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So far Wayosi has created 635 blog entries.

Why We Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater

2025-02-18T22:22:54+00:00January 28th, 2025|

The Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (SRRS), in collaboration with Swedish breeders, recently updated its Breeding Strategies (RAS) to allow the use of ridgeless dogs (genotype r/r) in breeding under specific conditions. Read more about their “Strategies for Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding.” Similarly, the Finnish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (SRB) has supported the inclusion of ridgeless dogs in breeding programs for several years. These decisions aim as one of several measures to preserve genetic diversity within the breed, and especially the use of ridgeless dogs in breeding has sparked widespread debate around the world. We applaud forward-thinking strategies like those supported by the SRRS and SRB and, of course, embrace them.

Maintaining genetic diversity is crucial for the long-term sustainability of any purebred dog breed, and Rhodesian Ridgebacks are no exception. While the global population of Ridgebacks may seem large, finding suitable breeding pairs is becoming increasingly challenging. The prevalence of so-called “matador sires” – sires that leave a substantial genetic footprint in the population – has significantly narrowed the genetic diversity in the gene pool. When dogs appear multiple times in a pedigree, genetic diversity is lost. This narrowing of diversity generally increases the risks of hereditary diseases and weakened immune systems. In closed studbooks with limited genetic variation (in other words, most dog breeds today), it is vitally important to use as many sound and healthy individuals as possible in breeding, including ridgeless dogs and dogs that necessarily don’t fit into the “show prospect” category. 

By breeding ridgeless dogs to homozygous ridged partners (genotype R/R), breeders can produce litters consisting entirely of ridged puppies while also maintaining genetic diversity. This approach doesn’t seek to alter the breed, on the contrary, it makes sure that we maintain as much genetic diversity in the breed as possible and ultimately strengthen the breed in the long run. It’s important to remember that even full siblings are not genetically identical, and each individual dog will carry unique gene combinations that could be beneficial to the gene pool. 

Ultimately, any dog that is physically and mentally sound and healthy should be included in the breeding pool. Modellations have shown that one effective measure to maintain and minimize the loss of genetic diversity is to reduce the overuse of individual dogs and to avoid excluding healthy individuals. By implementing these strategies, breeders can promote more sustainable practices that prioritise health and long-term viability in the breed.

Take Navi, for example. She is a ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback who perfectly illustrates why this shift is essential. Although she was born without a ridge, Navi is still every bit a Rhodesian Ridgeback in her appearance, behaviour and temperament. She embodies everything the breed stands for in terms of physical and mental qualities, she could even be considered a superior example of a Rhodesian Ridgeback. 

For too long, ridgeless dogs have been excluded from breeding simply because they lack a ridge. This simple cosmetic feature does not affect health, character or suitability as a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Science shows us that there’s a better path forward. Breeding ridgeless dogs like Navi, with ridge homozygotes partners, ensures that every puppy in the litter will inherit the ridge, while the breeder also preserves valuable genetic diversity. It’s a win-win situation.

Forward-thinking breeders and clubs have already embraced this approach, recognising that excluding healthy, well-tempered dogs solely based on appearance is a mistake. Dogs like Navi are a testament to what we lose when we let looks take precedence over substance. Her lack of a ridge has never mattered to the strangers who admire her, the children she enjoys playing with or her family who loves her.

Breeding ridgeless dogs isn’t just a choice – it’s the definition of “healthy breeding, common sense”. To secure the future of the Rhodesian Ridgeback as a breed, we must focus on what truly matters. The ridge will always be part of the breed, but it shouldn’t define it. There is a better way forward – one that values the whole dog, not just its surface.

Perhaps it’s time to recognize that breeding dogs for cosmetic features is outdated and sooo “last year” 😉 

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, using AI tools to enhance language and readability.
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2025-02-18T22:22:54+00:00January 28th, 2025|

The Challenging Journey From Old Truths to New Insights

2025-02-18T10:59:24+00:00January 8th, 2025|
We all care about preserving our breed’s unique qualities, and the current situation with decreasing genetic diversity certainly makes the situation more challenging. It’s only natural that as we gain more knowledge and realize the need for change, we all must go through the change curve. Some of us are newer to this subject and may still be in the stage of denial or anger. Some of us are perhaps feeling depressed about the state of things. Some of us have reached the final stage of acceptance and are trying to find (new) ways of moving forward. In the Facebook group Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding, we are happy to offer information to spread awareness and answer questions, offer support as new challenges arise, and we hope to have fruitful discussions on how to best preserve the breed-specific qualities while keeping the breed sustainable. We also want to encourage you to contribute with your knowledge or, for example, share scientific or pop-science articles on relevant topics.
It’s hard to leave behind old truths about breeding. Given the scientific data that we now have at hand, we have been taught and practised ways that may not be feasible. This is frightening, puzzling and challenging. And it’s only natural that some will resist change.

Rethinking Breeding Practices

One old truth that tends to linger, is the benefits of line breeding and many will argue that the occasional line breeding will do no harm. It will also be argued that line breeding is justified as long as you double up on sound dogs. The major problem here is that you will also double up on traits that are not yet visible and there is no way of knowing exactly what’s put into the cocktail.
Line breeding is a form of inbreeding and it’s important to acknowledge that inbreeding is a significant concern for our pure bred dogs. It’s essential to clarify certain misconceptions about using a high Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) and the supposed benefits of inbreeding, even if it’s done occasionally.
The idea that transmitting beneficial traits while avoiding known health problems justifies a higher COI is extremely misleading. Even though it’s true that inbreeding can raise the chances of forwarding desirable traits, this practice also magnifies unseen genetic faults that may not reveal themselves immediately. Over time – generations and years – these recessive genes accumulate, leading to a heightened prevalence of serious health issues. DM, JME, and EOAD in Rhodesian Ridgebacks and LAMP3 and PLN  in Airedale Terriers are recent reminders of what inbreeding generates. And let no one fool you into thinking that these diseases are unfortunate events because this is what happens when you inbreed, and I can assure you that this is not the last time we will see this happen in our breeds if measures are not taken, unfortunately.

The Reality of COI

It’s extremely important to differentiate between pedigree-based COI and genetic COI. Most often, when we talk about COI, we refer to pedigree-based COI, which is calculated from the relationships known in the dog’s family tree over a certain number of generations. This method merely observes the common ancestors in the pedigree and their recombination in the offspring but doesn’t acknowledge the actual genetic contribution from these ancestors to the dog’s DNA. In contrast, genetic COI measures the degree of homozygosity in a dog’s genome, giving a realistic view of inbreeding’s impact on the animal’s genetic health. Sadly, for Rhodesian Ridgebacks, the average genetic COI is surprisingly high at almost 20%, a level almost comparable to that of inbreeding between half-siblings or father to daughter (25%). Beyond the stage of sad to the stage of crisis stands the average Airedale Terrier worldwide with a genetic COI of around 40%. These high level of inbreeding exposes the breeds to a substantial risk for genetic health issues due to lessening genetic diversity.
Pedigree-based COI can sometimes create confusion. Supposedly, two parents could each have a pedigree-based COI of 25%, signifying heavy inbreeding. Yet, their offspring might technically have a pedigree COI of 0% if the parents, compared to each other, have an unrelated background in the 5, 8, or 10 generations you have set. But that doesn’t imply that the offspring would be free from inbreeding-associated risks, as pedigree COI does not consider the unknown recessive genes each parent might carry. Conversely, genetic COI provides a better understanding of the degree of homozygosity and connected risks.
It is also not possible to compare pedigree COI to genetic COI. For example you may have a dog with COI at about 10% in 5 generations, who in an outcrossing combination produces offspring with a COI under 1% in 5 generations. Reducing COI that much in only one generation may appear very promising. However, the mentioned example does not, in fact, ”fix” and ”improve” the inbreeding of the resulting offspring, as the offspring still carries the inbreeding of its parents, as pedigree-based COI only measures similarities between 2 parents in a certain generation interval, it does NOT take into consideration the level of inbreeding each parent carries.
Moreover – and importantly to understand – if there are common ancestors in both pedigrees, inbreeding generally rises with each generation. As an impact, each occurrence of close breeding elevates the COI, thus compromising the gene pool and intensifying the risk of inherited health issues. Over time, this cumulative effect could have grave implications for the breed’s health, rendering genetic disorders hard to eliminate.
Given that most pedigree-based COIs are calculated at 5 generations, the true increase of pedigree COI will also become masked by the addition of one generation, and thus ”ignorance” of another generation (5th generation becomes 6th generation, and are thus excluded in a 5 gen pedigree).

A Call for Change

In human beings, although close-relations marriages are legally accepted in many regions, they are typically discouraged due to the increased probability of genetic disorders. History provides examples of why this caution is necessary. For instance, rampant intermarriages in the Habsburg dynasty resulted in severe genetic issues, including the notorious “Habsburg jaw,” which led to the decline of their royal lineage. Similarly, deleterious recessive genes for hemophilia spread across Europe’s royal families due to prevalent intermarriages in Queen Victoria’s extended family.
It is imperative to understand that the impact of inbreeding is not always immediate but accumulates over time (decades or even centuries), leading to marked health crises. Given that the Rhodesian Ridgeback’s genetic diversity is already compromised, continuous breeding with elevated COI — occasional or not — worsens this problem. For a breed that’s only been around for about 100 years and is relatively young, continuous inbreeding only compounds the risks of genetic disorders and health problems being passed down through generations.
Just like cigarette smoking was once considered harmless but is now correctly identified as a major health risk, our grasp of dog breeding practices must also adapt. Practices that were once considered acceptable, like close breeding to retain specific traits, are now rightfully recognized as harmful.
If the future health and wellness of our purebred dogs is our priority, we must keep genetic diversity and long-term survival above short-term returns. It is about making sure these dogs live healthy, joyful lives for generations to come. The outlook for our dogs health consistently hinges on making breeding choices that enhance genetic diversity. If the dog is not healthy, it does not matter how the dog looks or how the dog performs its work/hunt. It is always health first. It’s not about what certain people believe, it’s a fact. As easy and that, and still so difficult to grasp. We must consider whether enhancing a specific trait is worth risking the health and future sustainability of our dogs. The stakes are too substantial to take chances. By adopting up-to-date genetic knowledge, we can make informed decisions that ensure our breed’s long-term health and viability.
We are approaching a critical point where maintaining a healthy future for our breeds is increasingly challenging. The genetic diversity of Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Airedale Terriers is so constrained that we risk reaching a bottleneck where ensuring a healthy breed might become unfeasible. I am not afraid or ashamed to say that, sooner than we might expect, cross-breeding with other breeds could become the only viable option to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of our breeds. Let’s make a joint effort to avoid this, maybe it’s not too late if we start now?
Published on the Facebook group Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding, August 16, 2024 (link
2025-02-18T10:59:24+00:00January 8th, 2025|

Nani is new Norwegian Rally Obedience Champion!

2024-10-28T19:09:20+00:00October 27th, 2024|

In Norway, for a dog to become any kind of working champion, they need at least a «Good» from an exterior show. Today Nani attended her first and probably last exterior show, with excellent and CAC from open class with the critique «Excellent size, medium strong, beautiful long feminine head, very elegant neck, medium strong back, perfect crop set, excellent back and front angulation, very harmonious movement, excellent presentation

With this result, Nani is now officially a Norwegian Rally Obedience Champion, having more than the required 3 CACs in Rally Obedience Elite class. To my knowledge, she’s also the first Airedale to receive this title.

She now goes by RLI RLII RLIII RLE BH-VT N RLCH Wayosi Isidore Isolde.

Thank you to Nani’s partner in crime and co-owner Turid T. Moseng for joining my efforts in showing the true versatile nature of the Airedale terrier ❤️

2024-10-28T19:09:20+00:00October 27th, 2024|

Why We Shouldn’t Be Worried About Residual White in Airedale Terriers

2025-02-01T19:23:17+00:00September 27th, 2024|

There’s much discussion in the Airedale Terrier community – and other breed communities, for that matter – about white markings on the chest, toes, or tail tip – often seen as imperfections. But before we rush to exclude these dogs from our gene pool, let’s take a closer look at what these markings represent and why excluding such dogs might be doing more harm than good.

Colour Genetics of Airedales

Airedale Terriers coat colour is primarily controlled by the agouti (A locus) gene, which controls the distribution of dark (black) and light (tan) pigmentation. The A locus is located on chromosome 24 in dogs, very close to the RALY gene, which has been identified to affect the saddle tan pattern.

In many breeds, the S locus controls white spotting and involves genes like MITF and KIT that regulate pigment distribution. However, in Airedales, the S locus is not associated with the small residual white patches occasionally seen on the toes, chest, or tail tip. Instead, residual white is believed to occur due to the incomplete migration of pigment cells in the early stages of development rather than to the genetic mechanisms responsible for more extensive white spotting seen in other breeds.

What is Residual White?

During early development, all mammals, including dogs, start as genetically “white.” Pigmentation occurs as melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) migrate to various parts of the body. Occasionally, this migration is incomplete, resulting in small, unpigmented areas, typically on the chest, toes, or tail tip.

Residual white can occur for several reasons and sometimes linked to minor environmental factors during pregnancy, while other times it appears randomly. These markings are relatively common and can vary in size and location, depending on a dog’s genetic makeup, but they don’t indicate any health or functional issues.

Although some dogs may seem predisposed to these markings, there’s no known inheritance pattern for residual white, meaning we can’t predict whether a dog will pass it on to its offspring. So, should these markings really be a reason to exclude a dog from breeding? 

Think about it: Does a small white patch impact a dog’s health, temperament, or ability to perform? The answer is no. Residual white doesn’t affect these important qualities. So why do we place so much importance on something that most likely doesn’t matter in the long run?

The Russian Fox Experiment: Could White Markings Link to Temperament?

In the Russian Fox Experiment, researchers bred wild foxes for tameness. Over generations the foxes became more friendly, but they also developed physical changes including floppy ears, curly tails, and white patches on their fur. These traits appeared as a side effect of selecting for temperament.

This raises an interesting question: Could residual white in dogs be linked to temperament? There’s no clear evidence that white markings in Airedale Terriers influence behaviour, but the fox experiment shows that traits like white patches can emerge alongside behavioural changes during the domestication process. In dogs, residual white could simply be a natural by-product of domestication and genetic variation, as seen in many breeds today.

It’s worth noting that the old Ridgeback breeders often said that residual white should never be bred out, as they believed it was linked to temperament. Could there be some truth to this, and could it also apply to Airedales?

The Genetic Crisis in Airedale Terriers

Airedale Terriers are already facing a genetic bottleneck, with a Genetic Coefficient of Inbreeding (gCOI) on average of 38%, according to Embark – an alarmingly high number. This shrinking gene pool directly results from inbreeding, and excluding dogs for minor traits like white markings will only worsen the situation.

Are we willing to risk the future health of our breed for the sake of minor cosmetic features? By focusing too heavily on cosmetic traits, we risk losing genetic diversity, which increases the chances of hereditary health issues. In fact, we are already seeing signs of lost genetic diversity in the breed, and health problems are beginning to emerge.

And no, breeding dogs with small residual white patches won’t turn Airedales solid white. The risk of white spreading throughout the gene pool is minimal. These markings occur sporadically and are not heavily inherited, and the number of dogs bred with residual white will likely be too small to have any significant impact. If residual white is indeed polygenetic or influenced by incomplete penetrance, it’s even less likely that the trait will become widespread in the breed.

So, Should We Breed Dogs with Residual White?

The short answer is yes, as long as the dog is healthy, structurally sound, and has a good temperament. Breeding dogs with residual white can help preserve genetic diversity, which is critical for the long-term health of the breed. In fact, these white patches are likely a natural part of the breed’s genetic variation and should not be dismissed lightly.

That said, it’s understandable that some breeders want to adhere to breed standards, which may limit the amount or placement of white markings. The key is finding a balance between preserving the breed’s conformation and ensuring genetic health. Instead of focusing primarily on aesthetic traits, we should place greater emphasis on what truly matters, which I’m sure everyone agrees is maintaining the breed’s health, temperament, and functionality to ensure its vitality for generations to come.

Diversity for a Sustainable Future

White markings are a natural part of the genetic landscape in Airedale Terriers. In a breed where genetic diversity is already at risk, excluding dogs based on minor superficial traits like white patches is not only unnecessary, but it also poses a threat to the breed’s health. Do we want to be the generation that narrows the gene pool further by chasing superficial standards? Or the generation that ensures a healthier, more resilient breed for the future?

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, with AI tools used to enhance language and readability. The featured photo is AI created. 
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2025-02-01T19:23:17+00:00September 27th, 2024|

What Dog Mentality Assessments Can Tell Us About Mental Traits

2024-10-06T21:40:22+00:00September 26th, 2024|

The Nordic Dog Mentality Assessment (DMA) tests are designed to evaluate a dog’s temperament and behaviour in various controlled situations. Called MH (Mental Behaviour Dog), BPH (Behaviour and Personality Assessment) or MT/FA (Mentality Test), the tests consist of a series of “moments,” or scenarios, that measure how a dog reacts to different stimuli, providing a comprehensive look into its personality.

Although MH, BPH and MT/FA are separate tests, they measure similar traits and behaviours. Some of the key moments in these tests include:

Playfulness: A dog’s willingness to engage in play, especially with a stranger, offers valuable insight into its openness and confidence. Playfulness reveals how relaxed the dog feels in unfamiliar situations and around new people. A playful dog is often more adaptable, social, and less stressed when exposed to novel environments. This is an important trait, particularly for family pets, as it indicates a dog’s ability to form bonds easily and enjoy social interactions, promoting a positive relationship between the dog and its owners or trainers.

When a dog shows eagerness to engage in pulling or interactive play, such as tug-of-war, it demonstrates not only its energy levels but also its drive and motivation. This willingness is especially important in working dogs or dogs used in sports, as it reflects their determination, focus, and cooperative nature. For service dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, or even highly active family pets, these traits are essential for maintaining motivation during tasks, training, or play. It shows their resilience and mental sharpness, making them suitable for roles that require persistence and physical engagement.

Social behaviour: How the dog reacts to strangers – friendly, indifferent, or cautious. This moment shows a dog’s sociability and level of comfort with unfamiliar humans.

Reaction to sudden stimuli: In this test, the dog is exposed to unexpected events like sudden noises or objects appearing. The way a dog reacts helps assess its sensitivity to environmental changes and ability to handle stress. A dog that quickly recovers after being startled shows resilience and adaptability, key traits for both everyday life and working roles.

In contrast, a dog that reacts with anxiety or avoidance may be more sensitive to stress, possibly needing extra training or careful handling. As a breeder, I will exclude dogs like this from breeding. The ability to stay calm and recover quickly is crucial for dogs in high-pressure roles, but maybe more importantly, as family pets and companions.

Courage and fearfulness: A dog’s courage is evaluated by presenting situations that challenge its confidence. These might include encountering a stranger dressed in unusual clothing or facing unfamiliar objects, such as large, oddly shaped items that appear suddently. The way a dog responds in these scenarios helps assess its bravery and willingness to approach or investigate something potentially threatening. A courageous dog may cautiously but confidently approach the stimulus, indicating that it can handle fear-inducing situations and recover quickly from stress.

Conversely, a more fearful dog might avoid the object or person, showing signs of hesitation or retreat. While some level of fear is natural, especially in situations that seem strange or intimidating, the degree of fearfulness displayed can give valuable insight into the dog’s emotional resilience. For working or service dogs, courage is crucial, as they may face high-pressure situations where confidence and quick decision-making are needed.

Curiosity: The dog’s curiosity is another important trait measured in these tests. When presented with new or unusual objects, sounds, or situations, the dog’s interest in exploring or investigating them reflects its openness and adventurous personality. A curious dog will approach and examine the new stimulus, demonstrating an eagerness to learn about its environment. This trait is linked to problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and a positive attitude toward new experiences – qualities that are highly valued in both family pets and working dog

For most dogs, a balance between caution and curiosity is desirable, showing the dog can assess risk without being overwhelmed by fear. For many working dogs, one would like more curiosity than cautiousness, and breeders of working dogs would often choose these dogs as their pick of litter for working and breeding.

Personality Traits and Heritability

Swedish ethologist Kenth Svartberg and colleagues have studied the results from these tests for over two decades and found that several key traits, such as playfulness, sociability, curiosity, and courage, are highly heritable. The research has shown that these traits can and will be passed down from generation to generation, making them crucial factors for breeders who want to maintain or improve their breed’s mental health and personality.

Svartberg’s work has significantly impacted dog breeding practices in the Nordic countries. Breeders can now use these tools to select dogs with desirable personality traits, such as calmness, confidence, and sociability while avoiding breeding dogs with excessive fearfulness or aggression. This research has led to more informed and responsible breeding decisions, resulting in dogs that are mentally stable and well-suited to their roles – whether they are working dogs, show dogs, or family companions.

Svartberg’s findings have also expanded the scientific understanding of animal behaviour genetics, illustrating inheritance’s important role in shaping a dog’s temperament. This means that a dog’s mentality is not just influenced by its environment but also by the traits passed down from its parents, making these tests a powerful tool for improving a breed’s overall mental health.

A BPH Test Result Explained

In the Swedish Kennel Club database, “Avelsdata,” a diagram is generated for each dog’s BPH test results. See the below photo for example; the dog’s test result is on the left, and a translated example in English is on the right. The blue line represents the average of the 143 Airedales that have taken the BPH test (updated September 25, 2024), while the red line shows the individual dog’s results. The chart is colour-coded as follows, moving clockwise from the 12:00 position:
Yellow: Greeting
Purple: Submission
Blue: Playfulness with toys
Pink: Food engagement
Yellow: Playfulness towards owner, contact with the owner during food session
Beige: Curiosity and exploration
Green: Anxiety, flight, insecurity
Beige: Threat, impressive behaviour
In this particular test, the dog displayed a neutral attitude towards new people, showed no submissiveness, and was playful with both its own toy and new toys, including tug-of-war. The dog was highly engaged with food, didn’t seek out the owner during play with others or during the food session, and was curious and explorative. It showed no fear except for a brief flight response during the “surprise” moment, and demonstrated threat behaviour when approached by an unknown, dressed figure. However, it showed no threat towards unknown people and no “impressive” or aggressive behaviours.
Overall, this test aligns well with what we know of this dog and suggests that it possesses the qualities I as a parent, owner,  working dog handler and breeder consider important.
Here are some examples of Wayosies doing DMA, and more videos can be found on my YouTube Channel.

Airedale Nani – BPH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3VzzgVbtDo
Airedale Vips – BPH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Sty72Ar514
Airedale Iagan – BPH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcpmfMp4ArM
Ridgeback Navi – BPH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4jVSIAYQUU
Ridgeback Buck – BPH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxi7d5ot2L4
Airedale Uno – MH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVJFSlTADyg
Ridgeback Buck – MT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv9rtELZmP4&t=8s 
Airedale Allie – MT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJzs3Vn2Y6s
Ridgeback Buck – FA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yf4SQQTDYo

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, with AI tools used to enhance language and readability. 
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Published on the Facebook group European Airedale breeders, September 26, 2024 (link

2024-10-06T21:40:22+00:00September 26th, 2024|

The Airedale Terrier’s Versatility from Working Dog to Family Companion

2024-10-06T17:37:48+00:00September 25th, 2024|

As the world changes, so do the roles we expect our dogs to fulfil. However, it’s crucial not to breed out the instincts that define versatile breeds like the Airedale Terrier. High-impact studies by Swedish ethologist Kenth Svartberg show that traits such as boldness, curiosity, and playfulness are highly heritable. These traits help dogs excel in traditional working roles and also make them outstanding family companions. Whether in hunting, obedience, working trials, agility, or IGP (formerly IPO) – where obedience, endurance, and mental focus are showcased – these qualities remain essential.

Historically bred for hunting, Airedales are known for their intelligence, drive, and stamina, making them exceptional working dogs in fields like Search and Rescue (SAR), detection work, and different types of protection work. Even though we may rely less on them for hunting today, their natural instincts still serve essential purposes. Traits like confidence, problem-solving, and focus make Airedales highly adaptable in working and family environments.

The Importance of Heritable Traits in Airedales

Kenth Svartberg’s research highlights that key traits like boldness, curiosity, and sociability are highly heritable and should be preserved through careful breeding practices. These traits are not only vital for working dogs but also make Airedales well-suited for family settings.

For example, boldness – necessary for navigating new and challenging environments – ensures that Airedales are not easily frightened by loud noises or sudden changes, making them calm and dependable at home. Sociability, another highly heritable trait, helps Airedales bond naturally with humans, allowing them to thrive in family environments, especially with children. These qualities, essential in working dogs, contribute to a mentally stable and affectionate family companion.

Breeding out their hunting instincts to make Airedales purely companion dogs risks losing the very traits that make them versatile and mentally stable. Instead of eliminating these qualities, we should preserve and adapt them to modern needs – whether in sports like IGP or as balanced family dogs. Their hunting background contributes to their boldness and adaptability, qualities that remain invaluable today.

The Role of IGP in Showcasing Working Traits

IGP (formerly IPO) is a well-rounded sport that tests obedience, endurance, tracking, and protection skills, showcasing the qualities that make working dogs like the Airedale so versatile. Contrary to the misconception that IGP is only about protection work, it challenges a dog’s ability to focus, follow commands, and handle stressful environments – traits inherited from generations of selective breeding. These qualities not only help dogs perform in demanding roles but also ensure they remain calm and focused at home, making them adaptable and well-suited to family life. Although some may misuse the sport, most trainers and handlers approach IGP with the right mindset, pursuing it as it should be.

In some countries, like the Nordic countries, IGP is not as popular as in Germany, where it has a larger following. Instead, dogs in the Nordics more often participate in agility, obedience, rally obedience, Nosework and the Nordic Working Dog Programme, emphasising precision, partnership with the handler, and various working tasks tailored to Nordic environments.

The Balance of Working Traits and Family Life

The adaptability of the Airedale is what makes them valuable as both working dogs and family companions. Traits like boldness and sociability, which Svartberg’s research shows to be heritable, contribute to a dog’s overall mental stability, allowing Airedales to thrive in high-energy roles while smoothly transitioning into calm and affectionate companions at home. A mentally stable dog is not easily disturbed by loud noises like gunshots or thunderstorms – qualities that make Airedales reliable and steady family pets.

In the photos below, you’ll see an Airedale female born in 2020. She is bold, curious, and playful – traits that make her an exceptional family dog. Her love for children runs deep, and she is endlessly patient. Fearless in the face of gunshots, thunder, or other sharp noises, she will protect her family when necessary but will sit on a stranger’s lap if no threat is present. Her strong hunting instincts remain intact – she’ll chase down a rat, hare, or even bay an elk if given the opportunity. Whether in Obedience, Barn Hunt, Nosework, IGP, Nordic Working Trials, SAR, or Agility, she’ll work tirelessly. She may not excel as a top-winning show dog – but why should that ever be a priority?

In the top right photo is a male Airedale born in 1979, with the fitting pedigree name Doctor Lavin, from the Kresent, Riverina, and Tintara lines imported to Norway in the 1970s. He was a loyal guardian until he passed at age 13. Bold, full of stamina, and drive, he worked as a SAR dog with my father and participated in numerous SAR missions, some of which resulted in locating both missing children and adults. He also kept the backyard of my father’s workplace at the Ambulance station in Oslo free of rats and stray cats and once took down a full-grown badger. He pulled my sledge as a child and accompanied us for miles on bike rides or horseback. He was a true versatile Airedale, never showing fear or timidity, no matter how stressful the situation.

A lot has changed over the past 40 years, but Airedales were always meant to be bold, versatile, and fearless. Unfortunately, many Airedales today no longer possess these traits. While the world has advanced with urbanisation and societal changes, our core expectations for dogs have remained unchanged. We still look for dogs that demonstrate intelligence, drive, and courage, whether they are working in the field, living as family pets, or taking on demanding roles like SAR dogs.

At the same time, modern life has brought new challenges and expectations. Today’s dogs need to be well-adjusted and able to thrive in environments full of stimuli – whether in busy urban areas or unpredictable outdoor settings. In addition, many countries now have stricter laws regarding dog ownership, making it even more important to breed dogs with stable temperaments. This makes mental stability more crucial than ever. A dog must not only be bold and brave but also adaptable and composed, capable of handling both work and family life with ease.

Breeding for Function

Some breeding programs have emphasised producing dogs that conform to a “perfect outline” based on breed standards. While breeders often claim to “breed for function” or focus on dogs that are “fit for function,” the reality is that in many cases, the emphasis on appearance has come at the expense of the breed’s original working abilities. Essential traits like boldness, drive, and problem-solving ability – the capacity to independently think through and overcome challenges – are sometimes overshadowed by the pursuit of aesthetic qualities favoured in the show ring.

Preserving the Airedale Legacy

As the Airedale Terrier adapts to modern roles, we must preserve the versatility and working qualities that have defined the breed for generations. Breeding solely for appearance, as is sometimes seen in certain breeding programs, risks diluting essential traits like drive, boldness, and problem-solving ability. Instead, breeders should prioritise these inherited qualities to maintain the Airedale’s legacy as both a working dog and a family companion. This balance makes Airedales so remarkable, and preserving this balance for future generations is crucial.

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, with AI tools used to enhance language and readability
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Published on the Facebook group European Airedale breeders, September 24, 2024 (link)
Published on my Facebook profile, September 24, 2024 (link)


2024-10-06T17:37:48+00:00September 25th, 2024|

How Inbreeding is Threatening the Genetic Health of Airedale Terriers

2024-10-10T20:17:23+00:00September 24th, 2024|
👉 This text is written with the Airedale Terrier in mind, but the issues discussed are relevant to any dog breed.
The use of genetic data to estimate inbreeding between two dogs (using Embark’s Pair Predictor) reveals that even seemingly unrelated Airedales from different continents, on average, share 40% of their genes that are identical by descent from both their dam and sire. This is measured by the genetic coefficient of inbreeding (gCOI), which specifically calculates the proportion of a dog’s genome where the dam’s and sire’s genes are the same due to common ancestry – excluding fixed canine and breed-typical genes. Without the introduction of new, unrelated lines or breeds, this diversity will continue to shrink.
The Airedale Terrier is not just facing a challenge, it’s approaching a crisis. While the full impact may not be seen immediately, urgent action is needed to ensure the breed thrives for generations to come.
👉 This isn’t just an Airedale issue – many other breeds, including but not limited to the Boxer, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, and Doberman, face similar genetic challenges. Most breeders are unaware of the dangers lurking if changes aren’t made.

Health Implications of Inbreeding

It’s not just about the numbers; I’m deeply concerned about the long-term health implications of inbreeding. Many breeders have raised concerns with me about the increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases like Addison’s and other genetic disorders like PLN (Protein-Losing Nephropathy). The spread of these diseases directly results from inbreeding and a lack of sustainable breeding strategies.
According to Kristensen and Sørensen (2005), inbreeding has harmful effects that reduce genetic variability, directly impacting reproductive success and overall health. The study noted increased mortality rates and decreased adaptive capacity, reinforcing that inbreeding is not a tool for preserving breeds but a destructive practice leading to genetic decline.

Further, Pryce et al. (2014) found that inbreeding causes inbreeding depression, reduced fertility, increased mortality, and poorer productivity in livestock. For every 1% increase in inbreeding based on pedigree or genomic data, the animals experienced measurable declines in health and performance. This mirrors what happens in dogs, where reduced genetic diversity through line breeding has similar negative effects.

Pedersen et al. (2015) demonstrated how inbreeding in Standard Poodles significantly increased autoimmune diseases like Addison’s. The study identified genetic bottlenecks caused by the overuse of popular sires as the root cause of these issues. It also linked inbreeding to reduced immune related gene diversity, making breeds more susceptible to diseases.

Additionally, inbreeding compromises immune function. As genetic diversity is lost, so is variation in immune system genes, making animals more vulnerable to infections and autoimmune disorders.
A 2016 study on Scandinavian wolves by Åkesson et al. showed how inbreeding weakened immune systems, increasing disease susceptibility. However, the introduction of just one unrelated wolf had a significant positive impact on the genetic diversity of the population, increasing genetic variation and improving overall health. This demonstrates how even a small introduction of new genetic material can profoundly affect a population’s genetic diversity.
Recent research, such as Bannasch et al. (2021), shows that inbreeding increases the prevalence of genetic disorders like epilepsy and heart disease in dogs. The study emphasises that high levels of homozygosity – a consequence of inbreeding – are associated with shorter lifespans and complex inherited diseases. The notion that outcrossing introduces new problems is a dangerous myth. In reality, outcrossing increases genetic diversity and prevents the expression of harmful recessive traits. Alarmingly, the study found that the Airedale Terrier is one of the most inbred breeds in the world. The same study also found that many other breeds face the same challenge – for instance, but not limited to – working breeds like Boxer, Doberman, German Sheperd and Rottweiler.

The Danger of Line Breeding and the Need for Change

Breeders who cling to line breeding are not preserving the breed; they are driving it toward a future of genetic decline. While these effects may not be apparent today, they are accumulating. Many breeders argue that outcrossing causes diseases to emerge because it supposedly reduces control over breeding stock. Outcrossing, or breeding between unrelated individuals, DOES NOT cause new mutations to appear. In fact, mutations arise due to spontaneous errors that occur naturally during DNA replication, regardless of breeding methods. These random mutations are a normal part of genetic variation in all living organisms.
However, in populations with a narrow gene pool – like those subjected to inbreeding or line breeding – there is a higher risk of amplifying harmful recessive mutations. This is because the reduced genetic diversity increases the likelihood that both parents carry the same harmful mutations, which can then be passed on to offspring.
By introducing greater genetic diversity, outcrossing helps dilute harmful recessive mutations already existing in a narrow gene pool. It increases the likelihood that healthy, non-mutated genes from one parent will mask or override harmful mutations from the other. Therefore, rather than causing mutations, outcrossing helps reduce the expression of harmful recessive traits, promoting healthier, more genetically diverse populations.
Even siblings from the same litter are genetically distinct due to genetic recombination, where genetic material from both parents is shuffled during the formation of reproductive cells. This means each sibling inherits a unique combination of genes, creating diversity even among dogs with the same parents. Therefore, as a general rule, FCI recommends that a breeding programme should not exclude more than 50% of the breed. Thus, the breeding stock should be selected from the best half of the breed population. Unfortunately, we are far from achieving this goal.

A Call to Action for Responsible Breeding

It’s time for all breeders to step up and make a difference. Many breeders focus too heavily on top-performing sires, causing inbreeding in future generations. But this can change. Healthy, thriving dogs – not show ribbons – should be the goal. Breeding for function and health must take priority over appearance. We must include more dogs in breeding programs, be transparent about health, and avoid line breeding to prevent genetic decline. Sustainable breeding practices should be our focus – preserving genetic diversity for the long-term health of the breed. Let’s focus on what truly matters – breeding dogs with strong health, good temperaments, and the ability to function according to their breed’s purpose, ensuring the vitality and sustainability of future generations.
In the Nordic countries 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇩🇰 🇫🇮, breeders are slowly – one by one – shifting focus toward new breeding strategies, and I believe we’ll see a significant change in attitudes toward dog breeding within the next ten years or so. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for our beloved breeds, one responsible decision at a time.
Please join the European Airedale Breeders group on Facebook, where we have valuable discussions regarding Airedale Terriers’ health, temper, and outline. https://www.facebook.com/groups/768707324041656
I urge everyone passionate about the health and sustainability of dog breeds to join the Facebook group” Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding”. The author of this text is an active member of this group, and we warmly welcome owners of other breeds to join. We have shared scientifically validated information that could guide breeding practices and have had several good discussions. This is the place to join for those willing to acknowledge that the world is evolving or those still unconvinced but want to learn more. https://www.facebook.com/groups/rhodesianridgebacksustainablebreeding/
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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, with AI tools used to enhance language and readability. The featured photo is AI created. 
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Published on my Facebook profile, September 24, 2024 (link)
Published on the Facebook group European Airedale breeders, September 24, 2024 (link
2024-10-10T20:17:23+00:00September 24th, 2024|

The Norwegian Lundehund: A Cautionary Tale of Inbreeding and Genetic Fragility

2024-10-06T21:53:59+00:00September 22nd, 2024|

The story of the Norwegian Lundehund serves as a striking example of the outer consequences of inbreeding – an issue that many breeds, such as the Airedale Terrier, are dangerously close to. With a gCOI (Genomic Coefficient of Inbreeding) of, on average, 38%, Airedales are already one of the most inbred breeds in the dog world. While this figure is not as extreme as the Lundehund’s, it still raises serious concerns about the breed’s future health and genetic diversity. The Lundehund’s history remains a powerful reminder of the consequences that come with severely reduced genetic variation.

The Norwegian Lundehund, an ancient and unique breed, has a fascinating yet fragile history. Known for its extraordinary agility and physical adaptations, such as six toes on each paw, remarkable flexibility, and the ability to close its ears, it was traditionally used to hunt puffins along Norway’s rugged coast. However, by the early 20th century, as puffin hunting declined, so did the need for the Lundehund, and its population declined.

The breed faced its greatest crisis during World War II when a distemper outbreak wiped out the already small Lundehund population. By 1963, only six dogs remained, all closely related, leading to severe inbreeding. This genetic bottleneck resulted in an extreme lack of diversity, which is reflected in the breed’s current gCOI at 90%. This means that 90% of the genes within the Lundehund population are identical by descent, a figure far higher than many other breeds like the Airedale, whose 38% gCOI on average is still alarmingly high. For the Lundehund, this high inbreeding level has led to severe health issues, most notably Lundehund Syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting the digestive system.

The Rescue Plan: The Incross Project

To address these challenges, the incross project was initiated in 2014. This project aimed to expand the gene pool by introducing new bloodlines from related breeds, such as the Norwegian Buhund, Icelandic Sheepdog, and Norrbottenspets, while preserving the Lundehund’s unique traits. The primary goal of the project was to reduce the high levels of inbreeding, which were directly responsible for many of the health issues plaguing the breed.

According to recent findings summarized in a 2022 study by Melis et al., the incross project has focused on carefully selecting individuals from the related breeds to maintain the Lundehund’s key characteristics while introducing much-needed genetic diversity. The project has adopted a long-term perspective, ensuring that crossbreeds are reintegrated into the Lundehund population over multiple generations. Importantly, the initial results of these crosses have shown promising signs: early generations of crossbred dogs have displayed improved health, particularly in areas like digestive function and overall robustness, compared to the highly inbred Lundehund line.

Results and Ongoing Work

The early results of the first crosses have demonstrated increased genetic diversity and reduced occurrence of Lundehund Syndrome in the offspring. Furthermore, these dogs have largely retained the distinctive traits of the Lundehund, such as their flexibility and extra toes, proving that the incross project can maintain the breed’s unique characteristics while improving its overall genetic health. The long-term goal is to gradually reintegrate these crossbred dogs back into the Lundehund population, eventually lowering the gCOI and improving the breed’s resilience.

The project also highlighted several critical points for breed rescue:

  • Genomic mapping has been essential for tracking genetic diversity and ensuring that introduced genes positively influence health.
  • Crossbreed management is crucial; not every cross can be considered successful for reintegration, so selective breeding has been used to ensure the health and traits of the Lundehund are preserved.
  • Collaboration between breeders and geneticists is key to monitoring health outcomes and making data-driven decisions to guide future breeding programs.

A Cautionary Tale for Other Breeds

Although the Lundehund remains rare and its gCOI is still significantly high, the outcross project has shown promise in improving the overall health and longevity of the breed. Breeders continue to carefully manage this balance, ensuring the survival of this remarkable breed while maintaining its distinctive features. Today, the Norwegian Lundehund stands as a symbol of resilience, with its 90% gCOI a reminder of its unique and endangered genetic heritage. Its story serves as a cautionary tale for highly inbred breeds like the Airedale Terrier, underscoring the need for careful genetic management to avoid similar outcomes.

This rescue effort illustrates how planned crossbreeding and modern genetic tools can offer a pathway to healthier future generations, not only for the Lundehund but for many breeds threatened by inbreeding.

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, with AI tools used to enhance language and readability. 
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Published on the Facebook group European Airedale breeders, September 19, 2024 (link

Photo by Norsk Lundehund Klubb

2024-10-06T21:53:59+00:00September 22nd, 2024|

A song – For the Future of Airedale terrier

2024-10-01T22:14:07+00:00September 20th, 2024|
🎶 Ready to bark and boogie for Airedale terriers? 🐾 Presenting “For the Future of Airedale terrier” – the song your Airedales would sing along to if they had a mic! 🎤 It’s time to take a stand, protect our breed, and make our Airedales healthier than ever! 💪
Crank up the sound, and let’s rally for a sustainable future for our beloved breed! 
Want to know more about strategies for sustainable breeding, preserving genetic diversity and how to avoid inherited diseases going forward? Welcome to join the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/rhodesianridgebacksustainablebreeding. We warmly welcome owners of other breeds to join, as the breeding strategies are all the same. This is the place to join for those willing to acknowledge that the world is evolving or those still not convinced but want to learn more.
✍︎ Text and melody created by AI 
They once were many, bold and strong,
But now their numbers are going down.
The time has come, we can’t delay,
We must protect them, show the way.
Inbreeding weakens what’s inside,
Their strength, their health, it starts to slide.
We hold the key to turn the tide,
Act now for Airedales, stand with pride.
Now’s the time, we can’t be late,
Act for Airedales, change their fate!
Widen the path, make them strong,
Together we move the breed along.
Now’s the time, let’s not wait,
Act for Airedales, before it’s too late!
Their future lies in what we do,
New genes, fresh starts, a wider view.
Inbreeding’s left them in a bind,
But we can heal what’s been confined.
The past is clear, the risks are known,
Without new path, they can’t grow strong.
But hope is here, if we unite,
For Airedales’ future, we’ll do what’s right.
Now’s the time, we can’t be late,
Act for Airedales, change their fate!
Widen the path, make them strong,
Together we move the breed along.
Now’s the time, let’s not wait,
Act for Airedales, before it’s too late!
A health crisis looms, but there’s still time,
Fresh genes will stop the downward climb.
A brighter path, a stronger way,
The Airedales’ future starts today.
Don’t turn away, don’t close the door,
The breed we love is worth much more.
Stand tall, stand proud, let’s lead the fight,
For Airedales’ health, we’ll make it right.
Now’s the time, we can’t be late,
Act for Airedales, change their fate!
Widen the path, make them strong,
Together we move the breed along.
Now’s the time, let’s not wait,
Act for Aireales, before it’s too late!
The time is now, let’s rise as one,
For Airedales’ future, the work’s begun.
A breed reborn, we’ll keep them strong,
Together we’ll carry their legacy on!
2024-10-01T22:14:07+00:00September 20th, 2024|

Stronger Together – a song for Ridgebacks

2024-10-01T22:11:44+00:00September 20th, 2024|
Get ready to wag your tail and tap your paws!🐾🕺 «Stronger Together» is here to unite our community of Rhodesian Ridgeback lovers. So, crank up the volume, because it’s time to groove your way to a brighter, bark-tastic future 😆
Want to know more? Welcome to join the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/rhodesianridgebacksustainablebreeding
✍︎ Text and melody created by AI 
In a world of Ridgebacks, bold and proud,
We gather here, a growing crowd.
Breeders, owners, side by side,
To share the wisdom, turn the tide.
Genetics hold the key we need,
A future built on stronger seed.
Linebreeding, inbreeding, lead to strife,
We’re fighting for a healthier life.
Let’s rise together, hand in hand,
For a Ridgeback future, strong and grand.
With science and care, we’ll stand as one,
For healthier dogs when the day is done.
Together we’ll breed a brighter day,
For our Ridgebacks, in every way!
The dangers of inbreeding we face,
A shrinking pool, a fragile race.
But here we learn, we educate,
A better path we’ll cultivate.
Sustainable breeding, that’s our call,
For Ridgebacks mighty, standing tall.
No shortcuts, no reckless ways,
We’re planning for tomorrow’s days.
Let’s rise together, hand in hand,
For a Ridgeback future, strong and grand.
With science and care, we’ll stand as one,
For healthier dogs when the day is done.
Together we’ll breed a brighter day,
For our Ridgebacks, in every way!
With facts in hand, we’ll shape the breed,
A future built on careful heed.
Healthy genes, strong and sound,
For Ridgebacks, where love abounds.
So breeders, owners, let’s unite,
For Ridgebacks’ future, clear and bright.
Together we’ll build, with heart and mind,
A healthier breed for all mankind.
Let’s rise together, hand in hand,
For a Ridgeback future, strong and grand.
With science and care, we’ll stand as one,
For healthier dogs when the day is done.
Together we’ll breed a brighter day,
For our Ridgebacks, in every way!
For Ridgebacks’ future, pure and true,
We’ll breed for health, me and you.
Together we’ll pave the way,
For a hundred years and more, to stay!
2024-10-01T22:11:44+00:00September 20th, 2024|

Is “Form Follows Function” Really True in Dog Breeding?

2024-10-06T22:02:11+00:00September 19th, 2024|

Have you ever wondered if a dog’s appearance truly reflects its ability to perform the tasks it was originally bred for? The phrase “form follows function” is often thrown around in dog breeding circles, but how true is that today? In the world of modern breeds, we’ve seen a growing focus on looks over actual working abilities. Does a dog’s physical appearance really guarantee it can still perform the traditional roles it was meant for? Or are we seeing a decline in the true working capabilities of our breeds?

The Airedale Terrier was originally bred as a working dog, excelling at hunting otters and rats. Later, during World War I and II, Airedales demonstrated their bravery and versatility as messenger dogs, delivering vital communications across dangerous battlefields. They also served as Red Cross dogs, helping locate and rescue wounded soldiers. Their reputation as reliable, intelligent, and resilient working dogs was rooted in these roles.

Would today’s Airedales be capable of fulfilling these demanding roles? Are modern Airedales, many of whom are bred for the show ring still able to perform tasks that require the same level of endurance, intelligence, and versatility? While they retain the physical characteristics of the breed, do today’s breeding practices emphasise working ability and temperament as much as appearance?

This eye-opening piece by Terrierman aka Patrick Burns, who runs the blog Terrierman’s Daily Dose, dives into the divide between show dogs and working dogs, raising important questions about how breeding for the show ring may be harming the functional abilities of many breeds. By prioritising aesthetics over ability, are we creating “counterfeit” versions of once-reliable working breeds? Have Kennel Club standards deviated too far from what these dogs were originally meant to do?

Let’s discuss whether the obsession with appearance has led to the decline of working dogs as we know them, included the Airedale terrier. Share your thoughts in the comments!

Read the full article here.

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author with reference in “Terrierman´s” article. AI tools was used to enhance language and readability. 
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Published on the Facebook group European Airedale breeders, September 19, 2024 (link

2024-10-06T22:02:11+00:00September 19th, 2024|

Dear Fellow Airedale Terrier Owners, Breeders, and Enthusiasts

2024-10-06T22:04:40+00:00September 11th, 2024|

As someone born into this breed, I have loved and cherished Airedale Terriers for over 40 years. Over this time, particularly in the Nordic countries, I’ve observed a decline in the breed’s popularity and a worrying decrease in the population. People often tell me, “My grandfather used to have one,” or “We used to walk our neighbour’s Airedale when we were kids.” While I don’t seek mass popularity for the breed, the fading presence of new generations of owners and breeders presents a genuine concern. Increasing Airedale ownership and breeding would greatly benefit the breed’s future. How come, you might ask? Continue reading, and you will understand.

The Genetic Landscape of Airedales

This text aims to draw attention to the current state of the breed’s genetic health, including those from the working lines (German leistungszucht) that I have embraced for the past 20 years. Recent studies – including results from my own dogs, international data from Embark Breeder DNA tests and research by Dreger et al. (2016) and Bannasch et al. (2021) – reveal that the genetic inbreeding coefficient (gCOI) for the Airedale Terrier is alarmingly high, ranging between 30-40%, perhaps even higher. To put this in perspective, according to Bannasch et al., Airedales rank 11th in inbreeding among 227 breeds studied. This high level of inbreeding presents severe risks to the genetic health of our dogs

Why Is This Concerning?

Historically, our breed, like many others, has undergone intense inbreeding to focus on specific traits. The term “line breeding” may sound less harsh, but it is essentially the same practice as inbreeding, carrying similar genetic risks. This has reduced the breed’s genetic diversity, increasing the chances of inherited health problems. While Airedales are still relatively healthy in general, the high gCOI suggests we risk facing more significant health issues in the future – if not already today. Some inheritable diseases have emerged, including LAMP3 (Lethal Lung Disease), PLN (Protein-Losing Nephropathy), and Factor VII deficiency. If we continue on this path, it is not a matter of if we will see more health issues but when.

The Problem with Pedigree-Based COI

Understanding the limitations of pedigree-based COI (pCOI) measurements is crucial. For example, a 5-generation pedigree COI might show 0%, while the genetic COI could exceed 30-40%. This stark contrast exposes the weakness of pedigree-based measurements, which only account for known ancestors over a limited number of generations, often masking deeper inbreeding levels. In contrast, genetic COI provides a far more accurate and complete picture by analysing the dog’s DNA. To provide some context, breeding between full siblings results in a COI of around 25%, so a gCOI above 30% is highly concerning, as it is equivalent to repeated incestuous breeding over several generations.

One significant issue with pedigree COI is its ability to mislead. For instance, two highly inbred parents with a 25% pedigree COI could produce offspring with a 0% COI if their ancestors differ within the chosen generational window. However, this doesn’t eliminate the risks, as the recessive genes carried by the parents may still be passed down

Inbreeding’s Long-Term Consequences

Inbreeding’s impact is not always immediate but accumulates over generations, with the risk of eventually leading to inbreeding depression. This can cause reduced fertility, shorter lifespans, and an increase in genetic disorders. I believe that addressing this issue now is essential to protecting the future health of Airedale Terriers as a breed. Our breed has thrived for nearly two centuries, but with current levels of inbreeding, its future is in jeopardy, and the breed might not last for a century more, in the worst case, not even some decades.

The Road Ahead: Responsible Breeding and Genetic Management

The Embark Breeder DNA test measures genetic COI, a powerful tool for making informed breeding decisions. By selecting breeding combinations with lower gCOI and avoiding highly inbred individuals, we can preserve the overall genetic diversity still left in the Airedale breed and possibly reduce the risks associated with inbreeding.

We must also broaden our breeding strategies. Relying too heavily on popular lines or high-performing sires, whether for show or working purposes, can lead to a bottleneck effect. While these individuals are valued for their achievements, incorporating a wider variety of dogs with healthy genetic profiles is vital to the breed’s long-term health. Including AS MANY healthy and mentally sound dogs in breeding programs as possible will create a more robust gene pool.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recommends breeding from the top 50% of any litter to maintain a sustainable population. Unfortunately, we are far from this goal, and acting now is critical.

