
Due to an international audience, we have decided to keep the website in English.
You are welcome to contact us in one of our written or spoken languages Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish in addition to English.

Welcome to kennel Wayosi

We are a small-scale breeder of Rhodesian Ridgeback and working-line Airedale Terrier (leistungszucht) located just outside of Oslo, Norway.

Our priority is functionality and health, achieved through thorough assessments including mental evaluations, working trials, conformation evaluations, and health screenings.

Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies

We are planning Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies during summer/fall 2025!
Read more about the planned litter here. 

Vi planlegger Rhodesian Ridgeback valper i løpet av sommer/høst 2025!
Les mer om det planlagte kullet her.

Airedale terrier puppies

We are not planning any litters of Airedale terriers at the moment.

Please feel free to contact us for recommendations for other serious breeders who prioritize mentality and health. 

Latest news

Nani is new Norwegian Rally Obedience Champion!

October 27, 2024

In Norway, for a dog to become any kind of working champion, they need at least a «Good» from an exterior show. Today Nani attended her first and probably last exterior show, with excellent and CAC from open class with [...]

All K-litter puppies have found their forever homes

June 5, 2024

All our Airedale terrier puppies in our K-litter have now found their forever homes. The four girls, Keeva, Tyra, Kara, and Kelsi, will live in Norway, while the boy, Keny, will live in Finland. The litter will be named Kenward [...]

Our K-litter is here!

April 6, 2024

On Wednesday, March 27 2024, Nani gave birth to our K-litter, which consisted of four females and one male. The puppies were delivered naturally, and the birth was uncomplicated. All puppies were strong and had great suction from the beginning. [...]

See more news HERE

We believe that openness and having honest information about our dogs and litters available on our website is key to sustainable dog breeding.
We are proud to say that we have published a complete breeding records overview of the health and other relevant information of our own dogs and dogs we have bred in order to give an easy overview for puppy buyers and other breeders.

The Wayosi breeding records can be found HERE.

Wayosi in the news

We were interviewed by the Norwegian dog magazine “Hund & Fritid”.
The article can be read HERE

Wayosi Science & Education Blog

Why We Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater

January 28, 2025

The Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (SRRS), in collaboration with Swedish breeders, recently updated its Breeding Strategies (RAS) to allow the use of ridgeless dogs (genotype r/r) in breeding under specific conditions. Read more about their "Strategies for Health and Long-term [...]

The Challenging Journey From Old Truths to New Insights

January 8, 2025

We all care about preserving our breed's unique qualities, and the current situation with decreasing genetic diversity certainly makes the situation more challenging. It’s only natural that as we gain more knowledge and realize the need for change, we all [...]

What Dog Mentality Assessments Can Tell Us About Mental Traits

September 26, 2024

The Nordic Dog Mentality Assessment (DMA) tests are designed to evaluate a dog's temperament and behaviour in various controlled situations. Called MH (Mental Behaviour Dog), BPH (Behaviour and Personality Assessment) or MT/FA (Mentality Test), the tests consist of a series [...]

See more posts HERE

G-litter puppy blog – latest news

43 days old

September 1, 2017

The puppies are 43 days old today, and now they are really developing! For every day they become more and more agile, and they are [...]

30 days old

August 18, 2017

The puppies are 30 days old today and now we are starting to se more of their personalities as they start to move around more [...]

23 days old

August 12, 2017

The puppies are 23 days old, in other words just 3 weeks old. They were moved down to our living room the other day, giving [...]

21 days old

August 10, 2017

The puppies are 21 days old today, and they will get their first taste of solid food today. I will give one by one a [...]

Litter plans

Look HERE for more information about our F-litter

Look HERE for more information about our G-litter

Our wonderful boy Buck will sire some litters in the future, so please contact us if you would be interested in being forwarded to those breeders.




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