Orange collar in the puppy box
☼: March 3, 2022
Reg.nr: NO36741/22
Owner: Tina Hansen and kennel Wayosi, Oslo – Norway
Height: 66 cm | Weight: 34 kg
Hips: A/A | Elbows: 0/0
LTV (Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebra): LTV0
VA (Vertebral Anomaly): VA0 | SP (Spondylosis): TBA – will be done after 2 years of age
VA (Vertebral Anomaly): VA0 | SP (Spondylosis): TBA – will be done after 2 years of age
Teeth: Correct and full bite | Eyes: unknown
Ridge gene: r/r (genetically ridgeless)
DM (Degenerative Myelopathy – SOD1): N/N (clear by parentage)
D-locus (variant 1, 2, 3): D/D (clear) | B-locus (variant 1, 2, 3, 4): B/B (not carrier of the livernose gene)
EOAD (Early onset adult deafness): N/N (clear by parentage)
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy – DIRAS1): N/N (clear by parentage)
24 hour Holter ECG: 0 PVC/24:00 hrs (at 7 months and 19 months of age).
JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy – DIRAS1): N/N (clear by parentage)
24 hour Holter ECG: 0 PVC/24:00 hrs (at 7 months and 19 months of age).