The Ethical and Legal Responsibilities

A recent Supreme Court ruling in Norway, which banned the breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels due to excessive genetic health risks, serves as a stark warning. If we ignore the genetic health of our dogs, we risk crossing legal and ethical lines. Breeding animals that are likely to suffer from genetic diseases is unacceptable.

Looking to the future

The future of the Airedale Terrier depends on us acting now. Expanding our genetic diversity through responsible cross-breeding could – or more likely WILL – become necessary to ensure the breed’s survival. While controversial to some, introducing healthy genes from other breeds and breeding back to the Airedale standard over generations will help maintain the breed’s core traits while improving its genetic health. If we fail to act, the genetic diversity of Airedales will become too limited, making it increasingly difficult to sustain a healthy population.

Moving Forward Together

I understand that this text – especially the part about cross-breeding – may lead some to question my commitment to preservational breeding. However, my goal is to ensure that future generations can enjoy our breed as a healthy, well-rounded companion. I encourage all breeders to test their dogs with the Embark Breeders DNA test (https://shop.embarkvet.com/products/embark-for-breeders-dog-dna-test-kit). Gathering comprehensive data on the global genetic COI across all Airedale lines will be invaluable in guiding our breeding decisions and developing strategies to preserve the health and vitality of our breed.

Ensuring our breed’s long-term health and wellness means placing genetic diversity and sustainability above short-term gains. We need to make informed decisions that prioritise health over appearance or performance. The stakes are too high to gamble on genetic shortcuts. By embracing modern genetic science, we can secure the future of the Airedale Terrier.

I urge everyone passionate about the health and sustainability of dog breeds to join the Facebook group” Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding”. The author of this text is an active member of this group, and we warmly welcome owners of other breeds to join. We have shared scientifically validated information that could guide breeding practices and have had several good discussions. This is the place to join for those willing to acknowledge that the world is evolving or those still unconvinced but want to learn more. https://www.facebook.com/groups/rhodesianridgebacksustainablebreeding/

In addition, I would recommend joining the group “Inmönstring och inkorsning för bevarandet av raser/rastyper (Outcrossing and crossbreeding for the preservation of breeds/breed types)” aimed at breeders and breed clubs dedicated to increasing genetic diversity through methods like opening studbooks, cross-breeding projects, and other strategies to preserve their breed or breed type. There are many engaging posts and discussions, and I’m confident that anyone who joins will discover something new and valuable through participating and learning. https://www.facebook.com/groups/221130406747936/

Please share your thoughts and join the conversation. Feel free to share this post in order to reach more individuals. Together, we can ensure that our beloved breed thrives for generations to come.

Lastly, loss of genetic diversity affects a number of other working/hunting breeds, including, but not limited to, German Shepherds, White Swiss Shepherd Dogs, Boxers, Dobermans, Labradors, Rottweilers, Kelpies, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and so on. I urge breeders of any purebred dog to read up on the genetic situation within their breed and learn about population-based genetics and responsible breeding practices.

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Note: This text was initiated and written by the author, with AI tools used to enhance language and readability. The featured photo is AI created. 
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Published on my Facebook profile, September 11, 2024 (link)
Published on the Facebook group European Airedale breeders, September 11, 2024 (link

2024-10-06T22:04:40+00:00September 11th, 2024|

All K-litter puppies have found their forever homes

2024-06-05T12:20:30+00:00June 5th, 2024|

All our Airedale terrier puppies in our K-litter have now found their forever homes. The four girls, Keeva, Tyra, Kara, and Kelsi, will live in Norway, while the boy, Keny, will live in Finland. The litter will be named Kenward on their pedigree, which means “brave guardian” or “royal guardian” and which we believed worked well on the brave “King of Terriers”. 

2024-06-05T12:20:30+00:00June 5th, 2024|

Airedaleterrier puppies 6 weeks old, available to the right home

2024-05-09T21:40:52+00:00May 9th, 2024|

Our lovely Airedaleterrier puppies from our K-litter turned 6 weeks old, and the “fun period” has certainly started. Now their personalities are showing more and more, and we are happy to see that the puppies are happy, curious, playful and social. We do our outmost to give the puppies the best start of life, and everyday we give them an eventful day with indoors and outdoors activity, and a lot of social contact with both grown ups and children.

At the moment we are getting to know the puppies, and we are everyday considering the owner puzzle in regards to what pup would make a good match to what owner. Depending on the personality development the last two weeks, we have either a female or a male available to the right home. We are looking for an active home – with children or not – who have a well-thought-out dog ownership and who are well-acquainted with the breed and its needs. If you would want to pursue different kind of  dog sports on hobby level, the dog would have the capacity, but it would also make a happy dog with active owners. 

Please email us at mona(a)wayosi.no if you would like to be considered for one of our puppies. 

2024-05-09T21:40:52+00:00May 9th, 2024|

Our K-litter is here!

2024-05-09T17:47:47+00:00April 6th, 2024|

On Wednesday, March 27 2024, Nani gave birth to our K-litter, which consisted of four females and one male. The puppies were delivered naturally, and the birth was uncomplicated. All puppies were strong and had great suction from the beginning. Today, the puppies are 10 days old, and they have all more or less doubled their birth weight. They are hungry, feisty, and are thriving.  

As always with our Airedale terrier litters, we had a lot of interest in the litter, and when we only have five puppies to place, we are very sorry that we have to disappoint many people who will not be able to get a puppy from this combination. As always, we take measures to match the puppies to their owners in the best way possible, trying our best to make sure the owners get the dog they are hoping for. Due to this, in the case we can´t match the puppies to anyone on our interest list, we still welcome enquiries for this litter, especially for active family homes or owners looking for a dog who would excel in dog sports. 

Please email us at mona(a)wayosi.no if you would like to be considered for one of our puppies. 


2024-05-09T17:47:47+00:00April 6th, 2024|

Airedaleterrier puppies expected spring 2024

2024-02-27T21:09:11+00:00February 26th, 2024|

After a trip to Germany in January, where Nani and I travelled 3,500 kilometres by car and spent a total of 35 hours on a ferry, Nani was confirmed pregnant with the German male Yoda von der Laubenhaid. We are very much looking forward to seeing what this combination will give us. The puppies are expected during week 13 and will be ready to leave for their new homes during week 21.

We hope that this combination will give us some loyal and friendly family dogs with strong nerves, who are playful and active, and who, in addition, would make a great all-around working dog. Read more about the combination here

We have great expectations about this litter, but we are also realistically aware that nature always has the end saying. Read more here https://wayosi.no/planned-litters about what you can expect from us as breeders, as well as what we expect from you as a buyer. 

Want to know more or want to come into consideration for a puppy? Then please contact us

2024-02-27T21:09:11+00:00February 26th, 2024|

Basic Genetics

2024-10-06T22:06:58+00:00January 4th, 2024|
If you feel the need to brush up on your basic genetics skills, this article was published in the Rhodesian Ridgeback EU Magazine, Issue 14/2023, and describes the foundation of genetics as well as different kinds of inheritance – both of diseases we can and cannot test for. The article is written by the three founders of the group Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding, Jessica Persson (SE), Veronica Thorén (SE) and Mona Hansen (MH).
Link to PDF: Basic Genetics
If you want to read the whole magazine, you can find it here:
Note: The featured photo is AI created. 
Published on the Facebook group Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding January 4th, 2024 (link)
2024-10-06T22:06:58+00:00January 4th, 2024|

The Winds Are Changing

2024-09-26T22:48:13+00:00January 4th, 2024|
In the Rhodesian Ridgeback EU Magazine, Issue 14/2023, there is an article titled «The Winds Are Changing», which addresses the significance of genetic diversity in dog breeding. The article discusses the importance of preserving genetic diversity for the health and sustainability of the Rhodesian Ridgeback, but it would also apply to dogs in general. The article is written by the three founders of the group Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding, Jessica Persson (SE), Veronica Thorén (SE) and Mona Hansen (MH), and we hope that it offers food for thought as well as insights and inspiration for those interested in long-term sustainable breeding practices.
If you want to read the whole magazine, you can find it here:
Published on the Facebook group Rhodesian Ridgeback Health and Long-term Sustainable Breeding January 4th, 2024 (link)
2024-09-26T22:48:13+00:00January 4th, 2024|

Successful BPH with Dingo, Navi and Majken

2023-10-03T09:30:37+00:00October 3rd, 2023|
Almost every dog from our breeding has attended some kind of DMA (Dog Mentality Assessment), and in the last weeks three siblings from our J-litter (Ninja x Aramis, 2022) have attended BPH (Behavior and Personality Assessment in Dogs / Beteende- och personlighets-beskrivning hund) in Sweden (https://www.skk.se/…/bph-behavior-and-personality…).
Dingo, Navi and Majken have somewhat different personality and mentality traits, but common for them all is that they are easygoing kind dogs with great nerves. They show LESS fear and MORE curiosity than the average ridgeback. These are two traits that are very important for us, and something we strive for.
Dingo is a cool guy in every aspect, and there is not much that can upset him. His owner can also confirm that he is a delight to live with.
Navi is the playful and energetic one who enjoys people and scores with highest possible points for playfulness. She has loads of curiosity and handles scary things easily without remaining fear. Even though she is very energetic and playful, she is the sweetest and easiest dog to live with, with a superb on/off button and the ability to concentrate and focus. Lucky us who have this sweet girl in our close family. Navi will probably be the mother of our next Ridgeback-litter 😉.
Majken is a sweetheart who likes everyone, and her BPH shows her great social skills. She doesn’t really need a BPH to prove this, as she was selected as a blood donor due to her ability to stay calm no matter what. She is super brave and curious and solves all situations presented to her quickly and without remaining fear whatsoever. The tests can be seen on film, links here: DingoNavi and Majken 
Congratulations to their owners for having managed the personality of their dogs in the best way possible👌
2023-10-03T09:30:37+00:00October 3rd, 2023|

Puppy update on the Bicuari-litter

2023-05-08T20:02:45+00:00May 7th, 2023|

The Hunting Pride Bicuari W-litter are 36 days old and are developing nicely. The pups are quite similar both in looks, structure and personality, and seems to be a curious, unafraid and playful lot.  We are looking forward to the following weeks when they will show their personality more and more. Their photoalbum on their own page is updated with stacked photos and head shots.

2023-05-08T20:02:45+00:00May 7th, 2023|

Updates on the Bicuari-litter 24 days old

2023-04-25T18:04:48+00:00April 25th, 2023|

The HP Bicuari W-litter have become 24 days old and they are getting more alert and more active by the minute. They are starting to play with each other, play with toys we place in the pen and they react to our voices when we enter the room. Mbali is such a sweetheart and she is being the best mom for them. 

The photoalbum on the litter page is updated with photos from today, and will be sporadically updated from now on. 

At the moment we have a few available male puppies. Please contact Mona or Kamilla if you want to come into consideration for a puppy. 

2023-04-25T18:04:48+00:00April 25th, 2023|

Let us introduce, Hunting Prides Bicuari W-litter

2023-04-04T10:21:20+00:00April 2nd, 2023|

In cooperation with kennel Hunting Pride we welcomed 10 little wonders April 1, 2023. We have 6 females and 4 males out of Hunting Prides Mayumba Mbali ~ Mbali and Juliagårdens X Marks The Spot ~ Wilmer. There are two ridgeless females, otherwise no other faults so far.

Wilmer has done an absolutely fantastic mentality assessment (BPH), he is an incredibly steady and fearless dog who is social and gets along with all kinds of dogs and other animals. These are exactly the qualities we were looking for when we had to match the wonderfully kind and good-natured Mbali. Mbali is the world’s most uncomplicated ridgeback. She is kind and good, calm and balanced, happy and fearless. Wilmer is a slightly more active type, but still just as confident and kind. We expect the puppies to become steady and good ridgebacks, which can be suitable for all types of activities with dogs. Mbali has offspring from the previous litter who act as visiting dogs, among other things. In terms of exterior, we hope for medium-sized dogs, with good angulations, good proportions and fine details that can do well in the show ring.

We have a few available puppies. Want to know more or want to come into consideration for a puppy? Then please contact Mona or Kamilla

2023-04-04T10:21:20+00:00April 2nd, 2023|

Welcome to the world, J-litter

2022-03-20T00:20:07+00:00March 20th, 2022|

Our J-litter was born March 3, 2022 and we are happy to welcome 3 females and 2 males. All puppies are reserved at this point. 

2022-03-20T00:20:07+00:00March 20th, 2022|

A new Ridgeback litter in the making!

2022-03-01T14:05:29+00:00February 25th, 2022|

We are looking forward to welcoming a litter after Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ NINJA and Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U ~ ARAMIS in the beginning of March 2022. We have high hopes this litter will give us some wonderful and healthy dogs to continue our line for the future, and we do hope to keep a puppy for our selves. We were the first who used Aramis in breeding when we chose him as the sire of Kiwi’s second litter in 2014, our B-litter. From that litter came some lovely dogs, and Nixon have given 3 nice litters. From these litters several have been used in breeding with great success. We do hope Ninja and Aramis will be a great combination, and we are looking forward to some puppies in the house again.

2022-03-01T14:05:29+00:00February 25th, 2022|

An update from Wayosi – not a minute to early

2022-03-01T13:13:33+00:00February 1st, 2022|

So 2021 came fast and it flew away just as fast. Suddenly we are writing 2022. We are doing just great, however as a family with small children we experience that our time and energy is not what it once was. This webpage have not been prioritized for a long while, but I will try to make some efforts in updating it and finishing rebuilding litter pages etc.

We have always had all available information from our own dogs and bred dog available on each dogs page and on each litter page, but it doesn’t give a fast and full overview. I wanted to do something about that, and uploaded every single thing known to me about every single dog we have owned or bred into one excel sheet which is presented in a table for the Airedale Terriers HERE and the Rhodesian Ridgebacks HERE.

My wish is that every other breeder in Norway and the Nordic countries (at least) would publish a similar overview on their website or as file on their Facebook site. Only then could we have complete transparency and you as a breeder, puppy buyer or stud dog owner could learn what health issues occurs in the lines. And as we well know, those who states that everything is perfect and no health issues has occurred what so ever, IS LYING.


So with this we give you some photos of our life the last year. 

2022-03-01T13:13:33+00:00February 1st, 2022|

We have Airedale terrier puppies!

2020-10-12T19:20:36+00:00October 11th, 2020|

Elza gave birth to our I-litter September 18, 2020. She did an amazing job and from the very beginning she showed her strong maternal instinct that her mother Isi also had. 11 puppies was born, but sadly 2 puppies were stillborn and one weak and small female passed away after 2 days. In the puppy box we have 8 wonderful puppies, 5 females and 3 males. Thank you to Pia Gerdin for letting us use your amazing boy Kaschpa! I also want to send a big thank you to Elza´s owner Maria Juslin for taking this journey with me, without you this would never been possible.

We have had a tremendous interest in this litter and most puppies are reserved to working homes at this point. It’s not a matter of interest, but we are still waiting for the very special home for a male or a female, with owners who wants to work with their dog in some kind of dog sports or practical hunting. If you think you are the one you are welcome to contact us.

2020-10-12T19:20:36+00:00October 11th, 2020|

Working Airedales with success

2020-09-16T07:54:14+00:00September 15th, 2020|

Our working Airedales have been doing some working lately, and I am proud to show off some of their results. These dogs primarily lives happy lives as family dogs and loyal companions, but thrives when being worked with in dog sports and doing what they were bred to do. I know their owners have put down many hours training and working their dogs, and I am happy to see they are getting results for their effort. Big congrats on your success, and well done! 

Wayosi Faolan Faye ~ Effie
Owner Anette Nielsen, Denmark
Obedience class 1 in Denmark: Two 1.prizes, official title LP1
Obedience class 2 in Denmark: Seven 1.prizes, official  title LP2.

Wayosi Faolan Finley ~ Finley
Owner Monika Frimand, Finland
Obedience class 1 in Finland: Three 1.prizes with official title TK1
Begleithund/Companion dog test in Finland: Approved with official title BH
Nordic working dog trials class 1 tracking in Finland: Approved with promotion to class 2, official title JK1.
Finley is even trained in retriever hunting with dummies and is doing a great job! 

Wayosi Faolan Fergus ~ Fiks
Owner Andreas Borud Evensen, Norway
Nordic working dog trials class D (class 1) tracking in Norway: Approved with promotion to class C.

Wayosi Faolan Faegan Kawanda ~ Fixa
Owner Hanna Karlsson, Sweden
Nordic working dog trials appell class (class 1) tracking in Sweden: Approved with promotion to lägre class (class 2).
Obedience startklass (class 0) in Sweden: Three approved results with promotion to class 1, official title LD Startklass.

Wayosi Faolan Ferris ~ Ferris
Owner Rune Horvli, Norway
Blood tracking trial, ordinary test, open class (AK): 1.prize and best dog of the trial. 
Ferris is being used in practical hunting and show great potensial as an allround hunting dog. He is used as an off-leash hunting dog in deer hunting with great success. He drives the deer towards hunters lying in wait, and show a great compromise between independent off-leash hunting dog with obedience towards his owner giving him a shorter radius which is convenient in the very harsh and steep terrain they hunt. He is also showing great promise in baying elk and hunting fox, badger and other small game. He has also put down a great application as a tracking dog for predatory game such as wolf and wolverine. I am so happy to see an Airedale being used in practical hunting, and I want to send a big thank you to Rune for giving Ferris all this great adventures! 

2020-09-16T07:54:14+00:00September 15th, 2020|

Thank you for everything, Isi

2020-09-03T15:09:39+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

⭐️ Thank you for everything, Isi ⭐️
28.07.2009 – 03.09.2020
LP1 BH RL1 RL2 RL3 D’Isolde von de Drift ~ Isi

Whether a dog’s life is short or long, it’s always hard to say goodbye to your best friend. Today we had to make the difficult decision to let Isi go. This autumn she has gotten in increasingly worse condition and it turned out that she had poor liver values and an enlarged liver with areas that may indicate that the liver is no longer functioning properly. I have promised Isi that when her eyes is no longer filled with joy and expectation, I will let her go. And that day came today. Rest in peace the world’s best little terrier, they probably need an “auntie cruel” in the dog heaven too. Thank you for everything Isi, you were everything I hoped for and 1000 times more. 

I waited a long time for Isi and from the moment I picked her up in Germany I knew she was all I ever wanted. She always did the best she could with an enormous will to please. I have lost count of how many people who have met Isi and ended up with their own Airedale, even though the breed never was in their mind. She was just that kind of dog you couldn’t resist, she was the most happy and kindest little girl. In the training field and in the competition arena she was in her element, and often we got to stand on top of the podium. Our house is empty without her and a big piece is missing. There will never be anyone like her.

2020-09-03T15:09:39+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

We have Ridgeback puppies!

2020-09-06T19:44:32+00:00August 30th, 2020|

Our H-litter saw the day of light August 28, 2020. This is a very special litter for us, and it turned out to be a quite exclusive one with only 4 pups. We have 2 boys and 2 girls born in 5 hours and weighing from 625 to 750 grams. This is by far the largest puppies I have ever gotten, and I am happy Pippi managed to give birth to them natural. I guess they have had enough nutrition while in the womb 😉 We are still waiting for the very special owner for one of the girls, if you think you are the one you are welcome to contact us. 

2020-09-06T19:44:32+00:00August 30th, 2020|

Airedale puppies in the making!

2020-08-13T11:46:28+00:00August 13th, 2020|

We are happy to welcome our I-litter in the beginning of September 2020, after Wayosi Eimhir Elza and Lulu’s Kaschpa!

We expect the combination to give us mentally strong dogs wrapped in a healthy conformation, with the extra willingness to please and great motivation for work. The pedigree consists of some of the best working airedales in Europe with many well proven breeding dogs. More information about the litter can be seen HERE.
The litter will be in cooperation with Elza’s owner Maria Juslin and we are both exited to see what this combination will bring. Thank you Maria for giving me the chance to include Elza in my breeding! Also a big thank you to Pia Gerdin for allowing us to use your precious boy!
2020-08-13T11:46:28+00:00August 13th, 2020|

Working dog of the Year, Elza!

2023-01-28T19:38:52+00:00January 31st, 2020|

Breeding working line Airedale Terriers our goal is to provide Airedale Terriers for owners who wants to work with their dog in different types of dog sports. Maria Juslin and her Elza (SPHI SPHII SPHIII Wayosi Eimhir Elza, E-litter 2015) have worked determined from the very beginning, and have climbed the classes in Nordic working dog trials in tracking. They are now competing in the highest levels (elite class) in which they have excelled. We are proud to announce that they have been awarded:
🏆🥇 Nordic working dog trials – Terrier of the Year (2019, Sweden)
🏆🥇 Nordic working dog trials – Airedale Terrier of the Year (2019, Sweden)
Big congratulations, we are very proud of Team Elza!

📷: Martin Hoverberg, Richard Lundström and Maria Juslin

2023-01-28T19:38:52+00:00January 31st, 2020|

Wayosis on the dog sports winners list 2018

2019-03-04T21:54:55+00:00March 4th, 2019|

The National breed clubs organizes lists where results from dog sports like rally obedience, obedience, agility, working trials and blood tracking are recorded. We have had several Wayosies competing in dog sports in 2018, and it makes me very proud to present the following results.

BH RL1 RL2 Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ Ninja
– #2 Best rally obedience RR 2018 (Norway)

RL1 Filippa Rouge Qwandoya ~ Pippi
– #3 Best rally obedience RR 2018 (Norway)

RL1 Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
– # 16 Best rally obedience RR 2018 (Norway)

– #2 Best agility RR (Sweden)
– #5 Best obedience RR (Sweden)
– #8 Best rally obedience RR (Sweden)
– #21 Best show dog (Sweden)
SPH1 SPH2 Wayosi Eimhir Elza ~ Elza
– #3 Best allround AT (Sweden)
– #3 Best working AT (Sweden)
– #4 Best obedience AT (Sweden)
RL1 Wayosi Eimhir Edgar ~ Chaco
– 3 x 1.prize rally obedience class 1 (Norway) – official title RL1
Even though there are no Finnish winners lists for Finnish Airedale terrier, we want to give attention to our Finish boy who have done well in the obedience ring.
TK1 Wayosi Faolan Finley ~ Finley
– 3 x 1.prize in obedience class 1 (Finland) – official title TK1.
2019-03-04T21:54:55+00:00March 4th, 2019|

All good things must come to an end – R.I.P Sheriff

2019-02-25T18:12:40+00:00February 25th, 2019|

⭐️All good things must come to an end ⭐️
26.06.2005 – 25.10.2018
NUCH LP1 LP2 BH NVV-13 NVV-14 RL1 Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff

Like a whirl wind he came into our life, and kept stirring it up to the very last moment. 4870 days I would never be without. He was my pride and joy, my headache and my everything in between. Together we made memories and friends, and thanks to him I learned what matters. Because of him I will continue reaching for what matters.

The S in Wayosi. Thank you for being the best teacher a girl could ever wish for.


October 25, 2018 we had to say goodbye to our old boy Sheriff. He was close to 13,5 years and even though we had hoped he would live to 100 years, it was his time to leave us. When he turned 13 years summer of 2018 we noticed that he had some issues with his rear, and found that he had calcifications in his back, not unexpected for a dog of his age. Even if we thought that it would be his back who eventually would get the hold of him, he suddently became ill one day and we found that he had a tumor on his aorta, leading to sirculatory failure. There was nothing else to do, and he got to take his last breath October 25, 2018.

Sheriff lived his life to the fullest, and he always went all in. Even though we have other dogs in the house, something was missing when we lost Sheriff. No one is breaking into the garbage cans or stealing food from the counter top. No one is destroying jacket pockets to get that last little piece of some left over treats, and no one tells me that feeding time are long overdue. No one is looking at me with a demanding look and hitting me with his paw to demand some attention, and no one is greeting our visitors just as hard as Sheriff used to do. 
We got him back in a beautiful steel urn, and now he is watching over us from his place in the living room. We are happy that we still have a little piece of him in his granddaughter Ninja, and at some point of time we will be using the semen we have stored from him. It will not bring him back, but perhaps I will have a little piece of him back with me.

2019-02-25T18:12:40+00:00February 25th, 2019|

RL1 title for Pippi and Chaco

2018-09-26T14:49:33+00:00September 23rd, 2018|

Both Pippi and Chaco have gotten three 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1, and thus received the official title RL1 in front of their name. It’s the first title for them both, and we are mighty proud of them. Chaco has been competed by me, and even though we haven’t had the time to practice a lot, Chaco have really impressed me and gotten one first placement and one second placement in tough competition. He has a wonderful attitude when working, and his heal is really impressive. He for sure make some heads turn when he works, and he gives me such a good feeling by putting so much power and energy to his work.

Pippi has done her qualifying runs with her best friend Bente, and also shown us that she is a ridgeback with that will to please. She will do everything for a treat, and she really doesn’t care at all about all the things that are going on around the ring, other dogs, people etc. She mostly has her eye on her handler, and where the treats are 🙂

They now go under the name RL1 Filippa Rouge Qwandoya and RL1 Wayosi Eimhir Edgar. 

2018-09-26T14:49:33+00:00September 23rd, 2018|

New obedience title for Maggie!

2018-09-26T14:51:53+00:00September 9th, 2018|

Hanna and Maggie got their last approved run in obedience start class (LP Startklass) today, and Maggie can now ad the title “LD Startklass” to her name. Big congratulations Hanna, well done! It makes me very proud that Maggie has continued the heritage after her father Sheriff, and proved that willingness to work doesn’t stop after 2 years of age.

Maggie now goes under the name RLDN RLDF SEVCH LD Startklass Wayosi A Kind Of Magic.

2018-09-26T14:51:53+00:00September 9th, 2018|

A road trip to Sweden

2018-09-26T14:53:24+00:00August 27th, 2018|

The Swedish Working Dog Association had combined the national championships for obedience, rally obedience, working trials, Swedish protection dog – amongst others, and organized a big dog event in the city of Ronneby south in Sweden. As it happens, this is Hanna’s home town (the owner of Maggie and Fixa), and we were invited to stay with Hanna and her parents while visiting Ronneby. On our way, I also made a stop in Helsingborg to meet Gandi for the first time since he left us as a 4 months old puppy. It was great meeting him again, and what a wonderful boy he has developed to be! Self assured, kind and friendly, and with a great size being around 65 cm and 39 kg. 

All the way from Northern Sweden, we also had the pleasure of meeting Elza and her owner Maria, for the first time since Elza left us as a puppy. They were cheering on a good friend competing in the obedience championship, and we got to spend time with them at the event area. Elza was just as cool and wonderful as Maria had told me she was, and she made me a proud breeder when seeing how unaffected she was with all things going of around her. Elsa, Chaco and Fixa made some head turns by being so cool and well behaved, and just ignoring other dogs almost stepping on them. On the other hand they were focused and eager when asked to work, never taking the focus from the job they were asked to do. Just like a good airedale should be!

On the way home we joined Pia and Gandi at Ljungskile national dog show. Chaco was not this judges cup of tea and got a VG, while Gandi had his debut in the show ring, did a great job and got his first excellent. 

2018-09-26T14:53:24+00:00August 27th, 2018|

3 generations photogenic dogs…

2018-09-26T14:57:21+00:00August 9th, 2018|
Take 3 generations of photogenic dogs, place them beside each other, tell them to stay and “VOILA” 😂🙈
13 year old Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff, 7 year old Wayosi A Kind Of Magic ~ Maggie and 4 year old Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ Ninja.
2018-09-26T14:57:21+00:00August 9th, 2018|

Isi 9 years old!

2018-09-23T16:09:48+00:00July 28th, 2018|

Today our princess Isi celebrates her 9th birthday! She still looks and behaves like a puppy, always wagging her tail and always in the mood to go for a walk or even better, training obedience! She is still as healthy as they come, and we are asked if she is a puppy   The photos below were taken in June together with her son Chaco

2018-09-23T16:09:48+00:00July 28th, 2018|

Happy first birthday to our G-litter!

2018-07-20T10:48:14+00:00July 20th, 2018|

Today our G-litter celebrates their first birthday and we want to congratulate their owners with surviving, and thanking them for giving them such loving homes! I am happy to say that, so far, everyone is super healthy in body and mind, and lets hope it stays that way! No one of the puppies are above maximum height according to the breed standard, and they are rather on the lower side of the standard –  which I highly value! 

2018-07-20T10:48:14+00:00July 20th, 2018|

Swedish BISS-2018

2018-07-17T12:20:51+00:00July 17th, 2018|

We had a great time, as always, on Swedish BISS-2018 at Öster Malma, and photos can be seen under.

2018-07-17T12:20:51+00:00July 17th, 2018|

Swedish BISS-2018

2018-07-17T13:30:52+00:00July 16th, 2018|

This weekend we travelled to Sweden, to attend BISS-2018 at Öster Malma. Swedish BISS is my favorite dog show, and it is always a joy to attend. I try to attend this speciality every year, and there are always a great atmosphere around the ring which makes it great to be a Norwegian in Sweden 

I met up with Hanna who have Maggie and Fixa, while I had Ninja and Pippi with me. I haven’t met Fixa since she moved from us at 8 weeks of age last year, so it was a joy to meet her again. I can see so much of her mother Isi in her, but also her father Lasse and his mother Ivy. She is active and curious, social and playful, and so far just as a working airedale should be. In addition she has an extremely good coat quality, and superb body proportions which makes her fit for function. Looking promising! 

On saturday both Ninja and Maggie was signed up for attending obedience start class, and Maggie and Hanna went all the way to best ridgeback of the day! They also got challenge prizes for becoming best obedience ridgeback at BISS, as well as best female obedience ridgeback at BISS! Big big congratulations! They were missing some points to get their last leg for the start class title, but the heat made it difficult for both dogs and owners. Ninja had her first start ever in this class, and we hadn’t even been practicing that much, if anything… She wasn’t convinced that obedience was the best idea this day, and was extremely slow, but still did what she was supposed to, although in slow motion  

Maggies son from her litter at Kawanda, Kawanda After Work Rebel Rebel ~ Nelson was shown in intermediate class with excellent and did great together with his owner. Hopefully they will be seen at more shows in the future! 

On sunday it was time for the girls to be shown, and Maggie was first out in working/hunting class. The judge liked her very much, and she was awarded excellent 2 with CQ. Pippi and Ninja was shown in open class, and Pippi was awarded excellent 4 and Ninja excellent. In best female Maggie ended up as Best Female 10, in though competition with a lot of lovely females! 

Pippi’s critique: 

Well balanced body. Enough wide scull. Very nice neck and topline. Good ridge. Good front and forechest. Excellent rear angulation.

Ninja’s critique: 

Good length of body. Feminin head. Could have little darker eyes. Little bit short muzzle. Very good topline. Good angulation. Little narrow behind in movement. 

Maggies critique: 

Very nice female. Lovely head. Beautiful eye expression. Nice outline. Good ridge. Sloping croupe. Good front. In movement a little narrow behind.

I also got to meet Sheriff’s lovely daughters Dahidos Beloya Av Hilandra ~ Bella and Dahidos Canephora Av Hilandra ~ Nephora, soon 10 years old and in great condition! Bella was BOB in pet class, and Nephora placed 2nd with CQ in veterans class. It was so nice to see the lovely girls, and I can see so much of their father in them!

2018-07-17T13:30:52+00:00July 16th, 2018|

First x-rays results of the F-litter are in!

2018-07-11T15:31:19+00:00July 11th, 2018|

First one out from our F-litter to do x-rays on hips and elbows are Wayosi Faolan Faegan Kawanda ~ Fixa and to our delight she came out with HD: A/A and ED: 0/0! Congratulations to us Hanna!  Now we will wait for the rest of the litter to get their x-rays done during fall 2018!

Fixa HD/ED

2018-07-11T15:31:19+00:00July 11th, 2018|

Alma gains her first CAC on her first official show

2018-07-11T15:32:54+00:00July 9th, 2018|

Big congratulations to Kaisa, Jenni and Jari with Wayosi Gold Digger Vastakarva ~ Alma and her debut in junior class! At a national show in Kokemäki, Finland she won junior class with excellent and QC, and was later placed as best female with her first CAC and BOS. Good luck with showing her in the future as well! 

2018-07-11T15:32:54+00:00July 9th, 2018|

Forever in our heart

2018-07-29T11:27:54+00:00June 17th, 2018|

It’s with great sadness I have to announce the passing of our foundation bitch Tappinskis Peach and Passion ~ Kiwi. She was born May 13, 2008 and was put to sleep June 14, 2018 at the age of 10 years, 1 month and 1 day after finding a tumor with metastasis in her abdomen. Our thoughts are with Hilde and Stig, where Kiwi lived her every day life and was deeply loved and cherished every second of her life. 

Kiwi is the foundation bitch of Wayosi Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and up until today she is behind every ridgeback with the Wayosi prefix. She gave us 24 puppies, and to this date she has gotten 44 grandchildren and 30 great grandchildren. In one way it is a comfort that she lives on in her descendants. 

Kiwi was a very special dog. Without exaggeration, she was the most intelligent dog I have ever met. She could open every locked door and drawer, and even the refrigerator. She was a notorious food thief, and we have lost count on every person she has stolen food from or all the times she has been counter surfing. She has eaten all the stuff a dog shouldn’t eat, and she’s eaten it without regret at all. She was the type of dog who would observe, learn and act, and sometimes she could drive us crazy with her mischiefs. On the other hand she was the most calm, balanced and unafraid dog and every person who ever met her fell for her beautiful soul. She was the type of dog who would curl up in everyones lap, and she would demand her space. If she was asked to lay in the floor in her dog bed, she would look at you with her never tiresome look, and in the end she would get her will. She was special, and I am happy I got the opportunity to start my breeding with such a wonderful dog.   



I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
And shared her silent thoughts with me.

She’ll come no longer to my call
Eat no more her favorite meat ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to his golden throne.

Although my eyes are filled with tears
I thank him for the happy years
He let her spend down here with me
And for her love and loyalty.

When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with a bark.

2018-07-29T11:27:54+00:00June 17th, 2018|

Maggie and Fixa at Norrköping national dog show

2018-07-11T15:22:31+00:00June 3rd, 2018|

Wayosi A Kind of Magic ~ Maggie and Wayosi Faolan Faegan Kawanda ~ Fixa attended a national show in Norrköping, Sweden June 2-3, 2018 and for Fixa it was her first show ever. She did a great job, and gained excellent 1 and ended up as second best female with reserve CAC! Maggie also did a great job, as always behaving her best  and gained excellent 1 and ended up as second best female with her second swedish CAC! Maggies son Kawanda After Work Rebel Rebel ~ Nelson had his dog show debute, and ended as fourth best male with R-CAC. Big congratulations Hanna! 

2018-07-11T15:22:31+00:00June 3rd, 2018|

Happy first birthday to the F-litter!

2018-05-26T20:15:50+00:00May 26th, 2018|

Today at May 26th, 2017 our F-litter was born. This was the second and last litter of our wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime Isi, and to our great delight she gave us 7 lovely pups by Lasse von der Christinenheide. The puppies are spread in different parts of Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden and they are firstly family members, second working dogs and one are also trained to be used in hunting. We wish you all the best in the future! 

Lovely Wayosi Faolan Finley celebrated his birthday by debuting in obedience beginners class, and managed to get a first prize. Big congrats to Monika and Finley! 

Even though no F-litter pup, we want to congratulate Wayosi Go Gina with her debute in junior class in Denmark today, with excellent 3! Congrats and well done Karina and Gina! 

2018-05-26T20:15:50+00:00May 26th, 2018|

Wayosi walk in Fetsund

2018-05-21T20:19:55+00:00May 21st, 2018|
2018-05-21T20:19:55+00:00May 21st, 2018|

Elza qualifying for elite class tracking!

2018-05-21T19:27:39+00:00May 21st, 2018|

Big congratulations to Maria Juslin and Wayosi Eimhir Elza who managed a strong first start in next highest class tracking (högre/B) in the Nordic working dog program, resulting in qualification for the highest class (elite/A). Elza are only 3 years old, and she is the third Airedale competing at this level at the time being in Norway. The other two are also closely related to Elza, being from german working lines as well. We wish you good look in the future! 

2018-05-21T19:27:39+00:00May 21st, 2018|

A lovely walk with some of the Wayosies

2018-05-21T21:04:30+00:00May 13th, 2018|

We had a lovely walk with some of our puppies and their owners, as well as our own dogs, and showed them some of Fetsund’s lovely nature. We are looking forward to even more of these walks during the summer 🙂

2018-05-21T21:04:30+00:00May 13th, 2018|

Planned litter at Damisis kennel in Sweden

2018-05-21T09:15:00+00:00April 9th, 2018|

We are happy to announce that Damisis kennel in Sweden are planning a litter during fall 2018 after Nixon (Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive) and their lovely female Dizza (Damisi’s Durdaana). They have both quite unique pedigrees, which gives a inbreeding coefficient on 0% on 6 generations. They have both done BPH (behavior and personality test) and MT (mentality test, Svänska Jägareforbundet) with flying colors, and they are quite similar in temperament. They are both social with people and loves to play with toys, they are completely unafraid with great nerves and good concentration. They both loves to train and cooperate with their owners, and are lovely working ridgebacks. At the same time they have the important “on/off button” that gives them the ability to completely relax when needed.We are so much looking forward to this combination, and we have high hopes that this combination will give us lovely Rhodesian Ridgebacks with the correct temperament, in a healthy exterior. 

If you would be interested in a puppy from this combination, please contact Petra and Janne Väljä at Damisis kennel.

2018-05-21T09:15:00+00:00April 9th, 2018|

Pippi with two 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1

2018-05-21T09:48:06+00:00April 8th, 2018|

Even though Pippi lives with us and with our pack, she has a great relationship with Bente, Halvor and Turid who are the owner of Nixon from our B-litter. And because Bente really loves to train rally obedience, and Pippi loves training with Bente, Pippi has been visiting them every now and then for shorter and longer periods, and joined Bente at rally obedience practice. Together they have had great progress, and Bente and Pippi can now add two 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1 to their list! 

They got 188/200 pints and 193/200 points, with 5th place (of 20) and 4th place(of 20) respectively, and thus 2 times 1.prize and two legs towards the RL1 title. Big congrats Bente and thank you for taking Pippi to practice and competitions! We are very happy to be able to share Pippi with you every now and then! 

2018-05-21T09:48:06+00:00April 8th, 2018|

Show success for the G-litter puppies

2018-05-21T09:46:20+00:00April 2nd, 2018|

Three of the puppies from our G-litter has shown their paws in the showring, and they have done very well. Not only did they get nice critiques and good placements, but they behaved like pro’s and were super relaxed in the settings around other people, dogs and not least when being touch by the judges. This alone is the biggest victory for me! Biggest congrats from us!

– Wayosi Go With The Flow ~ Gahilli
Best male puppy 6-9 months, BOS (against sister Gina)

– Wayosi Go Gina ~ Gina
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB (against brother Gahilli)
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB
Best female puppy 4-6 months, BOB

– Wayosi Gold Digger Vastakarva ~ Alma 
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB, BIS3!
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB
Best female puppy 6-9 months, BOB

2018-05-21T09:46:20+00:00April 2nd, 2018|

Behavior and personality test (BPH), May 2017

2018-05-21T09:49:56+00:00November 27th, 2017|

Better late, than never? Finally I got the time to edit and publish the films and results from the behavior and personality test (BPH) we did May 27. and 28. 2017, with the majority of the dogs from the D- and E-litter. In addition we had Sheriff’s daughter Penny, and a couple of more dogs from other breeders attending. We had a lovely weather during the weekend, although I saw that some of the dogs had a little trouble with the very high temperature and strong sun, which probably affected some of them a little bit. But all in all both ridgebacks and airedales did very nice tests, which showed me that I am definitely moving towards the direction, if not succeeding, to my goals as a breeder of these two breeds. In general the dogs are playful, social towards people, easy going and happy, without fear and remaining fear and must in general be happy dogs living a life without many worries. A lot of photos from the weekend can be seen here

Attending dogs from Wayosi:
Oppigårdens Snöflinga ~ Penny
Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
Wayosi Dressed for Success ~ Catch
Wayosi Dream Of Mirrors ~ Ruby
Wayosi Diamonds ~ Phoebe
Wayosi Dixie Flyer ~ Wilma
Wayosi Daydreamer ~ Zazo
Wayosi Double Trouble ~ Tesla
Wayosi Dear Mr. President ~ Storm
Wayosi Eimhir Edmund ~ Quattro
Wayosi Eimhir Ellie ~ Ellie
Wayosi Eimhir Era ~ Era
Wayosi Eimhir Eyre ~ Allie

Movies from every single dog are recorded onto our YouTube-channel, and you can find the link on each dogs page. 

2018-05-21T09:49:56+00:00November 27th, 2017|

43 days old

2017-09-03T23:11:52+00:00September 1st, 2017|

The puppies are 43 days old today, and now they are really developing! For every day they become more and more agile, and they are expressing more and more of their personalities. I haven’t finished the puzzle as for who is having which puppy yet, because they have so far been very similar in temperament, and I need to get to know them even better to lay the puzzle. At the moment I have 1 male available, which we are looking for the perfect home to. It might also be 1 female available, but it all depends on how she develops the next weeks. But you are welcome to contact us, if you think you are the perfect home for our precious jewels. Read more about our requirements for puppy buyers

I am very satisfied with this litter. They are happy and sweet tempered, and loves people and cuddles. They are exploring our house and the outside without hesitating, and seems unafraid and curious. They have already been visiting my mothers garden, and they have been driving in car several times already and thrives in the car! They are easy going and are not very noisy or demanding for our attenntion, but are exploring and relaxing by them own. At this point, I couldn’t be more happy with them!

2017-09-03T23:11:52+00:00September 1st, 2017|

30 days old

2017-08-20T19:30:45+00:00August 18th, 2017|

The puppies are 30 days old today and now we are starting to se more of their personalities as they start to move around more and engage in different things. This weekend they have been out for the first time, and they did very good for being their first time outside. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us in the next weeks, so the puppies can explore the outside as much as possible! We have taken 30-day portraits and stacks, as well as some other photos from the puppy box. Enjoy! 🙂

Days 0 3 7 15 30 %
 Pink 510 545 785 1055 2065 305
 Green 455 470 655 870 1920 322
 Purple 555 595 925 1015 2155 288
 Yellow 540 510 760 935 2130 294
 Blue 555 615 910 1120 2385 330
 Beige 435 450 645 860 1845 324
 Brown 480 495 715 940 2165 351
 Black 545 625 900 1185 2280 318
 Red 455 465 600 835 1715 277
 Orange 500 520 760 1010 2275 355


2017-08-20T19:30:45+00:00August 18th, 2017|

23 days old

2017-08-20T19:09:55+00:00August 12th, 2017|

The puppies are 23 days old, in other words just 3 weeks old. They were moved down to our living room the other day, giving them more sounds around them, and allowing us to interact more with them. Today we also did the first stacked photos, and they all did quite well for being only 23 days old. Compared to my other litters, their weights are a little lower in average and they some how feel a few days later in development. But nothing wrong in that 😉

Below you can see some new photos, and more photos can bee seen at the G-litter page, at the bottom of the page. 

2017-08-20T19:09:55+00:00August 12th, 2017|

21 days old

2017-08-10T08:48:01+00:00August 10th, 2017|

The puppies are 21 days old today, and they will get their first taste of solid food today. I will give one by one a little taste, and see if we can get them up on their feet for a little while, giving us the chance to have a look at their exterior assembly. This litter has not been bred in order to produce showstoppers, but like any other breeder we do enjoy looking at a moderate and balanced dog. So hopefully the pups would also have a nice balanced exterior. 

Ninja is a wonderful mother, and she takes such good care of her puppies. She is calm and relaxed, and really doesn’t need any help from us. Pippi is very curious of the puppies, and spends most of her time in the puppy room. She thinks the puppies are scary interesting, so she steps into the puppy box and quickly jumps out again when the pups moves towards her. I think she will be a great play aunt for the pups, just as Ninja was when we had the D-litter.

2017-08-10T08:48:01+00:00August 10th, 2017|

15 days old

2017-08-08T07:13:16+00:00August 4th, 2017|

Today the puppies are 15 days old, and they are doing fine. We have had a little loose stools on both Ninja and pups, but it has stabilized and their stomachs have settled. This sometimes happens without any particular reason, it can be something the mother has eaten, or bacterial or viral infections amongst other. The puppies are very lively and strong headed when it’s time for eating, and they pushes their way to the milk! They have all opened their eyes, and are becoming cuter each day! 

Days 0 3 7 15 %
 Pink 510 545 785 1055 107
 Green 455 470 655 870 91
 Purple 555 595 925 1015 83
 Yellow 540 510 760 935 73
 Blue 555 615 910 1120 102
 Beige 435 450 645 860 98
 Brown 480 495 715 940 96
 Black 545 625 900 1185 117
 Red 455 465 600 835 84
 Orange 500 520 760 1010 102


2017-08-08T07:13:16+00:00August 4th, 2017|

The G’s are here!

2017-08-04T15:05:13+00:00July 27th, 2017|

During July 20th, Ninja gave birth to 11 puppies, but sadly one was stillborn. But we have 10 wonderful little puppies, 5 males and 5 females. There are also 5 livernoses amongst them (3 males, 2 females), and all puppies has ridges. 1 black nosed female have an extra crown, and one livernosed male has a white sock on his left front leg. We haven’t found any DS at the moment, and all the puppies seems healthy and strong. More info about the puppies can be seen on the G-litter page. 

Days 0 3 7 %
 Pink 510 545 785 65
 Green 455 470 655 69
 Purple 555 595 925 60
 Yellow 540 510 760 71
 Blue 555 615 910 61
 Beige 435 450 645 67
 Brown 480 495 715 67
 Black 545 625 900 61
 Red 455 465 600 76
 Orange 500 520 760 66


2017-08-04T15:05:13+00:00July 27th, 2017|

The G-litter on it’s way

2017-08-01T23:56:34+00:00July 10th, 2017|

Our G-litter it’s on it’s way and are due around July 20th. The dam of the litter are our own Ninja, and the father is the Austrian male Zurimahali Fumo Red. You can read more about the planned litter and view pedigree and information about parents here

The pedigree consists of genetically valuable lines thru the old lines behind Fumo, which is also one of the biggest reasons we choose to do this combination. With this, we hope to maintain as high genetic variation as possible. On top of this, both Fumo and Ninja are easy going and social dogs, they have a great temperament with strong nerves and are easy to train and work with. They are off course healthy as can be, and we for sure hope that the puppies will be as great companions as their parents!

The photos of Ninja are taken at day 50 of pregnancy, and we are looking forward to see what’s hiding inside her belly! 

2017-08-01T23:56:34+00:00July 10th, 2017|

BPH with the D- and E-litter

2018-05-21T16:29:22+00:00May 30th, 2017|


2018-05-21T16:29:22+00:00May 30th, 2017|

NKK international show

2018-05-21T09:51:31+00:00March 18th, 2017|

We attended the Norwegian Kennel Club International Show in Kristiansand with Ninja, Pippi and Chaco. Pippi got a VG this time, and Ninja a plain excellent 2. But our young boy Chaco made it all the way to the top this time, gaining excellent 1 from Open class with CQ, and then taking Best Male 1 with CAC, CACIB and BOS!

2018-05-21T09:51:31+00:00March 18th, 2017|

NRRK Dog Sports Winners lists 2016

2018-05-21T11:51:00+00:00January 1st, 2017|

The Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback club (NRRK) organize a list where results from dog sports like rally obedience, obedience, agility, working trials and blood tracking are recorded. I’m proud to say that Ninja (Wayosi Chattahoochee) this year placed as the #1 winner of the rally obedience list, mainly competed at the age of 18-26 months old. She also placed as #2 winner of the obedience list. 

We have had several Wayosies competing in dog sports this year, and seeing 5 Wayosies on the lists makes me very proud! 

RL1 RL2 BH Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ Ninja
– #1 Best rally obedience dog 2016
– #2 Best obedience dog 2016
– #5 Most versatile RR 2016

RL1 Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive ~ Nixon
– #4 Best rally obedience dog 2016
– #12 Most versatile RR 2016

RL1 Wayosi Double Trouble ~ Tesla
– #5 Best rally obedience dog 2016
– #12 Most versatile RR 2016

Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
– # 13 Best rally obedience dog 2016
– #12 Most versatile RR 2016

RLDN RLDF SE VCH Wayosi A Kind Of Magic ~ Maggie
– #7 Best obedience dog 2016, Sweden
– #8 Best blood tracking dog 2016, Sweden

In addition we have “grandchildren” who has also competed and made us very proud:

SE VCH Oppigårdens Fimbul ~ Fimbe
(son of Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff)
– #1 Best blood tracking dog 2016, Sweden

LPI Anzantras Fenja Nansidotter
(daughter of Wayosi Anything But Ordinary ~ Hektor)
– #3 Best obedience dog 2016, Sweden

FI JV-15 SE VCH SE UCH Anzantras Grim Nansison
(son of Wayosi Anything But Ordinary ~ Hektor)
– #10 Best show dog 2016, Sweden

2018-05-21T11:51:00+00:00January 1st, 2017|

Last show of the year

2017-07-04T21:38:44+00:00December 30th, 2016|

December 28 and 29 we attended the last show of the year in Norway. I had entered Pippi, Chaco and Allie, and in addition Nala was entered. 

First out was Pippi who had her debut in junior class, and she showed her self in a super way, standing like she had never done other and was happy and alert as only Pippi can be. She was rewarded excellent and won the class, but did not get an CQ due to the judge wanted her color to be a little clearer. But that’s the color Pippi is.. 

Nala was entered in intermediate class, and did a great figure as always. She runs with super contact to her owner Caroline, so it’s not difficult to see that she is obediance trained 😉 Nala received an very good with a nice critique, but at the moment she is very unmature in her body, and she is also a very elegant female on the smaller side. But she is always happy and self confident in the ring, and has no problems with being checked by the judge, or with the other dogs. She is such a sweet girl! 

The next day we had the Airedales entered. Chaco was first out in intermediate class, and this was also his first entry to an official show. He did a great figure, and even if his show training are very limited he behaved like a pro and got excellent with CQ and was placed as best male 2 behind an champion. This gave us our first national CAC, which made me really proud of our young monkey Chaco! The judge Per Kristian Andersen also said that he would become a really nice male when maturing even more, and I was happy to hear that. In addition Chaco really showed his superb temperament by calmly laying down on the floor while people and other dogs where walking past him. He is so cool in his head, and has such a sweet character towards both people and other dogs. 

