super relaxed in the settings around other people, dogs and not least when being touch by the judges. This alone is the biggest victory for me! Biggest congrats from us!

– Wayosi Go With The Flow ~ Gahilli
Best male puppy 6-9 months, BOS (against sister Gina)

– Wayosi Go Gina ~ Gina
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB (against brother Gahilli)
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB
Best female puppy 4-6 months, BOB

– Wayosi Gold Digger Vastakarva ~ Alma 
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB, BIS3!
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB

April 2nd, 2018|
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