Better late, than never? Finally I got the time to edit and publish the films and results from the behavior and personality test (BPH) we did May 27. and 28. 2017, with the majority of the dogs from the D- and E-litter. In addition we had Sheriff’s daughter Penny, and a couple of more dogs from other breeders attending. We had a lovely weather during the weekend, although I saw that some of the dogs had a little trouble with the very high temperature and strong sun, which probably affected some of them a little bit. But all in all both ridgebacks and airedales did very nice tests, which showed me that I am definitely moving towards the direction, if not succeeding, to my goals as a breeder of these two breeds. In general the dogs are playful, social towards people, easy going and happy, without fear and remaining fear and must in general be happy dogs living a life without many worries. A lot of photos from the weekend can be seen here.
Attending dogs from Wayosi:
Oppigårdens Snöflinga ~ Penny
Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
Wayosi Dressed for Success ~ Catch
Wayosi Dream Of Mirrors ~ Ruby
Wayosi Diamonds ~ Phoebe
Wayosi Dixie Flyer ~ Wilma
Wayosi Daydreamer ~ Zazo
Wayosi Double Trouble ~ Tesla
Wayosi Dear Mr. President ~ Storm
Wayosi Eimhir Edmund ~ Quattro
Wayosi Eimhir Ellie ~ Ellie
Wayosi Eimhir Era ~ Era
Wayosi Eimhir Eyre ~ Allie
Movies from every single dog are recorded onto our YouTube-channel, and you can find the link on each dogs page.
- Penny BPH
- Zazo BPH diagram
- Storm BPH diagram
- Wilma BPH diagram
- Ruby BPH diagram
- Tesla BPH diagram
- Catch BPH diagram
- Nala BPH diagram
- Phoebe BPH diagram
- Allie BPH diagram
- Ellie BPH diagram
- Era BPH diagram
- Quattro BPH diagram