Next up was Allie, also in intermediate class and also first show entry. She was a little to intense and interested in the treats, so she was jumping a little bit during movement, and had a little struggle with standing still in front of the judge. But bearing in mind she have had one training session before, I have to say that she impressed me! She was awarded excellent, but the judge wanted her to mature more. But he also said that she had some good qualities, and would become a good looking dog with age. Her coat was not in super show condition at the moment, but hopefully my grooming skills develops slightly during the spring 😉 

2017-07-04T21:38:44+00:00December 30th, 2016|

Visiting Maggie’s puppies at Kennel Kawanda

2017-07-04T21:43:31+00:00December 6th, 2016|

Last weekend my mother and I travelled to Stockholm to look at Maggie‘s 5 puppies, at my good friend Hanna Karlsson (Kennel Kawanda). The puppies are out of Wayosi A Kind of Magic x Shelridge Aussie Rebel, and they were 33 days when we were visiting. I was happy to see that they are social, curious and playful and Maggie is a super mum, just like she was with our C-litter. The puppies also shows great exterior promise, and even if some has ridgefault, one shouldn’t be surprised if I would include some of them in my breeding plans in the future 😉

2017-07-04T21:43:31+00:00December 6th, 2016|

Pippi HD and ED free!

2017-07-04T21:48:58+00:00November 29th, 2016|

Pippis results from the HD (hip dysplasia) and ED (elbow dysplasia) x-ray has come back, and we are happy to see that she is free for both HD and ED, with HD: A/B and ED:0/0! 

2017-07-04T21:48:58+00:00November 29th, 2016|

Maggies puppies are here!

2017-07-04T07:30:21+00:00November 9th, 2016|

Finally they have arrived, the little halloween monsters after Maggie and Rebel (Shelridge Aussie Rebel) at Kawanda Kennel in Sweden.
Maggie carried 7 puppies, but two males were unfortunately stillborn. Left in the puppy box are 2 males (both correct) and 3 females (1 correct, 1 with multicrowns and 1 ridgeless). What a perfect little litter, you are going to have such a nice time with these puppies Hanna!

2017-07-04T07:30:21+00:00November 9th, 2016|

Upcoming litter in Sweden

2017-05-05T10:46:33+00:00October 30th, 2016|

Amazing Maggie are having her second litter in just a couple of days, at Kawanda kennel in Sweden. 
The pedigree consists of two of Europe’s most merited working ridgebacks, Rebel and Maggies dad, Sheriff. Maggie herself has also got working titles as well as good results from the show ring, as well as her daughter Ninja. Maggie is the 5th generation ridgeback with working-achievements and -titles in her lines. If you are interested in a puppy, contact: Hanna Karlsson or have a look at www.kennelkawanda.se.

IMG 3069kawanda a_v14webRebelMPweb MLH4746

2017-05-05T10:46:33+00:00October 30th, 2016|

New working results for the Wayosies

2017-05-05T10:47:05+00:00October 28th, 2016|

Since our last updates on working trials, we have gotten some new titles! Tesla and Nixon now has earned their RL1 title for taking 3 1.prizes in rally obedience class 1, and Ninja earned her RL2 title for taking 3 1.prizes in rally obedience class 2. Nala has gotten 2 1.prizes in RL1, and just need one more 1.prize for her RL1 title. Maggie earned her SEVCH (swedish blood tracking champion) title after taking 3 1.prizes in blood tracking.

I entered Ninja in RL3 at a competition in Eidsvoll, but because we had not trained much on the class 3 exercises I didn’t even expect to come around the course without being disqualified to to many repetitions or faulty execution. But Ninja had a lot of fun in the ring, and we almost knew all the exercises and we managed to get a 2.prize and was placed as #2 in the class! The day after we attended LP1 (obedience class 1), and without the biggest energy and motivation, I was quite happy with our 3.prize, only a few points from a 2.prize.

Nixon has also made us very proud, and has become approved as a visitor dog in the Norwegian Red Cross!


2017-05-05T10:47:05+00:00October 28th, 2016|

Article about kennel Wayosi

2017-05-05T10:47:41+00:00October 27th, 2016|

During the summer I was interviewed by the norwegian dog magazine “Hund & Fritid”. The article can be read HERE. There were also taken some photos which I really loved, by photographer Mike Hillingseter.

IMG 2192IMG 2193IMG 2196IMG 2198IMG 2199IMG 2201IMG 2200IMG 2202

2017-05-05T10:47:41+00:00October 27th, 2016|

Some new photos of Pippi

2017-05-05T10:48:00+00:00October 12th, 2016|

During the Rhodesian Ridgeback World Congress Show in Lund, Sweden, Monika Pehr took some photos of Pippi while she was shown in the puppy class, 8 months of age. Pippi is turning into a stunning young girl, even though she has more black hairs on her neck and tail tip than many appreciate. But for me this is just a minor detail, and I was well aware when I bought her as a young puppy that she would end up with this color palette. But I haven’t regretted my decision one single time, as she has the most wonderful personality and temper, and she has a body structure I just can’t stop looking at. She is everything I hoped for, and more! She has very strong bones, stands on tight and strong paws, everything on her body just flows into each other and she is balanced all over. Now she is 1 year old on just a couple of days, and we will do HD- and ED-xrays before christmas. 

160701RRWC MP06048-168160701RRWC MP06049-169160701RRWC MP06059-176edit160701RRWC MP06063-178

2017-05-05T10:48:00+00:00October 12th, 2016|

MT for Chaco, Allie, Nala and Storm

2017-05-05T10:48:17+00:00September 24th, 2016|

Friday, September 23 was spent deep in the Swedish woods together with judges and other ridgeback breeders for the annual MT (mentality test) arranged by Svenske Jägareforbundet. We had Chaco, Allie, Nala and Storm with us and they all did a very good test, taken into account their young age at 17 months and the quite stressful test this is. Both test protocols and video from the test can be found on each dogs own page.

The star of the day was without any doubt Allie, who did an absolutely wonderful test, showing her great nerves, with curiosity and playfullness, great concentration, no fears what so ever and great self esteem. Even if Allie is a family dog, and not trained and competed in dog sports, this test shows us that she has all the right qualities to be a successful working dog. And not to forget, that a dog with great nerves also is the best family dog, which is also just as important! For me it’s great to see that next generation of working line Airedales in Norway is secured! 

Nala showed her self just like we thought, and showed that she’s playful and very lively, very good nerves with good concentration and no remaining fears. She still needs to mature in her head, and when she does she will end up just as good as her mother Kiwi

The boys Chaco and Storm both did similar test, even though they are of two different breeds. They both showed that they are playful and happy, with few and no remaining fears. But the concentration wasn’t the best at the moment, and it was not difficult to see that there are quite some flies in the boys head at the time being 😉 When their puberty has landed, bot boys will for sure end up as solid male dogs with solid nerves. We are looking forward to their nest MT in a couple of years! 


2017-05-05T10:48:17+00:00September 24th, 2016|

Kennel Weekend 2016

2017-08-02T23:01:06+00:00September 4th, 2016|
2017-08-02T23:01:06+00:00September 4th, 2016|

Kennelweekend at the mountains

2017-05-05T10:48:55+00:00August 29th, 2016|

We have had a great weekend in the mountains at Skeikampen this weekend, together with our extended family. In total we had 17 dogs and 12 families attending, and it was quite a sight when everyone walked in a long line over the mountain! In the afternoon on saturday we had a funny competition before putting up the party tent and barbequeing together. This have become somewhat a tradition for us, and next year I’m looking forward to gathering the Wayosies again!

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2017-05-05T10:48:55+00:00August 29th, 2016|

The Rhodesian Ridgeback World Congress

2017-05-05T10:49:56+00:00July 2nd, 2016|

The last 4 years I have worked with the Rhodesian Ridgeback World Congress 2016 in Lund, Sweden together with the rest of the RRWC16 committee from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. As we were only ladies in this committee, it has been a real “girl power” committee, and even though we are all different personalities, we have worked very well together, and we are very proud of what we have managed to pull trough! On the website www.nordicrrwc.org you can follow the entire planning of the congress, and the entire program we put together as well as the congress program, are published and open for everyone to take part of. 

We had over 200 participants, from over 20 different countries, from all over the world and the congress hotel Scandic Star Lund was filled with rhodesian ridgeback enthusiasts the whole week. From what we experienced everyone was having a great time, discussing important topics and socializing with people that shares the same interests. I couldn’t imagine spending my vacation in a better way! 

Pippi and Ninja joined us at the congress, and I am thrilled with how these young girls behaved throughout the event. They spent quietly the days in the hotel room, making no noice and just relaxing, and joining me for a long walk in the nearby forest during the early mornings or late afternoon. Afterwards they politely followed me in the hotel lobby, cuddling with other people and steeling a small taste of some local beer from the low sofa tables in the lobby. They also attended the Norwegian and Swedish congress shows, showing themselves nicely.

Sheriff’s young son Fimbe (Oppigårdens Fimbul), brother to our own Penny, won the puppy class at the congress show in Sweden with a lovely critique, and became a little mascot of the congress with his sweet and loving personality, and his perfect size that fitted every lap perfectly 🙂 

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2017-05-05T10:49:56+00:00July 2nd, 2016|

Chaco’s first show

2017-05-05T10:56:09+00:00June 11th, 2016|

This weekend we had entered Chaco to his first show at the Airedale Open Show in Drammen. I was a little bit worried if he would be very interested in all the other dogs and would loose his concentration, but he totally surprised me and was behaving like a pro! He stood like a statue in the ring, only focusing on me and the treats. Outside the ring he wanted to kiss and cuddle with every people, and just wanted to play with the other dogs. Just like the wonderful dog we know him as from home. He was awarded excellent 1 in his class wita wonderful critique from judge Espen Engh, and was also given certificate quality. We were shotlisted in Best Male as 5th best male, but that is for sure a nice debut going against all the good looking and well trimmed males! 

 MLH4535 MLH4371 MLH4387 MLH4407

2017-05-05T10:56:09+00:00June 11th, 2016|

BPH with the B- and C-litter

2018-01-01T17:51:04+00:00May 23rd, 2016|

This weekend we traveled to Sweden together with 11 Wayosies from the B- and C-litter for their BPH (behaviour and personality test). I want to say a BIG thank you to all my fantastic puppy owners for taking time to travel here with us, it means the world to me!

All dogs did a good test, and even though they are all different individuals with their own personality, they all have good nerves with no remaining fears. Thanks to these tests, I know what I would have to have in foucus when planning my further litters. And thanks to these tests, the owners of these dogs knows a little more about their dogs, even if the results of the test did not surprise many of them 😉   

Photos from the BPH can be seen HERE. Each dogs page are updated with protocol and video of the test, the B-litter HERE  and the C-litter HERE.



2018-01-01T17:51:04+00:00May 23rd, 2016|

BPH with the B- and C-litter

2017-08-02T23:08:48+00:00May 23rd, 2016|
2017-08-02T23:08:48+00:00May 23rd, 2016|

Nala showing her paws in the obedience ring

2017-05-05T10:50:33+00:00May 6th, 2016|

Several Wayosises are starting to show their paws in the competition rings, and that makes me very happy! No matter what the results are, I am happy to see that they give it a try. And off course it makes me very proud when they have success in different types of dog sports.

Nala (Wayosi Dolly Dagger), our co-owned female from the D-litter passed the NKK’s bronze mark in obedience when she was barely 9 months old. Then she entered her first rally obedience class 1 last weekend where she was rewarded with a 1.prize with 187/200 points only 1 year old. Sister Tesla and half brother Nixon are also chasing that last 1.prize in rally obediemce class 1, to recieve the RL1 title. Keep going, we are cheering on you! 🙂


2017-05-05T10:50:33+00:00May 6th, 2016|

Nicki received her second CAC!

2017-05-05T10:51:05+00:00April 24th, 2016|

I had the pleasure of showing Nicki (Wayosi Could It Be Magic) on national dog show in Eidsvoll this weekend. She received excellent 1 with CQ and CAC on Saturday, but “only” excellent on Sunday. This means Nicki has gotten 2 “small” CAC’s from 4 shows entered, and she needs to get one NKK CAC to fulfill her champion title. Same applies for her sister Ninja as well, so I guess we will be chasing those “big” CAC’s this year! 

It’s a pleasure showing Nicki and even though she has hardly had any training at all standing still, being touched and looked at teeth by strangers, she managed very well and wagged her tail and jumped like a silly puppy around in the ring 🙂 A little more training are needed before competing with the “big girls”. 


2017-05-05T10:51:05+00:00April 24th, 2016|


2017-08-02T23:11:35+00:00April 19th, 2016|
2017-08-02T23:11:35+00:00April 19th, 2016|

New title for Ninja!

2017-05-05T10:51:28+00:00April 14th, 2016|

Today I had signed Ninja up for the FCI BH trial (begleithundtest/ferdselsprøve). BH is a trial which I know of only one other Rhodesian Ridgeback in Norway who has passed this trial before, and thats her grandfather Sheriff

The test consists of temperament test, companion test on the training field, heeling on leash, helling off leash, sit exercise, down in connection with recall and down under distraction. It also consists of testing in traffic, encounter with a group of people, encounter with bicyclist, encounter with cars, encounter with joggers or inline skaters, encounter with other dogs and behaviour of the tethered dog towards other animals when left alone. For a slower and less motivated dog like the Rhodesian Ridgeback, the obedience in this test are really not an easy task. But I’m proud to say that Ninja passed the test, and at the age of 21 months she can add her second title to her name. Her new name is now RL1 BH Wayosi Chattahoochee! 


2017-05-05T10:51:28+00:00April 14th, 2016|

Isi, Ninja, Sheriff and Pippi at home

2017-08-02T23:14:49+00:00April 6th, 2016|
2017-08-02T23:14:49+00:00April 6th, 2016|

Isi won her last leg for the RL3 title!

2017-05-05T10:58:33+00:00April 3rd, 2016|

I had entered Ninja and Isi to rally obedience competition in Drammen today, in class 2 and 3 respectively. In addition had Tesla and Nixon been entered in class 1, and I had gotten stricted commands to not come before they had finished their rounds, because they can’t concentrate with me around 😉 But these young dogs did a great job, and I am very proud of them and their owners! Tesla managed to get 170/200 points, which means her second a 1.prize in class 1. Nixon was a little to curious about the smells in the floor, but managed to get 164/200 points, just a couple of points from his third 1.prize and the RL1 title. But next time! 🙂

Ninja was first out for , and after a rather disapointing round last time a couple of weeks ago, I had a great feeling this time, and Ninja followed me nicely round the whole course. We got some points penalties here and there, but ended up with 180 points, which gave us our first leg towards the RL2 title, and promotion to class 3. 

Isi was first contestant in class 3, and because she is quite energetic, she needs a good preparation before entering the ring. I briefed half time, and used 5 minutes of briefing time to prepare Isi and getting her down to earth. When it was time to enter the ring, she felt a little unfocused, but with her perfect attitude as always. We had a great round, and in the end 3 had the same points, but we were the fastest and ended up winning the class with 198 points! This was our last leg towards the RL3 title, and Isi’s name is now NH RL1 RL2 RL3 D’Isolde von de Drift. Next time we will try out in elite class 🙂

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2017-05-05T10:58:33+00:00April 3rd, 2016|

Welcome to Norway, Penny!

2017-05-05T10:58:18+00:00March 14th, 2016|

January 15, 2016 Sheriff became a daddy again, at the age of 10,5 years. Oppigårdens Hjärter Ess was mated naturally, and the result was 7 correct puppies. We just couldn’t resist, and we are super happy to present Oppigårdens Snöflinga ~ Penny as a new member of the Wayosi family! She is co-owned with Anette and Kjetil who lives just 5 minutes from us, and hopefully she will be a part of our breeding program in the future. 

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2017-05-05T10:58:18+00:00March 14th, 2016|

Welcome to Norway, Pippi!

2017-05-05T10:57:56+00:00February 21st, 2016|

In 2015 I came across a planned litter that contained some lines I had been curious about for some time, and my good friend Hanna said “why don’t you buy a puppy?” So I kept a close eye on the combination, and as time went by the idea seemed less and less crazy. Lucky for me, the breeder Hanka Pankova was interested in sending a puppy to Norway, and 2 days before Christmas, I went to Prague, Czech to take a look at the puppies. I got a warm welcome by the breeder and her family, and I was very impressed by the lovely temperament of the dogs in the house, who are mother, auntie and grandmother of the puppies. So the decision was easy; this was lines I wanted to include in my kennel. There was especially one little special puppy that caught my eye, with her dark eyes and confident personality. So it had to be her, no matter what! Filippa Rouge Qwandoya is her name, and she is after Bayo´s Diamond for Qwandoya and Aston Martin Cieply Dom. Her pedigree consists of Scandinavian, American, Canadian, South African and Czech lines, many of them new to me. I want to thank Hanka Pankova at Qwandoya kennel for the trust in sending her to me, and to Nikola Pankova for keeping her safe for me until she was old enough to enter Norway.

As I wanted her to have a strong name, I decided to call her after another strong personality, Pippi Longstocking. So Pippi is her call name, and she seems to live up to that name 🙂 Welcome to Norway Pippi, we can’t wait to get to know you better! 

Ninja joined me to pick her up, and with her self assured and calm temper, she was a great support for Pippi on her long journey home to Norway. 

 MLH0815 MLH2449 MLH2465 MLH2467 


2017-05-05T10:57:56+00:00February 21st, 2016|

Isi 195/200 points in RL3

2017-05-05T10:59:31+00:00February 1st, 2016|

This weekend I had entered Isi (D’Isolde von de Drift) and Ninja (Wayosi Chattahoochee) in Rally Obedience class 3 and 2 respectively. First out was Ninja, but sadly I forgot a sit, and this disqualified us.. Without it we would have had a 1.prize. Then Isi entered class 3, and we had a veru nice flow and a nice round, and managed to get 195/200 points, and got our first leg towards the RL3 title and promotion to elite class! What great dogs I have!

2017-05-05T10:59:31+00:00February 1st, 2016|

Working Rhodesian Ridgebacks 2015!

2017-05-05T11:00:15+00:00January 22nd, 2016|

The Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback Club has a list over ridgebacks that attends different dog sport competitions, to motivate owners to train and compete with their dogs. Rhodesian Ridgeback is not the easiest dog to train and compete with, as they always has their own will and own way of doing things 😉 But I think it is wonderful to see that people are trying their best, and that they enter their dogs to competitions. In 2015 there was 23 ridgebacks that had attended one or more dogs sports as obedience, rally obedience, nordic working trials, agility or field tracking in Norway, and each sport has it’s own “best of” list. There are as well an “most versatile” list, where you compete with the best result obtained in each dog sport, and the dogs are ranked after how many dog sports they have attended, and how many points in total. I’m proud to say that we had 3 dogs on the lists, and I hope we have even more in 2016! Sheriff is by far the oldest dog on this list, and I am proud to see his name as #9 on the Rally Obedience list of 2015, wit only 3 starts. Not bad for the old man! 🙂

Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ Ninja:
– 3rd Most Versatile RR 2015
– 8th best Rally Obedience dog

Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff
– 13th Most Versatile RR 2015
– 9th best Rally Obedience dog

Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive ~ Nixon
– 14th Most Versatile RR 2015
– 3rd best Rally Obedience dog


2017-05-05T11:00:15+00:00January 22nd, 2016|

We welcome 7 new puppies after Sheriff!

2017-05-05T11:00:42+00:00January 16th, 2016|

We are happy to announce the arrival of 7 little (big!) wonders (3 males, 4 females) from wonderful Oppigårdens Hjärter Ess (Lai), sired by our grand old man Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff, after natural mating at the age of 10,5 years old ❤
All puppies seems correct so far, and we also have one livernosed female. Looking forward to see them grow up! Congratulations to Eva Bryntse at Oppigårdens kennel with this litter!


2017-05-05T11:00:42+00:00January 16th, 2016|

First dog show of the year

2017-05-05T11:01:03+00:00January 11th, 2016|

Last week Ninja and I jumped in the car and drove to Gothenburg to attend MyDog dog show Thursday and Friday. In Gothenburg we met up with Ninja’s mother Maggie and her owner Hanna. We had 2 very nice days together, and also got to meet Maggies sister Juno and her owners Emma and Sebastian! Thank you for the lovely dinner! 🙂 

Maggie recieved Excellent both days, for 2 very strict judges. She was also placed as number 2 in open class with CQ both days. Ninja received Very Good the first day, and Excellent 2 with CQ the next day. Both girls behaved perfectly the whole time, being calm and well behaved during the hotel stay and at the show ground, and that makes me very happy 🙂 

 MLH1140  MLH1332  MLH1301  MLH1083

2017-05-05T11:01:03+00:00January 11th, 2016|

MyDog 2016

2017-08-02T23:13:22+00:00January 11th, 2016|

 Photos from MyDog 2016 in Gothenburg.

2017-08-02T23:13:22+00:00January 11th, 2016|

Last dog show of 2015

2017-05-05T09:28:55+00:00December 29th, 2015|

On the last show in Norway this year, we had entered 4 dogs. Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~Sheriff (10,5 years) was entered for “the fun of it” and gained excellent in veteran class. I am happy with an excellent, however I do feel that he is worthy of a CQ as well, as he is, like many commented, in a very good condition for his age. But oh well, it’s just a show 😉

My younger sister Tina (15 years old) was howing Ninja (Wayosi Chattahoochee) for me in intermediate class, and she did a great job with Ninja! They received excellent 2 and CQ, but was not placed in Best Female class. I had the pleasure of showing Ninjas sister Nicki (Wayosi Could It Be Magic) in intermediate class, and she received Excellent 1 and QC, and ended up with Best Female 4 and her first CAC!! It’s only her second show, so I hope we can collect more CAC’s in the future as well 🙂  At last I was showing sweet Fia (Wayosi Beautiful Monster) in open class, and she received a very good with a nice critique. But she was probably the happiest dog at the show this day, and I had a hard time keeping her legs on the ground 😉

 MLH0956  MLH0953

2017-05-05T09:28:55+00:00December 29th, 2015|

New photos of my pack

2017-05-05T11:01:48+00:00December 22nd, 2015|
Sheriff is not getting any younger, and I wanted to take some new photos of Sheriff, Ninja and Isi together. I managed to get some decent photos of them, before the light disappeared for me, and one of these photos are now hanging on our living room wall.
 MLH0779  MLH0787  MLH0801
2017-05-05T11:01:48+00:00December 22nd, 2015|

Nordic Winner Show 2015 in Stockholm

2018-01-01T17:55:11+00:00December 13th, 2015|

This weekend Ninja and I stepped on the express train to Stockholm for a weekend together with Hanna and Maggie, as well as Nordic Winner Show. Ninja behaved like an angel during our travel, even though the train was almost 2 hours delayed. So proud! On Saturday we had booked an indoor dog training hall and got to train some obedience, agility and show training. After this, Hanna surprised me with appointment with a photographer , and we got to take a lot of wonderful photos of our dogs! Thank you so much Hanna! You can see all the photos here

On Sunday, the Nordic winner show was on our schedule. Ninja had her last entry in junior class, and managed to get excellent and was placed as #2 with CQ. Maggie was also rewarded excellent, and was placed as #3 with CQ in a large open class. Only class winners was picked to compete for best male/female class. After the show we headed for the central station and jumped on the train back to Norway, this time on schedule. And Ninja was still well behaved, and so did even the other dog people on the train complement on 🙂

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2018-01-01T17:55:11+00:00December 13th, 2015|

All the x-rays for the C-litter are in!

2017-05-05T11:02:51+00:00December 7th, 2015|
Now all the dogs from the C-litter have been x-rayed, and I am very satisfied with the result! I am super happy that all 10 from the litter are x-rayed, and I am ever grateful to my puppy buyers who takes such good care of their dogs, and follow my directions with x-rays 🙂
Wayosi Charlie Brown ~ KIITO   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Casino Boogie ~ LILLEBROR   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Coat Of Many Colors ~ OLAF   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Circle Of Life ~ TED    HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Cannonball ~ ATLAS   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Constant Motion ~ LUCKY   HD:A/A ED:0/1
Wayosi Could It Be Magic ~ NICKI   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Come Dance With Me ~ POPPY   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Chattahoochee ~ NINJA   HD:A/A ED:0/0
Wayosi Crazy For You ~ CRAZY   HD:B/C ED:0/0
2017-05-05T11:02:51+00:00December 7th, 2015|

Lure coursing with Fia and Ninja

2018-01-01T17:56:47+00:00November 6th, 2015|

A while ago we found out that ridgebacks would be allowed to join lure coursing (LC) training arranged by a sighthound group in our area, and so we entered both Fia and Ninja. Both girls are very eager to run and chase, so we thought they would find this meaningful. And they sure did! Both girls chased the lure like they had never done anything else, and had a blast! Fia probably found the meaning with life in this sport, and she was more than eagerly following the other dogs from the side line. We had a super day, and will definitely do this again if we get the chance 🙂 Two videos of Ninja and Fia running can be seen under. More photos here

 MLH0523  MLH0508  MLH0577  MLH0654

2018-01-01T17:56:47+00:00November 6th, 2015|

Lure coursing training

2017-08-02T23:17:33+00:00November 1st, 2015|
2017-08-02T23:17:33+00:00November 1st, 2015|

New rally obedience titles for Ninja and Isi

2017-05-05T11:07:40+00:00October 30th, 2015|
Today I had entered Ninja in rally-O class 1 and Isi in rally-O class 2 in Drammen. They both needed one more 1.prize in their classes to qualify for the RL1 (rally obedience 1) and RL2 (rally obedience 2) respectively. And both girls made me very proud and did a great job. The indoor hall was very noisy and there were a lot of dogs, and despite some minor faults, Ninja recieved 185 points of 200, and Isi 186 points of 200. Ninja will now only listen to the name RL1 Wayosi Chattahoochee and Isi is now RL1 RL2 BH D’ Isolde von de Drift 🙂


2017-05-05T11:07:40+00:00October 30th, 2015|

Ninja and Isi strikes again in rally obedience

2017-05-05T11:08:04+00:00October 24th, 2015|

My little rally rats strikes again, and I’m so proud! I had entered Isi and Ninja to rally obedience at Hadeland Hundeklubb today, in class 2 and 1 respectively. It was very nice to see many ridgebacks entered, and off course it was nice to meet many good “dog friends” again! 🙂 

Isi had a great round, and became #2 of 25 entries with 195/200 points and her third consecutive 1.prize in rally class 2! Ninja (only 15 months old) was #9 of 51 entries with 194/200 points and her second consecutive 1.prize in rally class 1. Great work of both of them, and it was such a great feeling to enter the rally ring with them both. 

Nixonalso entered class 1 and got a 3.prize today. There was some very good smells in the floor, that was hard to forget 😉

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2017-05-05T11:08:04+00:00October 24th, 2015|

Mentality test

2017-08-03T08:26:07+00:00October 3rd, 2015|
Saturday October 3, 2015 we spent the day in the Swedish forrest in Sätra, Karlsborg. We tested Nixon, Fia, Ninja, Nicki, Poppy, Kiito and Maggie on Svänska Jägareforbundets mentality test (MT) and we learned a lot about our dogs! 
2017-08-03T08:26:07+00:00October 3rd, 2015|

Mentality test with 7 Wayosies

2018-01-01T17:58:54+00:00October 3rd, 2015|

The first weekend in October we travelled to Sweden with 7 Wayosi dogs – NixonFiaNinjaNickiKiitoPoppy and Maggie, for mentality test (MT) by Svenske Jägareforbundet in Sätra, Karlsborg. This is one of my favorite mentality tests for dogs, and we recommend this test for everyone, even though it is unofficial at the time being. Most dogs we travelled with are still very young, and this test is a quite hard test for such young dogs. Their age are taken into account when we summarize the results, and the main goal with this test is to know a little more about the mental qualites of our dogs, and how we could use these experients in the training of these young dogs to get the best possible dog when grown up. An official test is planned for the B- and C-litter in May 2016.

We got to know our dogs even better, and we got the answer to some questions we had wondered about. In general I am proud to have bred playful, social and kind dogs with good nerves, and we all learned a thing or three about how we should continue the obedience training to form the best dog possible. A lot of photos from the tests can bee seen HERE. Protocol and video can bee seen at the respective dogs pages. 

 MLH0030  MLH9975  MLH9902  MLH0197

2018-01-01T17:58:54+00:00October 3rd, 2015|

150927 ~ Puppy meeting with the D- and E-litter

2017-05-24T09:12:29+00:00September 27th, 2015|
Today we had a small puppy meeting in the forrest with the D-litter and E-litter. From the D-litter StormTesla and Nala was joining us, and from the E-litter ChacoQuattro and Allie came. Storm’s big brother Kani from our A-litter also came, as well as Tesla’s big sister Punky, and Airedale Terrier Uno. The dogs had such fun together and appreciated each others company. More photos can be seen here

 MLH9781  MLH9791  MLH9855  MLH9863

2017-05-24T09:12:29+00:00September 27th, 2015|

Puppy meeting D- and E-litter

2017-08-03T08:22:40+00:00September 27th, 2015|
2017-08-03T08:22:40+00:00September 27th, 2015|

Maggie BOS with CAC and CACIB in Finland

2017-05-05T11:10:29+00:00September 26th, 2015|

Maggieand owner Hanna travelled to Finland this weekend for the international show in Ekerö. They went all the way to Best Female with Finnish CAC, CACIB and BOS. Big congratulations to Hanna and Maggie, job well done! 

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2017-05-05T11:10:29+00:00September 26th, 2015|

More grandchildren from Sheriff planned for 2015/2016

2017-05-05T11:11:03+00:00September 22nd, 2015|

During 2015 and 2016 there are several planned litters with offsprings from Sheriff, and we are looking forward to welcome more grandchildren to the world! Sheriff so far has 3 grandchildren litters, which has turned out quite well if I may say so myself. So of course we are looking forward to see the results of these planned litters as well! 🙂

Sabaku Inus Chocoreto of Sheriff ~ Aka and Sabaku Inus Chie of Sheriff ~ Cayenne will both have litters at Sabaku Inus kennel during 2016.

Sabaku Inus Chikako of Sheriff ~ Kiiro will sire a litter in Norway winter 2015/2016 at Kennel Kelango, with Kelango’s Arif Beautiful Troja. There are also one other litter planned for Kiiro during winter 2015/1016, but not official yet.

Our own Wayosi Anything But Ordinary ~ Hektor will sire a litter 2015/2016 with Shavano’s One and Only Alva ~ Alva at Veckdalby’s kennel in Sweden.

2017-05-05T11:11:03+00:00September 22nd, 2015|

Report from the last months

2017-05-05T11:12:06+00:00September 19th, 2015|

It’s been almost 5 months since our D-litter and E-litter came to the world, in the evening of April 22. In total 16 puppies, 10 Rhodesian Ridgebacks and 6 Airedale Terriers. I was blessed with wonderful puppy buyers, and all the puppies got to go to loving and caring homes. Now the puppies are 5 months old in 3 days, and they are all doing great. Most of them have lost their puppy teeth to their owners big delight, and especially the ridgebacks have used their teeth quite a lot 😉 The reports have been good, and no one have had big issues that couldn’t be solved or explained with some guidance for either me, our Wayosi community or their puppy school instructors. Now a new era begins, and in a couple of months the little ones will start their puberty with all the ups and downs that follows. But I am sure this period also will go smoothly, and sooner than we know they will be grown up.. Close to all puppies have attended one or several puppy classes, some have attended tracking courses, and some have shown their paws in puppy shows already with BOB and BOS as result.  

I have not found the time to update the website with photos etc from the puppies this summer, but the last couple of days I have updated each puppies album a little bit with photos I have gotten, and stolen from Facebook profiles of the owners 🙂 Hopefully the albums will be filled up with new photos during their first year of life! 

Other than that the rest of the Wayosies have been around a little bit. Nixon has competed in rally obedience several times, and scores higher and higher points each time. Him and Bente have gotten their first 1.prize in class 1, and I am sure more will follow shortly. Maggie has been showing her feet in the show ring with excellent and placements in strong Open classes. FiaKiwi and Kiito have attended rally obedience classes, Nicki has attended obedience classes and Ninja and Kiito have attended blood tracking class. Some dogs have underwent some surgeries as well, and everyone is good to go again. Juba has been castrated, Aragorn has been castrated due to over production of testosterone, Buddy has removed a non descended testicle and Ted has first recovered from a complicated surgery after complete tendon rupture earlier this year, and then removed a DS in his neck. But they are all fit for fight again, and I am happy to see that we have not had any serious health issues to speak off so far!

In a couple of weeks we will do mentality test in Sweden with 7 dogs, and I can’t wait to see how the dogs will react. Mentality in dogs is one of my biggest passions as breeder, and I never get tired of watching mentality tests. So I look forward to an eventful weekend, and I will publish full report afterwards 🙂

150720Elza2 150720Quattro1 150720Storm9 150720Catch3

2017-05-05T11:12:06+00:00September 19th, 2015|

Ninja and Isi in rally obedience

2017-05-05T11:13:25+00:00September 16th, 2015|

Last weekend I had entered Ninja and Isi in Rally Obedience class 1 and 2, respectively. Ninja is only 14 months old, and her head is sometimes filled with flies and the concentration is not always the best. But, she need the competition training, because after all, I have ambitions competing with her like I did with grandfather Sheriff. Ninja did a super job, following me nicely all the way, she was not bothered by all the other dogs and people around the ring, and her concentration was perfect all the way from start to end. To my delight, we were rewarded with 185/200 points and 1.Prize, which means our first leg towards the RL1 title! We became #7 of almost 30 dogs, well done of such a young dog! 

Isi never lets me down, and neither did she this time! The mistakes we did, is because of me, and Isi just does like she is told. She’s the most honest dog I ever had the pleasure of competing with, and she loves to work. We also ended up with 186/200 points, which is 1.prize and leg towards the RL2 title. This is actually Isi’s 2nd leg in class 2, but due to some miscalculations from myself regarding time after giving birth to puppies, I myself withdraw the first result. So we will for sure competing more this fall! 

We had the pleassure of having Isi’s son Chaco here for the weekend, and he joined us at the competition. He is so cool and relaxed, and hopefully he will just as easy to work with as his mother and father 🙂

 MLH9539  MLH9457  MLH9512  MLH9543

2017-05-05T11:13:25+00:00September 16th, 2015|

Kennel weekend 2015 at Beitostølen

2017-08-03T08:24:27+00:00September 3rd, 2015|
August 28 to August 30 we had a wonderful kennel weekend at Beitostølen. We were almost 20 dogs and 15 families who spent the weekend together and explored Norway’s beautiful nature.  I feel blessed that so many wanted to come with us, and I think that we might be even more next year. Fantastic! 

2017-08-03T08:24:27+00:00September 3rd, 2015|

Wayosi kennel weekend 2015

2018-01-01T18:00:42+00:00August 31st, 2015|
Last weekend we had a wonderful weekend at Beitostølen, Wayosi kennel weekend 2015. This weekend we were lucky to see Juba, Kani, Leon, Juno and Maggie from the A-litter, Nixon, Fia and Buddy from the B-litter, Ninja, Kiito, Atlas, Olaf, Lillebror and Poppy from the C-litter, Storm and Wilma from the D-litter and Chaco from the E-litter. Isi, Kiwi and Uno also joined us. With this, we were 20 dogs and 15 families together, and it was so wonderful to spend the weekend together! On Saturday we headed towards Synshorn (1475 meters above sea), and both people and dogs was tired and happy when back at the cabins. The evenings was spent outside together with everyone, and we had a great time talking and laughing. A lot more photos can be seen here
 MLH9102 IMG 6298  MLH9063  MLH9038
2018-01-01T18:00:42+00:00August 31st, 2015|

We almost lost him… But he’s still here!

2018-01-01T18:02:52+00:00July 31st, 2015|
July 9 we were packing our car and headed towards Stockholm, Sweden for the Swedish Rhodesian Speciality show Friday-Sunday. Ninja was entered in obedience class 1 and the show, and Sheriff was entered in veteran class. I had been looking forward to meeting good friends again, as well as meeting some of Sheriff’s wonderful offsprings and enter breeding class with Sheriff and offsprings from 3 different litters. We arrived in Stockholm in the afternoon on Thursday, and had a great time together with Maggie, Crazy and their wonderful owners. 
After giving the dogs food back at the hotel, Sheriff suddenly started to look uncomfortable and was vomiting without anything coming up. I immediately recognized the symptoms – gastric bloat – and less than 1 hour later we were at the veterinary clinic. Gastric bloat was diagnosed with x-ray, and operation was the only solution. Sheriff was given 1 liter intravenous fluids before the operation to improve the blood pressure, as well as heavy pain killers. He was operated between 02.00 and 04.00, and I was so happy when we got the phone call we had been waiting for at 05.30, telling us that the operation went well, and that he was awake and in good shape. He had to stay at the hospital until 16.00 on Friday, but then he was allowed to come home with us. The vet’s would preferably keep him at the hospital for another day, but as they said: “He is acting like a typical ridgeback, and does not want to be here. We think he will be better of coming home and relaxing”. So we drove home the same evening, happy that we still had Sheriff with us, but sad to have missed the obedience trials and the speciality show. 
Sheriff has always been a healthy dog and never needed any kind of veterinary care, even if he has been a very active dog, and having an eventful life compared to most dogs. But after he turned 8 years, he has had his portion of bad luck, or perhaps lack of self control… He started of right after his 8 year birthday with removing a broken tooth that had caused a tooth root abscess. Then he fractured one of the phalanges on the back toe in a jump over one of our dog gates to the kitchen, placed there to keep the dogs out…. But he had no signs of pain, so we left it untreated. Then he smashed his tail into the door, dislocating some vertebras, giving him a z-shaped tail if looked from behind. Then we removed two lumps which luckily turned out to be benign, one on the shoulder and one in the middle of the ridge, leaving his ridge funny looking. Then he had to undergo a splenectomy (read more about that event here) which he quickly recovered from. But only 1 month later he had a gas distention, witch could be treated with tubes and emptying the stomach. 6 months after that he broke in to the garbage and ate snuff, and got a nicotine poisoning…
I have asked myself what’s the reason for the first gas distention and the gastric bloat is, and if there was something I could have done differently. When traveling to Stockholm, I had been noticing that Sheriff had been panting heavily in the cage, and was stressed. The last year he has gotten car sick, and from being totally relaxed in the car, he has now gotten stressed in the car. Maybe it’s the age? But stress like this is also said to provoke gastric torsion in dogs.
But when we were at control 1 week after the gastric torsion surgery, the vet told me that the gastric torsion probably was due to the fact that his spleen is removed. I was told that the spleen is placed next to the stomach, and the spleen would normally give the stomach some kind of support because the spleen is attached to the stomach by the gastrosplenic ligament and its blood supply.. Several articles have described gastric torsion after splenectomy in large size dogs, so it’s probably some correlation between loss of support from the spleen, as well as more space in the chest. When looked back, there would probably be a good idea to do a gastropexy (fixing the stomach to the ribs) during the splenectomy. But this is not something that’s being done routinely in Norway. But if I ever have a dog that has to undergo a splenectomy again, I would probably ask for a gastropexy if possible, now that I have experienced this with Sheriff. 
Sheriff has now recovered, and he actually recovered extremely fast. I will split his feedings into 3 or 4 portions per day, and be extra careful after feeding, and probably not take him for long trips in the car anymore. He has always been such a big clumsy clown, and I sure hope he will stay with me for some more years.
Thank you to the professional help at Bagarmossen Djursjukhus when we needed help. Sheriff was in the best hands when it happened!
150710 02 150710 03 150710 09 150710 11 
 MLH8287  MLH8497  MLH8561  MLH8598
2018-01-01T18:02:52+00:00July 31st, 2015|

Isi, Ninja and Kiito

2017-08-03T08:31:16+00:00July 15th, 2015|
2017-08-03T08:31:16+00:00July 15th, 2015|

First x-rays from the C-litter are in!

2017-05-07T18:43:32+00:00July 14th, 2015|
Ninja, Atlas, Kiito and Nicki from our C-litter have done their HD and ED x-rays and I am happy to see that they all have A/A hips and 0/0 elbows! The rest of them will do their x-rays during the next months. Ted will have to wait a bit longer for his x-rays, after a complete tendon rupture in April. He seems to have recovered well, and some months of rehabilitation is waiting for him. But our sweet little Ted is doing great, and we are so happy to see that! Other than that, the dogs in this litter are very kind and sweet dog, and at the moment they are in the middle of their puberty, with all the challenges that gives 😉
Ninja Atlas Kiito Nicki
2017-05-07T18:43:32+00:00July 14th, 2015|

Our A-litter is 4 years old today

2017-05-07T18:44:35+00:00July 8th, 2015|

Today our A-litter turns 4 years old, happy birthday Varga, Enya, Juba, Maggie, Juno, Hektor, Leon, Kaizer, Aragorn and Kani! Everyone is still healthy and happy, and they have turned into the most loyal and friendly companions you can imagine. Maggie have given birth to 10 wonderful puppies in our C-litter, from wich we kept our beloved Ninja, and Hektor have sired 11 wonderful puppies at Kennel Anzantra in Sweden. I hope you all get some extra attention and that your owners spoil you a little extra today 🙂

 MLH5468  MLH5998  MLH6529  MLH7415

2017-05-07T18:44:35+00:00July 8th, 2015|

Happy birthday to Sheriff and our C-litter

2017-05-07T18:45:10+00:00June 26th, 2015|
My precious boy Kuzonga’s Cheriff ~ Sheriff celebrates his 10th birthday today, and he will be greatly spoiled today! Sheriff is in a great shape, and he for sure does not act as if he is 10 years old. He still loves to go for long walks  and reading the “daily news”, running in the forrest and he is a happy lad when I take him obedience or tracking training. I hope that he will stay healthy and strong for many many more years, and he will always have a special place in my heart as my first own dog, and all the ups and downs we have experienced together. 
1 year ago Sheriff’s daughter Maggie decided to give birth to our C-litter, and so Ninja and her siblings are sharing same birthday as their grandfather Sheriff. We wish Kiito, Lillebror, Olaf, Ted, Atlas, Lucky, Nicki, Poppy and Crazy a happy birthday, and hope you get spoiled rotten today! 🙂 The C-litter are doing great, and most females have had their first heat now. They are all in and out of pubertal periods, and from time to time they can be quite challenging – just like expected 😉 But they are all sweet and social puppies, and are dearly loved by their families. Thank you all for taking such good care of your little monster babies! 
 MLH7358  MLH7387  MLH5426  MLH6305stort
2017-05-07T18:45:10+00:00June 26th, 2015|

Our every day life is normalized!

2017-05-07T18:59:37+00:00June 24th, 2015|
7 months ago we were waiting for Kiwi to start her heat, and 5 months ago she finally started her heat… 5 months ago we waited for Kiwi to be mated with Maidens Kalahari Kandy, and hoped that Isi would wait until march before she started her heat. 4.5 months ago Isi started her heat, and 4 months ago Kiwi decided, after 30 days of heat, to mate with Kandy. The exact same day, Isi decided she was ready to be mated with Ayk von Erikson.. And since we could not wait until next heat with either of them, we decided to go for it!
To our delight, and surprise, both Kiwi and Isi got pregnant, and April 22, 2015 our D-litter and E-litter was born. We managed to deliver two litters the same day, with great help from my mother Marit, and Kiwi’s co-owners Hilde and Stig. Both births was finished within 4 hours each, and there was no complications. I am grateful that everything went to smoothly! So the next 2 months we have been occupied with raising the little monsters, and to my big delight, Kiwi and Isi could go together with their puppies, from 6 weeks of age, as one big happy family. They have been in their own puppy boxes during the nights, but spent time together outside during the days. Even though much work, busy times and little sleep, it has been a wonderful time. We have spent many hours driving around with the pups divided into smaller groups, visiting friends, going to the forest and giving them many experiences. It has been very interesting to see how different these two litters have been, even though they are born on the same day. Breed differences for sure! But now I am very happy to be back in our daily routines, being back at work and giving the other dogs the attention they need. 
The puppies have gotten their own individual pages on the website, the D-litter here and the E-litter here. We have also updated the D-litter puppy blog and E-litter puppy blog with the last update with photos of them and their new families. 
 MLH6691  MLH6672  MLH6473  MLH6746
2017-05-07T18:59:37+00:00June 24th, 2015|

The E-litter and their new families

2017-05-07T20:20:34+00:00June 21st, 2015|
The puppies have now left us to start their new lives in their new families. They have all gotten wonderful families, and that makes the whole prosess easier and not so sad. I am looking forward to following the little ones in their new homes, and I am sure they will be taken care of the best way possible!
I have made individual pages for all the puppies, which can be found here. Congratulations with your new family member, and welcome to the Wayosi family 🙂
The only puppy I have not gotten a photo with his new family yet, is little Mister Blue, which is now called Chaco and will stay in the family, and live with his great grand uncle Ecco and my father 🙂
 MLH7117  MLH7140  MLH7214  MLH7263  MLH7302
2017-05-07T20:20:34+00:00June 21st, 2015|

The D-litter and their new families

2017-07-30T10:23:36+00:00June 21st, 2015|
Our puppies have now left us to start their new lives in their new families. It is sad when they leave, but on the other hand I am so happy with the wonderful families we have found, and I am sure they will be taken care of the best way possible! 
I have made individual pages for all the puppies, which can be found here. Congratulations with your new family member, and welcome to the Wayosi family 🙂
2017-07-30T10:23:36+00:00June 21st, 2015|

Leaving for their new lifes

2017-05-07T20:23:15+00:00June 16th, 2015|
The puppies are 55 days old today, and today the first puppies leave for their new homes. I can’t believe that the time has flewn by as fast as it has, but I guess the time flies when you are having fun 🙂 When you have 16 puppies at home, as well as 4 adult dogs to take care of, it’s safe to say that it’s not much time left to other things than keeping up with the puppies. I have been home from work since the puppies was 4 weeks old, and I am happy I have the possibility to take such long tome off work, and that I have a very understanding boss!
The puppies have grown for each day, and for each day they have shown more and more personality and temperament. We have taken them car driving a number of times, they have visited my mothers garden like all our litters get to do, they have been to the forrest, to my fathers house, to the beach, to my friend Camilla’s house on the country with 3 younger children and chasing around in our own barn which is a very exiting place for young pups. We have done everything we can to prepare them for the big world, and I am sure they will handle it perfectly. These puppies loves people, they are fearless and curious and they have a high drive for playing and carrying things around. Maybe they have learned a thing or two from the Airedales? 🙂
Look here for individual photos at day 42 and 49, as well as photos from the visit to my mothers garden.

