: September 18, 2020
HD: C/B (NO),  A2/B1 (DE), 4/2 (AU)  |  ED: 0/0 
LTV0  |  VA0  |  SP0  |  PRA: free
DM: clear  |  LAMP3: clear  |  PLN: clear
Factor IX Deficiency: clear  |  Factor VII Deficiency: clear
Embark DNA Test Report: link
Height: 61-62 cm  |  Weight: 25 kg
BPH (Behavior and personality assessment in dogs)
Rally Obedience elite class CAC

Nani on our website
Nani on working-dog.com
Wayosi I-litter on our website
Wayosi breeding records

    BH, IBGH 1, IFH-V, FH 1, IFH 2, IGP/FH, IPO 3,  SPr1, Ch. VDH

☼: March 19, 2014
HD: A2/A2  |  ED: 0/0  |  PRA: free
Factor IX Deficiency: TBA  |  Factor VII Deficiency: TBA
Embark DNA Test Report: link
Height: 62 cm  |  Weight 28 kg
ZZP (Zuchtzulassung, unlimited)
VDH Champion
Multiple working titles

Yoda on working-dog.com
Yoda on Laubenhaid website
Yoda on Klub für Terrier

The combination on working-dog.com can be seen by clicking on this link.

5 puppies born March 27, 2024.
4 females, 1 male.

Nani was born in our I-litter, in which you can read more about here. Her pedigree is quite impressive, and it contains well known dogs like Ayk von Erikson, Eyk von Erikson, Don vom Treffenwald, Toni tom Kyle, Jonny vom Miekenberg and Othello von der Laubenhaid. Nani’s mother Wayosi Eimhir Elza is one of the most successful Airedale Terriers in Sweden in the Nordic Working dog trials tracking, having received 2x CAC and numerous CAC points. Nani herself also has a tremendous working capacity, in combination with strong nerves and a very friendly nature.

Nani is the perfect family dog, being friendly to everyone – both people and dogs. She truly loves children and would like to be around them constantly. Even though she is always ready to work or run after a ball, she also possesses the important “on/off-button” with the ability to calm down completely when she is not working. She is a delight to take wherever, whether on the bus, to a café, or for a barbeque at the neighbor’s. Take her skiing, bicycling, walking in the mountains, or for a run – she’s up to whatever. While working, she has excellent concentration and can hold her focus for a long time. She has a great food drive and goes through fire and ice for a tug fight. In a very short time, she has accomplished a lot regarding dog sports and easily got her rally obedience class 1, 2, and 3 titles and diplomas. She has competed a few times in the elite class and has already received her first CAC towards the champion title. She has also started obedience trials and trains Nosework/Smeller. From my experience, Nani has all the assumptions to excel in all types of dog sports, from agility and obedience to IGP or Search and Rescue. She would also do great as a service dog or visitor dog at schools and institutions. A genuinely all-around dog!  

Nani is a very healthy dog with no health concerns that need veterinary care. She has only been to the veterinarian for routine checkups and vaccinations. She is x-rayed with ED 0/0 and HD B/C, A2/B1 and 4/2 in Norway, Germany and Australia, respectively. Read more about the evaluations on her website. Nani has a rough and harsh well-pigmented coat that is easy to maintain and easy to trim. She has never had any problems with hot spots or other skin conditions, ear problems or whatever. She has a correct and complete full set of strong teeth. She is a female on the higher end, measuring 61-62 cm, but she is also quite athletic at 23-24 kg heavy. 

Yoda‘s pedigree consists of well-known dogs like Ron von der Laubenhaid, Ferrari von der Weiler Burg and Othello von der Laubenhaid. Yoda has sired 11 litters, and for being almost 10 years when this breeding found a place, he is still in amazing shape. He is x-rayed with the sores HD A2/A2 and ED 0/0 and has always been a very healthy dog. The German Airedale terrier “Dogbase” shows HD/ED records of nearly 30 of Yoda’s offspring, of which all are HD free (A or B) and ED free (0). His puppies are healthy and well-tempered, and some breeders have also used him two times.

When I travelled to Germany for the breeding, I met a happy and very friendly soon 10-year-old male dog in great physical shape. He had a super “off button” inside the house and was active and eager outside. He loves children, and he has even gotten a big painting of him made by some children in his basement. He really fulfilled everything I wanted in an Airedale terrier, as it is important for me that they are family dogs in combination with working dogs. 

This is how Yoda is described on his breeder’s website:Yoda von der Laubenhaid has found his home in the beautiful, idyllic Main Valley. Yoda is as attached to his family as they are to him. Here, he grows up into a spirited, intelligent, but also very cuddly Airedale male. As soon as he has finished his long nap, the active Airedale in him comes out and he begins to romp around in his garden. Our idyll is over so quickly. Here, he proves again and again his incredible speed, skill and relationship with his family. As soon as his pack moves away, he immediately seeks them out again and never lets them out of his charming Airedale eyes. Hardly anyone can escape his charm, which he uses very specifically. Yoda loves the water, the mountains and long car rides and is open to all new experiences. For him, his pack comes first. You can see this in his obedience and loyalty. Nevertheless, he is always happy when he meets new people… He enthusiastically goes to the dog park with his owner. He is always eager to work and learns quickly. Sometimes even faster than his owner. He is consistently focused and passionate in all 3 areas.”

