In our family we have the tradition to care for the animals on the morning on christmas-eve. We went for a walk in our favorite place in Fetsund, Råmyra together with our friends Guro and Steffen and their RR Punky, as well as Børge’s nephews and his father. We packed our bags with clementines, hot drink, chocolate and gingerbread. We had a lovely walk in the forrest and the dogs was tired and happy, and ready for a lazy afternoon and evening.

Dressed to go to the forrest

Isi and Sheriff


Maggie (the dark one) and Punky (the light one)

Maggie, Punky and terrier-Isi

Maggie and Punky playing and daddy Sheriff watching out

When they get to eager, Sheriff “the police” comes and stops them 🙂

Sheriff and Punky


Maggie and Isi helping out removing a three