  MLH7009  MLH6746  MLH6696  MLH6804 

Days/g  0  17 21 30 42 49
Purple 485g 1380g 1680g 2380g 4140g 5330g
Yellow 405g 1105g 1445g 2180g 4090g 5565g
Blue 495g 1535g 1900g 2745g 5095g 6600g
Pink 430g 1140g 1600g 2030g 3835g 5215g
Orange 245g 875g 1060g 1670g 3180g 4580g
Red 440g 1280g 1600g 2465g 4280g 5630g
Brown 420g 1370g 1680g 2425g 4695g 6450g
Green 495g 1405g 1635g 2330g 4395g 5870g
Black 395g 1315g 1610g 2385g 4335g 5560g
Beige 500g 1405g 1600g 2465g 4640g 6040g
2017-05-07T20:23:15+00:00June 16th, 2015|

150611 ~ 50 days old

2017-07-30T10:24:49+00:00June 16th, 2015|
2017-07-30T10:24:49+00:00June 16th, 2015|

150611 ~ 50 days old

2017-07-30T10:33:07+00:00June 16th, 2015|
2017-07-30T10:33:07+00:00June 16th, 2015|

150607 ~ Harriet and Roxana visiting

2018-01-01T20:00:41+00:00June 15th, 2015|

2018-01-01T20:00:41+00:00June 15th, 2015|

Soon ready for their new homes

2018-01-01T19:29:12+00:00June 12th, 2015|
The puppies are 53 days old, and that means that they are soon ready to leave the nest.. I can’t believe that the time has flewn by as fast as it has, but I guess the time flies when you are having fun 🙂 When you have 16 puppies at home, as well as 4 adult dogs to take care of, it’s safe to say that it’s not much time left to other things than keeping up with the puppies. I have been home from work since the puppies was 4 weeks old, and I am happy I have the possibility to take such long tome off work, and that I have a very understanding boss!
The puppies have grown for each day, and for each day they have shown more and more personality and temperament. We have taken them car driving a number of times, they have visited my mothers garden like all our litters get to do, they have been to the forrest, to my fathers house, to the beach, to my friend Camilla’s house on the country with 3 younger children and chasing around in our own barn which is a very exiting place for young pups. We have done everything we can to prepare them for the big world, and I am sure they will handle it perfectly. They are very sociable and affectionate towards people, they are curious and wants to explore the world, they are fearless and shows a very nice interest in playing and chasing toys. They have very nice grips, and hold on the toy with everything they have. 
Last weekend Harriet Rosenthal (von Erikson, breeder/owner of the puppies father Ayk) and Roxana Günther (von der Christinenheide, breeder of Isi’s motherlines) was here to spend time with the puppies. Thank you so much for coming! They had only good things to say about the puppies, and they helped me to look for the right things when deciding which puppy should go to which owner. I am happy to say that I have a litter of very nice dogs, and everyone shows great promise as working dogs, as well as family dogs. They are simply wonderful and I am so proud of them!
Look here for photos of Harriet and Roxana’s lovely visit, and here for individual photos at day 42 and 49, as well as photos from the visit to my mothers garden. 
collage7weeks  MLH6417  MLH6640  MLH6691
Days/g  0  17 21 30 42 49
Blue 385g 955g 1190g 1760g 3455g 4610g
Green 290g 790g 1050g 1580g 3150g 4230g
Red 350g 870g 1135g 1790g 3260g 4450g
Pink 355g 955g 1235g 1830g 3410g 4595g
Purple 355g 900g 1165g 1770g 3470g 4595g
Beige 380g 925g 1175g 1770g 3235g 4125g
2018-01-01T19:29:12+00:00June 12th, 2015|

150610 ~ 49 days old

2017-07-30T10:33:35+00:00June 10th, 2015|
Mister Blue 
Wayosi Eimhir Edgar ~ Eddie
7 weeks old
Mister Blue 
Wayosi Eimhir Edgar ~ Eddie
7 weeks old

Mister Green 
Wayosi Eimhir Edmund ~ Quattro
7 weeks old
Mister Green 
Wayosi Eimhir Edmund ~ Quattro
7 weeks old

Miss Red
Wayosi Eimhir Eyre ~ Allie
7 weeks old
Miss Red
Wayosi Eimhir Eyre ~ Allie
7 weeks old

Miss Pink
Wayosi Eimhir Ellie ~ Ellie
7 weeks old
Miss Pink
Wayosi Eimhir Ellie ~ Ellie
7 weeks old

Miss Purple
Wayosi Eimhir Elza ~ Elza
7 weeks old
Miss Purple
Wayosi Eimhir Elza ~ Elza
7 weeks old

Miss Beige 
Wayosi Eimhir Era ~ Era
7 weeks old
Miss Beige 
Wayosi Eimhir Era ~ Era
7 weeks old
* due to a congenital injury to her tail, the end of her tail was amputated for medical reasons at 3 days of age

2017-07-30T10:33:35+00:00June 10th, 2015|

150610 ~ 49 days old

2017-07-30T10:28:59+00:00June 10th, 2015|
Miss Purple
Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
7 weeks old
Miss Purple
Wayosi Dolly Dagger ~ Nala
7 weeks old

Miss Yellow
Wayosi Dixie Flyer ~ Wilma
7 weeks old
Miss Yellow
Wayosi Dixie Flyer ~ Wilma
7 weeks old

Mister Blue
Wayosi Dressed For Success ~ Catch
7 weeks old
Mister Blue
Wayosi Dressed For Success ~ Catch
7 weeks old

Miss Pink
Wayosi Diamonds ~ Phoebe
7 weeks old
Miss Pink
Wayosi Diamonds ~ Phoebe
7 weeks old

Miss Orange
Wayosi Double Trouble ~ Tesla
7 weeks old
Miss Orange
Wayosi Double Trouble ~ Tesla
7 weeks old

Miss Red
Wayosi Dream Of Mirrors ~ Ruby 
7 weeks old
Miss Red
Wayosi Dream Of Mirrors ~ Ruby 
7 weeks old

Miss Brown
Wayosi Delta Dawn 
7 weeks old
Miss Brown
Wayosi Delta Dawn
7 weeks old

Mister Green
Wayosi Daydreamer ~ Zazo
7 weeks old
Mister Green
Wayosi Daydreamer ~ Zazo
7 weeks old

Mister Black
Wayosi Dream Away ~ Pommac
7 weeks old
Mister Black
Wayosi Dream Away ~ Pommac
7 weeks old

Mister Beige
Wayosi Dear Mr.President ~ Storm
7 weeks old
Mister Beige
Wayosi Dear Mr. President ~ Storm
7 weeks old

2017-07-30T10:28:59+00:00June 10th, 2015|

150603 ~ 45 days old

2017-07-30T10:33:47+00:00June 3rd, 2015|
Mister Blue 
6 weeks old
Mister Blue 
6 weeks old

Mister Green
6 weeks old
Mister Green 
6 weeks old
Miss Red
6 weeks old
Miss Red 
6 weeks old
Miss Pink
6 weeks old
Miss Pink
6 weeks old
Miss Purple
6 weeks old
Miss Purple 
6 weeks old
Miss Beige 
6 weeks old
Miss Beige 
6 weeks old
(due to a congenital injury to her tail, the end of her tail was amputated for medical reasons at 3 days of age)
2017-07-30T10:33:47+00:00June 3rd, 2015|

150603 ~ 45 days old

2017-07-30T10:29:05+00:00June 3rd, 2015|
Miss Purple
Miss Purple
Miss Yellow
Miss Yellow 
Mister Blue
Mister Blue 
Miss Pink
Miss Pink
Miss Orange
Miss Orange
Miss Red
Miss Red
Miss Brown
Miss Brown
Mister Green
Mister Green
Mister Black
Mister Black
Mister Beige
Mister Beige
2017-07-30T10:29:05+00:00June 3rd, 2015|

150527 ~ 35 days old

2017-07-30T10:34:00+00:00May 27th, 2015|
1blue MLH5596
Mister Blue
M1blue MLH5613
Mister Blue 
2green MLH5614
Mister Green 
2green MLH5623
Mister Green
3red MLH5628
Miss Red
3red MLH5644
Miss Red
4purple MLH5650
Miss Purple
4purple MLH5654
Miss Purple
5pink MLH5662
Miss Pink
5pink MLH5670
Miss Pink
6beige MLH5676
Miss Beige
6beige MLH5677
Miss Beige
(due to a congenital injury to her tail, the end of her tail was amputated for medical reasons at 3 days of age)
2017-07-30T10:34:00+00:00May 27th, 2015|

150527 ~ 35 days old

2017-07-30T10:29:16+00:00May 27th, 2015|
1purple MLH5692
Miss Purple
1purple MLH5707
 Miss Purple
2yellow MLH5717
Miss Yellow
2yellow MLH5718
 Miss Yellow
3blue MLH5726
 Mister Blue
3blue MLH5733
 Mister Blue
4pink MLH5751
 Miss Pink
4pink MLH5759
 Miss Pink


5orange MLH5770
Miss Orange
5orange MLH5787
Miss Orange
6red MLH5795
Miss Red
6red MLH5810
 Miss Red
7brown MLH5817
Miss Brown
7brown MLH5826
Miss Brown
8green MLH5833
Mister Green
8green MLH5847
Mister Green
9black MLH5855
Mister Black
9black MLH5870
Mister Black
10beige MLH5880
 Mister Beige
10beige MLH5903
Mister Beige
2017-07-30T10:29:16+00:00May 27th, 2015|

32 days old

2017-05-07T20:43:51+00:00May 24th, 2015|

Today the pups are 32 days old, and they are getting more and more awake and alert. They are still very quiet, more than the ridgebacks, but in return they growl a lot more 🙂 They have gotten a cage inside the puppy pen, gotten a larger puppy pen and yesterday they also had their first trip outside which they simply loved! I have vacuum cleaned the puppy pen several times, and they are very curious about the noisy thing. But they are not afraid, and even try to chase it 🙂

As we can’t do any difference, we had to take stacked photos of the Airedales as well, even though these are not any show dogs. But they did well as was very cooperative. They look like they should look like, and I can’t wait to see how they develope! Stacked photos, as well as mixed photos, can be seen here

 MLH5024  MLH5371 2green MLH5085 4pink MLH5110

Days/g  0  17 21 30
Blue 385g 955g 1190g 1760g
Green 290g 790g 1050g 1580g
Red 350g 870g 1135g 1790g
Pink 355g 955g 1235g 1830g
Purple 355g 900g 1165g 1770g
Beige 380g 925g 1175g 1770g
2017-05-07T20:43:51+00:00May 24th, 2015|

32 days old

2017-05-07T20:45:50+00:00May 24th, 2015|

The puppies are 31 days old today, and they are doing great. We have made more space for them in the puppy pen, they have gotten a cage inside their puppy pen to get used to lying in a cage, they have gotten a “puppy gym” with a lot of toys and noisy thngs hanging down. They have also heard a lot of noise from vacuum cleaner, blender etc, and they were completely calm with it. We have started to welcoming visitors, and the pups sure loves all the attention and cuddles they get. We have also had them outside for the first time, and they loved it! If the weather allows it, we will have them outside a short period of time every day the following week. 

Last day we did the first stacked photos, together with weighing and deworming. See the stacked photos, as well as some mixed photos here

 MLH5002  MLH5330  MLH5361 10beige MLH5307

Days/g  0  17 21 30
Purple 485g 1380g 1680g 2380g
Yellow 405g 1105g 1445g 2180g
Blue 495g 1535g 1900g 2745g
Pink 430g 1140g 1600g 2030g
Orange 245g 875g 1060g 1670g
Red 440g 1280g 1600g 2465g
Brown 420g 1370g 1680g 2425g
Green 495g 1405g 1635g 2330g
Black 395g 1315g 1610g 2385g
Beige 500g 1405g 1600g 2465g
2017-05-07T20:45:50+00:00May 24th, 2015|

150523 ~ 31 days old

2017-07-30T10:34:17+00:00May 24th, 2015|
 MLH5027 MLH5029
2017-07-30T10:34:17+00:00May 24th, 2015|

150523 ~ 31 days old

2017-07-30T10:29:31+00:00May 24th, 2015|
 MLH4975 MLH4976 MLH4977
Trine (owner of Juba from the A-litter) came for a visit 🙂
Ninja really wants to play with the puppies 🙂
2017-07-30T10:29:31+00:00May 24th, 2015|

150520 ~ 28 days old

2017-07-30T10:34:30+00:00May 20th, 2015|
1blue MLH5057
Mister Blue
1blue MLH5062
Mister Blue
2green MLH5074
Mister Green
2green MLH5082
Mister Green
3red MLH5099
Miss Red
3red MLH5101
Miss Red
4pink MLH5110
Miss Pink
4pink MLH5126
Miss Pink
5purple MLH5135
Miss Purple
5purple MLH5141
Miss Purple
6beige MLH5155
Miss Beige 
6beige MLH5160
Miss Beige
2017-07-30T10:34:30+00:00May 20th, 2015|

150520 ~ 28 days old

2017-07-30T10:29:42+00:00May 20th, 2015|
1purple MLH5165
 Miss Purple
1purple MLH5168
 Miss Purple
1purple MLH5171
Miss Purple
2yellow MLH5179
Miss Yellow
2yellow MLH5182
Miss Yellow
2yellow MLH5183
 Miss Yellow
3blue MLH5188
 Mister Blue 
3blue MLH5197
 Mister Blue
3blue MLH5198
 Mister Blue
4pink MLH5206
Miss Pink
4pink MLH5210
 Miss Pink
4pink MLH5212
 Miss Pink
5orange MLH5218
 Miss Orange 
5orange MLH5223
 Miss Orange
5orange MLH5227
 Miss Orange
5orange MLH5229
 Miss Orange
6red MLH5232
Miss Red
6red MLH5241
 Miss Red
6red MLH5244
 Miss Red
7brown MLH5248
 Miss Brown
7brown MLH5255
 Miss Brown
7brown MLH5256
Miss Brown
8green MLH5259
 Mister Green
8green MLH5277
 Mister Green
8green MLH5287
 Mister Green
9black MLH5289
Mister Black
9black MLH5296
 Mister Black
9black MLH5301
 Mister Black
10beige MLH5307
 Mister Beige
10beige MLH5312
Mister Beige
10beige MLH5315
Mister Beige
2017-07-30T10:29:42+00:00May 20th, 2015|

Our life outside the puppy pen

2018-01-01T19:31:52+00:00May 16th, 2015|

Even though our puppies takes some time and energy, we try to give Ninja and Sheriff quality time with us, and go for long walks and take them training. Isi is a little bit jealous to be left alone while we go to training, but I have promised her that I will train with her from next week. I guess she will enjoy it tremendously! She is born to work, that one 🙂

I have attended a rally obedience course with Ninja, and she has been a super attendant! I have put time into playing and keeping contact with me from very young age, and I feel I see the results from that now. She is still very young in her head, and a couple of flies seems to fly back and forward up there, but she is still doing the best she can and the best she knows how to. See some more photos here. Sheriff has also gotten to do some training, and he is almost bursting of energy and expectation. Still a crazy, though older man 🙂 

Fia and her owner Tone is also attending the course, and she is also doing a great job and I am convinced we will see her at some competitions eventually! We also took some stacked photos of Fia, and she is developing into a lovely little girl. 

All dogs has enjoyed the last days lovely summer weather, and when we put up the pavilion on the terrace as well as the outside furniture, the dogs was right there sunbathing. We have had help from my younger sister Tina and brother Amund the last days, and Ninja really enjoys having them staying here. She is so sweet and kind with the kids and just loves being around them. 

 MLH4435  MLH4425  MLH4475  MLH4493 
 MLH4547_2  MLH4524  MLH4715  MLH4596
2018-01-01T19:31:52+00:00May 16th, 2015|

24 days old

2017-05-07T20:48:04+00:00May 16th, 2015|

The puppies are 24 days old today and we have moved them down stairs to a larger puppy box. Now it is time for the puppies to hear more noise, get more socialization and meet our other dogs. They have gotten their first taste of solid food, and they went totally crazy from the smell and taste of it 🙂 Now they get solid food 2 times a day, and Kiwi have started to educate them that the milk bar is not open all day long. Ninja is super interested in her new aunts and uncles, and spend time in the puppy box every chance she gets. I have taken individual photos, as well as a bunch of various photos that can be seen here

 MLH4200  MLH4239  MLH4730  MLH4723

Days/g  0  17 21
Purple 485g 1380g 1680g
Yellow 405g 1105g 1445g
Blue 495g 1535g 1900g
Pink 430g 1140g 1600g
Orange 245g 875g 1060g
Red 440g 1280g 1600g
Brown 420g 1370g 1680g
Green 495g 1405g 1635g
Black 395g 1315g 1610g
Beige 500g 1405g 1600g
2017-05-07T20:48:04+00:00May 16th, 2015|

24 days old

2017-05-07T20:48:43+00:00May 16th, 2015|

Isi and her puppies are doing great and it is quite special for us to finally have a litter from Isi. They are 24 days old today, and a lot have happened during the last three days. They have moved to a larger puppy box down stairs, they have gotten their first taste of solid food, and they have started to move around a lot more and are very interested in people. They focus more and more on what’s happening around them, and really appreciate human contact. Isi still keep a very close eye on the other dogs when they put their heads in the puppy box, but as long as they are calm and nice to the puppies, Isi is happy. I have taken individual photos of the puppies, as well as a lot of mixed photos that can be viewed here

 MLH4292  MLH4271  MLH4584  MLH4824

Days/g  0  17 21
Blue 385g 955g 1190g
Green 290g 790g 1050g
Red 350g 870g 1135g
Pink 355g 955g 1235g
Purple 355g 900g 1165g
Beige 380g 925g 1175g
2017-05-07T20:48:43+00:00May 16th, 2015|

150516 ~ 24 days old

2017-07-30T10:29:53+00:00May 16th, 2015|
Getting used to children and sound from game board at the same time 🙂
First day in the puppy box down stairs
2017-07-30T10:29:53+00:00May 16th, 2015|

150516 ~ 24 days old

2017-07-30T10:34:46+00:00May 16th, 2015|
First day in the puppy box down stairs
 MLH4826  MLH4830
2017-07-30T10:34:46+00:00May 16th, 2015|

150513 ~ 21 days old

2017-05-07T20:50:23+00:00May 13th, 2015|
1blue MLH4364
Mister Blue
2green MLH4394
Mister Green
3red MLH4375
Miss Red
4pink MLH4383
Miss Pink
5purple MLH4409
Miss Purple
6beige MLH4387
Miss Beige
First visit by my friends son Sebastian
2017-05-07T20:50:23+00:00May 13th, 2015|

150513 ~ 21 days old

2017-05-07T20:50:35+00:00May 13th, 2015|
1purple MLH4330
Miss Purple
2yellow MLH4338
Miss Yellow
3blue MLH4299
Mister Blue
4pink MLH4346
Miss Pink
5orange MLH4355
Miss Orange
6red MLH4317
Miss Red
7brown MLH4334
Mister Brown
8green MLH4313
Mister Green
9black MLH4295
Mister Black
10beige MLH4309 
Mister Beige
 The puppies are getting visit from my friends son Sebastian 
 Ninja visiting the puppy box
2017-05-07T20:50:35+00:00May 13th, 2015|

D-litter 17 days old

2017-05-07T20:50:51+00:00May 9th, 2015|

 Kiwi’s puppies are 17 days old today and they have opened their eyes and are supercute! They are up on their feet, and moves more and more around in the puppy box. Kiwi is caring for them 24/7 and does not want to leave them for more than a short time. The pups and the puppy box are clean at all times, and they are well fed 🙂 They have also gotten their first deworming, and they was not very happy about that 😉 More photos of the puppies, as well as individual photos at 14 days old here

 MLH4163  MLH4175  MLH4198 2yellow MLH4067

Days  0  17
Purple 485g 1380g
Yellow 405g 1105g
Blue 495g 1535g
Pink 430g 1140g
Orange 245g 875g
Red 440g 1280g
Brown 420g 1370g
Green 495g 1405g
Black 395g 1315g
Beige 500g 1405g
2017-05-07T20:50:51+00:00May 9th, 2015|

E-litter 17 days old

2017-05-07T20:51:22+00:00May 9th, 2015|

Isi’s puppies are 17 days old, and they are doing great! Now they have opened their eyes, and they have started to stand on their legs and kind of walks around. They have gotten their first deworming, and I have already cut their nails 2 times. Isi is caring wonderfully for her pups, but she wants to go for longer walks and she begs me for some training! Supermommy 🙂 More photos of the puppies, as well as individual photos at 14 days old here.

 MLH4181  MLH4188 6beige MLH4048 4pink MLH4023

Days  0  17
Blue 385g 955g
Green 290g 790g
Red 350g 870g
Pink 355g 955g
Purple 355g 900g
Beige 380g 925g



2017-05-07T20:51:22+00:00May 9th, 2015|

150506 ~ 14 days old

2017-07-30T10:30:04+00:00May 9th, 2015|
1purple MLH4057
Miss Purple
2yellow MLH4067
Miss Yellow
3blue MLH4073
Miss Blue 
4pink MLH4089
Miss Pink
5orange MLH4098
Miss Red
7brown MLH4123
Miss Brown
8green MLH4126
Mister Green
9black MLH4149
Mister Black
10beige MLH4161
Mister Beige
2017-07-30T10:30:04+00:00May 9th, 2015|

150506 ~ 14 days old

2017-07-30T10:35:02+00:00May 6th, 2015|
1blue MLH3963
Mister Blue
2green MLH4012
Mister Green
3red MLH4015
Miss Red
4pink MLH4023
Miss Pink
5purple MLH4037
Miss Purple
6beige MLH4041
Miss Beige
2017-07-30T10:35:02+00:00May 6th, 2015|

RR puppies 10 days old

2017-05-07T20:52:08+00:00May 2nd, 2015|

Our 10 ridgeback puppies are doing great, and Kiwi cares for them and makes sure that everyone are fed and cleaned up. Everyone has gained weight as they should, even the little Miss Orange that weighed only 245g at birth. As it looks like now, all the puppies from this litter are sold. I have added some individuals photos of the pups 7 days old, as well as some photos from the latest days here. Soon they will open their eyes, be more mobile and move around in the puppy box, and soon enough they will keep us on our toes 😉

6red MLH3684 4pink MLH3753  MLH3725  MLH3729

2017-05-07T20:52:08+00:00May 2nd, 2015|

Little Airedales 10 days old

2017-05-07T20:52:25+00:00May 2nd, 2015|

Today our little sweeties is 10 days old, and everyone is gaining weight like they should and Isi is being the most wonderful mother you can imagine. Everything is just harmony in the puppy box and Isi is starting to spend more and more time down stairs together with us, instead of being in the puppy box 24/7. I have added some individual photos, as well as some mixed photos, here

All the girls in the litter has been sold, but I am looking for the perfect home for one of the males in this litter. I am looking for a loving home that will work with the dog, preferably in obedience, working trials etc, alternatively IPO. These puppies have an enormous pedigree, with many well known dogs behind them that have proven themselves as great working dogs generation after generation. Isi’s father Eyk von Erikson is the most merited Airedale thru times in IPO, and have great results from FCI IPO World Championship. There are also several police dogs behind these lines, as Isi’s grandfather Ilko von der Krebsförde. Therefore it is most likely that these puppies will have the temperament, mentality and health to become superb all round dogs, great family dogs in combination with great working dog qualities. 

2green MLH3651  MLH3740  MLH3747  MLH3748

2017-05-07T20:52:25+00:00May 2nd, 2015|

150429 ~ 7 days old

2017-07-30T10:35:14+00:00April 29th, 2015|
1blue MLH3621
Mister Blue
2green MLH3648
Mister Green
2green MLH3651
Mister Green
3red MLH3636
Miss Red
4pink MLH3624
Miss Pink
5purple MLH3653
Miss Purple
6beige MLH3642
Miss Beige
2017-07-30T10:35:14+00:00April 29th, 2015|

150429 ~ 7 days old

2017-07-30T10:30:38+00:00April 28th, 2015|
1purple MLH3700
Miss Purple
2yellow MLH3663
Miss Yellow
3blue MLH3709
Mister Blue 
4pink MLH3753
Miss Pink
5orange MLH3705
Miss Orange
6red MLH3686
Miss Red
7brown MLH3756
Miss Brown
8green MLH3693
Mister Green 
9black MLH3707
Mister Black
10beige MLH3671
Mister Beige
Kiwi has allowed Ninja to come into the puppy room
Ninja is super interested in the puppies 🙂 
2017-07-30T10:30:38+00:00April 28th, 2015|

Our 16 little wonders are here!

2017-05-07T20:55:24+00:00April 26th, 2015|

April 22, 2015 both Kiwi and Isi gave birth to our D-litter and E-litter. Initially we expected Kiwi to come into heat in November 2014, and Isi in February 2015. But nature wanted it different, and eventually they were mated the same day. We did not want to wait to another heat with any of them, because Kiwi turns 7 years in May and Isi turns 6 years in July. For a last litter on Kiwi, and first with Isi I think these ages are appropriate. We have had two earlier attempts to mate Isi, but we probably were to late both times, and no mating was done. We were quite sad about this, because Isi is really a once in a lifetime dog. But this time we did a full health check up before mating, as well as acupuncture. Isi was mated early, and to our surprise and big delight she got pregnant! Both Kiwi and Isi delivered the puppies with ease and within just a couple of hours, and they are great mothers for their little ones. Since we have summer and summer holidays coming up, it is also a perfect timing for our puppy buyers, as well as for us, as the puppies hopefully can stay outside a lot between 5 and 8 weeks of age. Luckily we have great help in family and friends, so the females and puppies, as well as Ninja and Sheriff, will have a lot of attention and socialization 🙂

 MLH3524 1purple MLH3504  MLH3596  MLH3583red


2017-05-07T20:55:24+00:00April 26th, 2015|

2 days old and new photos

2017-05-07T20:56:27+00:00April 26th, 2015|

The puppies are doing great and everyone are gaining weight and developing like they should. Kiwi is a caring and good mother, and does not want to leave the puppy box for other than short walks outside. Just like it should be the first days, and in a week or so I guess she will leave them for a longer period of time to be with us in the living room etc. More photos can be seen at the bottom of the page here.

  MLH3524  MLH3528 1purple MLH3504 8green MLH3516

2017-05-07T20:56:27+00:00April 26th, 2015|

150424 ~ 2 days old

2017-07-30T10:35:42+00:00April 25th, 2015|
#1 – Mister Blue
Born 12:15, 385 grams
#2 – Mister Green
Born 12:30, 290 grams
#3 – Miss Red
Born 13:45, 350 grams
 MLH3571red MLH3583red
#4 – Miss Pink
Born 13:57, 355 grams
#5 – Miss Purple
Born 15:35, 355 grams
# 6 – Miss Beige
Born 16:16, 380 grams
2017-07-30T10:35:42+00:00April 25th, 2015|

150424 ~ 2 days old

2017-07-30T10:30:14+00:00April 25th, 2015|
# 1 – Miss Purple
Born 16:13, 485 grams
1purple MLH3504
1purple MLH3511
#2 – Miss Yellow
Born 16:48, 405 grams
Extra crown
2yellow MLH3470
2yellow MLH3472
#3 – Mister Blue
Born 17:29, 495 grams
3blue MLH3475
3blue MLH3476
#4 – Miss Pink
Born 18:17, 430 grams
Extra crown
4pink MLH3467
4pink MLH3468
#5 – Miss Orange
Born 18:25, 245 grams
5orange MLH3487
5orange MLH3488
#6 – Miss Red
Born 18:32, 490 grams
6red MLH3478
6red MLH3482
#7 – Miss Brown
Born 18:59, 420 grams
Single crown
7brown MLH3496
7brown MLH3501
#8 – Mister Green
Born 19:42, 495 grams
8green MLH3513
8green MLH3516
#9 – Mister Black
Born 20:04, 395 grams
9black MLH3491
9black MLH3493
#10 – Mister Beige
Born 23:55, 500 grams
10beige MLH3462
10beige MLH3463
2017-07-30T10:30:14+00:00April 25th, 2015|

2 days old and new photos

2017-05-07T20:58:26+00:00April 25th, 2015|

The puppies are doing just fine, and Isi is a wonderful mother caring for her puppies in a wonderful way. These puppies will grow up with the best mother possible! I can’t wait to see the puppies grow up, and I am happy to see that most of them will go to active homes where they will foremost be a beloved part of the family, as well as a working dog with an enormous working capacity. See a lot more photos of the puppies 2 days old here

 MLH3571red  MLH3596  MLH3588  MLH3544

2017-05-07T20:58:26+00:00April 25th, 2015|

We welcome our 6 little miracles

2017-05-07T20:58:52+00:00April 23rd, 2015|

Isi delivered her puppies yesterday, on day 61 of her pregnancy, and she gave us 6 little miracles, 4 females and 2 males. They are off course the cutest little Airedales in the world 🙂 The birth was easy and without any problems at all, and the puppies was born within just a couple of hours. Isi is an amazing mother and are taking such good care of her puppies. She is calm and focused on the task, and so gentle with her little ones. We haven’t contacted all interested on our puppy list yet, but we will contact you shortly 🙂

#1 – Male, 385 grams. Blue collar.
#2 – Male, 290 grams. Green collar. 
#3 – Female, 350 grams. Red collar. 
#4 – Female, 355 grams. Pink collar. 
#5 – Female, 355 grams. Purple collar. 
#6 – Female, 380 grams. Beige collar. 

 MLH3391_dag60  MLH3434  MLH3431  MLH3436

2017-05-07T20:58:52+00:00April 23rd, 2015|

We welcome 10 little wonders to the world

2017-05-07T20:59:05+00:00April 23rd, 2015|

Yesterday, on day 61 on her pregnancy, Kiwi decided it was time for our D-litter to enter the world. Kiwi had a very smooth and fast delivery, and delivered 10 puppies in just a couple of hours. We now have 10 puppies in the puppy box, 6 females and 4 boys. 3 correct females, 2 females with extra crowns, 1 female with single crown and 4 correct boys. First DS check ok, no kinked tails at this point and minimal white. We haven’t contacted all interested on our puppy list yet, but we will contact you shortly 🙂

Ninja got to look at the puppies when Kiwi was outside, and she is so curious about the littles ones, and just want to look at them and smell them, every chance she gets 🙂

#1 – Female, 485 grams. Correct. Purple collar
#2 – Female, 406 grams. Multi crown. Yellow collar. 
#3 – Male, 495 grams. Correct. Blue collar
#4 – Female, 430 grams. Multi crown. Pink collar. 
#5 – Female, 245 grams. Correct. Orange collar. 
#6 – Female, 440 grams. Correct. Red collar. 
#7 – Female, 420 grams. Single crown. Brown collar. 
#8 – Male, 495 grams. Correct. Green collar. 
#9 – Male, 395 grams. Correct. Black collar. 
#10 – Male, 500 grams. Correct. Beige collar. 

 MLH3400_dag60  MLH3422  MLH3424  MLH3419

2017-05-07T20:59:05+00:00April 23rd, 2015|

One week to go for Isi!

2017-05-07T20:59:23+00:00April 17th, 2015|

Today Isi is 56 days pregnant counted from the day of mating, and that means her puppies are due in one week, at day 63. But they can come from day 58-65, and especially if her eggs wasn’t fertilized the first days after mating. So only time will tell! We have taken a sneak peak with x-rays at day 52 to see if we could count the puppies, and we think we could see around 5 puppies. This seems to be right compared with Isi’s belly, and her overall shape. She is in splendid physics still, and behaves just the way she uses to. Perhaps she is a little less playful with Ninja, and even more hungry, which I never thought was possible.. We look forward to see what happends the next week, and I hope for a safe delivery of the cutest little Airedales in the world 😉 While waiting, Isi’s coat was trimmed, and I may have taken just a liiitle bit to much hairs, but it will grow back, luckily 😉 Atl least it’s hygenic!  

150413Isi  MLH3318 Dag53  MLH3322 Dag53  MLH3351 dag56 

2017-05-07T20:59:23+00:00April 17th, 2015|

One week to go before Kiwi’s puppies are due!

2017-05-07T20:59:38+00:00April 17th, 2015|

Today it is exactly 1 week until Kiwi’s puppies are due, counted from the first day of mating. It means the puppies can come anytime starting from 3 days from now. Kiwi moved in to us last weekend, and have settled in nicely, as she always does. She is getting bigger almost by the day now, and I can see that she is starting to get a little tired. We can’t wait to see what she is hiding in there 🙂 

 MLH3295 Dag51  MLH3330 Dag53  MLH3372 dag56  MLH3378 dag56

2017-05-07T20:59:38+00:00April 17th, 2015|

Ninja debute in junior class with CAC and Best Female 3!

2017-05-07T20:59:56+00:00April 5th, 2015|

Ninja had her first entry in junior class  at national all breed show today, and since she is still a baby both in body and mind, I did not have much expectations. But Ninja stood like a statue while the judge was feeling over her, and wagged her tail all the time. In the end she was awarded Excellent and won the junior class with champion quality (CQ) and BOB junior. Later on she was placed as Best Bitch 3 with her very first CAC. So happy and proud over our young girl!

I am happy to see that Ninja is feeling comfortable in the ring, and both stands and runs like she had never done anything else. She thinks it is exiting to be at dog shows, and greets people, giving kisses to everyone who seems to need a kiss, and begs for food, and even steals from peoples pockets and bags 😉  

 MLH3135  MLH3183  MLH3268  MLH3110

2017-05-07T20:59:56+00:00April 5th, 2015|

New photos of Maggie

2018-01-01T20:03:13+00:00March 31st, 2015|

I recieved some new photos from Maggies owner Hanna the other day, and I now see how much Maggies daughter Ninja resembles her mother! Actually I can see a lot of resemblance between Maggie and all her pups from our C-litter. Maggie is soon 4 years old, and she has matured a lot in body after her litter of puppies 9 months ago. But she is still the same, good old Maggie temperament wise, both positive and negative 😉 See more photos here.

14032015-IMG 4308 14032015-IMG 4321 14032015-IMG 4253 15032015-IMG 4390

2018-01-01T20:03:13+00:00March 31st, 2015|


2017-08-03T08:38:09+00:00March 31st, 2015|

I recieved some new photos from Maggies owner Hanna the other day, and I now see how much Maggies daughter Ninja resembles her mother! Maggie is soon 4 years old, and she has matured a lot in body after her litter of puppies 9 months ago. 

2017-08-03T08:38:09+00:00March 31st, 2015|

RIP sweet Bissy

2017-05-07T21:01:29+00:00March 25th, 2015|

Today sweet Bissy (Wayosi Busy Being Fabulous) was put down, due to a severe condition to her back. A couple of weeks ago she was diagnosed with severe intervertebral disk protrusion between L7 and S1, possibly also between L6 and L7, and she was having problems with walking, jumping, difficulties with rising and sitting down, and having urinary and fecal incontinence. She is now free from her pain, and we remember the little big whirlwind she was with a smile. Our thoughts are with Anna, Viola and the rest of Bissy’s family.

After we learned about Bissy’s condition, we took extra spine photos during HD/ED x-ray of her 3 siblings Buddy, Fia and Nixon, and sent to a specialist in Finland. We are awaiting the final readings, but the backs looked perfectly fine luckily. They also came back as HD A/A and ED 0/0! 

 MLH0782purple  MLH0976 140512Bissy02 Bissy2014

2017-05-07T21:01:29+00:00March 25th, 2015|

Presenting our puppy plans spring 2015

2018-01-01T20:06:52+00:00March 16th, 2015|

We had hoped for a bunch of puppies winter/spring 2015 and another litter spring 2015, but mother nature wanted us to have two litters simultaneously. We are therefore thrilled to announce our upcoming D-litter and E-litter due week 17. 

Please contact us if you are interested in a puppy, and want to know more!

150316ultralyd01IsixAyk 150316ultralyd04 kiwixKandyweb

2018-01-01T20:06:52+00:00March 16th, 2015|

Yes she is!

2017-05-07T21:02:44+00:00March 16th, 2015|

We have had our suspicions for a while, as Kiwi have shown all signs of pregnancy, and indeed she is pregnant! Ultrasound today shows that she is carrying a nice size litter, and we look forward to see what she is hiding in her belly around week 17.

2017-05-07T21:02:44+00:00March 16th, 2015|

Isi is pregnant!

2018-01-01T20:08:09+00:00March 16th, 2015|

Today we did ultrasound, which revealed that Isi is carrying a full size litter! 24 days ago she was mated to the wonderful german male Ayk von Erikson, and we are so happy to announce that we are expecting their puppies to be born in week 17. Everyone that has gotten to know Isi can tell you they absolutely adore her, and she certainly is the perfect blend of family dog and working dog. Ayk is a big and strong impressive male with an enormous presence and working capacity. I just can’t wait to see what this combination brings! Read more about our upcoming litter HERE

IsixAyk Ayk3 Ayk17 Ayk21

2018-01-01T20:08:09+00:00March 16th, 2015|

C-litter playdate

2018-01-01T20:09:56+00:00March 15th, 2015|

We had a lovely playdate with 5 dogs from the C-litter today, and spent nearly 3 hours in the forrest in the sun. The dogs that joined us today was KiitoNickiOlafPoppy and our own Ninja. They ran around and had a blast, and Ninja has been sleeping since we came home 🙂 A lot of more photos can be seen here!

 MLH2936  MLH2944  MLH2950  MLH2960  MLH2964  MLH2883  MLH2913  MLH2881


2018-01-01T20:09:56+00:00March 15th, 2015|

C-litter playdate

2017-08-03T08:33:43+00:00March 15th, 2015|

We had a lovely playdate with 5 dogs from the C-litter today, and spent nearly 3 hours in the forrest in the sun. The dogs that joined us today was Kiito, Nicki, Olaf, Poppy and our own Ninja. They ran around and had a blast, and Ninja has been sleeping since we came home 🙂

2017-08-03T08:33:43+00:00March 15th, 2015|

Is she pregnant or is she not?

2017-05-07T21:05:45+00:00March 11th, 2015|

Kiwi is today hopefully 19 days pregnant with our D-litter, but we can’t know for sure before ultrasound at around 24 days. She has shown a couple of signs though, as larger and more pink nipples, she has been more tired and slower, as well as a little less intense on her food for a couple of occasions. Ninja and I stopped by to visit Kiwi last weekend, and Kiwi was as always happy to see us, and especially Ninja. They are so sweet together, and Kiwi is so loving and playful with her. A wonderful grandmother 😉


2017-05-07T21:05:45+00:00March 11th, 2015|

Playdate at the dog park

2018-01-01T20:11:38+00:00March 9th, 2015|

We had a very spontaneous playdate with the C-litter sunday afternoon, and KiitoNinjaTedNicki and Olaf got to play together at the dog park on Ekeberg. They had a blast, and got to play around with other dogs of various age and breeds as well. See more photos here

 MLH2619  MLH2663  MLH2749  MLH2763 
 MLH2772  MLH2782  MLH2821  MLH2826
2018-01-01T20:11:38+00:00March 9th, 2015|


2017-08-03T08:36:02+00:00March 9th, 2015|

We had a very spontaneous playdate with the C-litter sunday afternoon, and Kiito, Ninja, Ted, Nicki and Olaf got to play together at the dog park on Ekeberg. They had a blast, and got to play around with other dogs of various age and breeds as well. 

2017-08-03T08:36:02+00:00March 9th, 2015|

Sheriff and Isi with new title RL1 in rally obedience

2017-05-07T21:08:08+00:00March 8th, 2015|

Brag alert! I had entered Sheriff and Isi in rally obedience class 1 again today, and once again they did their best!  Sheriff proved that the oldest always knows the best, placing as number 3 (of 24) with 195/200 points and another 1.prize. With this he gained his first rally obedience title RL1 at the age of nearly 10 years old, from 3 consecutive 1.prizes of 3 entries in 2015. He is now NUCH LP1 LP2 BH NVV-13 NVV-14 RL1 Kuzonga’s Cheriff. Isi needs a little better leader that gives her time to place her tush on the ground, but she did a perfect job as always, and placed as number 4 (of 24) with 190/200 points and her 3rd consecutive 1.prize with 190+ points. She gained her first rally obedience title RL1 and is now known as BH RL1 D’ Isolde von de Drift. From what I know, Sheriff is the first ridgeback, and Isi the first Airedale in Norway qualifying for the norwegian RL1 title (NKK opened for rally and obedience title registrations from 1.1.2015). 

Nixon, who just turned 1 year old, attended his first official obedience competition ever with his owner Bente, and they did a great job in class 1! He was so calm and focused outside the ring, even tough it was a lot of noice and barking from the other dogs, a lot of people and it was inside a sport hall. There was a lot of new impressions that stole his focus a couple of time during their round, but they managed to get 161 points and was placed as number 14 in the class. Given that Nixon is so young and in the middle of his puberty, he did great and I am sure we will see a lot more of him in the future 🙂

 MLH2569  MLH2590  MLH2593  MLH2603

2017-05-07T21:08:08+00:00March 8th, 2015|

Rally obedience success for Sheriff and Isi

2017-05-07T22:08:36+00:00March 7th, 2015|

I had entered Sheriff and Isi for another rally obedience class 1 competition, and they once more made me so proud of them! Judge was Hilde Nysether at Drammen Hundefestival in Mjøndalshallen, and there was 29 entries in class 1.

Sheriff was first out, and we had great flow and contact when we did our round. I feel so lucky, having an older dog that stills enjoys working and competing! He wagged his tail troughout the round, and was rewarded with 196 points, and thus bronze mark, direct promotion to next class and was placed as number 3 of 29 entries!! This was also the second leg toward the official title RL1. 

Isi did great as always, and we actually had no faults! However, she was a little exited in the beginning, and did not sit compleeetely down on the ground in the 1-2-3 steps, and it cost us 10 points. If not, she would have 200 points again 🙂 We got 190 points, bronze mark, direct promotion to next class and was placed as number 7 of 29 entries. This was also the second leg toward the official title RL1. 


 MLH2491  MLH2507  MLH2520  MLH2554

2017-05-07T22:08:36+00:00March 7th, 2015|

Kiwi is now mated with Kandy!

2017-05-07T22:09:27+00:00February 24th, 2015|

Kiwi and Kandy was mated February 21 and February 22, 2015. If everything goes as planned the puppies will be born in week 17, around April 23, 2015, and be ready to move to their new homes week 24/25. Kiwi and Kandy had two very harmonic matings, were they handled everything themselves and needed no support or help from us. I love when the matings are as natural as this! Kiwi’s granddaughter Ninja also joined us on this trip, and she also fell in love with sweet and gentle Kandy 🙂 We will do an ultrasound in week 12, and untill then we cross fingers!

 MLH2372 IMG 2671  MLH2411 150224KandyE

2017-05-07T22:09:27+00:00February 24th, 2015|

New photos of Olaf

2017-05-07T22:12:57+00:00February 20th, 2015|

I have gotten some photos of Olaf, taken on the roof of the Norwegian Opera building in Oslo Centrum. Olaf is a sweet and happy boy, and he is the boy edition of our own Ninja 🙂

150219Olaf01 150219Olaf02 150219Olaf03 150219Olaf04


2017-05-07T22:12:57+00:00February 20th, 2015|

Happy 1 year birthday to our B-litter!

2017-05-08T06:42:27+00:00February 18th, 2015|

Our B-litter celebrates their 1 year birthday today, happy birthday! 🙂 The time has flewn by, and I can’t believe it’s been 1 year already. The “pups” are doing great, bringing both tears and joys to their owners, like it should be 😉 


2017-05-08T06:42:27+00:00February 18th, 2015|

Isi and Sheriff at Rally Obedience

2017-05-08T06:42:45+00:00February 14th, 2015|

Isi and Sheriff was entered in Rally Obedience class 1 at Hadeland Hundeklubb today, and I think I am the most proud dog owner today!

Sheriff is soon 10 years old, but he is still the most happy dog, and have great joy with the weekly trainings. He had a splenectomy due to a ruptured hemangioma 4 months ago, and at the time I was not sure if he would still be with us in 2015. But he recovered extremely fast, and has been in super condition since. Last weekend he suddently got tendencies to a bloat for the very first time, but luckily we managed to prevent operation and he quickly recovered again. When you gets older, you need a little more service 🙂

So I decided to let him enter the planned competition today. And he was just amazing, working with good concentration and a wagging tail from beginning to end. I am so proud to have a ridgeback with such motivation to work, and such an happy attitude, even at the age of nearly 10 years old. Isi was the last dog entering the class 1 ring today, and she was as usual just amazing and had a fantastic heel and as always did the best she could. When we left the ring, I wondered if I had forgotten something because it felt like we were finished so fast… 

And the results? Sheriff managed to get a 1.prize with 188 of 200 points and the time 01:39 minutes, and was number 11 of 41 entered dogs! I almost started to cry, and I was extremely proud of my old man. But Isi’s was todays star, and my perfect little girl managed to win the entire class with 1.prize and 200 of 200 points with the time 01:34 seconds. All 3 dogs on the podium today got 200 points, and only 0.5 second separated us and #2. No wonder I felt we were finished so fast 🙂 The judge said our round was something of the best she had ever seen, and that made me really proud! Love my wonderful dogs! 

  MLH2288  MLH2291  MLH2334  MLH2344

2017-05-08T06:42:45+00:00February 14th, 2015|

Ninja and Olaf on playdate

2018-01-01T20:12:30+00:00February 12th, 2015|

Even if we live close, there was a long time since I had seen Olaf. So Isi, Ninja and I met up with him and his owners for a playdate on the field. Ninja and Olaf are very similar in type and color, and it was not easy to see who’s who when they were running around. I am delighted to see that Olaf have developed into a lovely young dog with the sweetest personality and wonderful temper. Se more photos here

 MLH2149  MLH2241  MLH2248  MLH2260


2018-01-01T20:12:30+00:00February 12th, 2015|

Ninja and Olaf

2017-08-03T08:44:51+00:00February 12th, 2015|

Ninja had a playdate with her brother Olaf (Wayosi Coat Of Many Colors) and they had a great time running around on the field. Isi also joined the youngsters, but she was more occupied with begging for food, and telling the youngsters how to behave 🙂

2017-08-03T08:44:51+00:00February 12th, 2015|

Nordic dog — dog gear for frozen dogs

2018-01-01T20:14:52+00:00February 5th, 2015|

Trine, who is owned by Juba from our A-litter have many good ideas and are somewhat a Gyro Gearloose!  She has started to sew ear warmers for dogs, and  my own dogs have also gotten their own ear warmers. The dogs do not need to be dressed from top to toe, but young ridgebacks often gets wounds on the tip of their ears, especially when it’s freezing cold like we often experience in the Nordic countries. So these ear warmers could also be used to keep the wounded ear in place, to let the wound heal, and keep them from shaking the wounded ears around. Take a look HERE to see more photos and order information. 

150204NordicDog05 150211Nordicdog2 150211Nordicdog1 150211Nordicdog3

2018-01-01T20:14:52+00:00February 5th, 2015|

National show in Letohallen

2017-05-08T06:44:19+00:00January 25th, 2015|

Today Kiito, Ted and Nicki had their show debut in puppy class (6-9 months) and Nixon had his show debut in junior class. Ted and Kiito was placed as 2 and 4 in their class, and Nicki was placed as number 3. Nixon received a Very good, and the judge said he had the best head of the junior males, but needed more routine in the ring. They all behaved very well to be first time for both dogs and owners, and I am very happy that none of the dogs had problems with being touched by the judge. They were happy, curious and focused on their owners, and I couldn’t be happier! Critique and photos from the show can bee seen on their own pages. 

 MLH2001  MLH2079  MLH2033  MLH1953

2017-05-08T06:44:19+00:00January 25th, 2015|

Ninja soon 7 months old

2017-05-08T06:46:01+00:00January 23rd, 2015|

Our C-litter is 7 months old in 2 days, and in just 2 months they are juniors, and can start rally obedience competitions and enter official classes on shows. Where have the time gone!? This means that our sweet girl Ninja is not just a little baby anymore, but are growing up. She will probably always be my little baby, and she is still such a funny, playful, naughty sweet little girl. I took some photos of her the other day, and she is beginning to develop into a little lady 🙂

 MLH1907  MLH1912  MLH1934  MLH1939

2017-05-08T06:46:01+00:00January 23rd, 2015|

Ridgebacks in winter wonderland and knitted sweaters

2017-05-08T06:46:28+00:00January 22nd, 2015|

The winter has come to Norway and the last weeks we have gotten a lot of snow in most parts of Norway. I have gotten some photos of Lucky and Atlas in Bergen, playing and having fun together in the snow. I have also gotten a photo of sweet Crazy, with her adorable ridge on her nose 🙂 My mother has become an expert in knitting wool sweaters for dogs, and several Wayosies have ordered their own sweater, pictured here Fia, Lillebror, Nicki, Ninja and Nixon

150122AtlasLucky 150122AtlasLucky2 150122Crazy 150122Fia 150122Lillebror 150122Nicki 150122Ninja 150122Nixon

2017-05-08T06:46:28+00:00January 22nd, 2015|

Kennel get-together

2017-05-08T07:00:40+00:00January 11th, 2015|

This weekend we had a lovely kennel get-together in Drammen Dog Park, an inside training hall for dogs with artificial grass and nice temperature. We joined with our three dogs Isi, Ninja and Sheriff, as well as Kiwi. From the A-litter Juba and Kani attended, from the B-litter Nixon, Buddy and Fia, and from the C-litter Nicki, Poppy, Lillebror and Kiito. A total of 13 dogs, and we enjoyed ourselves with some agility and rally-obedience, as well as just being social and drinking coffe 🙂 In the evening we ate dinner at a nice restaurant, and it was nice to be social without the dogs also.

 MLH1673  MLH1680  MLH1689  MLH1733  MLH1801  MLH1722  MLH1764  MLH1767  MLH1746  MLH1805  MLH1739  MLH1825 
2017-05-08T07:00:40+00:00January 11th, 2015|

Kennel get together

2017-08-03T08:41:00+00:00January 11th, 2015|

January 10, 2015 we had a lovely kennel get-together in Drammen Dog Park. We joined with our three dogs Isi, Ninja and Sheriff, as well as Kiwi. From the A-litter Juba and Kani attended, from the B-litter Nixon, Buddy and Fia, and from the C-litter Nicki, Poppy, Lillebror and Kiito. A total of 13 dogs, and we enjoyed ourselves with some agility and rally-obedience, as well as just being social and drinking coffe 🙂

2017-08-03T08:41:00+00:00January 11th, 2015|

Updates from Atlas

2017-05-08T07:04:30+00:00January 10th, 2015|

We recieved some new photos of Wayosi Cannonball ~ Atlas, and I am delighted to see what a stunning boy he is developing into, and hear what a wonderful young man he has become. He is just like one would expect at that age, and have his positive and negative sides 😉 More photos here

150110Atlas06 150110Atlas07 150110Atlas10 150110Atlas02

2017-05-08T07:04:30+00:00January 10th, 2015|

Greetings from Maggie

2017-05-08T07:05:01+00:00January 3rd, 2015|
Maggie has spent her christmas holidays south in Sweden, and her owner Hanna took some new photos of Maggie and her “big sis” Disa. Maggie has recovered really well after her litter, and one can hardly tell she has ever had puppies. She has also gained both weight and muscles, and Maggie’s constant snooping in the kitchen during christmas might have something to do with it 🙂 More photos can be seen here

03012015-IMG 3978 03012015-IMG 3986 30122014-IMG 3803 Maggie

2017-05-08T07:05:01+00:00January 3rd, 2015|

Greetings from Maggie

2017-08-03T08:47:01+00:00January 3rd, 2015|
2017-08-03T08:47:01+00:00January 3rd, 2015|

Wonderful son of Sheriff, Sabaku Inus Chikako of Sheriff ~ Kiiro

2017-05-08T07:05:49+00:00December 31st, 2014|

When I was in Stockholm earlier in December, I was thrilled to meet Sheriff’s livernosed son Kiiro (Sabaku Inus Chikako of Sheriff) again, and his sister Akira (Sabaku Inus Chokoreto of Sheriff) for the first time. See some more photos of Kiiro and Akira here. He has such a wonderful personality, and a superb mentality to go with it. And in addition, he is good looking also, and moves wonderfully. I can’t wait to see what the future has to hold for this wonderful boy, and I am so happy to see yet another stunning livernosed male after Sheriff! This litter gave a bunch of happy, playful and easy going dogs, and I am happy that also the x-ray results came back excellent, as well as the overall health.

 MLH0846  MLH0829  MLH0825  MLH0927

2017-05-08T07:05:49+00:00December 31st, 2014|

Ninja at puppy show, and some winter activities

2017-05-08T07:06:26+00:00December 29th, 2014|

This weekend we attended this years last show, and Ninja got to have her second start in puppy class. As she turned 6 months old on December 26, she got to start in 6-9 months puppy class. She became 2nd in the class, and do we need to say it was only 2 puppies entered in the class? 😉 Anyhow, she behaved perfect, stood like a statue while the judge was looking at her teeth and feeling over her, and thought everything was just funny. Do I need to say I am very proud of my little princess? 🙂 She is just legs right now, and are quite high in the rear. Not the prettiest age, so I am anxious to see how she will develop the next months! And I hope her head will grow into those big ears of her!  😉

After the puppy show we went to the dog club where we had a fire, ate hotdogs and had a “christmas gift field search” for the dogs. It was Ninja’s first time, and she was completely clueless what to do. My bad 😉 But Isi, despite never had done it before (my bad again…) as always thought fetching was funny. Sheriff got to stay in the car, because he was freezing on his paws. At home I had to take some new photos of my little pack, and I actually think this is the first photo I have of them together! 

 MLH1383  MLH1362  MLH1380  MLH1353  MLH1462  MLH1519 141228Fetohk03  MLH1583  MLH1593  MLH1598  MLH1608

2017-05-08T07:06:26+00:00December 29th, 2014|

Merry Christmas from the Wayosies

2017-05-08T07:07:03+00:00December 24th, 2014|

Today at christmas morning we met up with Fia, Buddy and Nicki and went for a lovely walk. The dogs are now happy and tired, and ready for the christmas celebrations. Wayosi monsters are now ready to celebrate christmas with their familys, and we wish everyone a wonderful Christmas celebration 🙂

 MLH1270  MLH1339  MLH1291 141224Juno 
141224Aragorn 141224Fia 141224Hektor 141224Leon 
141224Buddy 141224Atlas 141224Nicki 
2017-05-08T07:07:03+00:00December 24th, 2014|

Nixon 10 months old

2017-05-08T07:07:37+00:00December 21st, 2014|

We had a very nice visit from Nixon (Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive) and his family last weekend, and I took the oportunity to take some photos of him. He is, just like his brother and sisters from our B-litter, a social, happy and kind dog and they all have similarities from both their mother and father. In january we are having a kennel get-together and I can’t wait to meet them all again.