We expect the combination to give us loyal and friendly mentally strong dogs wrapped in a healthy conformation, with the extra willingness to please and that possess a great motivation for work. The pedigree consists of some of the best working airedales in Europe with many well-proven breeding dogs. Also, one of the things that excited me the most about this pairing is the fact that the pedigree COI (coefficient of inbreeding) is only 0,78% in 5 generations. In 5 generations, the only dog who doubles in this combination is the legendary Othello von der Laubenhaid. As the working line is quite a small population, it is not easy – probably impossible – to find unrelated dogs. Many breeders keep breeding 5-7% in 5 generations, as this is the way one has practised for decades because this preserves desired traits, and as a result, one is doubling on certain dogs continuously. As a geneticist of profession, I acknowledge that the working lines as a population possess less genetic diversity than what is considered ideal for a long-term sustainable breeding program, and as a result, I want to try to keep as much genetic diversity in the breed line as I can, and I will do my utmost to use fewer related dogs when and if I can.
Being selected for working abilities first and foremost, dogs with health issues have successively been excluded from breeding, and the Airedale terrier working lines are very healthy with little-known common health issues – if any. Allergies and autoimmune disorders are rare, spine anomalies are rarely seen, and in general, I have experienced very healthy dogs. Mild HD and ED with no clinical symptoms are probably the most observed health notes, and from my experience, raised liver- and/or kidney values in old age are quite common. Hereditary cataracts could occur in the breed; however, due to systematic ECVO evaluation prior to breeding this is also quite rare. Distichiasis (double eyelash) is quite common in the breed, but to my knowledge, the mild form is by far the most common type, and it rarely presents in such a way that it causes any discomfort for the dog or needs treatment. General breeding recommendations for Distichiasis are usually followed by most breeders, where a Distichiasis-affected dog is combined with a free partner.
Extended pedigree and more info about the relatives are to be found here: https://www.working-dog.com/breed/planning/parents/dad/2590320/mom/7235840#breed

Feel free to contact us in order to get to know more about this promising combination. We have great expectations about this litter, but we are also realistically aware that nature always has the end saying. Read more here https://wayosi.no/planned-litters about what you can expect from us as breeders, as well as what we expect from you as a buyer. 

BH, IBGH 1, IFH-V, FH 1, IFH 2, IGP/FH, IPO 3,  SPr1, Ch VDH
Yoda von der Laubenhaid
Ferrari von der Weiler Burg
BH, AD, VPG 3, IPO 3, FH 1, FH 2, IPO/FH, Ch VDH, Int Ch +++, Körklasse 1A
Othello von der Laubenhaid 
Kimon von Haus Schirmer
Lotte von der Laubenhaid
Chilly von der Weiler Burg
Rick von Bungalow
Wesla von Bungalow
BH, AD, IPO 3, FH 1, FH 2, IGP 3, IFH 2 , Ch VDH
Vinja-Vivica von der Laubenhaid
BH, AD, VPG 3, IPO 3, FH 1, FH 2, Körklasse 1A, Ch VDH
Ron von der Laubenhaid
Xerxes von der Heinrichsburg
Orca von der Laubenhaid
Charka Charin Adia Avi
Dwight Dwane Adia Avi
Cecilka Cecily Adia Avi
Wayosi Isidore Isolde
Lulu’s Kaschpa
Toni tom Kyle
Don vom Treffenwald
Odett tom Kyle
BH AD IPO 1 IPO 2 FH 2 FPr 1 FPr 3 IGP 3
Lulu’s Frollein Willma
Jonny vom Miekenberg
Lulu’s Cleine Süsse
Wayosi Eimhir Elza
BH AD IPO 3 FH 2 FPr 1
Ayk von Erikson
Zander von der Heinrichsburg
Wilhelmine von Erikson
D’Isolde von de Drift
Eyk von Erikson
Gismara von der Christinenheide

Wayosi Kenward Keene ~ KENY

Blue collar in the puppy box
: March 27, 2024
Reg.nr: NO37680/24
Owner: Vesa Varmanen, Finland
Height: TBA  |  Weight: TBA
Hips: TBA  |  Elbows: TBA  |  LTV: TBA
Teeth: TBA  |  Eyes: TBA
To be explored

Wayosi Kenward Keeva ~ KEEVA

Red collar in the puppy box
: March 27, 2024
Reg.nr: NO37681/24
Owner: Anita Vaterland Randen, Norway
Height: TBA  |  Weight: TBA
Hips: TBA  |  Elbows: TBA  |  LTV: TBA
Teeth: TBA  |  Eyes: TBA
To be explored

Wayosi Kenward Kenisolde ~ KELSI

Kelsi has her own page HERE

Wayosi Kenward Karaugh ~ KARA

Orange collar in the puppy box
: March 27, 2024
Reg.nr: NO37684/24
Owner: Nina Syvertsen, Norway
Height: TBA  |  Weight: TBA
Hips: TBA  |  Elbows: TBA
LTV (Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebra): TBA
VA (Vertebral Anomaly): TBA  |  SP (Spondylosis): TBA
OC (Shoulder osteochondrosis): TBA
Teeth: Complete and correct bite  |  Eyes: TBA
DM: (Degenerative Myelopathy, SOD1A): clear
LAMP3 (Neonatal Interstitial Lung Disease): clear
PLN (Protein Losing Nephropathy, NPHS1): clear
Factor IX Deficiency (Haemophilia B, identified in Airedale Terriers): clear
Factor VII Deficiency (Identified in Airedale Terriers, F7 Exon 5): clear
HUU (Hyperuricosuria): clear
24 hours Holter EKG: TBA
Embark DNA Test Reportlink
Genetic COI, according to Embark: 32%
To be explored

Wayosi Kenward Kiera ~ TYRA

Yellow collar in the puppy box
: March 27, 2024
Reg.nr: NO37682/24
Owner: Kim Magnus Bærum, Norway
Height: TBA  |  Weight: TBA
Hips: TBA  |  Elbows: TBA  |  LTV: TBA
Teeth: TBA  |  Eyes: TBA
To be explored