We need to practice standing pretty on a table, so we did a little photoshop so I could practice with the remote control also 😉
Mister Blue
Mister Orange
Miss Pink
Miss Purple
Miss Pink
Miss Pink
Kiwi taking a break from the pups
I had to make a door for Kiwi to enter the puppybox, and everyone was happy with the result 🙂
Miss Purple relaxing
Mister Orange
Miss Pink and Mister Orange
Miss Purple and Mister Orange
Mister Orange
Miss Purple
Miss Pink having ann argument with her sister
Miss Pink and Miss Purple taking a nap in the cage
Mister Orange
Mister Orange “sleepyhead”
Kiwi soooo much want to eat the pup’s food…
“Please let me have it…”
“Please, please, please…”
Miss Pink training to be a real sunbathing ridgeback 🙂