 MLH1235  MLH1251 

2017-05-08T07:07:37+00:00December 21st, 2014|

Visiting Maggie in Stockholm

2017-05-08T07:08:00+00:00December 20th, 2014|

Ninja and I packed our car and went to Stockholm to visit Ninja’s mother Maggie and her owner Hanna last weekend. We had a great weekend filled with wonderful dogs and people, and I can’t wait untill we meet them all again!

On friday we first met up with Ninja’s cousin Anzantra Grim Nansison “Grim” (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary and Anzantra Nansi Namibia) and his owner and breeder Helena. Such a wonderful looking male with the sweetest temper! Can’t wait to see how he develops! On the evening, Ninja’s sister Crazy and her lovely family came for a visit, and it was so lovely to see them again.

On saturday we first went to Stockholm International Show, and did a little shopping and got to watch all the lovely dogs in the ring. On the afternoon we went to the “dog islands” outside of the city together with Linda and her dogs Keaton (Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton) and Brun (That’s Obvious Absolut The Best) and Ninja got to meet a lot of other dogs. In the beginning she was not so comfortable with all the strange and big dogs, but after a while she was all over the place 🙂 I made sure to take some stacked photos of Maggie, and I just love the way she have matured during the last year, and after her puppies. She looks lovely, well done Hanna! 

On Sunday we went for some indoor obedience training before we headed home. I don’t have any photos from the training, because Ninja ate my cameras memory card the other day, with all the photos on it 😉 But luckily I had already saved the other photos taken that weekend, which can be seen HERE.

141214Stockholm06 141214Stockholm09 141214Stockholm28  MLH0978  MLH0984  MLH1056  MLH1086 141214Stockholm24
2017-05-08T07:08:00+00:00December 20th, 2014|

Visiting Maggie in Stockholm

2017-08-03T08:39:21+00:00December 20th, 2014|

Ninja and I packed our car and went to Stockholm to visit Ninja’s mother Maggie and her owner Hanna. We had a great weekend filled with wonderful dogs and people, and I can’t wait untill we meet them all again!

On friday we first met up with Ninja’s cousin Anzantra Grim Nansison “Grim” (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary and Anzantra Nansi Namibia) and his owner Helena. Such a wonderful looking male with the sweetest temper! Can’t wait to see how he develops!

On the evening, Ninja’s sister Crazy and her lovely family came for a visit, and it was so lovely to see them again.

On saturday we first went to Stockholm International Show, and did a little shopping and got to watch all the lovely dogs in the ring. On the afternoon we went to the “dog islands” outside of the city together with Linda and her dogs Keaton (Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton) and Brun (That’s Obvious Absolut The Best) and Ninja got to meet a lot of other dogs. In the beginning she was not so comfortable with all the strange and big dogs, but after a while she was all over the place 🙂

On Sunday we went for some indoor obedience training before we headed home. I don’t have any photos from the training, because Ninja ate my memorycard the other day, with all the photos on it 😉

2017-08-03T08:39:21+00:00December 20th, 2014|

Planned Rhodesian Ridgeback litter for 2015

2017-05-08T07:09:56+00:00December 18th, 2014|

Our sweet Kiwi will have her third and last litter spring 2015, and we are looking forward to hopefully have the house filled with little Wayosi monsters again. Kiwi is 6,5 years old, and we have done a full health check up on her, prior to deciding if we were going to mate her again or not. She was found to be as healthy as can be, and we are happy to see that she is in a great condition after her two first litters. She is getting better and better with age, and she is still happy, playful and enjoys life to the fullest. At the time being she is flying to France with her co-owners, and are enjoying the french vineyards in her christmas holidays. We are hoping for some photo updates eventually 🙂  Information about the male will be published eventually, so stay tuned! We are very exited about this combo, and are hoping this will give us possibilities for the future also. 

There have already been quite some interest in this combination, but we always welcome puppy buyers who fulfill our requirements and that will give a puppy from us the best life possible. Please contact us if you would like to know more about us or the planned litter, or would ask to be placed on our waiting list.

2017-05-08T07:09:56+00:00December 18th, 2014|

Presenting our upcoming litter 2015

2017-05-08T07:10:54+00:00December 18th, 2014|
We are happy to finally present our upcoming litter spring 2015. We have had this planned for quite some time now, and we are looking forward to a bunch of little Wayosi monsters in our house again. Kiwi will have her third and last litter spring 2015, and the male we have choosen for her is Maidens Kalahari Kandy. A dog with a very nice pedigree with a lot of scandinavian history, beside having a balanced and suitable temper that goes well with our queen Kiwi. There have already been quite some interest in this combination, but we always welcome puppy buyers who fulfill our requirements and that will give a puppy from us the best life possible. Read more HERE for more information. 
2017-05-08T07:10:54+00:00December 18th, 2014|

Nixon received obedience bronze mark diploma

2017-05-08T07:11:34+00:00December 9th, 2014|

Nixon (Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive) and his owner Bente entered obedience bronze mark competition today, and they received 154,5 points of 180 with good points in all moments. This means that they gained Obedience bronze mark diploma (equivalent to Obedience class 0). Nixon is only 9 months old, and there are a lot of things happening in his body these days. But they made it anyhow, and I am so proud of them both and hope to see more of them in the obedience ring in the future! 🙂 Big congrats Bente, Nixon and family! 

141209Nixon 141209Nixon2  MLH0416  MLH0610
2017-05-08T07:11:34+00:00December 9th, 2014|

A little get-together

2017-05-08T07:11:57+00:00December 8th, 2014|
We had a little get-together at the golf course on Losby with Ninja, Poppy and Nicki Sunday morning, and on the afternoon we met up with Kiwi and her daughter Fia. The dogs was happy to run on the large gras fields. Sheriff also joined us, even though he managed to hide from the camera’s. I also got a photo of Ted relaxing, what a cool guy he is 🙂
141207Losby1 141207Losby2 141207Losby3 141207Ted
2017-05-08T07:11:57+00:00December 8th, 2014|

Wayosies photo update

2017-05-08T09:00:29+00:00December 5th, 2014|

I have recieved some photos of several Wayosies, both small and large and I am happy to see that everyone is happy, healthy and being good companions for their owners. We are enjoying every day with Ninja, and especially Isi loves to have someone to play with, cuddle with and play tug of war with. Sheriff is still not sure if the whole puppy-thing is such a good idea, but some days he for a short second almost plays with her. So eventually I think he will be just as happy about Ninja, as he is about his little princess Isi 🙂 Børge and Ninja have completed puppy class, and she seems very promising as my new working ridgeback. But at this age environmental training is also extremely important, so we try to take her to the city, going by trains, relaxing at the buss terminal during rush hours etc. Just like I did with the other dogs when they were small. Looking good so far 🙂

141202Atlas4 141202Atlas5 141202Crazy8 141202Crazy5 141202Crazy6 141202Kiito 141202Lucky1 141202Nicki1 141202Ninja2 141202Ninja4 141202Olaf5 141202Olaf2 141202Olaf4 141205Ted1 141205Aragorn 141202Leon
2017-05-08T09:00:29+00:00December 5th, 2014|

C-litter 5 months old

2017-05-08T09:00:42+00:00November 27th, 2014|
Our C-litter turned 5 months old yesterday, and it’s hard to believe how fast the time is flying! Now most of the pups have lost their teeth, and gotten new and stronger teeth. They are now weighing between 20 and 28 kilos, with the largest boys being in lead. Most of them have started second puppy class, and they are doing great! They are sweet and lovable puppies, but from time to time the little monsters in them show of quite well 😉 We are planning a kennel get-togehter in January, and I hope to see as many as possible then 🙂 I have stolen a couple of photos from Facebook..
Our own little keeper Ninja are also doing great, and she is a very clever little puppy, and so far she is fulfilling all my hopes and wishes for a new puppy. She is an eager worker, and learns very fast. We have already been training for a while, and at the moment we are focusing on heal, stay, down and fetching , which is going great, and she just loves it! I hope she will walk in the steps of her mother, grandfather and the rest of the 5 generations of working ridgebacks that are in her pedigree!   
 MLH0715  MLH0726  MLH0747 141125Kiito 
141125Atlas 141125Olaf 141125Lucky 141125Lillebror1
2017-05-08T09:00:42+00:00November 27th, 2014|

Sheriff Norwegian Veteran Winner 2014

2017-05-08T09:01:00+00:00November 15th, 2014|
Norwegian and Nordic Winner Show 2014 was held at Lillestrøm Trade Fairs this weekend, and I had entered Kiwi and Sheriff both days. We had a great time meeting new and old friends and ridgeback enthusiasts and the dogs was happy and satisfied by attending this “meat ball circus” 🙂 I am especially proud of 9,5 year old Sheriff, which won the veteran class with champion quality at the Norwegian Winner Show, giving him the new title Norwegian Veteran Winner 2014. In addition he was placed as Best Male 4, with a breed entry of 80! 4 weeks ago he removed his spleen in an acute splenectomy, but he has had a quick recovery and he is in a very good condition. I am a proud owner of such a wonderful veteran! ❤️
Sheriff by Helene Wrede Photo By Elena Kovalchuk
2017-05-08T09:01:00+00:00November 15th, 2014|

Playdate with Ninja and Lillebror

2017-08-03T08:50:23+00:00November 10th, 2014|
Ninja, Isi and I met up with Lillebror and Kani. Ninja and Lillebror had not seen each other since they were 9 weeks old, and they played happily together. We tried to take some nice photos of Kani and Isi, but the little rascals destroyed the moments by interupting and photo bombing the photo 😉
2017-08-03T08:50:23+00:00November 10th, 2014|

B-litter meeting

2017-08-03T08:52:07+00:00November 9th, 2014|
We had a B-litter get-together with Fia, Buddy and Nixon, and mommy Kiwi joined also. We had a great time together in the forest, and Kiwi was so sweet and gentle with her now almost grown up pups 🙂
2017-08-03T08:52:07+00:00November 9th, 2014|

B-litter get-together

2017-05-08T09:05:04+00:00November 9th, 2014|
The “puppies” from our B-litter are now 8 months old and are starting to become young adults. I guess they have more or less reached their adult height by now, but still have some maturing to do in mass. Nixon and Buddy are both big boys, probably in the top range of the standard, while little Fia at the time being would fit perfectly in the Airedale standard 😉 She is probably not more than 55 cm, and weighing just about 24 kg. She was the smallest one in the litter when she was born, weighing only 250 grams while the other pups weighed around 500 grams. But she was a fighter, and without much help from us, she fought her way to the food and gained weight. But she never reached the others, and it seems she will just be a little girl. But what she doesn’t have in size, she compensate in personality 😉 We had a great get-together in the forest, where mum Kiwi also joined. She was as always happy to see her puppies, and was so gentle and at the same time very clear about who’s still in charge. More photos can be seen here

 MLH0483  MLH0468  MLH0465  MLH0509  MLH0519  MLH0591  MLH0662  MLH0687 

2017-05-08T09:05:04+00:00November 9th, 2014|

A little playdate with Lillebror and Kani

2017-05-08T09:07:44+00:00November 8th, 2014|
Ninja, Isi and I met up with Lillebror and Kani. Ninja and Lillebror had not seen each other since they were 9 weeks old, and they played happily together. We tried to take some nice photos of Kani and Isi, but the little rascals destroyed the moments by interupting and photo bombing the photo 😉 More photos here

 MLH0329  MLH0347  MLH0351  MLH0376

2017-05-08T09:07:44+00:00November 8th, 2014|

Puppy meeting with the C-litter

2017-05-08T09:11:40+00:00November 3rd, 2014|
Yesterday we had a small meeting with some of the C-litter pups with walk in the forrest and a campfire. Poppy, Ted, Nicki and Ninja attended, and even if it was raining a bit, we still had a great time, and the pups got to run and play. See photos of the pups below, except for Nicki because her photos didn’t turn out at all this time 😉

 MLH0258  MLH0292  MLH0308  MLH0246

2017-05-08T09:11:40+00:00November 3rd, 2014|

Isi debut in rally and Ninja attend her first puppy show

2017-05-08T09:12:17+00:00November 2nd, 2014|
Last weekend I had signed Isi up for her debut in rally obedience class 1 (beginners class). There was 37 contestants in our class, and we ended up as 11/37 with 185/200 points and first leg for class 2. I haven’t trained a lot with Isi lately, so she was not as good as I know she can be. But this made me want to compete more in 2015, hopefully collecting a few rally titles. This weekend Ninja attended her first puppy show, 4-6 months old. It was her first time for many things.. First time inside a hall, first time with so many unknown dogs around, first time in the ring and first time with a unknown person feeling through her. But she really amazed me, being so cool and so concentrated from beginning to end. She stood like a statue in front of the judge, and was happy and comfortable. She got a nice critique, and was placed as number 2 behind lovely Blondie. 

 MLH0020  MLH0215  MLH0229  MLH0055

2017-05-08T09:12:17+00:00November 2nd, 2014|

B-litter already 8 months old

2017-05-08T09:12:32+00:00October 30th, 2014|
The B-litter have turned 8 months old, and before we know it they are 1 year old! They are doing fine, and just like expected, the hormones are kicking in as they start to enter first puberty. They are kind and social dogs, unafraid and curious. They like to work for a treat, and they have completed several obedience classes already. Some of them are very likely to be seen in the rally obedience ring next year 🙂

141028Fia 141006Fia  MLH9473 141024Buddy01

2017-05-08T09:12:32+00:00October 30th, 2014|

Sheriff recovering well after splenectomy

2017-05-08T09:12:43+00:00October 29th, 2014|

10 days ago Sheriff suddenly got very ill and he had to undergo a urgent splenectomy, were his entire spleen was removed. The vets found a tumor with the size of a tennis ball in his spleen, which had ruptured and bled into his abdomen. Even though he lost a lot of blood during the bleed and the surgery, he quickly recovered. The tumor was looked at by my kind co-worker pathologist Arkadi, and luckily it was “just” a hematoma, which is a benign accumulation of pooled blood. We also did a complete blood test panel, which came back as perfectly normal. Not even one parameter was abnormal, showing us that he probably is in good health otherwise. The irony is that we had a routine senior checkup on him the day before, and he was found perfectly healthy. 18 hours later he was lying on the operating table and we were crossing our fingers that he would survive. Luckily we have the best vet which did a great job with him, as always. The reason for the hematoma on the spleen is unknown, but the pathologist said it could be some kind of trauma. I don’t know what kind of trauma that could be, but the only thing I remember is that the clumsy, crazy old man got a fractured rib earlier this summer when running hard into the sharp corner of a bench. We will probably never know, and we are crossing our fingers that he doesn’t get any complications. We would very much like to have him with us for several more years. Luckily he is in a very good condition for his age, and that is probably also why the recovery went so well. 

We have had our challenges by keeping this active 9,5 year old on his 4 legs, not jumping around as he use to, and now I am happy to say that he is doing great and seems to be as healthy as can be, everything taken into consideration. He is back stealing food and being his mischief self, and somehow he is even more hungry. I did not think that it was possible 😉

 MLH0147  MLH0177  MLH0178  MLH0171

2017-05-08T09:12:43+00:00October 29th, 2014|

More C-litter updates

2017-05-08T09:12:54+00:00October 27th, 2014|
I have updated the C-litter photoalbums here and there, wich can be seen on their individual pages. The pups are doing good, and almost everyone have started new puppy classes, after having the first 6 puppy classes with us. They have started to loose their teeth, and most of them have gotten several new and big teeth. The pups are social and happy pups, bites like pups do, chew on stuff and gives their owners grey hairs. Luckily they are very cute when they sleep 😉

141028Poppy 141028Olaf 141024Ted04  MLH9929

2017-05-08T09:12:54+00:00October 27th, 2014|

Updates from Lucky and Atlas

2017-05-08T09:13:12+00:00October 26th, 2014|
Two of our C-litter puppies, Wayosi Cannonball ~ Atlas and Wayosi Constant Motion ~ Lucky, resides in Bergen, wich is in the far west of Norway. Therefore we don’t get to see them as often as their siblings in our area and I am sorry for that. Thats’s why it is wonderful to see that they can meet up and have a small get together 🙂 Some more photos can bee seen here. They are both developing nicely both mentally and fysically, and I am hapy to learn that they are kind and wellbehaved pups, besides a little mischief every now and then 🙂

141008AH03 141008AH11 141008AH10 141008AH01

2017-05-08T09:13:12+00:00October 26th, 2014|

Backpacker dogs

2017-05-25T18:54:56+00:00October 14th, 2014|
When you are a little puppy, long walks could be tiresome. Then it’s good to sit in the backpack for a while 🙂 Also a photo of Ninja and Isi, the two new best friends.

141010Atlas 141010Kiito 141010Ted 141012Ninja

2017-05-25T18:54:56+00:00October 14th, 2014|

Maggie got another rally-O title!

2017-05-25T18:55:33+00:00October 11th, 2014|
A big big congratulations to Hanna and Maggie with their 3rd consecutive qualified round in Rally Obedience Graduate class (class 2), and thus giving them a new title – RLDF to put in front of Maggie’s name, Her full name is now RLDN RLDF Wayosi A Kind Of Magic. This with Maggie’s first litter being just 3 months old, and all rounds within the last month! I’m so proud of you both, your’e the best team!
2017-05-25T18:55:33+00:00October 11th, 2014|

Kennel get-together

2017-08-03T08:54:44+00:00October 6th, 2014|
We had a little Wayosi get-together and a total of 7 dogs had a very nice walk among other people and dogs in Østmarka. It is always so nice to meet up again, and I am looking forward to next time! 🙂 
2017-08-03T08:54:44+00:00October 6th, 2014|

A small kennel get-together

2017-05-25T18:58:04+00:00October 6th, 2014|
Yesterday we had a little Wayosi get-together and a total of 7 dogs had a very nice walk among other people and dogs in Østmarka. It is always so nice to meet up again, and I am looking forward to next time! 🙂

 MLH9804  MLH9859  MLH9820  MLH9811  MLH9849  MLH9869  MLH9875

2017-05-25T18:58:04+00:00October 6th, 2014|

Maggie is back in business!

2017-05-26T03:27:56+00:00October 2nd, 2014|
With her 10 puppies being only 12 weeks old, Maggie is back in business and have had 2 starts in rally obedience graduate class (class 2) and both times with qualified result – and thus 2 legs for her RLDF title! Only one more qualified result to go! Big congratulations to Hanna and Maggie, and also a big congratulation to Maggies “big sister” Disa with her nwe title RLDF. We are very proud of you! 🙂

141002Maggie2 141002Maggie1

2017-05-26T03:27:56+00:00October 2nd, 2014|

Updates on the C-litter

2017-05-26T03:28:32+00:00September 18th, 2014|
Our C-litter is 12 weeks old today, and so far everyone is doing great. There has been times where their owners have threatened to send them back, but luckily the good times overshadows the bad 😉 The little ones have settled in nicely in their new homes, most of them have started puppy classes either with me or where they live, and they are good students. 
I have updated their photo albums here and there, and have been snooping around on facebook after some photos 🙂
140916Kiito2 140918Atlas 140918Olaf  MLH9229 
14092014-IMG 3480  MLH9202  MLH9191  MLH8972 
2017-05-26T03:28:32+00:00September 18th, 2014|

Maggie and Crazy

2017-08-02T22:53:00+00:00September 15th, 2014|
14092014-IMG 3435
Crazy and mum Maggie meeting for the first time since Crazy left the puppy box.
14092014-IMG 3442
Maggie and Disa
14092014-IMG 3443
Maggie and Disa
14092014-IMG 3448
Maggie and Crazy
14092014-IMG 3449
14092014-IMG 3452
14092014-IMG 3454
14092014-IMG 3458
Maggie and Crazy
14092014-IMG 3459
Maggie and her frog puppy 🙂
14092014-IMG 3460
14092014-IMG 3464
14092014-IMG 3465
14092014-IMG 3475
Crazy and Maggie
14092014-IMG 3480
14092014-IMG 3478
2017-08-02T22:53:00+00:00September 15th, 2014|

140907 ~ Second puppy class

2017-05-26T03:31:34+00:00September 8th, 2014|
Ted, Olaf, Kiito and Ninja participated on todays puppy class 🙂
Kiito and Olaf
Kiito and Olaf
Olaf and Kiito
Olaf and Kiito
Ninja and Kiito
2017-05-26T03:31:34+00:00September 8th, 2014|

Time to leave the nest

2017-05-26T03:31:57+00:00September 6th, 2014|
The puppies are 10 weeks old now, and during the last 3 weeks they have moved to their new homes. We have kept Ninja ourself, Lucky and Atlas have moved to Bergen (west in Norway), Crazy have moved to Uppsala (Sweden), Lillebror to Sandefjord (2 hours from us) and Kiito, Poppy, Nicki, Olaf and Ted are living close to us. We have already started puppy class for the pups living close by, and the ones living far away have started their training as well. The reports from the owners have been very good, and they are reporting about curious, social, kind and balanced puppies, with just a little naughtiness in between 🙂 We wish all the new owners all the best with their new Wayosi monsters 🙂
 MLH7980  MLH8059  MLH8369  MLH8496  MLH8501  MLH8525  MLH8537  MLH8588  MLH8649
2017-05-26T03:31:57+00:00September 6th, 2014|

Introducing our new pack member!

2017-05-26T03:34:47+00:00September 2nd, 2014|
We are proud to introduce our newest pack member from our C-litter! Miss Red was the one who had to stay, and she will be called Ninja while her pedigree name is Wayosi Chattahoochee. She is named after one of my favorite country songs, and her call name seems to suit her personality 🙂 She had that special something from the moment she was born, and during the 8 weeks with her, the connection was just to strong to let her go. She is a curious and cool puppy, scared of nothing and with that special dignity. We feel that she fits our family and pack perfectly, and can’t wait to see how she develops.
 MLH8614  MLH8639  MLH8886  MLH8904
2017-05-26T03:34:47+00:00September 2nd, 2014|

56 days old

2017-05-26T03:45:45+00:00August 20th, 2014|
The time have flied the last couple of weeks, and I have had problems finding enough time for updating the puppy blog… But I have updated the C-litter page with photos continuous, and you can find a loot of photos here.  Maggie’s co-owner Hanna have stayed here for almost 1 week, and I have really enjoyed her company! I wish she could move to Norway 😉 Maggie was happy to see Hanna again, and when Hanna went back home, Maggie joined her as the pups was a couple days short of 8 weeks.
Maggie have been such a great mother to her pups, and everything from mating to delivery to raising her puppies have been as taken out of the books. She have been a protective and loving mother for her pups, always so cool and relaxed around them. She have corrected them and played with them in a very good way, leaving the pups sensitive for corrections and very playful. The pups are happy and social towards people, curious and unafraid, and have a wonderful and outgoing temper. I am very happy with how these pups have turned out, and I can’t wait to see how they develop 🙂 During this week the puppies will leave us, except for Miss Red which we are keeping at home and Mister Grey who we are searching the right home to. 
 MLH8101  MLH8115  MLH8272  MLH8313
2017-05-26T03:45:45+00:00August 20th, 2014|

140819 ~ 54 days old

2017-05-26T03:46:55+00:00August 19th, 2014|
Mommy Maggie
Maggie is correcting her pups
Hanna snuggling with Mister Grey 🙂
Sheriff, Maggie and Miss Red – 3 generations 🙂
Testing the pool..
2017-05-26T03:46:55+00:00August 19th, 2014|

140814 ~ 49 days old

2017-05-26T03:47:56+00:00August 13th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Brown, correct
1brown MLH74511brown MLH7480
#2 – Mister Green, kinked tail
2green MLH74942green MLH7498
#3 – Mister Blue, ridgeless
3blue MLH75173blue MLH7543
#4 – Miss Orange, ridgeless
4orange MLH75644orange MLH7574
#5 – Miss Purple, correct
5purple MLH75875purple MLH7610
#6 – Miss Pink, ridgeless
6pink MLH76176pink MLH76186pink MLH7629
#7 – Mister Grey, correct
7grey MLH76357grey MLH7652
#8 – Miss Red, correct
8red MLH77138red MLH7718
# 9 – Mister Black, ridgeless
9black MLH77309black MLH7741
#10 – Miss Yellow, correct
10yellow MLH777910yellow MLH7792
2017-05-26T03:47:56+00:00August 13th, 2014|

43 days old and visiting my mother

2017-05-26T03:48:22+00:00August 11th, 2014|
When the puppies was 43 days old we took them to a visit in my mum’s garden, as we always do with our pups. And like always, they had a great time playing and exploring a new place. Some photos can bee seen under, or more photos here
 MLH7310  MLH7334  MLH7332  MLH7271
2017-05-26T03:48:22+00:00August 11th, 2014|

140807 ~ 42 days old

2017-05-26T03:49:22+00:00August 7th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Brown, correct
1brown MLH73521brown MLH68981brown MLH6881
#2 – Mister Green, kinked tail
2green MLH73692green MLH69242green MLH6900
#3 – Mister Blue, ridgeless
3blue MLH73783blue MLH69603blue MLH6944
#4 – Miss Orange, ridgeless
4orange MLH73884orange MLH70114orange MLH6987
#5 – Miss Purple, correct
5purple MLH74175purple MLH71515purple MLH7119
#6 – Miss Pink, ridgeless
6pink MLH73916pink MLH70336pink MLH7032
#7 – Mister Grey, correct
7grey MLH73967grey MLH70967grey MLH7093
#8 – Miss Red, correct
8red MLH74218red MLH71908red MLH7172
# 9 – Mister Black, ridgeless
9black MLH74239black MLH72219black MLH7213
#10 – Miss Yellow, correct
10yellow MLH743310yellow MLH725910yellow MLH7262
10yellow MLH7248
2017-05-26T03:49:22+00:00August 7th, 2014|

Puppies 42 days old

2017-05-26T03:49:54+00:00August 6th, 2014|
The puppies have already turned 42 days old, 6 weeks, and with these 10 rascals in the house you don’t need to wonder what you should do with your time 😉 They are up around 06.00, then they eat outside if the weather allows it while I clean the puppy box after the nights escapades. Then they run around outside in the garden, before we all take a nap inside to next feeding time around 11.00. Then, if the weather is ok they stay outside in the garden, playing, having visitors, taking a drive in the car, going for excursions etc, and having another feeding around 15.30, until the last feeding around 20.00. Then they usually run around like crazy outside, and inside in the puppy box, before they fall asleep literally where they stand 🙂 During the night I wake up a couple of times from the puppies running around and playing, but when the clock are getting closer to 06.00 I know that there is nothing else to do when they are awake, than get out of the bed and start the day. We also try to give each puppy some alone time with us every day, just be able to explore the house on their own, spending time with us alone, walking around outside the fences together with us etc. Their personalities are also starting to show more and more, and I can sit for hours just watching them explore the world and learning how to use their language around Maggie, Isi and grandfather Sheriff, which by the way isn’t that impressed by them 😉 
I update the C-litter page with photos every now and then. 
1brown MLH6881 2green MLH6900 3blue MLH6944 4orange MLH6987 5purple MLH7119 6pink MLH7032 7grey MLH7093 8red MLH7172 10yellow MLH7248
2017-05-26T03:49:54+00:00August 6th, 2014|

140801 ~ 36 days old

2017-05-26T03:50:22+00:00August 1st, 2014|
Maggie threw up her food for the pups, and like mummy Kiwi, it was also the only time 😉
Mummy relaxing 🙂
Granddaddy Sheriff 
Mummy watching her puppies eat… Hoping to get some of it 🙂
2017-05-26T03:50:22+00:00August 1st, 2014|

Puppies 35 days old

2017-05-26T03:51:23+00:00July 31st, 2014|
New stacks of our 35 days old puppies can bee seen under, as well as head shots here. The puppies are such sweeties and we looking forward to get to know their personality during the next 3 weeks 🙂
1brown MLH6424 2green MLH6450 3blue MLH6462 4orange MLH6472 5purple MLH6576 6pink MLH6488 7grey MLH6597 8red MLH6513 9black MLH6534 10yellow MLH6558
2017-05-26T03:51:23+00:00July 31st, 2014|

140731 ~ 35 days old

2017-05-26T03:51:48+00:00July 31st, 2014|
#1 – Mister Brown, correct
1brown MLH66181brown MLH6424
#2 – Mister Green, kinked tail
2green MLH66302green MLH6450
#3 – Mister Blue, ridgeless
3blue MLH66323blue MLH6462
#4 – Miss Orange, ridgeless
4orange MLH66504orange MLH6472
#5 – Miss Purple, correct
5purple MLH66525purple MLH6576
#6 – Miss Pink, ridgeless
6pink MLH66646pink MLH6488
#7 – Mister Grey, correct
7grey MLH66717grey MLH6597
#8 – Miss Red, correct
8red MLH66728red MLH6513
#9 – Mister Black, ridgeless
9black MLH66809black MLH6534
#10 – Miss Yellow, correct
10yellow MLH668510yellow MLH6558
2017-05-26T03:51:48+00:00July 31st, 2014|

140724 ~ 28 days old

2017-05-26T03:52:58+00:00July 24th, 2014|
# 1 – Mister Brown, correct
1brown MLH61351brown MLH5909
#2 – Mister Green, kinked tail
2green MLH61372green MLH5931
#3 – Mister Blue, ridgeless
3blue MLH61533blue MLH5948
#4 – Miss Orange, ridgeless
4orange MLH61724orange MLH5977
#5 – Miss Purple, correct
5purple MLH61895purple MLH61815purple MLH5993
#6 – Miss Pink, ridgeless
6pink MLH61916pink MLH6009
#7 – Mister Grey, correct
7grey MLH61997grey MLH6107
#8 – Miss Red, correct
8red MLH62098red MLH60438red MLH6051
#9 – Mister Black, ridgeless
9black MLH62359black MLH6069
#10 – Miss Yellow, correct
10yellow MLH624610yellow MLH6093
2017-05-26T03:52:58+00:00July 24th, 2014|

28 days old and new stacks

2017-05-26T03:53:16+00:00July 24th, 2014|
We have taken new stacked photos of the puppies at 28 days of age, 4 weeks old. I think they are all developing nicely in exterior and to my joy they also develop the way I like in mentaity and mischief 😉
1brown MLH5890 2green MLH5931 3blue MLH5948 4orange MLH5977 5purple MLH5996 6pink MLH6009 7grey MLH6107 8red MLH6051 9black MLH6069 10yellow MLH6093
2017-05-26T03:53:16+00:00July 24th, 2014|

140723 ~ 27 days old

2017-05-26T03:53:42+00:00July 23rd, 2014|
The pups are getting solid food 2 times per day now
Miss Red know how to be comfortable 😉
2017-05-26T03:53:42+00:00July 23rd, 2014|

23 days old and first stacks!

2017-05-26T03:54:02+00:00July 18th, 2014|
Our puppies are 23 days old today, and they have moved dowstairs to a larger puppy pen in our livingroom. Now they have more room to explore and move around, more sounds and smells  and generally more impressions. It’s also easier for us to keep an eye on them at all time. They are all gaining weight and developing like they should. Some of them have learned to use their voice, and use it a lot 🙂 They have started getting their teeth, and they are now getting solid food once a day. In a couple of days time we will increase it to two times per day. Maggie is having full control of her little ones, and I am very proud of how well she handles the whole experience with having puppies. We have taken the first stacks of the pups, or at least tried to have them on the table to see if we can get an idea of their exterior, and also taken new head shots. See the photos here (21 days), as well as some mixed photos from the last days. 
 MLH5676brown  MLH5717purple  MLH5734grey  MLH5746red
2017-05-26T03:54:02+00:00July 18th, 2014|

140718 ~ 22 days old

2017-05-26T03:54:27+00:00July 17th, 2014|
 MLH5440 MLH5442 MLH5443 MLH5444 MLH5766 MLH5767 MLH5768 MLH5769 MLH5770 MLH5771 MLH5772 MLH5773
 MLH5774 MLH5775 MLH5776 MLH5777 MLH5778 MLH5779 MLH5780 MLH5781 MLH5782 MLH5783 MLH5785 MLH5786 MLH5787 MLH5789 MLH5790 MLH5792 MLH5793 MLH5794 MLH5795 MLH5797 MLH5798 MLH5799 MLH5800 MLH5801 MLH5802 MLH5803 MLH5804
Grandfather Sheriff taking a nap, unaware of how the house will turn upside down in 3 weeks time 🙂
2017-05-26T03:54:27+00:00July 17th, 2014|

140717 ~ 21 days old

2017-05-26T03:54:46+00:00July 17th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Brown
#2 – Mister Green
#3 – Mister Blue
# 4 – Miss Orange
#5 – Miss Purple
#6 – Miss Pink
#7 – Mister Grey
 MLH5596grey MLH5734grey
#8 – Miss Red
# 9 – Mister Black

#10 – Miss Yellow
 MLH5761yellow MLH5671yellow
2017-05-26T03:54:46+00:00July 17th, 2014|

Puppies 17 days old

2017-05-26T03:55:03+00:00July 13th, 2014|
The puppies are 17 days old today, and a lot have happened the last two weeks. They have all opened their eyes and they are moving around the puppy box more or less standing on their feet. From time to time they look like drunken sailors, but it’s just how it should be 😀 They have all gained as much weight as they should, and they are calm and comfortable between feedings. Maggie have more than enough milk for everyone, so they are well fed, and feels like small bricks when we lift them up. Today they got to taste solid food for the first time, and it was a big hit! Maggie is a wonderful mother, and she handles everything herself, without any stress what so ever. In a weeks time we are moving the puppies down stairs into the living-room so they will have more noice, smells and other impressions around them. They would also eventually need more space, and the large puppy box down stairs gives them the space they need. We took some new headshots of the puppies today, see the photos here
We still have 2 males that are looking for their forever home, and if you are interested please contact us.
 MLH5321  MLH5426  MLH5344green  MLH5352blue
2017-05-26T03:55:03+00:00July 13th, 2014|

140713 ~ 17 days old

2017-05-26T03:55:29+00:00July 13th, 2014|
Got a “reserve-mommy” 🙂
# 1 – Mister Black
# Mister Green
# Mister Blue
# Miss Orange
# Miss Purple
# Miss Pink
# Mister Grey
# Miss Red
# Mister Black
# Miss Yellow
First taste of solid food
2017-05-26T03:55:29+00:00July 13th, 2014|

140712 ~ 16 days old

2017-05-26T03:55:51+00:00July 12th, 2014|
2017-05-26T03:55:51+00:00July 12th, 2014|

Hektor’s first litter is here

2017-05-26T03:56:12+00:00July 11th, 2014|
Wayosi Anything But Ordinary ~ Hektor have sired his first litter! The dam is Anzantras Nansi Namibia at kennel Anzantra in Sweden, and she gave birth to 11 puppies June 23, 2014. See more information about the litter on Hektor’s page and at Anzantra’s website. I am a very proud breeder of Hektor, as he is a mentally excellent dog, wrapped in a very nice exterior. I look forward to see this litter grow up, and I am sure these pups will be both beautiful and have a very good mentality 🙂
Hektor 140711Anzantravalp1 140711Anzantravalp2 140711Anzantravalp3
2017-05-26T03:56:12+00:00July 11th, 2014|

Happy 3rd birthday to our A-litter!

2017-05-26T03:57:06+00:00July 9th, 2014|
Our A-litter is 3 years old today, happy birthday to you all! I am happy to say that we still have everyone with us, and (nock on wood) no-one have been sick or had any health issues at all. So far very healthy dogs. I hope I can say the same in 3 years time 🙂 I hope everyone gets spoiled today!
alitter 3yearsoldweb 140709Leon1 140709Juno1 140709Juba4
2017-05-26T03:57:06+00:00July 9th, 2014|

140705 ~ 9 days old

2017-05-26T03:57:37+00:00July 5th, 2014|
Maggie taking a time of from the puppies
 MLH5119 MLH5121 MLH5122 MLH5123 MLH5124 MLH5125 MLH5126 MLH5127 MLH5128 MLH5130 MLH5131 MLH5132 MLH5133 MLH5134 MLH5135 MLH5136 MLH5137 MLH5138 MLH5139 MLH5141 MLH5142 MLH5143 MLH5144 MLH5145 MLH5146 MLH5147 MLH5148 MLH5149 MLH5150 MLH5152 MLH5153 MLH5154 MLH5157 MLH5158 MLH5160 MLH5161 MLH5162 MLH5163 MLH5164 MLH5166 MLH5168 MLH5174 MLH5175
2017-05-26T03:57:37+00:00July 5th, 2014|

Puppies 5 days old

2017-05-26T03:57:57+00:00July 1st, 2014|
The puppies are 5 days old today and they are doing great. They have all gained weight as expected and they are developing like they should. Maggie is being a great mom, she takes good care of her puppies and have more than enough milk for all 10 puppies. Maggie is in good health, but at the moment she will only stay in the puppy box and she is loosing muscles. So I am looking forward to a couple of weeks time when she decides the puppies can care for themselves a little bit, while she joins us for a walk in the forrest 🙂 I did a thorough DS check today, and there was no DS detected. I update the C-litter photo album more often than the blog, and some new photos can bee seen here
 MLH5043brown  MLH5051green  MLH5066blue  MLH5076orange  MLH5085purple  MLH5088pink  MLH5096grey  MLH5100red  MLH5107black  MLH5113yellow
2017-05-26T03:57:57+00:00July 1st, 2014|

140701 ~ 5 days old

2017-05-26T03:58:16+00:00July 1st, 2014|
# 1 – Mister Brown
Born 22:25, 510 grams
Correct, small white marking on chest
# 2 – Mister Green
Born 23:40, 550 grams
Correct ridge, kinked tail

# 3 – Mister Blue
Born 01:00, 500 grams
Ridgeless, white on chest

# 4 – Miss Orange
Born 01:07, 550 grams
Ridgeless, small white stripe on chest

# 5 – Miss Purple
Born 02:05, 490 grams
Correct, small white mark on chest

# 5 – Miss Pink
Born 03:10, 460 grams
Ridgeless, small white mark on chest

# 7 – Mister Grey
Born 04:20, 490 grams
Correct, small white mark on chest, white stripe on belly

# 8 – Miss Red
Born 04:45, 470 grams
Correct, white mark on chest, white stripe on belly, white on toes

# 9 – Mister Black
Born 05:35, 560 grams
Ridgeless, small white marking on chest

# 10 – Miss Yellow
Born 08:00, 510 grams
Correct, white mark on chest, white stripe on belly, white on toes

2017-05-26T03:58:16+00:00July 1st, 2014|

140630 ~ 4 days old

2017-05-26T03:58:32+00:00July 1st, 2014|
2017-05-26T03:58:32+00:00July 1st, 2014|

The C-litter is here!

2017-05-26T03:59:34+00:00June 29th, 2014|
The C-litter was born June 26 and June 27, 2014 and in the puppy box we now have 10 wonderful puppies. There are 5 females and 5 males. Maggie did a fantastic job delivering the pups, and all pups was delivered without any complications in about 7 hours time. All puppies are at this point strong and healthy, and have already gained a lot of weight. Maggie is a wonderful and caring mother, and enjoys her little wonders. The boys have collars with the colors blue (ridgeless), green (kinked tail), grey (correct), black (ridgeless) and brown (correct), while the females have collars with the colors red (correct), yellow (correct), purple (correct), orange (ridgeless) and pink (ridgeless). More photos can bee seen here, and will be updated more often than the puppy blog. 
We have some available puppies, so if you are interested in one of these puppies you are welcome to contact us by mail (mona(at)wayosi.no) or by telephone +47 95838587. 
 MLH4946  MLH4952  MLH4961  MLH4977
2017-05-26T03:59:34+00:00June 29th, 2014|

140628 ~ 2 days old

2018-04-02T11:20:08+00:00June 28th, 2014|
2018-04-02T11:20:08+00:00June 28th, 2014|

Maggie 59 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:21:13+00:00June 24th, 2014|
Maggie is 59 days pregnant today, and the puppies can arrive any day now. Maggie is doing ok, but I think she will be happy when the big belly in gone. It is very heavy for her to walk and move around now, although she is in remarkable good shape. She has gained almost 30 cm around her waist, and around 10 kg in weight. She has settled in her puppy box and everything should be ready for the pups to arrive. We cross our fingers for an uncomplicated delivery with strong and lively puppies, and we will update our website again when the pups have arrived and all puppy buyers on our list have been notified. 
 MLH4850  MLH4852
2018-04-02T11:21:13+00:00June 24th, 2014|

Puppy meeting with the B’s

2018-04-02T11:21:51+00:00June 24th, 2014|
We had a very nice puppy meeting in Nixon’s garden, together with FiaBuddy and mommy Kiwi. The pups got to play and run, and we got to chat and barbeque. I think both pups and humans slept very well the foloowing night 🙂 The pups are 4 months old now, have entered their first puberty and starting to loose their teeth. They are switching between cute and lovable pups, and not so cute monsters. Just as it should be, and luckily it will be better by time. All 3 that are in the nearby of us have startet puppy class at dogschoolls, and the feedback are very good and the pups are behaving good and learning things very quickly. More photos can be seen here
 MLH4813  MLH4820  MLH4759  MLH4806
2018-04-02T11:21:51+00:00June 24th, 2014|

140623 ~ Puppy meeting

2018-04-02T11:24:15+00:00June 24th, 2014|
We had a very nice puppy meeting in Nixon’s garden, together with Fia, Buddy and mommy Kiwi. The pups got to play and run, and we got to chat and barbeque. 

Kiwi and Buddy
Buddy and Nixon
Buddy and Nixon
Buddy and Nixon
Buddy and Nixon
Buddy and Nixon
Buddy and Nixon
Buddy and Nixon
Fia, Buddy and Nixon
Fia, Buddy and Nixon
Fia and Nixon
Fia, Buddy and Nixon
Fia, Buddy and Nixon
Fia, Buddy and Nixon
Fia, Buddy and Nixon
2018-04-02T11:24:15+00:00June 24th, 2014|

Maggie 53 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:22:58+00:00June 18th, 2014|
Maggie is 53 days pregnant today and she have gained 24 cm around her waist, and she will probably gain a little more before the delivery. I have not weighed her yet, but we will go to the vet for a checkup tomorrow, and then I will weigh her. The puppies are very active, and they can easily be felt when placing a hand on the side of the belly. They can also easily be seen moving 🙂 The pups have now reached approximately 80% of their birthweight and are about 12-13 cm long. They are more or less fully developed, buy need the last 7-10 days to develop. Maggies belly is very hard and she is having a harder time to find a good place to sleep. We have prepared the puppy box and the puppy room are ready. Maggie wants to sleep together with me in the big bed next to the puppy box, and also Sheriff and Isi wants to sleep together with us. So a bit crowded in the bed, to say at least 😉 
 MLH4708  MLH4663  MLH4741  MLH4755
2018-04-02T11:22:58+00:00June 18th, 2014|

Enjoying the summer

2018-04-02T11:24:52+00:00June 10th, 2014|
While we are waiting for our C-litter to arrive in the end of June, we are enjoying the wonderful summer weather to the fullest! We are taking the dogs for a swim several times a week, to my favorite lake in the nearby, Abbortjern. Isi is such a good swimmer, and she just loves to throw herself in the water and fetch her toy. Yesterday Nixon joined us for a walk in the forrest and a stop at the lake. He was not afraid of the water, but wasn’t convinced it was a good idea to go to deep. But he went in to fetch his ball a couple of times, and with a little bit more training I think he will enjoy the water 🙂 See more photos here. His photo albums are also updated. We went to Stockholm this weekend to take Maggie home, but before we left we went to the beach to let the dogs take a swim. Maggie and Sheriff rather stayed on land, while Hanna’s other female Disa had a great time swimming in the lake. See more photos here. Maggie has settled in nicely and enjoys to lay on the grass in the sun, or in the shade under the pavilion. She is due in 18 days, and while we are waiting we are saving up energy 🙂
140610Isi  MLH4525  MLH4238  MLH4488
2018-04-02T11:24:52+00:00June 10th, 2014|

Maggie 45 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:22:58+00:00June 10th, 2014|
We went to Stockholm this weekend to take Maggie home with us before her puppies will arrive in the end of June. We had a wonderful time together with Maggie’s co-owner Hanna, thank you so much for your hospitality Hanna. We had a great time together with you!
Sheriff joined us to pick up his daughter, and before we headed home we went to the beach to let the dogs cool of a bit. However, neighter father nor daughter bothered to go near the water 🙂 Safe and sound at home, Maggie quickly got comfortable and she settled in well together with daddy Sheriff and “auntie” Isi. But Maggie is probably the new boss of this household 😉 Maggie has gained 14 cm around her otherwise small waist, and she is starting to feel heavy. She does not want to go for long walks, and are very slow while walking. However, she needs to be kept in a good shape and a nice walk in the forrest is just good for her. She sleeps almost the entire day and is very calm and cosy. We are counting the days until the puppies will arrive now, and soon we are putting up the puppy box so Maggie can get comfortable in her whelping box. 
45days  MLH4490  MLH4498  MLH4238
2018-04-02T11:22:58+00:00June 10th, 2014|

140609 ~ Nixon and Isi

2018-04-02T11:29:35+00:00June 10th, 2014|
2018-04-02T11:29:35+00:00June 10th, 2014|

140608 ~ Visiting Maggie

2018-04-02T11:26:13+00:00June 9th, 2014|
We went to Stockholm to take Maggie home before her puppies are arriving, and we enjoyed 2 days together with Maggie’s co-owner Hanna and her other ridgeback female Disa. Sheriff also joined us on the trip, and we went to the beach were Disa got to swim and enjoy the water. Father and daughter barely dipped their paws in the water 😉
Maggie and Sheriff
Disa and Hanna
Disa and Hanna
Maggie 43 days pregnant
Maggie 43 days pregant
Maggie 43 days pregnant
2018-04-02T11:26:13+00:00June 9th, 2014|

Finally back online!

2018-04-02T09:58:37+00:00June 2nd, 2014|
I have had some struggle with the webiste for a while, due to problems during upgrade to a new server and a new version of the CMS tool. Due to this, the website have been unstable from time to time and I have not been able to update. But finally everything should be back on track, and hopefully also with some better solutions here and there. The website has been updated here and there with new photos of the pups from the B-litter, as well as some new photo albums of the other dogs. 
We have enjoyed the last weeks wonderful weather and spent quite a lot of time outside in the garden, or in the forrest taking a walk or a bath in the lakes. Fia have joined us a couple of time to learn to enjoy the water like auntie Isi, but she is not convinced yet 😉 Yesterday she was exhausted after spending the day with us, and by pushing the right photo below you can see how it looked liked when she came home 🙂 We are soon expecting our C-litter to be born, and I am driving to Stockholm next weekend to bring Maggie home. This will be a very special litter for us, and we cross fingers that the pregnancy and delivery will go smoothly. 
 MLH3994  MLH4058  MLH3065red  MLH3951 thumb 140601Fia
2018-04-02T09:58:37+00:00June 2nd, 2014|

140528 ~ Home and about

2018-04-02T11:26:28+00:00June 2nd, 2014|
Isi dressed in our local dog clubs t-shirt 🙂
Sheriff dressed in our local dog clubs t-shirt 🙂
Kiwi 15 weeks after giving birth to 5 puppies
And still playful!
Kiwi loves to play with her toys, even if she is a mature “lady” 🙂
Isi and Sheriff
Isi and Sheriff
2018-04-02T11:26:28+00:00June 2nd, 2014|

140601 ~ Isi and Fia

2018-04-02T11:27:43+00:00June 2nd, 2014|
2018-04-02T11:27:43+00:00June 2nd, 2014|

140524 Fia and Isi

2018-04-02T11:29:19+00:00May 30th, 2014|
2018-04-02T11:29:19+00:00May 30th, 2014|

140518 ~ 3rd puppy class

2018-04-02T11:26:44+00:00May 30th, 2014|
Third puppyclass with Fia, Nixon and Buddy
2018-04-02T11:26:44+00:00May 30th, 2014|

Pregnancy confirmed

2018-04-02T11:22:59+00:00May 21st, 2014|
We are happy to announce that Maggie is confirmed pregnant by ultrasound and we are expecting puppies in week 26. We are very much looking forward to this litter, and it will be very special with the first 2.generation Wayosi litter 🙂
Maggie is doing great, she want’s to sleep an cuddle more than usual and have even left her foodbowl at one point, without eating everything. That’s not typical Maggie behavior, but it’s a good sign of pregnancy. Her tits are getting bigger, and her belly are slowly increasing. By day 34 the puppies have reached a point where they will start to grow more rapidly, and Maggie will start to increase rapidly around her belly. Maggie is moving home to us around June 8, and I will make sure to update you all with photos and meassures 🙂
maggie04 maggie01 maggie02
2018-04-02T11:22:59+00:00May 21st, 2014|

While we are waiting…

2018-04-02T11:31:08+00:00May 12th, 2014|
In 9 days we will do an ultrasound of Maggie, and we will know if we will have puppies this summer or not. So far we can’t tell anything just by looking at her, but she is very lazy and tired. On the other hand, she is always like this after her heat, so we will just need to cross our fingers and let nature take it’s course. In the meantime you can look at this very informative pregnancy calender to see how the fetuses are devoping in the womb. If Maggie is pregnant, she is 16 days pregnant today, and around this time the embryos attach to the uterus wall. The size of the embryos are approximately 1 mm, and in a couple of days the embryo will begin to form head and body, spine and central nervous system. The foundation is also laid for development of internal organs. In about a week the placenta will develop, and will provide oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and take away waste to be excreted by the mother. 
2018-04-02T11:31:08+00:00May 12th, 2014|

140501 ~ 2nd puppy class

2018-04-02T11:31:29+00:00May 3rd, 2014|
Second puppy class for Fia, Nixon and Buddy. Fia with pink on her collar, Nixon with orange on his collar and Buddy with yellow harness. 
 MLH2442 MLH2444 MLH2445 MLH2446 MLH2447 MLH2454 MLH2457 MLH2458 MLH2459 MLH2464 MLH2465 MLH2468 MLH2470 MLH2472 MLH2473 MLH2477 MLH2478 MLH2481 MLH2483 MLH2484 MLH2488 MLH2489 MLH2490 MLH2491 MLH2492 MLH2493 MLH2496 MLH2499 MLH2504 MLH2507 MLH2508
2018-04-02T11:31:29+00:00May 3rd, 2014|

Pregnancy Calendar E-litter

2018-04-02T11:32:12+00:00May 1st, 2014|



Ayk von Erikson ~ Ayk


D’Isolde von de Drift ~ Isi

Online pregnancy calendar


Pregnancy calendar in Norwegian


Week 1

During the first week, counted from day 1 to day 7, many milestones take place. Fertilization of the eggs will occur, and the fertilized eggs should implant into the walls of the uterus around Day 7. Fertilized eggs migrate down the oviducts and into the uterine horns. The migration continues to enable even spacing of the embryos. During this migration the eggs will grow into a blastocysts.

