Date: August 26, 2018
Place: Backamo, Sweden
Class: Open class
Judge: Siv Jernhake
Very good
Bra storlek. Bra längd på huvudet. Välburna öron, bra hals. Något knappt vinklad fram. Behöver utväcklas mer i bröstkorgen. Bra rygglängd. Altför böjd svans som kunde sitta högre. Bra bakställ. Bra pälskvalité på kroppen. Rör sig och visar sig utmärkt.

Place: Kristiansand, Norway
Class: Open class
Judge: Bill Brown-Cole
Excellent 1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOS
G head and expression. Excellent lay of shoulder. Correct topline and depth. Correct hindquarters. Very good bone, legs and feet. Moves well both ways.
Date: February 19, 2017
Place: Bø, Norway
Class: Intermediate class
Judge: Vesa Lehtonen
Very good
A bit long bodied young male. A bit short head and muzzel. Needs to get stronger. Good neck, a bit upright shoulders. Good body and bone. Balanced angulations. Moves nicely, but the tail lies on the back. Nice coat in nice condition.
Date: December 29, 2016
Place: Eidsvoll, Norway
Class: Intermediate class
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen
Place: Eidsvoll, Norway
Class: Intermediate class
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen
Excellent 2, CQ, CAC
Utmerket type. Korrekte proporsjoner. Bra størrelse. Flott hode med korrekt bitt og velbårne ører. Bra hals & overlinje. Stram rygg. Tilstrekkelig kropp. Velvinklet frem, tilstrekkelig vinklet bak. Beveger seg med tilstrekkelig steg. Bra pels, bra temperament.
Date: June 11, 2016
Place: Drammen, Norway (Open Show)
Class: Junior class
Judge: Espen Engh
Excellent, CQ