Place: Öster Malma, Sweden – National breed speciality
Class: Open class
Judge: Tino Pehar
Excellent 4
Well balanced body, enough wide scull. Very nice neck and topline. Good ridge. Good front and forechest. Excellent rear angulation.
Date: June 10, 2017
Place: Oslo, Norway – International show
Class: Intermediate
Judge: Harri Lehkonen
Excellent 3
Quite tall and strong bitch, good proportions on head and body, well angulated legs, reach OK, a little bit high carried tail in movement, good temp, needs ring-training, some black hair on the tail.
Date: June 4, 2017
Place: Ringebu, Norway – National breed show
Class: Intermediate
Judge: Elin Normannseth
Excellent 2
Stor tispe, 20 mnd, men fremdeles meget fiminin helhet. Utmerket hode, vakkert uttrykk. Godt pigment, anelse store ører. Utmerket hals. Godt forbryst. Gode poter. Skulle ønske at kroppslengden lå i brystkassa og ikke i lenden. Velvinklet og meget muskuløs bakpart. Utmerket benstamme og poter. Beveger seg parallelt, men kunne tatt steget bedre ut bak. Lys farge. Velvist. Hvit brystflekk.
Date: February 19, 2017
Place: Int.show Bø, Norway
Class: Junior
Judge: Tino Pehar
Excellent 1, CQ
14 months. Good body proportions. Feminine head and expression. Well set ears. Excellent body structure. Very nice elegant neck. Good front and rear angulations. Very good movement.
Date: December 28, 2016
Place: Eidsvol, Norway
Class: Junior
Judge: Zaur Agabeyli
Correct type. Feminine. Very elegant and alert. Could have more clean power. Should have more dark pigment. Excellent feminine head. Slight arched loin.
Date: May 14 2016
Place: Trondheim, Norway
Class: Puppyclass 6-9 months
Judge: Elisabeth Aune Moseby
BOB puppy
Place: Trondheim, Norway
Class: Puppyclass 6-9 months
Judge: Elisabeth Aune Moseby
BOB puppy
6 months. Good size feminin female. Good head, good expression. Good neck without loose skin. Good laid back shoulder, good forechest. Somewhat short sternum. Good topline, good width of ties, good croup. Nice angulations all over. Excellent bones. Nice ridge, still somewhat uneven in colors. Moves typical for age. Well presented.