Saturday February 21, 2015

First day of mating. 

Sunday February 22, 2015

Second day of mating.


Germ cells, i.e. sperm and egg fuse together and the phases of mitosis begin. During mitosis genetic information from the parents is merged. Fertilization occurs in the oviducts, which lead from the ovaries to the uterus.

96 hours

Divides into two cells

120 hours

Divides into fours cells

144 hours

Divides into eight cells

192 hours

The morula is constituted. The morula is a compact mass of 32 cells. In size the mass has grown little.

Week 2

During the second week, from day 8 to 14, we can expect the dam to continue acting as if she is in heat, but if we are lucky she will already be pregnant! The fertilized eggs will be implanted into the uterine horns and rapidly developing into blastocysts. They will officially be considered embryos around Day 11, and their major organs will be starting to develop. 

Day 9

The morula enters the uterus

Week 3

During the third week, from day 15 to 21, the embryos will still be rapidly growing and developing as the organs of the puppies are forming. We will also being to see changes in the female starting around Day 15, the first day of this week. Her nipples may begin to enlarge and protrude from her belly, and the fur surrounding them will begin to thin. If she is pregnant, she may start to experience morning sickness around Day 20, and show signs of a decreased appetite and some dry heaving or throw up small amounts. 

Day 15

A blastula is constituted. The blastula is a hollow ovule consisting of 500 – 2000 cells. The blastula is not attached and floats freely within the uterus. 

Day 18

The placenta is developed. The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and takes away waste to be excreted by the mother. 

Day 20

The ovule has changed in shape in order to adhere to the wall of the uterus. The nervous system is formed thus organogenesis has begun. Organogenesis is the phase in which all body organs are formed. The nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord are the first organs formed. 

Week 4

By week four, from day 22 to 28, many changes are occurring both in the dam and her pending litter. Morning sickness might occur due to hormonal changes or stretching and distention of the uterus. The female may appear a bit apathetic. She may be off her feed for a while and vomit from time to time. 

At this point, the puppies are roughly the size of a walnut and spread out throughout the uterine horns, so our vet should be able to give us an estimate of the number of puppies to expect.  

Day 23

The individuals ovules have adhered to the walls of the uterus. Swelling occurs at adherence sites. Palpation may be used for the next few days to determine pregnancy, but the method is only 70% of the time. A test for the relaxin hormone can be conducted at this point to determine pregnancy. Ultrasound is more used and can be used from day 21 to day 28. 

Day 28

 The embryo is oval shaped now and measures approx. 1.4 cm to 1.8 cm. 

Week 5

Week five, from day 29 to 35, brings about many changes in the female, and at this point there should be no doubt that she is pregnant. By Day 29, the sex organs and limbs of the puppies are developing, they are growing rapidly, and the uterus is quickly filling with protective amniotic fluid. Because of the amniotic fluid rushing in, the females abdomen should start to be noticeably larger than normal by Day 34, and will only continue to grow! Since her abdomen is rapidly filling with puppies, start increasing her food ration to ensure she is getting adequate nutrition, or consider switching her to puppy food for the duration of the pregnancy and weaning of the puppies. 

Day 30

The eyes are formed and covered by eyelids. Sexual organs are apparent. 

Week 6

The sixth week, from day 36 to 42, doesn’t produce a large amount of physical change in the female, but the puppies are growing an astonishing rate. Since the abdomen is becoming increasingly distended with the pressure of so many babies inside, she may begin to appear noticeably uncomfortable and may even vomit. She will need extra chances to relieve herself outside and a nice comfortable bed to relax in. Around Day 38, she may begin to have clear discharge from her vulva and be rather particular about grooming herself in that area.  At this point, the birth of her puppies are only a few weeks away. We should also be sure to set up her whelping box in a warm, quiet corner of the house and begin rewarding her for spending time in it.  

Day 40

Swelling of the females abdomen may be observed. The swelling is relative to the number of puppies the female is carrying and the number of previous litters she has had. Abdominal swelling may be less noticeable at this stage for first time mothers. The pigmentation of the skin and coat that determine the puppies’ coloration and patterns are present. 

Week 7

By the seventh week, day 43 to 49, you should finally be able to feel the puppies moving, typically by Day 45, and see just how fast the female is putting on weight and girth. The puppies are fully developed little dogs at this point, and their main job is to put on size and weight to prepare for birth. By Day 47, the dam will be wrestles and may begin to search for a place to nest, and may even be leaking colostrum (the “first milk” that is full of antibodies for puppies’ health) from her teats. This is definitely the time to begin rewarding her for lying in her whelping box, but if she shows a preference for a different corner of the house than the one we choose, we will need to move the box so that she will use it for her nest.

Day 45

It’s very easy now to feel the puppies, counting them might be a bit more difficult. Heartbeats are detectible by ultrasound. From this time on the growth of the fetus is accelerated. The mother’s appetite will likely increase. 

Week 8

When the eighth week rolls around, from day 50 to 56, it is time to start keeping a close eye on the female. On Day 50, start gently washing the female’s nipples and vulva several times a day, with a separate washcloth for each area. Since her teats may be leaking slightly and her vulva should have a small amount of discharge, this will help keep her clean and comfortable. We may see her abdomen ripple now and then as the puppies begin to position themselves for birth around Day 54. Her belly is jam-packed at this point, so leave kibble down for her at all times so that she can eat a bite here and there as she has room. 

Day 50

The dam might lose her appetite during this period. Her abdomen can be crowded with puppies. It is better to feed several smaller meals spaced throughout the day. You can easily detect abdominal movement now.

Day 51

The skeleton of the fetus is calcified and can be seen by x-ray.

Week 9

The last week, from day 57 to day 64 is here. Day 62 is typically when the puppies will arrive, and we must notify our boss and arrange to have a few days off before and after the birth if at all possible, or let them know when her temperature drops and stay home from that point until the puppies are at least a day old. The female has very strong instincts to care for and protect her puppies, but it is better to be home just in case a puppy becomes stuck or needs extra stimulation to begin breathing.  

Day 57

We might want to start taking the dam’s rectal temperature each morning and evening. The temperature will drop from 38,5 C to 36,5 C roughly 12 to 24 hours before birth, and she may go off her kibble and treats completely. This is an important sign to watch for, since it may be our only warning for impending puppies!

Day 60 – Day 63

Milky fluid may be expressed from the nipples.

Day 48 – Day 65

Dam begins to spend a lot more time in self-grooming. Her breasts become even more swollen. She may become a bit restlessness and begin to search for a suitable place to have her puppies.

Day 58 – Day 64

Starting at Day 58, watch carefully for any signs of labor that may show. These include a loss of appetite, her temperature dropping, signs of anxiety and/or whining, rapidly digging in her nesting box while  appearing uncomfortable, heavy panting (possibly with her eyes squeezed shut), her body tensing as if she is “sucking in her gut”, a clear fluid-filled amniotic sac emerging from the vulva, or repeated straining as if about to defecate without results. She may request to go out repeatedly since the sensation of a puppy settling downward may feel similar to needed to go potty, but do not let her go outside without a leash on and a towel in hand. We don’t want her getting under a bush or under the house to have the babies! If it is dark out, be sure to take a flashlight, and either way, watch carefully while she “goes” to ensure she doesn’t have a puppy outside. We will inform our vet in advance of the estimated birth date and have vet numbers at hand to inform them of when labor starts. If the female strains without producing a puppy for longer than 30 minutes, if she has not given birth by day 65, or if her temperature goes above 39 C or below 36 C, contact the vet immediately for advice. 









2018-04-02T11:32:12+00:00May 1st, 2014|

Pregnancy Calendar D-litter

2018-04-02T11:31:55+00:00May 1st, 2014|



Maiden`s Kalahari Kandy ~ Kandy


Tappinskis Peach And Passion ~ Kiwi

Online pregnancy calendar


Pregancy calendar in Norwegian


Week 1

During the first week, counted from day 1 to day 7, many milestones take place. Fertilization of the eggs will occur, and the fertilized eggs should implant into the walls of the uterus around Day 7. Fertilized eggs migrate down the oviducts and into the uterine horns. The migration continues to enable even spacing of the embryos. During this migration the eggs will grow into a blastocysts.

Saturday February 21, 2015

First day of mating. 

Sunday February 22, 2015

Second day of mating.


Germ cells, i.e. sperm and egg fuse together and the phases of mitosis begin. During mitosis genetic information from the parents is merged. Fertilization occurs in the oviducts, which lead from the ovaries to the uterus.

96 hours

Divides into two cells

120 hours

Divides into fours cells

144 hours

Divides into eight cells

192 hours

The morula is constituted. The morula is a compact mass of 32 cells. In size the mass has grown little.

Week 2

During the second week, from day 8 to 14, we can expect the dam to continue acting as if she is in heat, but if we are lucky she will already be pregnant! The fertilized eggs will be implanted into the uterine horns and rapidly developing into blastocysts. They will officially be considered embryos around Day 11, and their major organs will be starting to develop. 

Day 9

The morula enters the uterus

Week 3

During the third week, from day 15 to 21, the embryos will still be rapidly growing and developing as the organs of the puppies are forming. We will also being to see changes in the female starting around Day 15, the first day of this week. Her nipples may begin to enlarge and protrude from her belly, and the fur surrounding them will begin to thin. If she is pregnant, she may start to experience morning sickness around Day 20, and show signs of a decreased appetite and some dry heaving or throw up small amounts. 

Day 15

A blastula is constituted. The blastula is a hollow ovule consisting of 500 – 2000 cells. The blastula is not attached and floats freely within the uterus. 

Day 18

The placenta is developed. The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and takes away waste to be excreted by the mother. 

Day 20

The ovule has changed in shape in order to adhere to the wall of the uterus. The nervous system is formed thus organogenesis has begun. Organogenesis is the phase in which all body organs are formed. The nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord are the first organs formed. 

Week 4

By week four, from day 22 to 28, many changes are occurring both in the dam and her pending litter. Morning sickness might occur due to hormonal changes or stretching and distention of the uterus. The female may appear a bit apathetic. She may be off her feed for a while and vomit from time to time. 

At this point, the puppies are roughly the size of a walnut and spread out throughout the uterine horns, so our vet should be able to give us an estimate of the number of puppies to expect.  

Day 23

The individuals ovules have adhered to the walls of the uterus. Swelling occurs at adherence sites. Palpation may be used for the next few days to determine pregnancy, but the method is only 70% of the time. A test for the relaxin hormone can be conducted at this point to determine pregnancy. Ultrasound is more used and can be used from day 21 to day 28. 

Day 28

 The embryo is oval shaped now and measures approx. 1.4 cm to 1.8 cm. 

Week 5

Week five, from day 29 to 35, brings about many changes in the female, and at this point there should be no doubt that she is pregnant. By Day 29, the sex organs and limbs of the puppies are developing, they are growing rapidly, and the uterus is quickly filling with protective amniotic fluid. Because of the amniotic fluid rushing in, the females abdomen should start to be noticeably larger than normal by Day 34, and will only continue to grow! Since her abdomen is rapidly filling with puppies, start increasing her food ration to ensure she is getting adequate nutrition, or consider switching her to puppy food for the duration of the pregnancy and weaning of the puppies. 

Day 30

The eyes are formed and covered by eyelids. Sexual organs are apparent. 

Week 6

The sixth week, from day 36 to 42, doesn’t produce a large amount of physical change in the female, but the puppies are growing an astonishing rate. Since the abdomen is becoming increasingly distended with the pressure of so many babies inside, she may begin to appear noticeably uncomfortable and may even vomit. She will need extra chances to relieve herself outside and a nice comfortable bed to relax in. Around Day 38, she may begin to have clear discharge from her vulva and be rather particular about grooming herself in that area.  At this point, the birth of her puppies are only a few weeks away. We should also be sure to set up her whelping box in a warm, quiet corner of the house and begin rewarding her for spending time in it.  

Day 40

Swelling of the females abdomen may be observed. The swelling is relative to the number of puppies the female is carrying and the number of previous litters she has had. Abdominal swelling may be less noticeable at this stage for first time mothers. The pigmentation of the skin and coat that determine the puppies’ coloration and patterns are present. 

Week 7

By the seventh week, day 43 to 49, you should finally be able to feel the puppies moving, typically by Day 45, and see just how fast the female is putting on weight and girth. The puppies are fully developed little dogs at this point, and their main job is to put on size and weight to prepare for birth. By Day 47, the dam will be wrestles and may begin to search for a place to nest, and may even be leaking colostrum (the “first milk” that is full of antibodies for puppies’ health) from her teats. This is definitely the time to begin rewarding her for lying in her whelping box, but if she shows a preference for a different corner of the house than the one we choose, we will need to move the box so that she will use it for her nest.

Day 45

It’s very easy now to feel the puppies, counting them might be a bit more difficult. Heartbeats are detectible by ultrasound. From this time on the growth of the fetus is accelerated. The mother’s appetite will likely increase. 

Week 8

When the eighth week rolls around, from day 50 to 56, it is time to start keeping a close eye on the female. On Day 50, start gently washing the female’s nipples and vulva several times a day, with a separate washcloth for each area. Since her teats may be leaking slightly and her vulva should have a small amount of discharge, this will help keep her clean and comfortable. We may see her abdomen ripple now and then as the puppies begin to position themselves for birth around Day 54. Her belly is jam-packed at this point, so leave kibble down for her at all times so that she can eat a bite here and there as she has room. 

Day 50

The dam might lose her appetite during this period. Her abdomen can be crowded with puppies. It is better to feed several smaller meals spaced throughout the day. You can easily detect abdominal movement now.

Day 51

The skeleton of the fetus is calcified and can be seen by x-ray.

Week 9

The last week, from day 57 to day 64 is here. Day 62 is typically when the puppies will arrive, and we must notify our boss and arrange to have a few days off before and after the birth if at all possible, or let them know when her temperature drops and stay home from that point until the puppies are at least a day old. The female has very strong instincts to care for and protect her puppies, but it is better to be home just in case a puppy becomes stuck or needs extra stimulation to begin breathing.  

Day 57

We might want to start taking the dam’s rectal temperature each morning and evening. The temperature will drop from 38,5 C to 36,5 C roughly 12 to 24 hours before birth, and she may go off her kibble and treats completely. This is an important sign to watch for, since it may be our only warning for impending puppies!

Day 60 – Day 63

Milky fluid may be expressed from the nipples.

Day 48 – Day 65

Dam begins to spend a lot more time in self-grooming. Her breasts become even more swollen. She may become a bit restlessness and begin to search for a suitable place to have her puppies.

Day 58 – Day 64

Starting at Day 58, watch carefully for any signs of labor that may show. These include a loss of appetite, her temperature dropping, signs of anxiety and/or whining, rapidly digging in her nesting box while  appearing uncomfortable, heavy panting (possibly with her eyes squeezed shut), her body tensing as if she is “sucking in her gut”, a clear fluid-filled amniotic sac emerging from the vulva, or repeated straining as if about to defecate without results. She may request to go out repeatedly since the sensation of a puppy settling downward may feel similar to needed to go potty, but do not let her go outside without a leash on and a towel in hand. We don’t want her getting under a bush or under the house to have the babies! If it is dark out, be sure to take a flashlight, and either way, watch carefully while she “goes” to ensure she doesn’t have a puppy outside. We will inform our vet in advance of the estimated birth date and have vet numbers at hand to inform them of when labor starts. If the female strains without producing a puppy for longer than 30 minutes, if she has not given birth by day 65, or if her temperature goes above 39 C or below 36 C, contact the vet immediately for advice. 









2018-04-02T11:31:55+00:00May 1st, 2014|

Pregnancy Calendar C-litter

2018-04-02T11:32:37+00:00May 1st, 2014|



Hayawani Sekayib Furufuru ~ Seke


Wayosi A Kind Of Maggie ~ Maggie

Online pregancycalendar


Week 1

During the first week, counted from day 1 to day 7, many milestones take place. Fertilization of the eggs will occur, and the fertilized eggs should implant into the walls of the uterus around Day 7. Fertilized eggs migrate down the oviducts and into the uterine horns. The migration continues to enable even spacing of the embryos. During this migration the eggs will grow into a blastocysts.

Sunday April 27, 2014

First day of mating. 

Monday April 28, 2014

Second day of mating.


Germ cells, i.e. sperm and egg fuse together and the phases of mitosis begin. During mitosis genetic information from the parents is merged. Fertilization occurs in the oviducts, which lead from the ovaries to the uterus.

96 hours

Divides into two cells

120 hours

Divides into fours cells

144 hours

Divides into eight cells

192 hours

The morula is constituted. The morula is a compact mass of 32 cells. In size the mass has grown little.

Week 2

During the second week, from day 8 to 14, we can expect the dam to continue acting as if she is in heat, but if we are lucky she will already be pregnant! The fertilized eggs will be implanted into the uterine horns and rapidly developing into blastocysts. They will officially be considered embryos around Day 11, and their major organs will be starting to develop. 

Day 9

The morula enters the uterus

Week 3

During the third week, from day 15 to 21, the embryos will still be rapidly growing and developing as the organs of the puppies are forming. We will also being to see changes in the female starting around Day 15, the first day of this week. Her nipples may begin to enlarge and protrude from her belly, and the fur surrounding them will begin to thin. If she is pregnant, she may start to experience morning sickness around Day 20, and show signs of a decreased appetite and some dry heaving or throw up small amounts. 

Day 15

A blastula is constituted. The blastula is a hollow ovule consisting of 500 – 2000 cells. The blastula is not attached and floats freely within the uterus. 

Day 18

The placenta is developed. The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and takes away waste to be excreted by the mother. 

Day 20

The ovule has changed in shape in order to adhere to the wall of the uterus. The nervous system is formed thus organogenesis has begun. Organogenesis is the phase in which all body organs are formed. The nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord are the first organs formed. 

Week 4

By week four, from day 22 to 28, many changes are occurring both in the dam and her pending litter. Morning sickness might occur due to hormonal changes or stretching and distention of the uterus. The female may appear a bit apathetic. She may be off her feed for a while and vomit from time to time. 

At this point, the puppies are roughly the size of a walnut and spread out throughout the uterine horns, so our vet should be able to give us an estimate of the number of puppies to expect.  

Day 23

The individuals ovules have adhered to the walls of the uterus. Swelling occurs at adherence sites. Palpation may be used for the next few days to determine pregnancy, but the method is only 70% of the time. A test for the relaxin hormone can be conducted at this point to determine pregnancy. Ultrasound is more used and can be used from day 21 to day 28. 

Day 28

 The embryo is oval shaped now and measures approx. 1.4 cm to 1.8 cm. 

Week 5

Week five, from day 29 to 35, brings about many changes in the female, and at this point there should be no doubt that she is pregnant. By Day 29, the sex organs and limbs of the puppies are developing, they are growing rapidly, and the uterus is quickly filling with protective amniotic fluid. Because of the amniotic fluid rushing in, the females abdomen should start to be noticeably larger than normal by Day 34, and will only continue to grow! Since her abdomen is rapidly filling with puppies, start increasing her food ration to ensure she is getting adequate nutrition, or consider switching her to puppy food for the duration of the pregnancy and weaning of the puppies. 

Day 30

The eyes are formed and covered by eyelids. Sexual organs are apparent. 

Week 6

The sixth week, from day 36 to 42, doesn’t produce a large amount of physical change in the female, but the puppies are growing an astonishing rate. Since the abdomen is becoming increasingly distended with the pressure of so many babies inside, she may begin to appear noticeably uncomfortable and may even vomit. She will need extra chances to relieve herself outside and a nice comfortable bed to relax in. Around Day 38, she may begin to have clear discharge from her vulva and be rather particular about grooming herself in that area.  At this point, the birth of her puppies are only a few weeks away. We should also be sure to set up her whelping box in a warm, quiet corner of the house and begin rewarding her for spending time in it.  

Day 40

Swelling of the females abdomen may be observed. The swelling is relative to the number of puppies the female is carrying and the number of previous litters she has had. Abdominal swelling may be less noticeable at this stage for first time mothers. The pigmentation of the skin and coat that determine the puppies’ coloration and patterns are present. 

Week 7

By the seventh week, day 43 to 49, you should finally be able to feel the puppies moving, typically by Day 45, and see just how fast the female is putting on weight and girth. The puppies are fully developed little dogs at this point, and their main job is to put on size and weight to prepare for birth. By Day 47, the dam will be wrestles and may begin to search for a place to nest, and may even be leaking colostrum (the “first milk” that is full of antibodies for puppies’ health) from her teats. This is definitely the time to begin rewarding her for lying in her whelping box, but if she shows a preference for a different corner of the house than the one we choose, we will need to move the box so that she will use it for her nest.

Day 45

It’s very easy now to feel the puppies, counting them might be a bit more difficult. Heartbeats are detectible by ultrasound. From this time on the growth of the fetus is accelerated. The mother’s appetite will likely increase. 

Week 8

When the eighth week rolls around, from day 50 to 56, it is time to start keeping a close eye on the female. On Day 50, start gently washing the female’s nipples and vulva several times a day, with a separate washcloth for each area. Since her teats may be leaking slightly and her vulva should have a small amount of discharge, this will help keep her clean and comfortable. We may see her abdomen ripple now and then as the puppies begin to position themselves for birth around Day 54. Her belly is jam-packed at this point, so leave kibble down for her at all times so that she can eat a bite here and there as she has room. 

Day 50

The dam might lose her appetite during this period. Her abdomen can be crowded with puppies. It is better to feed several smaller meals spaced throughout the day. You can easily detect abdominal movement now.

Day 51

The skeleton of the fetus is calcified and can be seen by x-ray.

Week 9

The last week, from day 57 to day 64 is here. Day 62 is typically when the puppies will arrive, and we must notify our boss and arrange to have a few days off before and after the birth if at all possible, or let them know when her temperature drops and stay home from that point until the puppies are at least a day old. The female has very strong instincts to care for and protect her puppies, but it is better to be home just in case a puppy becomes stuck or needs extra stimulation to begin breathing.  

Day 57

We might want to start taking the dam’s rectal temperature each morning and evening. The temperature will drop from 38,5 C to 36,5 C roughly 12 to 24 hours before birth, and she may go off her kibble and treats completely. This is an important sign to watch for, since it may be our only warning for impending puppies!

Day 60 – Day 63

Milky fluid may be expressed from the nipples.

Day 48 – Day 65

Dam begins to spend a lot more time in self-grooming. Her breasts become even more swollen. She may become a bit restlessness and begin to search for a suitable place to have her puppies.

Day 58 – Day 64

Starting at Day 58, watch carefully for any signs of labor that may show. These include a loss of appetite, her temperature dropping, signs of anxiety and/or whining, rapidly digging in her nesting box while  appearing uncomfortable, heavy panting (possibly with her eyes squeezed shut), her body tensing as if she is “sucking in her gut”, a clear fluid-filled amniotic sac emerging from the vulva, or repeated straining as if about to defecate without results. She may request to go out repeatedly since the sensation of a puppy settling downward may feel similar to needed to go potty, but do not let her go outside without a leash on and a towel in hand. We don’t want her getting under a bush or under the house to have the babies! If it is dark out, be sure to take a flashlight, and either way, watch carefully while she “goes” to ensure she doesn’t have a puppy outside. We will inform our vet in advance of the estimated birth date and have vet numbers at hand to inform them of when labor starts. If the female strains without producing a puppy for longer than 30 minutes, if she has not given birth by day 65, or if her temperature goes above 39 C or below 36 C, contact the vet immediately for advice. 









2018-04-02T11:32:37+00:00May 1st, 2014|

Planned C-litter summer 2014

2018-04-02T11:33:13+00:00April 30th, 2014|
We are planning our C-litter summer 2014 with our wonderful Maggie and the just as wonderful male Seke. Read more about the planned litter HERE. Maggie was mated with Seke 27th and 28th of April, and we are hoping for our C-litter to be born in the end of June. Ultrasound will be done in about 3 weeks time. Maggie and I travelled a couple of hours south of Stockholm to visit Seke, and we had two perfect harmonic matings. We enjoyed our stay in beautiful Västervik and I am so proud of Maggie who were calm and well behaved everywhere we went and was happy and curious with everything we did. Situations like this reminds me how amazing Maggie is 🙂
maggiexsekeweb  MLH2318  MLH2363  MLH2150red
140428Maggie 140428Maggie2 140428Maggie5 140428Maggie6
2018-04-02T11:33:13+00:00April 30th, 2014|

Isi passed the begleithundtest

2018-04-02T11:33:47+00:00April 29th, 2014|
Isi and I have been training for the begleithundtest (ferdselsprøve – FP) wich is a obedience- and behaviortest within the IPO program (RIK). Wednesday last week was the D-day, and I am very happy to say that we passed the test! Isi did a great job, I did good and remembered the whole program without faults, and Isi can now put BH in front of her name 🙂
IMG 0348 IMG 0420 IMG 0435 IMG 0522
2018-04-02T11:33:47+00:00April 29th, 2014|

140419 Maggie and Juno

2018-04-02T11:34:12+00:00April 19th, 2014|
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” and sister Wayosi Anothr Sunny Day “Juno” met up with me in Stockholm, and I had to take some photos 😉
Juno and Maggie
Juno and Maggie
Maggie the lap-dog…
2018-04-02T11:34:12+00:00April 19th, 2014|

140418 ~ 4th puppy class

2018-04-02T11:34:26+00:00April 19th, 2014|
While Bissy stayed with us one more week, we went to meet the 3 pups that had already moved. It was great seeing them again and see that they have settled well in with their new family. 
Isi and Bissy
 MLH1416 MLH1420
Bissy and Fia
 MLH1421 MLH1422 MLH1426 MLH1428 MLH1429 MLH1433 MLH1434 MLH1435 MLH1436 MLH1437 MLH1438 MLH1441 MLH1442 MLH1446 MLH1450 MLH1456 MLH1461 MLH1464 MLH1465 MLH1466 MLH1467 MLH1468 MLH1470 MLH1471 MLH1472 MLH1493 MLH1494 MLH1497 MLH1498 MLH1502 MLH1504 MLH1515 MLH1520 MLH1528 MLH1529 MLH1531 MLH1536 MLH1538 MLH1584 MLH1652 MLH1665 MLH1667 MLH1674 MLH1675 MLH1676 MLH1679 MLH1693
2018-04-02T11:34:26+00:00April 19th, 2014|

Time to leave the nest

2018-04-02T09:58:46+00:00April 13th, 2014|
The puppies are 54 days old today, and today was the big day when they moved to their new homes. In the beginning of this week I thought that they was small and to young to start moving, but on friday I thought that they should move today 😉 Bad weather combined with puppies with loads of energy is not a good combination, even if they are only 4 😉 So we went for rides with the car both friday and saturday, and tried to keep them occupied with different activities and toys. But they fought a lot with each other the last couple of days, so it was good for them to start their new life today. Thank you all wonderful puppy buyers for a wonderful day, and good luck with your new family member!
Wayosi Beautiful Monster ~ Fia is co-owned with us, and are living with Tone and Lars with family on Lørenskog, only 10 minutes away from us. Wayosi Been Caught Stealing ~ Buddy is living with Gunhild and Jan with family on Leirsund, 10 minutes from us. Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive ~ Nixon is living with Bente and Halvor with family on Lier, about 1 hour from us. Wayosi Busy Being Fabulous ~ Bissy will be staying with us for a week, before she is traveling with me to Stockholm and going back to her roots with Kiwi’s breeder Anna. 
 MLH1348  MLH1371  MLH1390  MLH1354
2018-04-02T09:58:46+00:00April 13th, 2014|

140413 ~ 54 days old

2018-04-02T09:54:57+00:00April 13th, 2014|
Trying to take a group photo of the rascals before leaving for their new homes 🙂
 MLH1328 MLH1337 MLH1340 MLH1342 MLH1346 MLH1348
Buddy with his new familly
Fia with her new family
Nixon with his new family
2018-04-02T09:54:57+00:00April 13th, 2014|

140411 ~ 52 days old

2018-04-02T09:54:57+00:00April 12th, 2014|
We took the pups to my fathers house in the woods of Nittedal. They enjoyed to explore the new areas and they are a little handful to keep track of as they all walk in different directions 🙂
 MLH1006 MLH1007 MLH1008 MLH1010 MLH1012 MLH1014 MLH1015 MLH1016 MLH1017 MLH1018 MLH1019 MLH1020 MLH1021 MLH1022 MLH1023 MLH1024 MLH1026 MLH1028 MLH1030 MLH1032 MLH1034 MLH1036 MLH1038 MLH1044 MLH1045 MLH1065 MLH1066 MLH1068 MLH1070 MLH1071 MLH1075 MLH1082
Miss Pink stepped into my fathers greenhouse
 MLH1083 MLH1084 MLH1086 MLH1087 MLH1093 MLH1096 MLH1098 MLH1099 MLH1100 MLH1101 MLH1102 MLH1105 MLH1107 MLH1110 MLH1111 MLH1122 MLH1124 MLH1125 MLH1128 MLH1130 MLH1131 MLH1136 MLH1139 MLH1150 MLH1151 MLH1152 MLH1157
Miss Purple discovered the sandbox 🙂
 MLH1158 MLH1159 MLH1160 MLH1163 MLH1170 MLH1171 MLH1173 MLH1176 MLH1179 MLH1181 MLH1189 MLH1190 MLH1191 MLH1195 MLH1199
The puppy bags are ready for Sunday, when the pups will leave…
2018-04-02T09:54:57+00:00April 12th, 2014|

50 days old

2018-04-02T09:59:00+00:00April 9th, 2014|
The time flies, and the puppies are 50 days old today. Fia, Buddy and Nixon leaves on sunday, while Bissy in staying with us until next week when I am traveling to Stockholm with her. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone, and having only 4 pups is very cosy and relaxing 🙂 I am very very pleased with how the little ones have turned out, and they have the sweetest tempers and a wonderful mentality. They have balanced exteriors and wonderful shiny coats. They seem very healthy and I hope they will stay healthy also in the future. We try to give the pups as much socializing and training as possible, and they have listened to a firecracker CD almost every day, and now the volume is up quite loud. But they doesn’t seem to care, at least not when they are occupied with a bottle containing food and a activity ball 🙂 See the movie of them during this session here. We took stacked photos at 48 days, which you can see under. The photo album is also updated, see here
 MLH0709bluename  MLH0817bluename  MLH0632purplename  MLH0782purplename
 MLH0746pinkname  MLH0805pinkname  MLH0696orangename  MLH0798orangename
2018-04-02T09:59:00+00:00April 9th, 2014|

140407 ~ 48 days old, individual

2018-04-02T09:54:59+00:00April 9th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Blue
Wayosi Been Caught Stealing ~ Buddy
 MLH0813blue MLH0817blue MLH0817blue MLH0818blue
#2 – Miss Purple
Wayosi Busy Being Fabolous ~ Bissy
#3 – Miss Pink
Wayosi Beautiful Monster ~ Fia
 MLH0746pink MLH0803pink MLH0828 MLH0835
#4 – Mister Orange
Wayosi Baby Can’t Drive ~ Nixon
 MLH0787orange MLH0792orange MLH0798orange
2018-04-02T09:54:59+00:00April 9th, 2014|

140407 ~ 48 days old

2018-04-02T09:54:59+00:00April 9th, 2014|
In this household we put both puppies and kids in cages… And they don’t let out before they are sleeping 😉
 MLH0568 MLH0570 MLH0839 MLH0840
Miss Pink
 MLH0842 MLH0843 MLH0846 MLH0848 MLH0849
Isi and Miss Pink likes eachother very much 😉
 MLH0850 MLH0851 MLH0852 MLH0856 MLH0857 MLH0859 MLH0861 MLH0863 MLH0866 MLH0871 MLH0872
Sweet Kiwi
 MLH0877 MLH0881 MLH0882 MLH0883 MLH0885 MLH0891 MLH0894
Miss Pink
 MLH0896 MLH0897 MLH0898 MLH0901
Miss Pink and Mister Blue
Miss Purple and Miss Pink
 MLH0904 MLH0905
Miss Pink
 MLH0906 MLH0907
Mister Orange
Mister Blue
Mister Blue
 MLH0929 MLH0930 MLH0931
Miss Purple
Mister Blue
Mister Blue
Mister Blue
Miss Pink
7 weeks old and still gets a sip of milk every now and then..
Miss Pink and Mister Orange teasing Sheriff!
 MLH0956 MLH0958 MLH0961 MLH0963 MLH0966
Sheriff feels safer in the heights 😉
Mister Orange
Miss Pink
Miss Purple
Mister Orange
 MLH0983 MLH0986
Mister Blue
Miss Pink
2018-04-02T09:54:59+00:00April 9th, 2014|

140405 ~ 46 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:01+00:00April 5th, 2014|
We drove the car for about 10 minutes, to a place nearby with forrest and a little lake. The pups thought it was fun and exiting, and after 30 minutes they was tired and we had to carry them back to the car 🙂
 MLH0451 MLH0452 MLH0453 MLH0454 MLH0457 MLH0458 MLH0463 MLH0464 MLH0465 MLH0466 MLH0468 MLH0469 MLH0471 MLH0472 MLH0473 MLH0474 MLH0477 MLH0480 MLH0482 MLH0492 MLH0496 MLH0497 MLH0498 MLH0502 MLH0506 MLH0507 MLH0508 MLH0511 MLH0512 MLH0516 MLH0527 MLH0528 MLH0534 MLH0538 MLH0542 MLH0546 MLH0547 MLH0551 MLH0554 MLH0556 MLH0559 MLH0563
2018-04-02T09:55:01+00:00April 5th, 2014|

140403 ~ 44 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:02+00:00April 4th, 2014|
The pups got to travel by car today, and we spent a couple of hours exploring my mothers back yard. Very exiting 🙂
 MLH0256 MLH0258 MLH0259 MLH0262 MLH0265 MLH0267 MLH0270 MLH0272 MLH0273 MLH0275 MLH0280 MLH0283 MLH0285 MLH0289 MLH0290 MLH0296 MLH0302 MLH0305 MLH0308 MLH0310 MLH0313 MLH0317 MLH0318 MLH0323 MLH0324 MLH0326 MLH0334 MLH0335 MLH0339 MLH0344 MLH0346 MLH0353 MLH0354 MLH0356 MLH0359 MLH0363 MLH0367 MLH0368 MLH0370 MLH0371 MLH0372 MLH0377
And when we arrived home again, they got to spend some more hours outside in the sun
 MLH0383 MLH0384 MLH0385 MLH0386 MLH0388 MLH0389 MLH0393 MLH0398 MLH0399 MLH0405 MLH0414 MLH0416 MLH0418 MLH0421 MLH0426 MLH0427 MLH0428 MLH0431 MLH0434 MLH0435
2018-04-02T09:55:02+00:00April 4th, 2014|

44 days old

2018-04-02T09:59:59+00:00April 3rd, 2014|
Today the puppies got to travel in the car again, which went very well, and explore my mothers back yard. The pups thought it was super exiting, and after a couple of hours they fell asleep, and then we went back home. These pups are a bunch of very kind and sweet pups, just happy and curious. They are not afraid of new environment, and also explores new areas all by them selves, without any of the other pups following. I’m very very satisfied with how they appear to be regarding temper and mentality 🙂 The B-litter page is updated with a couple of new albums, see them here.
 MLH0414  MLH0426  MLH0427  MLH0428
2018-04-02T09:59:59+00:00April 3rd, 2014|

Molecular biology and genetics in dog breeding

2018-04-02T11:34:42+00:00April 2nd, 2014|
One of the big advantages with a continuos development within molecular technology techniques and tools to deep dive into the genetic coding of DNA,  are the possibility to learn more about the genetic makeup of our breeding stock, and the possibility to breed with knowledge. The last couple of years we have had a massive increase in available genetic tests for different genetic health issues, and with the development of next generation sequencing, these kind of tests will increase in a drastic way, probably just in a few years. This new technique will give us the tools and possibilities to screen our breeding stock and find the genes that are involved in development of different inherited health issues. In rhodesian ridgeback we have had commercial tests available for several years to screen for different kind of color, DM (degenerative myelopathy) and bleeding disorders. Recently, a group of researchers at projectDOG in the US have sequenced the full genome of rhodesian ridgeback with EOAD (early onset adult deafness) and furthermore identified a set of mutations that are considered to be highly interesting for the development of EOAD. As I am more than average interested in molecular biology, as it is my profession, I decided to submit samples from Kiwi and Sheriff to the ongoing project, and I am happy that the results came back as “highly confidence: clear” for both of them. This means that Kiwi or Sheriff will never produce offspring with deafness caused by this mutation, and my A-litter are all clear.
However, I am not to concerned about dogs being carriers of genes that codes for different types of health issues, as no dogs (or humans for that matter) will be clear for all health issues. It’s been said that a dog in average carries 6 genes that codes for some kind of health issue, and exclusion of known carriers from breeding will only narrow our gene pool and in worst case induce more health issues, and also more severe health issues. Molecular biology and genetic screening will give breeders the possibility to breed with knowledge, and prevent producing affected individuals – without narrowing the gene pool. These tools will not give the answer for how to breed, but it will provide the breeders with information, that used WISELY could help improve the genetic health of the breed.
Another example of how the development of molecular biology will affect dog breeding in the future, is full genome sequencing and the use of known genetic markers to screen for a wide range of known health-issues. I submitted samples from Isi, Sheriff and Kiwi to a company in Finland named MyDogDNA, just because I was curious of what kind of information they could provide. I got the results back, and not surprisingly it wasn’t really that much information to get from it. All my dogs was simply clear for all 150 hereditary diseases the tests screened for. However, one should be aware that this does not mean that my dogs are not carrying any kind of hereditary diseases, because they most likely do. But many of these diseases are caused by breed specific mutations, and the genes have been found during breed specific studies. This simply mean that the mutation which are screened for in some breeds would not be the mutation that will generate that specific health issue in other breeds. But I think that within a couple of years, we will see a tremendous development within this area, and hopefully have a tool to help us breed healthier dogs. When this day comes, the breeders will have a new challenge in how to use the information these tests are generating, without narrowing our gene-pool and without loosing good old common sense. But I am sure looking forward to seeing what the future holds regarding the use of molecular biology and genetic testing in dog breeding.
140330eaod 140402Isi 140402Kiwi 140402Sheriff
2018-04-02T11:34:42+00:00April 2nd, 2014|

42 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:00+00:00April 1st, 2014|
The puppies are 42 days today, and we had to take the mandatory stacks and head-shots. They got to spend hours outside now, and thanks to my moms knitted sweathers they keep warm even if it’s a little windy outside. 
 MLH9710  MLH9736  MLH9760  MLH9780 
 MLH9818  MLH9822  MLH9852  MLH9870
2018-04-02T10:00:00+00:00April 1st, 2014|

140401 ~ 42 days old, individual

2018-04-02T09:55:05+00:00April 1st, 2014|
#1 – Mister Blue
#2 – Miss Purple
#3 – Miss Pink
#4 – Mister Orange
 MLH9852 MLH9868
2018-04-02T09:55:05+00:00April 1st, 2014|

140330 ~ Kennel meeting

2018-04-02T11:35:47+00:00March 31st, 2014|
 MLH9313 MLH9316 MLH9317
Varga and Kani
Varga and Kani
Kani and Juba
 MLH9323 MLH9327 MLH9328 MLH9329
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff ~ Leon
Wayosi All Fired Up ~ Aragorn
Wayosi All That Jazz ~ Juba
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart ~ Kani
Wayosi Amazing Grace ~ Varga
Little Wayosi hang-around Millie 🙂
The Wayosi-gang 🙂
2018-04-02T11:35:47+00:00March 31st, 2014|

A lovely day for a kennel meeting

2018-04-02T10:01:30+00:00March 31st, 2014|
Yesterday we had a lovely day when 5 of our A-litter pups and their owners met for a small kennel-meeting with a walk in the forrest followed by some puppy-cuddling with our B-litter. It was great seeing you all again, and it was wonderful to see how well the walk did, I don’t think I heard one single angry growl! Good dogs! The dogs who was joining our walk was Sheriff, Isi, Kiwi, Leon, Kani, Varga, Aragorn and Juba, as well as my sisters dog Millie. After the walk we drove back to our place were we spent hours outside in the sun cuddling with the puppies. Thank you all for coming 🙂 More photos here
 MLH9313  MLH9329  MLH9452  MLH9342 
 MLH9365  MLH9380  MLH9397  MLH9412
2018-04-02T10:01:30+00:00March 31st, 2014|

Wayosi Beautiful Monster ~ Fia

2017-06-09T09:17:49+00:00March 28th, 2014|
 MLH4547  MLH4524 2

From our B-litter 2014 (Miss Pink)
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Born: 18/2-2014
Owner: Kennel Wayosi / Tone Nyberg and Lars Løkstad – Lørenskog, Norway
Height: 59 cm    Weight: 26 kg
Hips: A/A    Elbows:  0/0    Eyes: TBA    
LTV1 (mildly abnormal lumbosacral structure)    SP0 – normal (unofficial)    VA0 – normal (unofficial)
DM (SOD1): free by parentage    D-locus: free by parentage
B-locus: B/b (liver nose carrier)
EOAD: free by parentage


Adult (album 1)
Fia was the smalles in the litter, weighing half of what the others did. But she showed right from the start that she was a little fighter and during the 8 weeks in the puppy-box we learned that size doesn’t matter. Especially when it comes to Fia 😉 She growls and barks when she doesn’t get her will, and are trotting around with an happy and unafraid attitude. We are looking forward to see what the future will bring for this little girl! 


– NKK’s obedience mark in bronze


Despite being a small size girl, Fia doesn’t put anything between. She is a happy and unafraid dog, that lives life to the fullest. She loves to train, and I hope we will see her in obedience competitions in the future, as well as other dog sports. 
Mentality test (MT) october 2015, at the age of 19 months. MT-protocol (link) Video (link).
Behaviour and personality test (BPH) May 22 2016, age 27 months. BPH protocol, video.


Fia comes from very healthy bloodlines, with a good statistic regarding HD and ED. 


Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U
Glenaffric Ulanyo of Zuritamu

Usakose The Boy From Oz At Roodedraai
Caprivi Gun O Mfumo
Usakose Town Temtress

Entle Neliswa Of Glenaffric
Roodedraai Metzimetzi
Chibuluma Bongayo Of Entle
Inanda Mellberg Fleur de Cap

Heshima Ya Kimba Energy of Red
Karoskloof Bayezana Naka
Heshima Ya Kimba Chakanyuka
Lionesque Clementine
Rekaylahn Jabulisa Of Clachan
Clachan Aleca
Tappinskis Peach and Passion
Mankoyas Great Gambo
Ikimba Shadyridge Okoa
Apalachee Umquolo Of Pronkberg
Dahari Dafina
Mankoya’s Claudia
Dark Red Dreams Fudo-Daruma
Parih’s Eileen-Phoébe
Tappinskis Obax Onaedo
Amageba’s Ekevu Shangi
Caraen Afri Shaman
Amageba’s Aziwa N’Kosanyana
Oppigården’s Lysa
Alfalyans Ensån Lever (l)
Oppigården’s Endast Elin
2017-06-09T09:17:49+00:00March 28th, 2014|

140328 ~ 38 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:07+00:00March 28th, 2014|
The pups wearing the knitted sweaters my mom has made for them 🙂
IMG 0042
Shot from another angle by Turid T. Moseng 🙂
Kiwi still playful at the age of almost 6 years 🙂
 MLH9184 MLH9185 MLH9187
 MLH9218 MLH9219 MLH9220 MLH9221 MLH9222
Miss Purple kind of wanted to wear her sweater as a skirt…. 😉
Happy puppy-buyers 🙂
 MLH9224 MLH9225 MLH9226 MLH9229 MLH9230 MLH9236 MLH9237 MLH9238 MLH9239 MLH9240 MLH9241 MLH9249
Kiwi was happy when her co-owners came for a surprise visit! She miss sleeping on Hilde’s lap I believe 🙂
Sheriff keeping a close eye on his pack 🙂
Mister Blue
 MLH9269 MLH9271 MLH9276
Miss Purple and Kiwi’s co-owner Stig
 MLH9277 MLH9278 MLH9279 MLH9280 MLH9281
Miss Orange got tired and climbed into the cage to get some sleep
 MLH9282 MLH9283 MLH9284 MLH9288 MLH9289 MLH9290 MLH9291 MLH9293 MLH9294 MLH9295
Miss Purple
Mister Blue
 MLH9298 MLH9299 MLH9300
Mister Blue
Miss Pink and Mister Orange
Mister Orange relaxing 
 MLH9307 MLH9308 MLH9309 MLH9312
2018-04-02T09:55:07+00:00March 28th, 2014|

37 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:01+00:00March 27th, 2014|
The puppies are 37 days old today, and I suddently realized that they will be moving to new homes in 2,5 weeks! The time have gone so fast! The pups are so sweet, happy and cudly, and are quite fat due to all the food they are getting 🙂 Kiwi still gives them milk, but she is holding back more and more every day, and the puppies are more hungry for solid food. They spend some time running free in the living-room and kitchen every day, and they are super happy to explore the big world. We have also taking the pups outside everyday, but due to the weather, they just wants to go inside again. As soon as the sun shines during the day, I guess they would appreciate spending more time outside. Photos from the last weeks can be seen here
 MLH9101orange  MLH9099blue  MLH9116purple  MLH9083pink
 MLH9131  MLH9024  MLH9053  MLH9054
2018-04-02T10:00:01+00:00March 27th, 2014|

140326 ~ 36 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:08+00:00March 27th, 2014|
My mom brought snacks for the pups
Miss Pink rather wants to cuddle than eating snacks
Miss Purple
 MLH9016 MLH9018
Miss Pink love my mom 🙂
And my mom loves her to 🙂
 MLH9020 MLH9022 MLH9024
Everyone loves my mom 🙂
 MLH9025 MLH9026 MLH9028 MLH9029 MLH9030 MLH9031 MLH9033 MLH9035 MLH9036 MLH9038 MLH9041
Miss Pink would rather run free in the kitchen..
My mom also brought some fresh bones
 MLH9048 MLH9049 MLH9050 MLH9051 MLH9052 MLH9053 MLH9054
Tired mummy need some alone-time on the couch
2018-04-02T09:55:08+00:00March 27th, 2014|

140325 ~ 35 days old, individual

2018-04-02T09:55:09+00:00March 25th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Blue

#2 – Miss Purple

#3 – Miss Pink
#4 – Mister Orange

2018-04-02T09:55:09+00:00March 25th, 2014|

33 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:01+00:00March 23rd, 2014|
The puppies are 33 days old today, almost 5 weeks old. We have had visitors every day the last couple of days, and the puppies loves to get all the hugs and attention. We have started to put the pups in the cage when we clean the puppy-box in the mornings, and they are more and more accepting that they have to relax and stay behind the locked door until we let them out. They are a lovely foursome of puppies, being kind, cuddly and playful, and they are so well behaved. More photos can be seen here

 MLH8378  MLH8346  MLH8400  MLH8422

2018-04-02T10:00:01+00:00March 23rd, 2014|

140322 ~ 32 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:10+00:00March 22nd, 2014|
We need to practice standing pretty on a table, so we did a little photoshop so I could practice with the remote control also 😉
Mister Blue
Mister Orange
Miss Pink
Miss Purple
Miss Pink
 MLH8342 MLH8343
Miss Pink
Kiwi taking a break from the pups
I had to make a door for Kiwi to enter the puppybox, and everyone was happy with the result 🙂
Miss Purple relaxing
 MLH8347 MLH8368
Mister Orange
Miss Pink and Mister Orange
Miss Purple and Mister Orange
 MLH8371 MLH8372 MLH8373
Mister Orange
Miss Purple
 MLH8375 MLH8376
Miss Pink having ann argument with her sister
 MLH8377 MLH8378 MLH8379 MLH8380 MLH8381 MLH8382 MLH8383 MLH8386
Miss Pink and Miss Purple taking a nap in the cage
Mister Orange
Mister Orange “sleepyhead”
 MLH8390 MLH8391 MLH8392 MLH8393 MLH8394 MLH8395 MLH8396 MLH8397 MLH8398 MLH8399 MLH8400 MLH8401 MLH8403
Kiwi soooo much want to eat the pup’s food… 
 MLH8404 MLH8405 MLH8406
“Please let me have it…”
 MLH8407 MLH8408 MLH8409
“Please, please, please…”
 MLH8410 MLH8411 MLH8413 MLH8415 MLH8417 MLH8422 MLH8423
Miss Pink training to be a real sunbathing ridgeback 🙂
2018-04-02T09:55:10+00:00March 22nd, 2014|

30 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:02+00:00March 20th, 2014|
The pups are 30 days today, and yesterday I got some help taking the first stacked photos of them. They were not that hungry, because they get more than enough milk from Kiwi, and they are also very fat and chubby at the moment. I still think we got some clues as to how they look like. Yesterday they had their first experience with a jigsaw when I had to cut out a piece in the puppybox, to make a little door for Kiwi. Despite the high sound, they was just super curious and we had to keep them from getting to close. I love their sweet, social and curious nature and can’t wait to see how they turn out as grown ups!

