Owner: Kennel Wayosi, Fetsund – Norway
Height: TBA | Weight: TBA
Hips: TBA | Elbows: TBA
LTV (Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebra): TBA
VA (Vertebral Anomaly): TBA | SP (Spondylosis): TBA
Teeth: Complete and correct bite | Eyes: TBA
DM: (Degenerative Myelopathy, SOD1A): clear
Factor VII Deficiency (Identified in Airedale Terriers, F7 Exon 5): clear
Genetic COI, according to Embark: 31%
To be explored
Kelsi is a very healthy dog who has only seen the vet for routine vaccinations and one-time treatment for a single eye infection. She enjoys and thrives on various types of dog food and is accustomed to receiving human leftover food. She has never had any hot spots on her skin or any skin infection or redness. All in all, she has so far shown to have quite robust health.
Kelsi has been tested with the Embark for Breeders dog DNA test kit, which estimated her genetic Coefficient of Inbreeding (gCOI) to 31%. The average for the breed is estimated at 40% or more. She also tested clear for DM (Degenerative Myelopathy, SOD1A), LAMP3 (Neonatal Interstitial Lung Disease), PLN (Protein Losing Nephropathy, NPHS1) and Factor VII Deficiency (Identified in Airedale Terriers, F7 Exon 5).
- Embark genetic Coefficient of Inbreeding (gCOI)
To be explored…