 MLH8208_blue  MLH8223_purple  MLH8463pink  MLH8314_orange

2018-04-02T10:00:02+00:00March 20th, 2014|

140319 ~ 29 days old, individual

2018-04-02T09:55:12+00:00March 20th, 2014|
# 1 – Mister Blue
 MLH8208 blue
# 2 – Miss Purple
 MLH8223 purple
#3 – Miss Pink
 MLH8252 pink
#4 – Mister Orange
 MLH8314 orange
2018-04-02T09:55:12+00:00March 20th, 2014|

27 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:02+00:00March 17th, 2014|
The puppies are 27 days old today, and tomorrow they will be 4 weeks already! That means we only have 4 more weeks with the little wonders. Up until now they haven’t given me much work, as Kiwi feeds them, cleans them and takes care of them. They have started to learn that they should pee on the papers, but sometimes it’s difficult to remember to go to the papers, and they just pee in the bed… They get Royal Canine Starter two times a day now, but just a little taste and rounds it off with some milk from Kiwi. During this week I will start giving them more solid food, and also 3 times per day. We have started to train how to stand on a table, but I don’t think they stand good enough on their feet yet. So stacked photos will wait until I think they stand better on their feet. But we practice, and my hopes are that they will stand pretty when we take the first stacks 🙂 All the pups are spoken for, and I am looking forward to getting to know their new owners better, and see how the pups will develop. It’s been important to me that the new owners will stay in close contact with us, and also fit into our wonderful gang of Wayosi-owners. But I think that the mission is completed and we are looking forward to adding more happy people to our extended family 🙂 I have added a few albums from the last week on the B-litter page, see them here

 MLH8024  MLH8038  MLH8114  MLH8062

2018-04-02T10:00:02+00:00March 17th, 2014|

140316 ~ 26 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:12+00:00March 17th, 2014|
Mister Blue
 MLH8020 MLH8024 MLH8026
Miss Pink 
 MLH8027 MLH8031 MLH8038 MLH8054
Mister Orange
 MLH8062 MLH8073 MLH8084 MLH8086
Miss Purple
 MLH8109 MLH8114 MLH8123 MLH8129 MLH8131 MLH8132
2018-04-02T09:55:12+00:00March 17th, 2014|

140315 ~ 25 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:12+00:00March 15th, 2014|
The pups had their first trip outside today, just a couple of minutes. But they thought it was a little cold, so we went inside again 🙂
My sister and one of the pups
My friend Camilla with Mister Blue and Miss Purple
 MLH7985 MLH7986 MLH7987 MLH7988 MLH7989
Camilla’s boys loved the pups and vice versa 
2018-04-02T09:55:12+00:00March 15th, 2014|

140314 ~ 24 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:13+00:00March 15th, 2014|
 MLH7926 MLH7927 MLH7932
Little Mister Orange taking a nap on Hilde’s nap
 MLH7935 MLH7936 MLH7938 MLH7940 MLH7941 MLH7942 MLH7943 MLH7944 MLH7946 MLH7947 MLH7948 MLH7949 MLH7950 MLH7951 MLH7953 MLH7954 MLH7955 MLH7957 MLH7960
Mister Blue wonders what’s on the outside
 MLH7962 MLH7964 MLH7966 MLH7967 MLH7968 MLH7969 MLH7970 MLH7971 MLH7972 MLH7973 MLH7974 MLH7977
Puppy-buyers in puppy heaven 🙂
 MLH7978 MLH7979
2018-04-02T09:55:13+00:00March 15th, 2014|

140312 ~ 22 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:14+00:00March 13th, 2014|
The pups have started to eat solid food and loves it!
 MLH7899 MLH7900 MLH7901 MLH7902 MLH7903 MLH7904 MLH7905 MLH7906 MLH7907 MLH7909 MLH7911
My mum in puppy-heaven
 MLH7913 MLH7914 MLH7915 MLH7916 MLH7919 MLH7920 MLH7921 MLH7923 MLH7924 MLH7926 MLH7927 MLH7928
2018-04-02T09:55:14+00:00March 13th, 2014|

20 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:02+00:00March 10th, 2014|
The puppies are 20 days old today, almost 3 weeks, and they have moved down in the larger puppy-box in the livingroom. Here they have 3×4 meters to move around in, they hear all sorts of sounds, see a lot of different light and smells a lot of different smells. We sadly lost mr. green last week, and we now devote all our time to the 4 remaining puppies. They have all gained weight, they are happy and well-fed and well looked after by wonderful mum Kiwi, and they have started to move around a lot more, exploring the box and playing with eachother. They have gotten a little taste of solid food for two days now, and they all went crazy when they figured out that it was eatable! I am convinced these little ones will love food just as much as their mother does. As they are only 4 pups, Kiwi have more than enough milk for them, but a small taste of solid food every day the next days and weeks don’t do any harm before they will start eating more and more solid food and less and less milk.  More photos of the little wonders can bee seen here.  

 MLH7837  MLH7808  MLH7773  MLH7816

2018-04-02T10:00:02+00:00March 10th, 2014|

140310 ~ 13 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:15+00:00March 10th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Blue
 MLH7752 MLH7754 MLH7756
 MLH7837 MLH7846
#2 – Miss Purple
 MLH7794 MLH7801 MLH7808
#3 – Miss Pink
 MLH7773 MLH7787
#4 – Mister Orange
 MLH7816 MLH7819
2018-04-02T09:55:15+00:00March 10th, 2014|

Strängnäs international show

2018-04-02T11:52:35+00:00March 9th, 2014|
Hanna and Maggie entered their first show of the year in Sweden today, at Strängnäs CACIB show. The judge was Leni Finne, and she rewarded Maggie with Excellent 3 in open class in tough competition. Well done Hanna and Maggie, we are proud of you! Critique here and photos here. Corona and Kiiro from Sheriff’s litter at Sabaku Inus was also entered and Kiiro charmed his way to Excellent 1 with CQ in junior class, and ended up as 4th best male. Way to go Pernilla and Kiiro! Yet another pup from Sheriff was entered, sweet Nephora from Dahidos kennel, and she won the working-/hunting class with Excellent and CQ. Congratulations to you all 🙂
09032014-IMG 1981 09032014-IMG 1984-2 09032014-IMG 1847 09032014-IMG 1885
2018-04-02T11:52:35+00:00March 9th, 2014|

140309 ~ 19 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:15+00:00March 9th, 2014|
2018-04-02T09:55:15+00:00March 9th, 2014|

14 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:03+00:00March 4th, 2014|
The pups are 14 days old today and got their first deworming yesterday. They were not very happy about that, and was shaking their heads to get the pasta out of the mouth. But it’s important with deworming, and we made sure everyone swallowed the proper amount anyway. They sleep longer between eating now, and thus it’s more silent in the puppy box during nights. On the other hand some of them have learned to use their voices, and I have heard some of them both growl and try to bark 🙂 
I have added new individual and mixed photos of the pups on the B-litter page here, as well as a movie of the pups enjoying a meal. 

140304collage2  MLH7687  MLH7678

2018-04-02T10:00:03+00:00March 4th, 2014|

140304 ~ 14 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:17+00:00March 4th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Blue
 MLH7620 MLH7627
#2 – Miss Purple
 MLH7632 MLH7638
#3 – Miss Pink
 MLH7640 MLH7644 MLH7649 MLH7655
#4 – Mister Orange
 MLH7658 MLH7666
#5 – Mister Green
 MLH7669 MLH7672
 MLH7677 MLH7678 MLH7681 MLH7682 MLH7685 MLH7686 MLH7687 MLH7688
2018-04-02T09:55:17+00:00March 4th, 2014|

12 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:03+00:00March 2nd, 2014|
Miss Purple opened her eyes 2 days ago, and the rest have followed this weekend. The biggest ones are now weighing around 1700 grams, while our little Miss Pink weights 700 grams. That means they all have more or less tripled their weight since birth. Kiwi makes sure they are well fed and comfortable, but likes to stretch out in my bed next to the puppy box while watching the pups sleep. Yesterday we assembled the larger puppy in the living room, and the pups will move downstairs at the end of next week. Then it is time for more sounds, movements and lights, and by then they also will be more mobile and need more space to move around. More photos can bee seen here

Days 0 7 11
Blue 440 1250 1700
Purple 520 1200 1600
Pink 250 550 710
Orange 560 1300 1700
Green 580 1380 1760

 MLH7571  MLH7592  MLH7565  MLH7584
2018-04-02T10:00:03+00:00March 2nd, 2014|

140301 ~ 11 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:18+00:00March 2nd, 2014|
 MLH7519 MLH7520 MLH7521 MLH7522 MLH7523 MLH7524 MLH7526 MLH7528 MLH7529 MLH7530 MLH7531 MLH7532 MLH7533 MLH7534 MLH7535 MLH7540 MLH7545 MLH7548 MLH7554
The large puppybox in the living-room are ready 
 MLH7555 MLH7556
2018-04-02T09:55:18+00:00March 2nd, 2014|

9 days old and new photos

2018-04-02T10:00:03+00:00February 27th, 2014|
The pups are getting bigger every day, and the biggest puppies are so fat I almost getting worried 😉 Little Miss Pink has started to use her hind legs a little bit more when crawling, while the other fatsos are not quite there yet. But within the weekend I think we will already see the puppies getting more active, and shortly also opening their eyes. I have added a new album of the puppies 9 days old here
2018-04-02T10:00:03+00:00February 27th, 2014|

140227 ~ 9 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:19+00:00February 27th, 2014|
Isi just can’t wait until she are allowed to come into the puppybox 🙂
Kiwi taking a nap in my bed
Mister Green have been eating to much 🙂
2018-04-02T09:55:19+00:00February 27th, 2014|

1 week old already

2018-04-02T10:00:04+00:00February 26th, 2014|
The puppies are already 1 week old, and they are all doing great. Everyone have doubled their birth weight, and we are especially happy that our little Miss Pink also have doubled her birth weight. She is strong and have a strong will, and we are looking forward to learn about this little fighters personality 🙂 The other pups are big fat little pups, and sure knows how to use their voice when the milk is not coming! More photos can be seen here
Days 0 7
Blue 440 1250
Purple 520 1200
Pink 250 550
Orange 560 1300
Green 580 1380
 MLH7390  MLH7404  MLH7424 
2018-04-02T10:00:04+00:00February 26th, 2014|

140225 ~ 7 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:19+00:00February 25th, 2014|
#1 – Mister Blue
 MLH7390 MLH7397 MLH7403
#2 -Miss Purple
 MLH7404 MLH7406 MLH7408 MLH7411 MLH7413
#3 – Miss Pink
 MLH7422 MLH7423 MLH7424
#4 – Mister Orange
 MLH7426 MLH7427 MLH7429 MLH7431 MLH7434 MLH7436
#5 – Mister Green
 MLH7438 MLH7439 MLH7442 MLH7444
2018-04-02T09:55:19+00:00February 25th, 2014|

Puppies 5 days old

2018-04-02T10:00:04+00:00February 23rd, 2014|
Our puppies are 5 days old today, and both Kiwi and pups are doing great! Kiwi is being an affectionate and caring mother, and is doing a wonderful job with the little miracles. 
Our firstborn pup was a male born 00:16 and he weighed 440 gram. He has a small white marking on his chest and is correct. He got a blue collar. The second pup was a female born at 01:00 and weighed 520 gram. She is livernosed and seems to be correct. She got a purple collar. The third pup was a female born at 01:20 and she weighed only 250 gram. But she seemed strong right from the start and today she has almost doubled her birthweight. She seems to be correct so far, and have a large white mark on her chest. She got a pink collar. The firth pup was a male born at 03:30 and weighed 560 gram. He has two small white stripes on his chest and is correct. He got an orange collar. The final pup was born at 04:00 and was a male weighing 580 gram. He has no white markings, seems to be correct and got a green collar.
I have added some more photos and a video to the B-litter page here.
 MLH7329  MLH7337  MLH7361  MLH7350
2018-04-02T10:00:04+00:00February 23rd, 2014|

140222 ~ 4 days old

2018-04-02T09:55:20+00:00February 23rd, 2014|
Mister Blue and tiny Miss Pink
Tired mommy
Miss Purple
Miss Pink lying close to mom to get some heat
2018-04-02T09:55:20+00:00February 23rd, 2014|

140218 ~ newborn, individual

2018-04-02T10:02:37+00:00February 23rd, 2014|
# 1 – Mister Blue
Born 00:16, 440 gram
Correct, smal white marking on chest
#2 – Miss Purple
Born 01:00, 520 gram
#3 – Miss Pink
Born 01:20, 250 gram
Correct, white marking on chest
#4 – Mister Orange
Born 03:30, 560 gram
Correct, 2 white stripes on chest


# 5 – Mister Green
Born 04:00, 580 gram
Correct, no white
2018-04-02T10:02:37+00:00February 23rd, 2014|

140218 ~ newborn

2018-04-02T09:53:59+00:00February 23rd, 2014|
Waiting for the birth to start
The 5 little wonders
The gang
2018-04-02T09:53:59+00:00February 23rd, 2014|

The pups are here!

2018-04-02T09:58:06+00:00February 19th, 2014|

We are proud to announce the safe arrival of our B-litter February 18, 2014. We have 5 wonderful puppies, 3 males and 2 females. One of the females are livernosed, the rest are blacknosed. All seems correct so far, and first check showed no dermoid sinus. The delivery was uncomplicated and took 4 hours. 4 of the puppies had birthweight around 500 grams, while the blacknosed female weighed only 250 gram. She seems quite strong, and we are giving her extra care and hope she will gain some more weight quickly. All pups have lovely colors and substance, and we are very exited to see them develop.

Kiwi was so good during the delivery and are doing a wonderful job with the pups. She will just go outside for a short second, and then she runs back to her pups 🙂 She is in a good shape and are recovering very well.

 MLH7241  MLH7286  MLH7238  MLH7243  MLH7265  MLH7269  MLH7271  MLH7278

2018-04-02T09:58:06+00:00February 19th, 2014|

The B-litter is here!

2018-04-02T09:58:21+00:00February 19th, 2014|

We are proud to announce the safe arrival of our B-litter February 18, 2014. We have 5 wonderful puppies, 3 males and 2 females. One of the females are livernosed, the rest are blacknosed. All seems correct so far, and first check showed no dermoid sinus. The delivery was uncomplicated and took 4 hours. 4 of the puppies had birthweight around 500 grams, while the blacknosed female weighed only 250 gram. She seems quite strong, and we are giving her extra care and hope she will gain some more weight quickly. All pups have lovely colors and substance, and we are very exited to see them develop.

 MLH7241  MLH7286  MLH7238  MLH7243  MLH7265  MLH7269  MLH7271  MLH7278

2018-04-02T09:58:21+00:00February 19th, 2014|

59 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:37:35+00:00February 16th, 2014|

Kiwi is 59 days pregnant today, and sleeps a lot to be ready for the birth of the puppies any day now. We can’t wait to see what’s hiding inside her belly! I have attached a movie where you can see the puppies moving inside the belly.

140216thumb  MLH7203  MLH7215

2018-04-02T11:37:35+00:00February 16th, 2014|

Guilty dogs…

2018-04-02T11:40:14+00:00February 15th, 2014|

More than one time have I come home and been met by the most guilty looks and body language from my dogs. I found this video from YouTube hilarious, and I laugh loudly every time I see it. I also found some old photos of my biggest mischief Sheriff. Often the look gave him away before I saw the mess 😉 

140213videothumb  MLH0472  MLH9195  MLH4555

2018-04-02T11:40:14+00:00February 15th, 2014|

Small photo update

2018-04-02T11:39:58+00:00February 13th, 2014|

The other day I took some photos of Sheriff, and I am happy to see that he is aging with style! He is now 8 years and 7 months old, and still behaves like a young dog. I have a weak spot for that silly dog, and he is the only one of my dogs that have such control on me 😉 And for that I just love him dearly. I also took some new photos of our hairless airedale Isi, and both she and we loves her new haircut 😉 I took the liberty to steal a photo of Juno from Facebook, and I think it shows her personality very much. Silly little dog does every thing she know just to get a treat. And if it is to jump up on a small box were the paws nearly have space, so be it 🙂   

 MLH7017  MLH6932_44d  MLH6833 140213Juno

2018-04-02T11:39:58+00:00February 13th, 2014|

55 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:37:46+00:00February 12th, 2014|

Kiwi is now 55 days pregnant, and the birth is not far away. She can start giving birth from day 58 to day 65, but the most common is between day 60 and 63. The variation in days can be related to the litter size or when the eggs was fertilized after mating. A female with a larger litter may give birth earlier than a female with a smaller litter, and the eggs could have been fertilized as long as 5 days after mating. 

Kiwi is in a very good condition, even though she is getting bigger everyday. She has not gained that much around her belly, but there are some visible changes from day to day. She still joins us for a walk, and she decides the speed as well as where and how long to go. But she still likes to trot around the neighborhood looking for the neighbors cats, and as long as Kiwi wants to, we let her join us. It is important that she is in a good physical shape when she give birth, and especially after giving birth and nursing the puppies. I could see some tiny drops of milk from her nipples today, and we have felt the puppies moving inside her for a while. The puppies are approximately 15 cm now. 

 MLH7171_55dager  MLH7177_55dager

2018-04-02T11:37:46+00:00February 12th, 2014|

50 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:40:25+00:00February 7th, 2014|

Kiwi is 50 days pregnant today, 78 cm around her belly and weighs 37,4 kg. She is in excellent condition, and still hangs with on our evening walks with the other dogs. She is desperately chasing food, and finds everything suitable as food. She is still calm and enjoys to relax in the couch, under the blanket. We notice that she grows a little everyday, and luckily for Kiwi she is not very heavy yet. We have started to get Kiwi adjusted to the puppy box, but she would rather use the bed next to the puppy box. However, Sheriff and Isi thinks the puppy box is very comfortable 😉

We can feel the puppies moving in her belly now, and it seems there are some active puppies inside that belly 🙂 The puppies have now reached approximately 75% of their birthweight and measures around 12 cm. 

 MLH7034_47d  MLH7050_48d  MLH7072_50d  MLH7079_50d


2018-04-02T11:40:25+00:00February 7th, 2014|

Been stealing on Facebook..

2018-04-02T09:52:59+00:00February 7th, 2014|

Every now and then I find some nice photos of our A-litter “pups”, and then I steal them 😉 Hope you forgive me folks! While we are waiting for our B-litter, we must not forget the lovely dogs from our A-litter that I am so found of! 

140125Aragorn 140129Juba 140130Leon 140202Juno

2018-04-02T09:52:59+00:00February 7th, 2014|

While we are waiting for pups

2018-04-02T11:41:03+00:00February 2nd, 2014|

I have really enjoyed the last weeks weather, with the perfect -5 °C and dry snow. The dogs have also enjoyed the wonderful weather, and especially Isi loves to be outside in the dry snow. Sheriff thinks it’s ok to go for walks, but I almost have to drag him by his collar to get him out to pee otherwise, in fear that I might lock him out for a while 😉 There are much focus on Kiwi these days, but Isi and Sheriff gets their share of pampering to 😉

 MLH6943  MLH6941  MLH6979  MLH6973

2018-04-02T11:41:03+00:00February 2nd, 2014|

45 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:38:00+00:00February 2nd, 2014|

Kiwi is 45 days pregnant today, 70 cm around her belly and weighs 36 kg. She is constantly hungry, and tries to brake into the food container every chance she gets. We see that she is smaller than with the A-litter where she carried 11 puppies, so perhaps we have half the amount this time. I have put together a photo to show Kiwi before mating, and at 45 day after mating. Not so much waist there anymore 😉 

We have also put up the puppy box, and Sheriff was perhaps the one who was most happy with “his” new bed 🙂 We are more or less ready for the delivery, and the puppy room are filled with everything we need. A larger puppy box will be put up in our livingroom when the pups are 2-3 weeks. 

collage  MLH6958  MLH6944  MLH6947

2018-04-02T11:38:00+00:00February 2nd, 2014|

42 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:38:18+00:00January 30th, 2014|

Kiwi is 42 days pregnant today, and we see small changes almost every day now. Kiwi moved home with us today, and I hope her dear co-owners Hilde and Stig will survive without their princess for some while. But they will come for visit often, and both Kiwi and I are looking forward to that 🙂 

Kiwi are 69 cm around her belly today, slowly gaining cm. 

 MLH6839  MLH6843  MLH6859

2018-04-02T11:38:18+00:00January 30th, 2014|

37 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:38:37+00:00January 25th, 2014|

Kiwi is 37 days pregnant today, and her belly is starting to show more. I measured her belly and she is now 64 cm around.

Day 36 to 42 represents the 6th week of the pregnancy. It is no doubt that Kiwi is pregnant now, and the puppies are growing very rapidly. Almost from day to day we will start to notice that the belly gets larger. With the growth of the puppies, Kiwi may start to become a little uncomfortable, and she might even vomit. She now needs a comfortable place to sleep, where she can relax properly and stretch out her body. It’s important that she is still getting her usual exercise everyday, even though she rather would stay inside, but we will adjust the exercise after how Kiwi feels. 

 MLH6823  MLH6826  MLH6812 140125iphone

2018-04-02T11:38:37+00:00January 25th, 2014|

Newsflash of Isi

2018-04-02T11:41:20+00:00January 23rd, 2014|

I recieved a text message from my mother, complaining about the lack of photos and updates of Isi on the homepage 😉 Isi is always around us, and I have to admit I don’t often think about take photos of our little goofy and sweet Airedale-princess! Before christmas she looked rather like a little bear with her long coat, and during christmas holidays I trimmed here completely down, trimming also her mustache and leg hair, giving her the look of a little puppy. I love this look, making it much easier after runs in the forrest, and snow will not attach to her coat. So I intend to keep her like this for a while, even though trimming experts would turn in their graves…

 MLH6774  MLH6781  MLH6792  MLH6796

2018-04-02T11:41:20+00:00January 23rd, 2014|

Planned litter for Hektor

2018-04-02T11:41:46+00:00January 21st, 2014|

I am happy to announce that Hektor will sire his first litter in 2014, at Kennel Anzantra in Sweden with the lovely female Anzantras Nansi Namibia. We are exited to see what Hektor and Nansi will produce, and I wish breeder Helena Sirén good luck with this litter. Thank you for your trust in Hektor 🙂

 MLH2717r  MLH2760r  MLH2355  MLH2364

2018-04-02T11:41:46+00:00January 21st, 2014|

Maggie and friends

2018-04-02T11:42:05+00:00January 21st, 2014|

I recieved some lovely photos of Maggie and her friends last weekend in the snowy sandpit. It is one big happy family with Maggie and Härja being halfsisters and Disa being Härja’s aunt. Confused? We to sometimes 😉 See more photos here. Maggie is the self-appointed queen bee in this company, because just like her mother and father, Maggie thinks that the world centers around her 😉 And that’s why we all love her! 

140119Hanna05 140119Hanna32 140119Hanna39 140119Hanna43

2018-04-02T11:42:05+00:00January 21st, 2014|

140118 ~ Maggie and family

2018-04-02T11:42:40+00:00January 21st, 2014|
I recieved some new photos from Maggie’s co-owner Hanna from a doggy-get-together last weekend in Stockholm. Attending was Maggie and her big “sister” Disa (Ridgebows Nandisa of Zazazela), Maggie’s half sister Härja (Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff, which is also Disa’s niese, Maggie’s best buddy Keaton (Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton) and his older “brother” Caesar (Hamnuddens Fellow Caesar). One big happy family. As long as everyone follows monsterMaggie’s lead 😉
Keaton, Härja and Disa
Sisters Härja and Maggie
Härja, Disa and (probably) Maggie
Goofy Härja
Disa and Keaton
Härja, Sandra and Disa
Maggie, Caesar and Keaton
Cutie Maggie
2018-04-02T11:42:40+00:00January 21st, 2014|

33 days pregnant

2018-04-02T11:44:58+00:00January 21st, 2014|

Kiwi is 33 days pregnant today, and she is doing well. She is very cosy and wants to stay as close as possible. At the moment she is living with her co-owners in Oslo, that takes very good care of here. Around day 42 she is moving home to stay with us for the rest of the pregnancy and puppy period.

Kiwi now wants to sleep a lot, and want shorter trips outside. She have had a period where she seems a little morning sick, but she never says no to food and she have eaten well the entire period. It is important that Kiwi gets regularly exercise, even if she rather wants to stay inside. She needs to be healthy and in good shape during the pregnancy, when the belly is getting heavier and she also need a good strength for the birth. Last weekend we met up with Kiwi and Hilde, and a couple of exiting puppy buyers and went for a walk in the forrest. The light was not so good, and it was cold outside, so belly photos was not that easy 🙂

Up until now the embryos have grown rapidly and organs are developing as the puppies are forming. By day 29, the sex organs and limbs of the puppies have developed, and the uterus is quickly filling with protective amniotic fluid. Because of the amniotic fluid rushing in, a little belly can now bee seen on Kiwi, but at the moment her teats are larger so the little belly is not easy so see. In the next week or so I think the belly will get noticeably larger. 

  MLH6751  MLH6762  MLH6764  MLH6760

2018-04-02T11:44:58+00:00January 21st, 2014|

We are expecting puppies week 8

2018-04-02T09:52:07+00:00January 12th, 2014|

We are happy to announce that Kiwi is in whelp with our B-litter and is due week 8! 🙂 You can follow the B-litter blog here for more updates about the litter as the pregnancy progresses.  

Inquires are welcome to mona@wayosi.no

bkullweb ultralyd  MLH6738

2018-04-02T09:52:07+00:00January 12th, 2014|

Pregnancy confirmed

2018-04-02T09:50:55+00:00January 12th, 2014|

We are happy to announce that Kiwi is in whelp with our B-litter and is due week 8. Kiwi is doing fine, she is in good health, but are not yet showing many signs of pregnancy. Her tits are a litter bigger and she have lost some appetite. The loss of appetite is probably a big concern for Kiwi herself 😉 She is also more calm than usual, and very cosy. Now we are crossing fingers for an uncomplicated pregnancy and healthy puppies.

Inquires are welcome to mona@wayosi.no

bkullweb ultralyd  MLH6738

2018-04-02T09:50:55+00:00January 12th, 2014|

New shots of our “golden oldie”

2018-04-02T11:45:19+00:00January 5th, 2014|

One day when the rain stopped for a couple of moments I took Sheriff and my camera outside, and got some new shots of our “golden oldie”, now 8,5 years old. He is starting to get some few grey hairs, but other than that he still acts like a puppy 🙂

 MLH6708  MLH6712  MLH6714  MLH6720

2018-04-02T11:45:19+00:00January 5th, 2014|

Happy New Year

2018-04-02T11:45:37+00:00January 4th, 2014|

There haven’t been much updates on this page lately, and that is because we simply did not have much to say 😉 It’s been a boring Norwegian fall and winter, much rain and no weather for photos. I have had quite a lot to do at work, and could take 14 days Christmas Holidays with good conscience. Now we welcome the new year, and looking forward to many new doggie adventures in 2014. 

With this we wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR

131220MLH09 131220MLH10 131220MLH14 131220MLH16

2018-04-02T11:45:37+00:00January 4th, 2014|

Pregnancy Calendar B-litter

2018-04-02T09:57:30+00:00December 22nd, 2013|



Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U – “Aramis”


Tappinskis Peach And Passion – “Kiwi”

Week 1

During the first week, counted from day 1 to day 7, many milestones take place. Fertilization of the eggs will occur, and the fertilized eggs should implant into the walls of the uterus around Day 7. Fertilized eggs migrate down the oviducts and into the uterine horns. The migration continues to enable even spacing of the embryos. During this migration the eggs will grow into a blastocysts.

Friday 20 December 2013

First day of mating. 


Germ cells, i.e. sperm and egg fuse together and the phases of mitosis begin. During mitosis genetic information from the parents is merged. Fertilization occurs in the oviducts, which lead from the ovaries to the uterus.

96 hours

Divides into two cells

120 hours

Divides into fours cells

144 hours

Divides into eight cells

192 hours

The morula is constituted. The morula is a compact mass of 32 cells. In size the mass has grown little.

Week 2

During the second week, from day 8 to 14, we can expect the dam to continue acting as if she is in heat, but if we are lucky she will already be pregnant! The fertilized eggs will be implanted into the uterine horns and rapidly developing into blastocysts. They will officially be considered embryos around Day 11, and their major organs will be starting to develop. 

Day 9

The morula enters the uterus

Week 3

During the third week, from day 15 to 21, the embryos will still be rapidly growing and developing as the organs of the puppies are forming. We will also being to see changes in the female starting around Day 15, the first day of this week. Her nipples may begin to enlarge and protrude from her belly, and the fur surrounding them will begin to thin. If she is pregnant, she may start to experience morning sickness around Day 20, and show signs of a decreased appetite and some dry heaving or throw up small amounts. 

Day 15

A blastula is constituted. The blastula is a hollow ovule consisting of 500 – 2000 cells. The blastula is not attached and floats freely within the uterus. 

Day 18

The placenta is developed. The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and takes away waste to be excreted by the mother. 

Day 20

The ovule has changed in shape in order to adhere to the wall of the uterus. The nervous system is formed thus organogenesis has begun. Organogenesis is the phase in which all body organs are formed. The nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord are the first organs formed. 

Week 4

By week four, from day 22 to 28, many changes are occurring both in the dam and her pending litter. Morning sickness might occur due to hormonal changes or stretching and distention of the uterus. The female may appear a bit apathetic. She may be off her feed for a while and vomit from time to time. 

At this point, the puppies are roughly the size of a walnut and spread out throughout the uterine horns, so our vet should be able to give us an estimate of the number of puppies to expect.  

Day 23

The individuals ovules have adhered to the walls of the uterus. Swelling occurs at adherence sites. Palpation may be used for the next few days to determine pregnancy, but the method is only 70% of the time. A test for the relaxin hormone can be conducted at this point to determine pregnancy. Ultrasound is more used and can be used from day 21 to day 28. 

Day 28

 The embryo is oval shaped now and measures approx. 1.4 cm to 1.8 cm. 

Week 5

Week five, from day 29 to 35, brings about many changes in the female, and at this point there should be no doubt that she is pregnant. By Day 29, the sex organs and limbs of the puppies are developing, they are growing rapidly, and the uterus is quickly filling with protective amniotic fluid. Because of the amniotic fluid rushing in, the females abdomen should start to be noticeably larger than normal by Day 34, and will only continue to grow! Since her abdomen is rapidly filling with puppies, start increasing her food ration to ensure she is getting adequate nutrition, or consider switching her to puppy food for the duration of the pregnancy and weaning of the puppies. 

Day 30

The eyes are formed and covered by eyelids. Sexual organs are apparent. 

Week 6

The sixth week, from day 36 to 42, doesn’t produce a large amount of physical change in the female, but the puppies are growing an astonishing rate. Since the abdomen is becoming increasingly distended with the pressure of so many babies inside, she may begin to appear noticeably uncomfortable and may even vomit. She will need extra chances to relieve herself outside and a nice comfortable bed to relax in. Around Day 38, she may begin to have clear discharge from her vulva and be rather particular about grooming herself in that area.  At this point, the birth of her puppies are only a few weeks away. We should also be sure to set up her whelping box in a warm, quiet corner of the house and begin rewarding her for spending time in it.  

Day 40

Swelling of the females abdomen may be observed. The swelling is relative to the number of puppies the female is carrying and the number of previous litters she has had. Abdominal swelling may be less noticeable at this stage for first time mothers. The pigmentation of the skin and coat that determine the puppies’ coloration and patterns are present. 

Week 7

By the seventh week, day 43 to 49, you should finally be able to feel the puppies moving, typically by Day 45, and see just how fast the female is putting on weight and girth. The puppies are fully developed little dogs at this point, and their main job is to put on size and weight to prepare for birth. By Day 47, the dam will be wrestles and may begin to search for a place to nest, and may even be leaking colostrum (the “first milk” that is full of antibodies for puppies’ health) from her teats. This is definitely the time to begin rewarding her for lying in her whelping box, but if she shows a preference for a different corner of the house than the one we choose, we will need to move the box so that she will use it for her nest.

Day 45

It’s very easy now to feel the puppies, counting them might be a bit more difficult. Heartbeats are detectible by ultrasound. From this time on the growth of the fetus is accelerated. The mother’s appetite will likely increase. 

Week 8

When the eighth week rolls around, from day 50 to 56, it is time to start keeping a close eye on the female. On Day 50, start gently washing the female’s nipples and vulva several times a day, with a separate washcloth for each area. Since her teats may be leaking slightly and her vulva should have a small amount of discharge, this will help keep her clean and comfortable. We may see her abdomen ripple now and then as the puppies begin to position themselves for birth around Day 54. Her belly is jam-packed at this point, so leave kibble down for her at all times so that she can eat a bite here and there as she has room. 

Day 50

The dam might lose her appetite during this period. Her abdomen can be crowded with puppies. It is better to feed several smaller meals spaced throughout the day. You can easily detect abdominal movement now.

Day 51

The skeleton of the fetus is calcified and can be seen by x-ray.

Week 9

The last week, from day 57 to day 64 is here. Day 62 is typically when the puppies will arrive, and we must notify our boss and arrange to have a few days off before and after the birth if at all possible, or let them know when her temperature drops and stay home from that point until the puppies are at least a day old. The female has very strong instincts to care for and protect her puppies, but it is better to be home just in case a puppy becomes stuck or needs extra stimulation to begin breathing.  

Day 57

We might want to start taking the dam’s rectal temperature each morning and evening. The temperature will drop from 38,5 C to 36,5 C roughly 12 to 24 hours before birth, and she may go off her kibble and treats completely. This is an important sign to watch for, since it may be our only warning for impending puppies!

Day 60 – Day 63

Milky fluid may be expressed from the nipples.

Day 48 – Day 65

Dam begins to spend a lot more time in self-grooming. Her breasts become even more swollen. She may become a bit restlessness and begin to search for a suitable place to have her puppies.

Day 58 – Day 64

Starting at Day 58, watch carefully for any signs of labor that may show. These include a loss of appetite, her temperature dropping, signs of anxiety and/or whining, rapidly digging in her nesting box while  appearing uncomfortable, heavy panting (possibly with her eyes squeezed shut), her body tensing as if she is “sucking in her gut”, a clear fluid-filled amniotic sac emerging from the vulva, or repeated straining as if about to defecate without results. She may request to go out repeatedly since the sensation of a puppy settling downward may feel similar to needed to go potty, but do not let her go outside without a leash on and a towel in hand. We don’t want her getting under a bush or under the house to have the babies! If it is dark out, be sure to take a flashlight, and either way, watch carefully while she “goes” to ensure she doesn’t have a puppy outside. We will inform our vet in advance of the estimated birth date and have vet numbers at hand to inform them of when labor starts. If the female strains without producing a puppy for longer than 30 minutes, if she has not given birth by day 65, or if her temperature goes above 39 C or below 36 C, contact the vet immediately for advice. 









2018-04-02T09:57:30+00:00December 22nd, 2013|

Updates from Juno

2018-04-02T11:48:27+00:00November 22nd, 2013|
I recieved some new photos of sweet Juno, and they are as always wonderful photos! You can see the album here.
131122Juno03 131122Juno05 131122Juno08 131122Juno09
2018-04-02T11:48:27+00:00November 22nd, 2013|

Norwegian Winner Show

2018-04-02T11:48:28+00:00November 21st, 2013|
Last weekend we attended Norwegian Winner Show -13 at Norwegian Trade Fairs, just about 10 minutes from our house. As board member of Norwegian Kennel Club region Oslo/Akershus, I was also involved in the technical arrangement of the show, and spent almost 50 hours from thursday – sunday at the trade fairs. But I also found time to brus the dust of my dogs, and enter them.
Isi was first out in Obedience 1, and she did a good work, even though I know we can do much better. She was very slow with her sit, due to high expectations to the reward. At least I know what we need to focus on in the future 😉 She ended up with 164/200 points, got her second 1.prize in Obedience 1, and was placed as number 10 of 19 participants. The competition was extremely high, as every contestant had to have recieved a 1.prize to enter, and the judge was also very strict. And not to forget that all other dogs was mostly border collies 🙂
Next out was Kiwi and Sheriff in the showring. They have not been showing since the Norwegian Speciality Show in may, and both was extremely happy to join me in the ring. Sheriff was entered in veteranclass, and recieved excellent and champion quality, and thus became Norwegian Veteran Winner -13. I am very happy about this title, as he now have both a championtitle, working titles and a winner title. This means that he is a beautiful dog, have good working abilities and is a healthy dog. Perfect! 🙂
Kiwi is in super shape and health now, and was also happy to join the “meatball-circus”. She wagged her tail non stop in the ring, and enjoyed all the attention she got. She recieved excellent in a very strong championclass of 13 champion females. 
2018-04-02T11:48:28+00:00November 21st, 2013|

Maggie and family

2018-04-02T11:48:28+00:00November 6th, 2013|
A while ago I got some new photos from Maggie, her halfsister Härja (Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff), and Härja’s aunt – and Maggie’s “big sister” – Disa (Ridgebow’s Nandisa of Zazazela. The lovely photos are taken of Härja’s owners sister Sara. See the photos here
IMG 6279 IMG 6284 IMG 6236 IMG 6233
2018-04-02T11:48:28+00:00November 6th, 2013|

131022 ~ Maggie and family

2018-04-02T11:53:11+00:00November 5th, 2013|
A while ago I got some new photos from Maggie (Wayosi A Kind of Maggie), her halfsister Härja (Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff), and Härja’s aunt – and Maggie’s “big sister” – Disa (Ridgebow’s Nandisa of Zazazela. The lovely photos are taken of Härja’s owners sister Sara. 
IMG 6194
Disa and Härja
IMG 6218
IMG 6222
IMG 6224
IMG 6229
IMG 6233
IMG 6236
Hanna and Maggie
IMG 6244
Disa, Maggie and Härja
IMG 6274
IMG 6279
Härja, Maggie and Disa
IMG 6282
Maggie and Disa
IMG 6284
Maggie, Disa and Härja
IMG 6288
Maggie and Disa
2018-04-02T11:53:11+00:00November 5th, 2013|

Keeping up with the Wayosi’s

2018-04-02T11:48:29+00:00October 9th, 2013|
We had a small get-together last weekend with KaniJuba and Varga from our A-litter, as well as daddy Sheriff, mommy Kiwi and auntie Isi. It was so nice to them again, thank you for coming 🙂 See more photos here
Maggie have gotten a new friend – her halfsister Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff “Härja” – which lives next door with owner Hanna’s good friends Sandra, Henrik and little Olle. Härja is after Sheriff and Ridgebows Odara of Zazazela “Hiki”, wich is the halfsister of Maggie’s “big-sis” Ridgebows Nandisa of Zazazela “Disa”. So one big happy familiy 🙂 Hanna sent me some photos from one of their walks, see here.
 MLH6348copy  MLH6355copy  MLH6371copy  MLH6406
 MLH6435  MLH6454  MLH6466  MLH6482_2
 MLH6506  MLH6516 131006MDH38 131006MDH52
2018-04-02T11:48:29+00:00October 9th, 2013|

131006 ~ Small get-together

2018-04-02T11:59:52+00:00October 9th, 2013|
We had a small get-together last weekend with Kani, Juba and Varga from our A-litter, as well as daddy Sheriff, mommy Kiwi and auntie Isi. It was so nice to them again, thank you for coming 🙂
Sneeky Juba
The “gang”
Isi and Sheriff
Juba and Jon Sverre
Juba playful as always
Trine, Varga and Kari
Sweet Kiwi
 MLH6481 2
 MLH6482 2
One big happy family 🙂
We got one shot before they ran 😉
Sheriff – as always – begging for food
Kani knows very well to stay away from daddy when he is begging for food 😉
Happy Kani
Juba and Varga
Juba, Trine and Even
2018-04-02T11:59:52+00:00October 9th, 2013|

131006 ~ Maggie and friends

2018-04-02T11:59:38+00:00October 9th, 2013|
Maggie have gotten a new friend – her halfsister Sabaku Inus Chujitsu of Sheriff “Härja” – which lives next door with owner Hanna’s good friends Sandra, Henrik and little Olle. Härja is after Ridgebows Odara of Zazazela “Hiki”, wich is the halfsister of Maggie’s “big-sis” Ridgebows Nandisa of Zazazela “Disa”. So one big happy familiy 🙂 Hanna sent me some photos from one of their walks.
Härja, Maggie and Disa
Maggie, Härja and Disa
Disa and Härja
Härja, Disa and Maggie
Gorgeous Maggie, just turned 2 years old!
Maggie seems super exited about her new friend 😉
Härja still have some skin to grow into 🙂
2018-04-02T11:59:38+00:00October 9th, 2013|

Updates from Maggie and Kani

2018-04-02T11:48:30+00:00September 12th, 2013|
Kani spent a weekend in the Swedish archipelago and I got some wonderful photos of him. His owners Ingunn and Jon Sverre cannot praise him enough. He is a delight to have in the city, on the bus, on the office, in the boat and Kani always follows when they are visiting friend – and now he came along to some friends of them and behaved like the gentleman he is 🙂 See some photos from their little holiday here. here
Maggie and Hanna also had a eventful weekend with among others Rally Obedience. It was their first time in Rally Obedience Graduate class and they did great (75 points), except for a minor fault with the leash – giving them an disqualification. But you learn from your mistakes, and I am sure the duo will do just as well next time! See some photos from the competition here. They also spent some time on an island in Stockholm where the dogs can run free and play with other dogs, see photos here. here
IMG 1818 IMG 1804 130908Maggie29 130908Maggie27
2018-04-02T11:48:30+00:00September 12th, 2013|

Obedience LP1

2018-04-02T11:48:31+00:00September 7th, 2013|
Isi and I attended Obedience class 1 (LP1) this week, and we did great! Isi was a pleasure to work with, and we had a wonderful flow. We got 185 of 200 points, 1.prize and was placed as number 2, only 3 points behind the winner. Isi was simply amazing, and I am more motivated than ever to keep going 🙂 My sweet little girl!
 MLH5598  MLH5627  MLH5647  MLH5664
2018-04-02T11:48:31+00:00September 7th, 2013|

Training time

2018-04-02T11:48:31+00:00September 5th, 2013|
Last weekend we met up with Christin who owns Airedale-Uno and my friend Stine with her Riesenschnauzers Storm and Trym to train obedience. We had a great training, and both Isi and Sheriff was happy to use their head. Sheriff still know most exercises and does them perfectly. He still got it at the age of 8 years 🙂 See more photos here
 MLH5062  MLH5188  MLH5504  MLH5509
2018-04-02T11:48:31+00:00September 5th, 2013|

Fame and glory for Isi

2018-04-02T11:48:32+00:00September 3rd, 2013|
Last year Isi attended a commercial for one of Norway’s biggest newspapers VG, and the commercial is still shown on television. If we had been paid for each time the commercial was shown on TV, we would have been rich by now 🙂 See the commercial here. Isi’s “partner in crime” was the Border Collie Fight, owned by a good friend of ours Geir Larsen. Last week on training we took a photo of the two “movie-stars” which can be seen under. Isi and I also attended Obedience class 1 at the International Show in Oslo last weekend and was number 4 of 13 participants. We got 159,5 points out of 180, only 0,5 points from 1.prize and 1st leg towards the LP-title. Both Isi and I did some stupid mistakes, but hopefully we have learned and we are reaching for the 1st prize next time 🙂
 MLH5035 120826Isi  MLH4941 AlfIsi
2018-04-02T11:48:32+00:00September 3rd, 2013|

Juba was here!

2018-04-02T11:48:32+00:00September 3rd, 2013|
Juba joined our household last week and as always she settles in nicely and becomes a part of our pack. Isi is especially happy to have Juba staying with us, as she then have a never tired buddy that also wants to play outside all day long. Juba also appreciate a lazy time on the couch with her head in my lap and both Isi and Juba follows me like a shadow, always wonder what I am doing and seeing if there are some mischief they can do.. Juba also tagged along with me to my work in Oslo, and relaxed for a whole day on her blanket in the lab. For lunch we went outside in the busy Oslo saturday, and she was a delight to have with us for lunch. Good girlie!
Juba also attended the International Show at Bjerke and recieved a Very Good from Open Class, and comment from the judge that she needs to get more bodymass. Well, we are working on that 😉 But Juba is a lean and elegant build female so time will tell if she will ever get more mass. But I think she is gorgeous anyways 🙂
130903Juba2 130903JubaIsi  MLH4934  MLH4938
2018-04-02T11:48:32+00:00September 3rd, 2013|

130901 ~ Training

2018-04-02T12:00:08+00:00September 3rd, 2013|
We met up with Christin and Uno, and Stine – a good friend of mine and her dogs for a little training. And of course the camera had to come with 🙂
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Uno 2,5 years
Uno 2,5 years
Uno 2,5 years
Isi and Sheriff
Isi and Sheriff
Isi and Sheriff
Isi and Sheriff
Isi and not so obedient Sheriff..
Our handsome buddy Black Emac Mighty Storm “Storm”
Storm’s son Riesen Monami Rock Solid “Trym”
Sweet Trym
2018-04-02T12:00:08+00:00September 3rd, 2013|

Maggie’s first CAC

2018-04-02T11:48:33+00:00September 1st, 2013|
Maggie and Hanna entered Solvalla National Show today and ended up winning Open class with CQ, and then placed as Best Female 3 with their first CAC! Congratulations Hanna and Maggie, well done! 🙂
Her critique: “2 years. Very nice type and size. Beautiful head. Correct conditions. Strong scissor bite. Nice ears and eyes. Nice neck and topline. Correct ridge. Sound chest. Good feet and paws. Very nice movements. Nice temper.”
130901Maggie01 130901Maggie02 130901Maggie05 130901Maggie06
2018-04-02T11:48:33+00:00September 1st, 2013|

Showreport from Maggie

2018-04-02T11:48:33+00:00August 21st, 2013|
Maggie and Hanna attended Eskilstuna International Show last weekend and gained a nice excellent. Maggie is developing into a wonderful dog, and I often ask Hanna if Maggie isn’t soon coming home to me. But sadly Hanna don’t want to give her away 😉
130818Maggie02 130818Maggie04 130818Maggie09 130818Maggie15
2018-04-02T11:48:33+00:00August 21st, 2013|

Juba and Kani on vacation

2018-04-02T11:48:34+00:00August 18th, 2013|
Juba joined Kani and his family for a week in the Norwegian mountains. We just call Juba and Kani “the twins”, they are very similar in temper and personality, and they enjoy each others company. They are the perfect match together, and Kani’s owners – Ingunn and Jon Sverre – enjoys having Juba around 🙂 See more photos from their vacation here
130813KaniJuba02 130813KaniJuba20 130813KaniJuba09 130813KaniJuba13
2018-04-02T11:48:34+00:00August 18th, 2013|

130813 ~ Juba and Kani

2018-04-02T12:00:25+00:00August 17th, 2013|
Juba joined Kani and his family for a week in the Norwegian mountains. We just call Juba and Kani “the twins”, they are very similar in temper and personality, and they enjoy each others company. They are the perfect match together, and Kani’s owners – Ingunn and Jon Sverre – enjoys having Juba around 🙂 
The twins ready for the first days walk
 Lovely dogs in beautiful nature
Something to chew on after a long day
Juba was in heaven…
And maybe also a little bit high on marrowbone 😉
Kani chews bone his own style..
Bones soon empty, and dogs still in heaven..
Ready for a new day and Kani carried Juba’s packpack with great pride!
 Mighty nature
 Juba, Jon Sverre and Kani
 Juba, Ingunn and Kani
 The twins
 Juba pretends to be shy.. I think she thinks the photosession is boring 😉
 Time for lunch
 The king of the mountains
 The princess
 King Kani
 Juba, Ingunn, Jon Sverre and Kani with view of the beautiful norwegian nature
Time for a break, and everyone is getting a sandwich 🙂
 Kani and Jon Sverre
Juba was a little cold
 “Juba phone home….” 
 Kani and Jon Sverre
2018-04-02T12:00:25+00:00August 17th, 2013|

Double trouble!

2018-04-02T11:48:34+00:00August 8th, 2013|
Juno with owners have spent some time in Stockholm – where also Maggie lives. They met up and went for a walk. Maggie and Juno was the two black nosed girls in our A-litter and they was very similar as puppies. They were hard to tell apart, exept that Juno was the little fat puppy we were afraid would burst because of her big belly filled with food. Maggie have grown up to be a lady with integrity, while Juno still lives her life as a unpredictable youth. But they both behaved well, and their owners could take some photos of them together.  
130807MaggieJuno01 130807MaggieJuno02 130807MaggieJuno03
2018-04-02T11:48:34+00:00August 8th, 2013|

Out for a swim

2018-04-02T11:48:35+00:00August 6th, 2013|
Last week we took the dogs out swimming on the evening to cool down a bit in the heat. The ridgebacks however was not very eager to be anywhere near the water this day, so Isi got the water all by herself. She loves the water, and could swim for hours. More photos here.
 MLH4752  MLH4778  MLH4767  MLH4779  MLH4783  MLH4793  MLH4785  MLH4803
2018-04-02T11:48:35+00:00August 6th, 2013|

130731 ~ Out swimming

2018-04-02T12:00:40+00:00August 6th, 2013|
We went for a cooling swim in a smal lake near our house. The ridgebacks refused to go anywhere near the water today, but our little Isi loves the water and stayed in the water the entire time 🙂
Sheriff had been going for a walk with my father-in-law and was very happy to see us
But not so happy when he realized that I wanted him to take a swim 😉
Kiwi refused to take a swim and had to be tied up – for security reasons for the wild life 😉
The sweet trio
2018-04-02T12:00:40+00:00August 6th, 2013|

Summer greetings from Maggie

2018-04-02T11:48:35+00:00August 6th, 2013|
Maggie have spent her summer south in Sweden together with “big-sis” Disa and owner Hanna. It seems she also behaved good – a good sign that our monsterMaggie slowly is starting to deserve to be called only Maggie 😉 See some more photos here
130802Maggie06 130802Maggie03 130802Maggie11 130802Maggie13
2018-04-02T11:48:35+00:00August 6th, 2013|

Summer greetings from Juno

2018-04-02T11:48:36+00:00August 5th, 2013|
I got some photos of Juno out swinning in the ocean. Juno and owner Emma have taken a swinning course this summer, and are now training so Juno can start swimming in an indoor pool by herself. This is good training for the dog, just as swimming is good for us humans.
130802Juno01 130802Juno02 130802Juno03
2018-04-02T11:48:36+00:00August 5th, 2013|

Isi 4 years old and photo-updates

2018-04-02T12:01:14+00:00July 29th, 2013|
Isi was 4 years old yesterday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet little Isi! 
I have gotten photos of some of our A-litter monsters, and have also been snooping around on Facebook and stealing photos 😉 Juba have been to the mountain in Norway with owner Trine and some photos from Juba’s summer can be seen here. Juno have spent time along the Swedish coastlines with her owner and their family, more photos here. Leon have been out driving in Norway and spent time in beautiful Norwegian nature, more photos here. Maggie have spent her summer with owner Hanna and “big-sis” Disa sputh of Sweden – photos here. Enya have been out boating and spent time with her family – photos here. Kani have had summer jobb at owner Ingunn’s work, and trotted around Oslo Centrum and spent time in Oslo’s forrest, see photos here. Varga have been with her family at the beach, photo here
130724Juba02 130724Juba04 130724Juno03 130724Juno01 130724Leon05 130724Maggie01 130724Maggie03 130724Maggie04 130729Enya04 130724Kani06 130724Kani05 130724Varga01 
2018-04-02T12:01:14+00:00July 29th, 2013|

Swedish BISS-13

2018-04-02T12:01:46+00:00July 10th, 2013|
Obedience class 2. Sheriff far back.
Isi and me
Isi and me
Isi and me
Isi and me
 Isi won Obedience class 1 with 153 points
Sheriff was number 3 in Obedience class 2 with 129,5 points. 

Sheriff’s son Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” Very Good in Open class
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” Very Good in Open class
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” Very Good in Open class
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” Very Good in Open class
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” 8 years old and first entry in Veteranclass with Very Good
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” 8 years old and first entry in Veteranclass with Very Good
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” 8 years old and first entry in Veteranclass with Very Good
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” in Intermediateclass with Very Good
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” excellent 5 in Intermediateclass
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” excellent 5 in Intermediateclass
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” excellent 5 in Intermediateclass
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” excellent 5 in Intermediateclass
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” excellent 5 in Intermediateclass
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” excellent 5 in Intermediateclass
Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” excellent 1 in working class with CQ and 5th Best Female
Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” excellent 1 in working class with CQ and 5th Best Female
Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” excellent 1 in working class with CQ and 5th Best Female
Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” excellent 1 in working class with CQ and 5th Best Female
Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” excellent 1 in working class with CQ and 5th Best Female
Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” excellent 1 in working class with CQ and 5th Best Female
2018-04-02T12:01:46+00:00July 10th, 2013|

Swedish BISS-13

2018-04-02T12:02:36+00:00July 9th, 2013|
We attended the Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialityshow 2013 in Höör south in Sweden last weekend, and as always we had a great time with good friends and fantastic dogs. Once again we were blessed with lovely weather, altough it from time to time was a bit to hot..
I haven’t competed with my own dogs in obedience for some years, but this year I had entered Isi in Obedience class 1 and Sheriff in Obedience class 2. As always I did not prioritze to train and prepare for the competition, and when entering the ring, both dogs had 2 training-sessions on their back, after 2 years doing everything else than obedience… But both dogs did their very best and I couldn’t be more happy with their efforts. Sheriff was number 3 of 4 in obedience class with 129/180 points, beaten by a retriever and our good friends Camilla and Kito. I was so satisfied with Sheriff, and it felt really good to enter the obedience-ring with him again. He was obedient and happy and did the absolutely best he could. We had some mistakes, that was entirely my fault due to my own lack of training and routine. But I still have a smile on my face when thinking about how fun it was to compete again. And I am delighted that Sheriff still is healthy and a eager worker.  This was Isi’s first official start in Obedience class 1, and she just as well won the entire thing with 153/180 points, only 7 lousy points from 1.prize and our first leg for the LP1 title. But I am more than happy with Isi, and she was a delight to compete with. I never imagined that we would do as well as we did! We got 10,10, 8, 0, 9.5, 5, 10, 9 and 9 as scores, and the 0 and 5 was enturely my fault as I used aunnecessary extra commands. This experience made me think about why I haven’t been out competing for a while, and this fall we will enter the obedience-ring again 🙂
This years judge for the show was Mr Richard van Aken from South-Africa. 120+ dogs was entered, and the judge handed out only 55 excellent, the rest recieved Very Good. Sheriff was entered in Veteran class for the first time, and was one of many to recieve a Very Good. Also Sheriff’s son Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” recieved a Very Good from Open Class. Luckily we had some lovely Sheriff-daughters entered who saved our day. Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” recieved excellent from Intermediate class but was thanked of as number 5. Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” was best working class female with excellent and CQ, and ended up 5th Best Female. Thank you all friends and “relatives” for yet a wonderful weekend 🙂 See more photos here.
 MLH4251  MLH4263 130707lp1web 130710web  MLH4348  MLH4454  MLH4532  MLH4538  MLH4614 130710monamarie  MLH4709  MLH4743
2018-04-02T12:02:36+00:00July 9th, 2013|

Happy Birthday to our A-litter!

2018-04-02T11:48:36+00:00July 9th, 2013|
Our A-litter (better known as the monster-litter…) are 2 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are spoiled rotten today 🙂
alitter 2yearsweb
2018-04-02T11:48:36+00:00July 9th, 2013|

Change of plans

2018-04-02T11:48:36+00:00July 2nd, 2013|
Due to worksituation we have decided to postpone the planned mating between Kiwi and Aramis to the next heat. Next heat will be in November/December 2013, with puppies born early February 2014, and ready for moving to new homes in the beginning of April 2014. The more we think about it, the more we think this is the best decision we could take at the time beeing. We look forward to November/December, and to meet lovely Aramis 🙂
2018-04-02T11:48:36+00:00July 2nd, 2013|

Planned litter 2013/2014

2018-04-02T11:48:37+00:00July 2nd, 2013|
Due to worksituation we have decided to postpone the mating between Kiwi and Aramis to the next heat. Next heat will be in November/December 2013, with puppies born early February 2014, and ready for moving to new homes in the beginning of April 2014. The more we think about it, the more we think this is the best decision we could take at the time beeing. We look forward to November/December, and to meet lovely Aramis 🙂
2018-04-02T11:48:37+00:00July 2nd, 2013|

RLDN Maggie

2018-04-02T11:48:37+00:00July 1st, 2013|
Hanna and Maggie have been out competing in Rally Obedience Novice class again. They showed what an amazing team they are, and got their third approved start, with 95 of 100 points. They were placed as #3 of 40 dogs and last but not least they recieved their new title – RLDN (Rally Obedience Diploma Nivice). This is kennel Wayosi’s first title, and I am so proud that the title was an obedience title. Congratulations Hanna and Maggie, I am so proud of you!
130630Maggie01 130630Maggie02 130630Maggie03 130630Maggie04
2018-04-02T11:48:37+00:00July 1st, 2013|

Happy birthday Sheriff!

2018-04-02T11:48:38+00:00June 24th, 2013|
My precious prince Sheriff is 8 years old today, and today I will give him some extra hugs and kisses! He came into our lifes like a little whirlwind, and gave us several gray hairs from day one. He was high and low, and was a never ending bundle of energy. Sheriff and I have experienced so much together, and I am proud to say that we have accomplished more together than many other could just dream about. I hope to have him with us for many many years to come, and I will be a proud owner when entering this healthy and wonderful dog to veteranclass the next years.
2018-04-02T11:48:38+00:00June 24th, 2013|

New photos of Aramis

2018-04-02T09:51:39+00:00June 23rd, 2013|
Some weeks ago I spent the weekend in Stockholm, and while I was there I was lucky enough to meet Aramis again, at a RR-coursing. Aramis won the entire thing, being the fastest on both short laps and whole lap. More photos can be seen here.
 MLH3661  MLH3663  MLH4016 
 MLH4158  MLH4216  MLH4211
2018-04-02T09:51:39+00:00June 23rd, 2013|

Dog weekend in Stockholm

2018-04-02T09:49:58+00:00June 18th, 2013|
While I was in Stockholm to meet Sheriff’s pups, I stayed with Hanna, Maggie and Disa and as always I had a great weekend! 🙂
I joined Marie – who owns Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra “Nephora” – and Ingela and travelled to Avesta National Show on Saturday. Hektor was also entered here today, and I was hoping for a good placement for him. But the judge wanted it otherwise. Nevermind, it was a good practice for Hektor, as this was only his 2nd time on a showground. But already he was so much calmer than the first time. He will be great with a little more practice 🙂 Nephora went all the way to the top and became Best Female and BOS with her first CAC. I was thrilled to be there to see it! Congratulations Marie, you are so worth it!
On Sunday I joined Hanna and Linda (who owns one of my favorite boys Keaton, and Maggies good friend) to Västerås for RR coursing. Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis Bu U “Aramis” – the sire for our planned litter was also there, and it was a pleasure to see him and his owners again. It was nice to see all the dogs strech out and chasing the rag, and they really enjoyed it every one of them. Maggie is a fast and focused little girl, and she was number 4, just a tenth of a second before Keaton as number 5. Aramis is extremely fast and eager to run, and won both the two short laps and the whole round. He is one fast dog 🙂 See more photos from the coursing here
 MLH3086  MLH3220  MLH4016  MLH4101
2018-04-02T09:49:58+00:00June 18th, 2013|

Visiting Sheriff-pups

2018-04-02T11:48:38+00:00June 17th, 2013|
I travelled to Stockholm this weekend to meet Sheriff’s puppies at Sabaku Inus Kennel before they starts to leave for their new homes this week. 11 wonderful little puppies met us when we arrived, and I enjoyed having a little puppy in my lap again! They are all lovely little puppies, and I am sure they will make their new owners very happy, as well as give them some grey hairs also 😉 I recieved some new photos of them stacked at 7 weeks today, see them HERE.
 MLH3260  MLH3261 7weeksyellow 7weekspurple
2018-04-02T11:48:38+00:00June 17th, 2013|

130617 ~ RR-race

2018-04-02T12:02:51+00:00June 17th, 2013|
Maggie’s friend Keaton getting some air in his ears 🙂
Disa, Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Hanna and Maggie
Maggie and Keaton running whole lap together
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Maggie and Keaton
Kiwi’s boyfriend-to-be Aramis at the right, with his owners and his uncle Caesar. Aramis want’s to run 🙂
Aramis tired after two short laps and one whole lap – but still eager to run some more 🙂
The winners of the short laps
The winners of the whole lap
And the winner who took it all 😉
2018-04-02T12:02:51+00:00June 17th, 2013|

New photos of Sheriff-puppies

2018-04-02T12:03:19+00:00June 6th, 2013|
I have recieved new photos of Sheriff’s puppies at Sabaku Inus kennel, as they were 6 weeks old yesterday. They are so sweet and I could take them all! They are looking great, and breeder Pernilla say they have a very sweet temper every single one of them. See photos of all puppies here
6weeksblue 6weekspurple 6weekswhite 6weeksyellow
2018-04-02T12:03:19+00:00June 6th, 2013|

Photos from Kani and Juno

2018-04-02T11:48:39+00:00June 5th, 2013|
While we are waiting for Kiwi to come into heat we are enjoying these photos of Kani and Juno, and looking forward to some puppies in the house again.
130531Kani 130531Kani2 130531Juno1 130531Juno2
2018-04-02T11:48:39+00:00June 5th, 2013|

Photos of Sheriff-puppies

2018-04-02T12:10:02+00:00June 4th, 2013|
Sheriff’s puppies at Sabaku Inus kennel in Stockholm is 6 weeks old this week, and we have gotten some photos of the lovely bunch. See mixed photos here and 5 weeks stacked photos here
5w04 5w03 5wyellowhead 5w10
2018-04-02T12:10:02+00:00June 4th, 2013|

Diagrams of our A-litters MH

2018-04-02T11:48:39+00:00May 30th, 2013|
Our A-litters MH (mentalbeskrivning hund – dog mentality assessment) have been published in the Swedish Kennelclubs database, and this is how it looks like. As a summary the litter is social, playful, have high interest for chasing/hunting a prey and have good nerves – more than the average RR. They are moderate regarding ability to get angry and are more or less on the breed average.
The first diagram belongs to Hektor. He shows us what we already suspected – that he is a very good dog and that he have a lot of good qualities. He is a little bit more of everything compared to the total of the litter, and after this test I am happy to say that we will offer him for breeding if the right female comes along. I am sure he have lots of good qualities to contribute to in the breeding.
The next diagram belongs to Leon, wich also did a good test – just as we had expected. Compared to Hektor he showed a little bit less playfullness, but all in all he is just as strong as Hektor, just a bit cooler type 🙂 We also think that Leon have something to contribute to the breeding, so he will also be available for breeding if the right female comes along.
The third diagram is Kani‘s. Just as we expected, he had matured since his MT at 14 months of age. He is a kind, social and very playful boy and have very good nerves. He actually did not show any agression at all – he is just cool and selfassured –  kind of Ferdinand the Bull 😉 
Firth diagram belongs to Juba. She had also matured since her MT at 14 months, but she also surprised us a bit.  She got a low value on sociality, but that was more due to a little careful testleader , rather than fear. As the judge said – she likes people, but on her conditions. Typical RR you say? 😉 She is extremely playful, have high interest for hunting and since her last MT at 14 months she had matured a lot. She was not very scared, she abreacted quickly, but the judge said that he thought she was very difficult to read. She is trotting and sniffing around during the whole test, and that is just the way she is. Always looking for something to stick her nose into. To our surprise she reacted a bit to the shot, a sign that it probably was a little “overload” for her. But she haven’t reacted to shooting before, neither on the MT-test. So in many ways we feel that the Juba we saw this day, wasn’t completely the Juba we know from everydaylife. We will test her again when she gets a little older, in order to get to know her a little bit better.
The fifth diagram belongs to Juno. We was very exited to see how Juno did on the test, as she is a very impulsive dog and is certainly not the easiest dog around. Juno did quite well on the test, but was not very interested in playing and chasing a pray this day, so a bit lower than the average RR there. But she is social and friendly, and even if she gets afraid she abreacts quite nicely with no remaining fear. 
Next diagram is Maggie‘s. She attended MT at 14 months, were she did great. So we had high expectations for her this day. She did just as good as we expected, but she was ghostpregnant and tired after beeing away for the whole weekend – so her total scores on playfulness and hunting is lower than we would have expected. But she shows the right reactions to the threat and abreacts with no remaining fear. I am very satisfied with the results, and if Maggie stays healthy, I hope that we will have a litter after Maggie in the future. 
Seventh diagram belongs to Varga, who was travelling with us this weekend, away from her owner for the first time. Varga reminds me very much of her mother Kiwi, and by experience I know she will need more time to mature, and in a couple of years I believe she will do a very good MT. She did well on her MH, she is playful and have quite a lot instincts for hunting. She needed a little bit more time to abreact and had little or no remaining fear. Varga is a very good doog in both body and mind, and I am looking forward to see how she matures.
The last diagram belongs to Uno, our youngest Airedale. The red line is the average Airedale Terrier, and the green filling is Uno. It’s needless to point out why we only use these lines.. It’s a little bit more of everything, but in my opinion is Uno a Airedale Terrier as it should be. Our little ferrarri 😉
2018-04-02T11:48:39+00:00May 30th, 2013|

Busy weekend for Maggie

2018-04-02T11:48:41+00:00May 29th, 2013|
Maggie and owner Hanna have been out competing again, and they got 73 points in Novice Rally Obedience, and got their second leg towards the RLDN-title (rally obedience diploma novice). You are the best Hanna and Maggie! Laughing See some photos here. The day after they attended a show again, and got excellent with CQ. Some photos here.  A couple of days after Maggie attended a RR-race for the first time, and did great! She ran very fast to be her first time. She is already signed up for the next race 🙂
25052013-IMG 8447 25052013-IMG 8446 26052013-IMG 8588 28052013-IMG 8768 
2018-04-02T11:48:41+00:00May 29th, 2013|

Updates from Maggie

2018-04-02T11:48:41+00:00May 22nd, 2013|
I recieved some photos of Maggie from last weekend, thank you Hanna! Some of them can be seen under. Some of Maggie’s albums are also updated, see here and here
19052013-IMG 8360 19042013-IMG 7902 10052013-IMG 8224 10052013-IMG 8271
2018-04-02T11:48:41+00:00May 22nd, 2013|

Norwegian Specialityshow 2013

2018-04-02T11:48:42+00:00May 21st, 2013|
We had a great weekend at Malungen and the Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback Speciality Show 2013, with great weather and great company. We are very happy with our results, but I have to say that I am very proud of our soon to be “golden oldie” Sheriff, only a few weeks from 8 years, who judge Rosemary Green said was in “excellent condition for his age” and also got to compete about best movements and best head. That makes me very emotional, and also very proud. Sheriff is in super condition, and I hope he will stay like this for a long time. 
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” – excellent and certificate quality. Also selected to compete for best movements and best head
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi” – excellent and certificate quality. Selected to compete for best head
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani” – Very good – and I also have to highlight a wonderful interaction between him and owner/handler Ingunn
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” – excellent 3 and certificate quality. Selected to compete for best head. 
And while we was strutting around in Norway, Hanna and Maggie recieved 96 points (of 100) in Novice Rally Obedience and got her first “leg” towards” the Rally Novice title (RLN). Great work Hanna and Maggie – we are very proud of you! The day after she attended the SRRS Stockholm Speciality Show at Årsta and recieved excellent by judge Sandra Piscedda. 
 MLH2846  MLH2862  MLH2884  MLH3035
2018-04-02T11:48:42+00:00May 21st, 2013|

Photos of Hektor

2018-04-02T12:03:34+00:00May 15th, 2013|
Hektor stayed with us for some days, and I took some new photos of him. Thank you Kristin for helping me! 🙂 Hektor have turned into a wonderful male, and I’m happy to see that he have a wonderful mentality, is perfectly healthy and also have a balanced exterior. 
 MLH2717r  MLH2760r  MLH2786r
2018-04-02T12:03:34+00:00May 15th, 2013|

Our A-litters MH

2018-04-02T11:48:42+00:00May 10th, 2013|
Last weekend 7 of 10 dogs from our A-litter was entered to mentalitytest – MH (mentalbeskrivelse) at Arvika Brukshundklubb. Airedale-Uno was also entered. Some of us came on friday, and had a wonderful evening with barbeque, laughter and a lot of talking 🙂 On Saturday we had a quite day, went for a walk, took some photos and had a barbeque again 🙂
On Sunday all the dogs did their MH, and I am very pleased with the result. The litter is quite even, no one stands out compared to the others very much. They are all social towards people, they are very playful and can relax when needed. They don’t get very afraid, abreacts quickly, and have no remaining fears. They can get angry if needed, but are balanced and don’t do any mistakes. They feel good by themselves, and don’t have any problems with everyday-life.
MH is a very good tool for evaluating a combination, and to see what mental qualities each dog possesses. The results from a mentalitytest goes in the big puzzle, and together with your own experiences with the dog, it could help to describe what kind of dog this is. I’m happy we also filmed all the dogs, because it could help explain some of the crosses in the protocol that seems a little weird or are difficult to understand. If someone have any questions about any of these dogs and their results, feel free to ask. Maybe you get a little wiser 😉
Follow the links to each dogs own side, to find links to MH-protocols and videos. I have lost the memorycard with photos from the MH (!!), but hope to find it during 2013…. :-/
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba

Wayosi Amazing Grace “Varga
Wayosi Anything But Ordinary “Hektor
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon
Herr Uno Von Thekla “Uno
See some more photos from the weekend here and some photos of Hektor at home here
 MLH2178  MLH2245  MLH2305  MLH2414

2018-04-02T11:48:42+00:00May 10th, 2013|

130421 ~ Kani, Sheriff and Isi

2018-04-02T12:03:50+00:00May 10th, 2013|
Kani stayed with us for a couple of weeks, and we had to take some photos of Kani, Sheriff and Isi one sunny day. 
Sheriff soon 8 years old
Sheriff soon 8 years old
Sheriff soon 8 years old
Sheriff soon 8 years old
Kani soon 2 years old
Kani soon 2 years old
Kani soon 2 years old
Kani soon 2 years old
Kani soon 2 years old
Isi soon 4 years old
Isi soon 4 years old
Isi soon 4 years old
Kani 🙂
2018-04-02T12:03:50+00:00May 10th, 2013|

130502 ~ Hektor

2018-04-02T12:04:06+00:00May 10th, 2013|
Some photos of Hektor and his Aussie-friend at the horse-farm where he lives. 
2018-04-02T12:04:06+00:00May 10th, 2013|

130505 ~ Kennelmeeting

2018-04-02T12:04:18+00:00May 10th, 2013|
7 of 10 dogs from our A-litter met up the weekend 3/5-5/5 2013 to do their MH (mentalbeskrivelse), and of course we had to take some photos when the rain gave up on saturday. Unfortunately Leon and Juba had not arrived when the photos were taken, but the other 5 were present. 
From left: Emma, Juno, Sebastian, Mona, Hektor, Hanna, Maggie, Ingunn, Varga, Jon Sverre and Kani

Hanna and her friend Ulrika, with Maggie, Disa and Marwin
Hektor and Børge
Christin and airedale-Uno
Juno and Sebastian
Juno and Sebastian
Juno and Sebastian
Juno and Sebastian
Jon Sverre and Kani

Maggies “big-sister” Ridgebows Nandisa of Zazazela “Disa”
2018-04-02T12:04:18+00:00May 10th, 2013|

Update from the weekend

2018-04-02T11:48:43+00:00April 30th, 2013|
Juba spent the weekend with us, as she was entered to 2 shows this weekend. She is as playful and happy as always, and is a joy to have around. She finds her self a toy and spend hours playing with herself 🙂 Both Juba and Leon attended the shows, and both behaved great and was a joy to show. Juba became Best Female 4 on Sunday, and in Sweden Sheriff’s daughter Dahidos Canephora Av Hilandra “Nephora” became Best Female 3. Daddy is proud of you 🙂
Juba Juba Leon Nephora
2018-04-02T11:48:43+00:00April 30th, 2013|

Sheriff became a daddy again

2018-04-02T11:48:44+00:00April 25th, 2013|
Finally they are here, the pups after Hiki and Sheriff at Sabaku Inus kennel. Hiki did a great job, and delivered 11 healthy puppies. 8 females (5 livernosed, 3 blacknosed), 3 males (1 livernosed, 2 blacknosed). 1 ridgefault, 1 small kinktail. No DS found or other faults so far.
Congratulations Pernilla with a wonderful litter ♥ Look here for more info. 
130424Hiki 130424Hiki3 130424Hiki2
2018-04-02T11:48:44+00:00April 25th, 2013|


2018-04-02T11:48:44+00:00April 22nd, 2013|
Kani have stayed with us for 2 weeks while his owners have been to Mexico, and he will be reunited with them on wednesday. I guess there will be a very happy reunion for both parts. Kani is a sweet and kind male, and he obeys his fathers wishes very well. Sheriff is the dictator of this house, clearly inspired by North-Korea. But Kani thinks his father is the worlds greatest, and Isi is the perfect play mate. 
Sheriff is 2 months from 8 years old, and he is in great condition and well muscled. He have almost no grey hairs, and the older he gets, the bigger food-thief he becomes… For this reason my hair certainly becomes greyer 😉
MLH1877 Kuzonga's Cheriff "Sheriff" Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart "Kani" D' Isolde von de Drift "Isi"
2018-04-02T11:48:44+00:00April 22nd, 2013|

Isi and Kiwi eyes clear

2018-04-02T11:48:45+00:00April 16th, 2013|
Today we had both Kiwi and Isi checked for inherited diseases in the eyes, and I’m happy to say that both were clear and had perfect eyes. No signs of any inherited eye-diseases – great!
2018-04-02T11:48:45+00:00April 16th, 2013|

Hektor x-rayed free

2018-04-02T11:48:45+00:00April 13th, 2013|
I have been waiting the whole week for the x-rays for Wayosi Anything But Ordinary “Hektor” to come back, and this morning I got the results. Perfect results with HD: A/A and ED: 0/0! I am so happy and relieved! Congratulations Mailinn and Axel 🙂 Now 8 of 10 pups in our A-litter are x-rayed and all have HD: A/A and ED: 0/0! 
I found some photos I took during our easterholiday at the mountain, were we enjoyed lovely easterweather – both us and the dogs. Kani is staying with us for 16 days while his owners are in Mexico, and this weekend Kiwi is also here.  A big happy familiy 🙂
130413 Isi 130413 Sheriff 130413 skei 130413 KiwiKani
2018-04-02T11:48:45+00:00April 13th, 2013|

Presenting the chosen sire

2018-04-02T09:48:35+00:00April 11th, 2013|
I am happy to finally present the sire of our planned litter winter 2013/2014 with our beloved Kiwi. I have searched long and far to find a male that would fit into my goals for breeding — wonderful mentality wrapped in a sound and healthy body. And I found that in Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U “Aramis”. We are looking forward to Kiwi getting into heat in the end of November 2013, and hopefully we will have a bunch of wonderful little pups in the beginning of February 2014. We look very much forward to this litter! Read more about the planned litter HERE.
Aramis11 Aramis22 Aramis29 
 MLH9742  DSC2979 20120714-IMG 0061
2018-04-02T09:48:35+00:00April 11th, 2013|

Presenting Aramis

2018-04-02T09:48:17+00:00April 11th, 2013|
I am happy to finally present the sire of our planned litter summer 2013 with our beloved Kiwi. I have searched long and far to find a male that would fit into my goals for breeding — wonderful mentality wrapped in a sound and healthy body. And I found that in Inanda Mellberg Athol Aramis By U “Aramis”. We are looking forward to Kiwi getting into heat in the end of May, and hopefully we will have a bunch of wonderful little pups in the beginning of August. We look very much forward to this litter! Read more about the planned litter HERE.
Aramis11 Aramis22 Aramis29 
 MLH9742  DSC2979 20120714-IMG 0061
2018-04-02T09:48:17+00:00April 11th, 2013|


2018-04-02T11:48:45+00:00April 8th, 2013|
I have been snooping around on Facebook again and found new photos of our soon to be 2 year old “puppies”. First we have Aragorn, as a true ridgeback finding the only strip of sun in the apartment. Then we have Kani from a walk in the forrest, were he was occupied with greeting all the other people stopping at the same spot for some food. Everyone got a kiss from Kani 🙂 Then we have Leon in his usual position in the couch. He is a very energetic dog outside, but inside he is relaxed and enjoys a good sleep. Then I found a photo of Hektor playing with one of his friends, it’s lovely to see how much he enjoys it! Hektor have also been to the vet for his x-rays, and I don’t think his owners ever have seen his so relaxed as when sedated 😉 I was super proud to hear from Hektor’s owner Mailinn that the vet had said they never had met such a beautiful and friendly ridgeback. Well done Mailinn 🙂 Last but not least I found a photo of sweetie Juno, looking like she is planning some new mischief 😉
Aragorn Kani Leon 
130403Hektor3 130403Hektor4 130406Juno1 
2018-04-02T11:48:45+00:00April 8th, 2013|

Soon ready to introduce Mr X

2018-04-02T09:46:08+00:00April 4th, 2013|
We are just some few steps away from introduce you to the sire we have chosen for our B-litter with Kiwi winter 2013/2014. He is a stunning male who have a absolutely wonderful mentality. In addition he have a balanced and strong body, which I believe will combine Kiwi very well. He is DM free, Blue dilute free and carries the livernose gene. We will therefor most probably have some gourgeous livernosed pups in this litter as well 🙂 We just have some paperwork to finish, and then we are ready to introduce you to Mr X!
2018-04-02T09:46:08+00:00April 4th, 2013|


2018-04-02T11:48:46+00:00March 22nd, 2013|
The easter holidays is soon over us, and we are looking forward to sunshine and long trips cross-country skiing. 
Two weekends ago Juba was with us over the weekend, and we went for a long walk in Oslo with Kiwi. Mother and daughter are both a pleasure to have around, and they sure are two lovely dogs. I have also gotten two photos of Hektor, and he have developed into a strong and lovely male. He lives his life on a horse-farm, and likes to stay warm and cosy in the sadle-room. I wish we could say that he have won all the lovely rosettes on the sadle-room, but it’s his owner Mailinn’s horses that have won them 🙂 I also recieved a photo of a tired Juno, and Sheriff’s granddaughter Daysie (Thakawi Glory Days).
Kiwi and Juba Hektor Hektor photo by Peter Engman 
130120SheriffKiwiIsi 130120Juno 130120Daysie
2018-04-02T11:48:46+00:00March 22nd, 2013|

Meeting Varga and Aragorn

2018-04-02T11:48:46+00:00March 3rd, 2013|
A week ago I stopped by to meet up with Varga and Aragorn while I was driving past their hometown. It’s been a long time since I have seen them in real life, and it was very nice to meet them and their owner again! Aragorn was mostly occupied with trying to hook up with Varga’s “cousin” Wilma, while Varga was occupied with begging for food 🙂 See more photos here
I have also updated Kiwi’s photoalbum
Varga Varga Varga Aragorn 
2018-04-02T11:48:46+00:00March 3rd, 2013|

130221 ~ Varga and Aragorn

2018-04-02T12:04:31+00:00February 22nd, 2013|
I met up with Varga (Wayosi Amazing Grace) and Aragorn (Wayosi All Fired Up) while I was in the “neighbourhood”, and it’s been some time since I have seen them. I am happy to see they are both happy and friendly, Varga more lady-like, while Aragorn very lady-crazy Roll Eyes
Varga always happy
Varga with her dark liver pigmentation and dark amber eye-color
Aragorn and Varga’s “cousin” Vilma
Vilma trying to tell Aragorn she don’t love him back…
Varga and Vilma begging for food, while Aragorn tries to mate Vilma…
Varga, the closest I got to a stacked photo.. She’s in a “generous” condition at the moment, but she have a wonderful body 
The ladies begging for food, while Aragorn behind have been told to sit there..
Varga and Aragorn
Varga and Aragorn
Varga and Aragorn
Varga and Aragorn
Varga and Aragorn
2018-04-02T12:04:31+00:00February 22nd, 2013|

Updates about this and that

2018-04-02T11:48:47+00:00February 21st, 2013|
Long time no see…. Roll Eyes We have had a cold winter here in Norway, and haven’t seen much of the sun either.. But the last days we have had wonderful sunny Norwegian winter-weather and I’m tired of sit inside my office and look at the wonderful sun outside! We have been out walking with friends and other RR-fanciers now and then, and off course the camera had to join. Look HERE for some fantastic photos of Maggie and friends in Stockholm shot by Maggie’s owner Hanna. Look HERE for photos from a little RR-meeting in our district were several Wayosi-monsters joined. And look HERE for some photos from a little Wayosi-meeting at Losby golfcourse near us. 
People are asking me for information about the sire to our planned litter with Kiwi this summer, but you have to wait a bit longer untill everything is finally decided. I promise that it is a male with excellent mentality and health, and maybe Mr.X and Kiwi will produce some nice looking wayosi-monsters also 🙂
The A-litter is booked in for MH (mentalitydescription) May 5th, and we are having a kennelweekend in Arvika at the same time. Can’t wait to get all the pups and owners together again 🙂
Hektor Juba Juno 
Sheriff Kiwi and Isi Sheriff
2018-04-02T11:48:47+00:00February 21st, 2013|

130203 ~ Out walking

2018-04-02T12:04:45+00:00February 20th, 2013|
We met up with Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz), Leon (Wayosi Ambitions By Sheriff) and Kiwi (Tappinski’s Peach And Passion) and off course Sheriff (Kuzonga’s Cheriff) and Isi (D’Isolde von Der Drift) joined also.
Leon and Juba
 Juba, Leon and mum Kiwi
 The “gang”
Leon tries to get daddy’O to play 🙂
 Isi getting some corrections from Isi and Sheriff, one of her favorite situations (who could have guessed!) while Leon is not sure what to do 🙂
 Isi, Juba (on her back) and Leon
Juba and Kiwi
Leon, Trine and Juba
 Sheriff doing the catch-the-treat game
 Flyin’ high..
 Crazy old man…
Juba also can jump – on command!
 Leon looking innocent
 Kiwi and Isi
 Sheriff and Kiwi
 Ready to go home, Juba was cold and got to borrow mums pink socks 🙂
2018-04-02T12:04:45+00:00February 20th, 2013|

130127 ~ RR-meeting

2018-04-02T12:05:19+00:00February 19th, 2013|
Sheriff  is happy and warm in his new dress 🙂
Sheriff getting Hilde’s attention, and Kiwi is not happy with that!
While we ate, the thief had to stay tied up Roll Eyes
Then Kani joined us
The “gang”
Sheriff: Did you say food??
Kani running by, trying to avoid the angry eye of his mother Tongue out
Sheriff, right were he belongs… 
Kiwi is not happy at all, but Hilde is happy as always 🙂
Kani and Punky looking very mischief, but apparently Emmy caught them in the act Wink
Kani deeply in love with Less… The love is not mutual..
Sheriff: Can I eat it?
Kiwi getting some special care of Jon Sverre (Kani)
Kani surrounded by Emmy and Punky
Little sweetie Isi
Kani have matured to become a strong and poweful male
Isi have some plans of rearranging the bush.. 
Kiwi is just as sorry and dissatisfied as it looks like Tongue out
Kani sitting still and getting some warnings for trying to rape all the girls
Kani: Yes I promise to be a good boy..
Kani forgot what he promised, and had to stay in “jail”
2018-04-02T12:05:19+00:00February 19th, 2013|

130120 ~ Maggie and friends

2018-04-02T12:06:10+00:00January 21st, 2013|
Maggie, “big-sis” Disa, owner Hanna met up with their friends Linda, Keaton and Caesar at the sand-pit.
20012013-IMG 7262
Maggie and partner-in-crime Keaton
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20012013-IMG 7264
Maggie and Keaton
20012013-IMG 7266
Maggie and big-sis Disa
20012013-IMG 7269
Disa and Maggie
20012013-IMG 7270
Disa and Maggie
20012013-IMG 7271
Disa sometimes want to send Maggie right back to Norway 😉
20012013-IMG 7274
Caesar, Maggie and Keaton
20012013-IMG 7277
Maggie in front with Keaton behind
20012013-IMG 7280
Poor Disa, never gets a calm moment…
20012013-IMG 7283
Maggie, who else 😉
20012013-IMG 7284
20012013-IMG 7289
Keaton and Maggie
20012013-IMG 7292
Keaton, Disa and Maggie
20012013-IMG 7293
Wonderful colors in this photo! 
Keaton, Disa and Maggie
20012013-IMG 7334
Maggie, wonders who to torment next…
20012013-IMG 7341
And Linda is the lucky one!
20012013-IMG 7342
First we box her a little bit…
20012013-IMG 7343
Then we try to push her down..
20012013-IMG 7345
And then we bite her. Perfect day for Maggie in other words 😉
2018-04-02T12:06:10+00:00January 21st, 2013|

130114 ~ Maggie

2018-04-02T12:06:23+00:00January 14th, 2013|
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie”
Daddy Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” and Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie”
Sheriff and Maggie
Maggie trying to convince Sheriff to play..
Come on daddy’O!
Oh, oh…
Hanna and Maggie
Not sure what Maggie is trying to achieve here…
Sheriff is not very impressed 😉
2018-04-02T12:06:23+00:00January 14th, 2013|

Sheriffs daughters Cleo and Maggie

2018-04-02T11:48:47+00:00January 14th, 2013|
I have gottens some photos of Sheriff’s 5 year old daughter Cleo from his first litter, and we are very proud of her. She and her owner Ann Kristin lives an active life west of Norway, and they are approved for search after wounded animals, such as roedeer, deer, elks etc. She is a very good tracking-dog and have an excellent motivation. Ann Kristin says Cleo can go for hours and hours, in all kind of terrain and is not scared by a thing. Cleo is a typical ridgeback with good nerves and strong instincts, packed in a sound body. Then we can forgive that she is the biggest food-thief 😉 Keep up the good work Ann Kristin and Cleo 🙂
Maggie have left us after staying with us for 28 days, and it is very quite in the house now. We will for sure miss her. Look here for some photos we took before Maggie and Hanna took the train back home to Stockholm. 
Cleo Cleo Cleo Cleo
2018-04-02T11:48:47+00:00January 14th, 2013|

Updates about planned and previous puppies

2018-04-02T09:43:15+00:00January 11th, 2013|
We are planning a new litter with Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” during summer 2013. We expect Kiwi to come in heat may/june 2013, with pups being born july/august. Kiwi have had one litter before, our A-litter, and in this litter all puppies are healthy and crazy, 7 are x-rayed with hips A/A and hips 0/0 and they are all showing very promising mental qualities. 
We have not completely decided about a male, but we have a few excellent candidates. Our main concern in the search for a suitable male is mentality and health. We want to produce pups with excellent mentality who have all the mental qualities a ridgeback should have, in a sound body with health to live a long life. Stay tune, and we will introduce Mr.X when the time is right 🙂 Read more about Kiwi and the planned litter HERE.
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO” attended MyDog double international show in the beginning of january, and she gained excellent 3 the first day, and excellent 2 with champion quality the second day. Read her critiques here. Big congratulations Emma and Sebastian, well done! 🙂
We went for another walk, this time together with Leon and his family. Leon was super happy as always, while Maggie thought that he was just a tiresome brother. But Leon did not let that get into him, and enjoyed running around and teasing the others 😉 See photos from our walk here
I have updated with some new photos of Hektor here, Juno here and Leon here
Planned litter 2013 Juno Leon Hektor
2018-04-02T09:43:15+00:00January 11th, 2013|

Planned litter 2013/2014

2018-04-02T09:42:37+00:00January 10th, 2013|
We are planning a litter with Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” winter 2013/2014. We expect Kiwi to come in heat november 2013, with pups being born february 2014. Kiwi have had one litter before, our A-litter, and in this litter all puppies are healthy and crazy, 7 are x-rayed with everyone hips A/A and hips 0/0 and they are all showing very promising mental qualities. 
We have not completely decided about a male, but we have a few excellent candidates. Our main concern in the search for a suitable male is mentality and health. We want to produce pups with excellent mentality who have all the mental qualities a ridgeback should have, in a sound body with health to live a long life. Stay tune, and we will introduce Mr.X when the time is right 🙂
Read more about Kiwi and the planned litter HERE.
Planned litter 2013
2018-04-02T09:42:37+00:00January 10th, 2013|

130106 ~ In the forrrest

2018-04-02T12:06:36+00:00January 8th, 2013|
We went for a walk together with Leon and his human-family
Maggie, Isi, Leon and Sheriff in lead
Leon the frog
Leon and Maggie
We met the lovely ridgeback-female Less in the forrest
Leon loved the sweet girl 🙂
Leon making faces
Hungry daddy Sheriff
Sheriff and Maggie
Leon and Maggie
2018-04-02T12:06:36+00:00January 8th, 2013|

Maggie is in the house

2018-04-02T11:48:48+00:00January 1st, 2013|
While her co-owner Hanna have been on holiday, Maggie have stayed with us for 2 weeks, and will stay for one more week. That is if we want to give her back, at the moment I am not so sure if I want her to go 😉 Maggie is a wonderful female, who have inherited the best from her mother and father. She is curious and full of energy, strongminded yet easy to correct and totally unafraid. She is the kindest little girl and have been wonderful with the children in our family during the christmas-visits. Sheriff thought she was a handful the first days, but now he have changed his mind and allows her to play with him and tease him, and he is more and more treating her like a princess 🙂
While Maggie have been her we have been out for some walks, and some times we brought the camera. See photos from our christmas-eve walk here, meeting with Kani & friends at the “dog-corner” at Ekeberg and a little walk in our favorite forrest here. We also took Maggie to this years last show in Norway, and she was a pleasure to bring to the show, totaly relaxed and behaved wonderful. She also impressed the judge, and ended up as Best Female 3 with res.CAC. So year 2012 ended great 🙂
With this we wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR
Maggie The gang Isi Maggie
2018-04-02T11:48:48+00:00January 1st, 2013|

121230 ~ Christmas-holidays

2018-04-02T12:07:47+00:00December 30th, 2012|
We met up with Kani at the “dog-corner” on Ekeberg, as well as Sheriff’s 5 year old daughter Kira and a bunch of other dogs. The dogs got to play and run in the deep snow, and they had a blast. The day after the weather was perfect, and we went for a quick walk in the forrest.
 Kani, Maggie and Kira
Sheriff “the police” watching the other dogs
Sheriff, Kira, Maggie, Isi and Kani
Chaos 🙂
 Isi and Maggie
 Sheriff and Maggie
2018-04-02T12:07:47+00:00December 30th, 2012|

121224 ~ Christmas Eve

2018-04-02T12:08:02+00:00December 30th, 2012|
In our family we have the tradition to care for the animals on the morning on christmas-eve. We went for a walk in our favorite place in Fetsund, Råmyra together with our friends Guro and Steffen and their RR Punky, as well as Børge’s nephews and his father. We packed our bags with clementines, hot drink, chocolate and gingerbread. We had a lovely walk in the forrest and the dogs was tired and happy, and ready for a lazy afternoon and evening.
Dressed to go to the forrest
Isi and Sheriff
Maggie (the dark one) and Punky (the light one)
Maggie, Punky and terrier-Isi
Maggie and Punky playing and daddy Sheriff watching out
When they get to eager, Sheriff “the police” comes and stops them 🙂
Sheriff and Punky
Maggie and Isi helping out removing a three
2018-04-02T12:08:02+00:00December 30th, 2012|

09 December 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:06+00:00December 9th, 2012|
Last week while I was in Gothenburg, I met up with Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day) and Emma while I was there. It was so nice to see them again, and impartially I think Juno is a wonderful supersweet female 🙂 She have a wonderful expression, is happy and playful and a just adorable little devil in disguise 😉 See more photos of Juno here.
Last sunday we met up with Leon, Kani and Juba while we took Sheriff and Isi with, and took a walk on the winter-closed golf-course at Losby. While the sun was up we didn’t feel the cold so much, but when the sun disappeared behind the threes, we could very much feel that it was -15 degrees celsius. Se photos from the little get-together here.
Kani, Leon and Juba Leon and Juba The group Juno Juno Juno
2018-04-02T12:09:06+00:00December 9th, 2012|

121202 ~ Meeting

2018-04-02T12:08:24+00:00December 4th, 2012|
We had a tiny meeting woth some of the A-litter pups on Losby Golf and Countryclub, and the golfcoarses make a wonderful place for playing and running when the golfers have left the field for the winter. The dogs who came was Leon, Kani and Juba, Sheriff and Isi, while others had to stay home due to sickness. But we will meet up again when the weather is not as cold as it was – when the sun disapeared we could easily feel that is was -15 ºC outside… Juba had just startet her heat, and her brothers thought she smelled wonderful, and made several attempts to mate her. Then daddy Sheriff had to step in and tell the youngers that behavior like that is reserved him 😉 The two boys Kani and Leon still  submits to Sheriff and auntie Isi, and have no problems with eachother. I am so happy to see that. I hope that they will stay this way for a loooong time 🙂
Kani, Leon and Juba
Both boys thinks their sister smells wonderful..
Big, happy baby Kani
Juba is not very impressed with Leon’s flirting..

Auntie Isi tells Juba that she still is in charge, and the boys see’s it as an invite to check out Juba’s behind…
Then daddy Sheriff comes and tells the young boys how to behave
And Kani obeys immediately 🙂
And Leon, as auntie Isi also have a temper 🙂
Daddy’O is freezing on his paw, as he lost one of the socks
Still good friends – but some measuring have to be done 😉
Kani is the submissive one apparently 
Jon Sverre and Kani
Trine and the dogs
Jon Sverre and Leon
2018-04-02T12:08:24+00:00December 4th, 2012|

28 November 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00November 28th, 2012|
We are sorry to say that we are putting our Airedale-puppy plans on hold for a while. Isi stopped her heat before mating, and we are not sure if we will try to mate her again in the future or not. For now she will just be the great puppy-nanny for the ridgebacks she have showed herself to be.
2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00November 28th, 2012|

08 November 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00November 8th, 2012|
A couple of weeks ago, Isi was chosen to participate in a tv-commercial for one of Norways largest newspapers. I was asked to learn Isi to put her head to the ground, among other easier stuff. So I sent Isi with my good friend Geir to the shooting of the commercial, together with his border-collie Fight. They were away for almost 8 hours, and the result was 6 seconds of glory and fame 🙂 Geir was very proud of them both when he came home, saying that they were both calm and easy, concentrated and focused. The enironment in the studio was quite different than what they are used to, with much light, sounds and people. But the two girls was a pure joy to work with, and I was very happy and proud to hear this 🙂 It shows that a dog with good nerves and a good head can cope with every situations presented to it! Se the TV-commercial here
2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00November 8th, 2012|

05 November 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00November 5th, 2012|
Nothing much is happening here these days, certainly not with Isi and her heat 😉 We are still waiting for her heat, it should be right around the corner! In the meantime we try to do some usefull stuff, and this weekend I attended “Oppdretterskolen Kurs 1”, translated to breeder-course 1, who is a course the Norwegian Kennel Club is arranging for new and old breeders. The courses are very educational and it should be mandatory for all breeders I think. The speakers was Astrid Indrebø and Hilde Bremnes, and NKK region Oslo/Akershus was the organizers of the course, in which I am a secratary, and thus had to help out. One of the best citations from this course was: “The basis for progress in dog-breeding? Cooperation, openness and honesty. Do not punish the honest, and “reward” those dishonest. Work together for the best of the breed. Talk with each-other, not just about each-other. ” I will for sure try to remember that as long as I can!
I have “stolen” some new photos of Hektor, Juno, Enya and Kani 🙂
Hektor celebrating Halloween :-) Juno Juno Enya Kani
2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00November 5th, 2012|

121028 ~ At home

2018-04-02T12:10:25+00:00October 28th, 2012|
The winter is coming, and today we had -5 degrees celsius, and the dogs appreciated a thin rug, just to keep them nice and warm. Isi have a long coat at the moment, and are happy just the way she is 🙂 Thanks to the girls, 7,5 year old Sheriff is kept in motion and vigorous! 
Daughter and father
Sweetest Airedale Isi 
Juba was happy to have the dogbed outside
2018-04-02T12:10:25+00:00October 28th, 2012|

28 October 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00October 28th, 2012|
Juba have stayed with us for the weekend, and she attended 2 shows in Eidsvoll during the weekend. Yesterday she became Best Female 2 with res.CAC, and today she got Excellent 1. See her critiques here. Also some photos of Sheriff, Isi and Juba having fun together in our garden here
Juba Sheriff, Juba and Isi isi Sheriff Juba
2018-04-02T12:09:07+00:00October 28th, 2012|

21 October 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:08+00:00October 21st, 2012|
Juba have attended 2 shows this weekend, and I am happy to see that she slowly is getting more and more used to lay down on her rug at shows, staying in the cage and don’t ask all the dogs she sees if they want to play. She also is getting better to stand still while beeing touched by the judge, and have fun in the ring. Sometimes she have a little to much fun, when she decides to act like a kangaroo 😉
Today she was BOB Junior, and recieved excellent, champion quality and Best Female 4. She got a very nice critique from judge George Schogol: “15 months of lovely type. Very nice outline, good lines of head, good eyes, lovely neck, well balanced”.
Juba Juba
2018-04-02T12:09:08+00:00October 21st, 2012|

15 October 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:08+00:00October 15th, 2012|
We attended a dogshow last weekend, CACIB Hamar and we are pleased to say that Leon, Juba and Kiwi all got excellent. Juba won her juniorclass, Leon placed 2nd in his juniorclass and Kiwi was not placed in championclass. Leon wagged his tail through the whole thing like he always does, and he is such a charmer 🙂 Juba also behaved very nice, and just need a little more training in standing still when I tell her to. That girl sure have her own opinions on things 😉 She reminds very much of both her mother and father sometimes! 
2018-04-02T12:09:08+00:00October 15th, 2012|

13 October 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:08+00:00October 13th, 2012|
I have stolen some photos of Juno and Hektor from Facebook, hope you forgive me Emma and Mailinn Wink
Juno Juno Juno Juno Juno Hektor
2018-04-02T12:09:08+00:00October 13th, 2012|

12 October 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:09+00:00October 10th, 2012|
I have updated the photopage with some new mixed photos of Juba here, and Ecco and Uno here. Uno’s photopage is updated, as well as stacked and head photos of Juba and some new photos of Ecco.
Uno Uno Ecco Ecco Juba Juba
2018-04-02T12:09:09+00:00October 10th, 2012|

121010 ~ Juba

2018-04-02T12:10:47+00:00October 10th, 2012|
Juba being her playful crazy self!


2018-04-02T12:10:47+00:00October 10th, 2012|

121009 ~ Ecco and Uno

2018-04-02T12:10:59+00:00October 10th, 2012|
Uno and Christin
Uno and Christin
Ecco and my father Boye, so cute together!
Ecco and Boye, best friends!
Ecco and Boye
Ecco and Boye
Ecco and Boye
Ecco and Boye
2018-04-02T12:10:59+00:00October 10th, 2012|

120930 ~ Bloodtracking

2018-04-02T12:11:11+00:00October 4th, 2012|
We brushed the dust of Kiwi and Sheriff, and took them out for some blood-tracking. They both tracked lvery well, and was very proud to find the hoof at the end 🙂
Kiwi on the track 
What was that sound?
Keeps tracking..
Kiwi getting closer to the reward
There it was
Very proud!
Let it go, I want it for my self!
Sheriff in a hurry as always.. 
And there it was!
2018-04-02T12:11:11+00:00October 4th, 2012|

29 September 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 29th, 2012|
We are happy to tell that also Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day) have done her x-rays, and her results also came back as HD: A/A ED: A/A! 7 dogs from our A-litter is now x-rayed and all 7 is perfect with HD: A/A ED: A/A! I couldn’t be happier! 🙂
2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 29th, 2012|

26 September 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 26th, 2012|
Uno (Herr Uno von Thekla) was x-rayed together with the A-litter at our local veterinary, and I have completely forgotten to announce that he also have A/A hips!! This means that Uno is our third import from German working-lines and the third to have perfect hips. Very happy to see how strong these lines are on joints. In Norway we don’t x-ray elbows on Airedales.
A month ago we took some mobil-photos of Uno preparing for a track, and I show them here. But we promise to take some photos one day, and show fresh photos of this lovely, energic airedale-cangaroo.
Uno Uno Uno Uno Uno
2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 26th, 2012|

24 September 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 24th, 2012|
Maggie and her owner Hanna attended a unofficial Show in Täby, Sweden on Sunday, and they managed to become BOB (4 entered RR) and was BIG-1 (3 breeds attending). Congratulations Hanna! A great practice before they will enter the official ring this winter 🙂 Hanna said that Maggie behaved beauifully, and showed her good side. Maggie is usually a little monster, having inherited all the naughty genes from both mother and father. Just like we love them 😉
2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 24th, 2012|

23 September 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 23rd, 2012|
We met up with Kani, Leon and Juba with their owners for a walk in the forrest, light a fire, eat hotdogs and introduce the youngsters to fieldtracking. The youngsters did a great job fieldtracking for the first time, and we have a bunch of  talented fieldtrackers here! We will do more practice, and eventually try some competitions! Thank you everyone for a fantastic day in the forrest with you! 🙂 Look here for more photos!
 Sheriff Isi  Leon Kani Juba
2018-04-02T12:09:10+00:00September 23rd, 2012|

120923 ~ Fieldtracking

2018-04-02T12:11:27+00:00September 23rd, 2012|
We met up with Kani, Leon and Juba with their owners for a walk in the forrest, eat hotdogs and introduce the youngsters to fieldtracking. The youngsters did a great job fieldtracking for the first time, and we have a bunch of  talented fieldtrackers here! We will do more practice, and eventually try some competitions! Thank you everyone for a fantastic day in the forrest with you! 🙂
Sheriff with a barking Kani in the background
Isi, also called “aunt cruel” 😉
“Råmyra” – a fantastic spot in the Fetsund-forrest!
Sheriff got to go a short blood-track today, and was so happy! 🙂
Leon on the track
Proud Leon! 🙂
Kani on the track
Kani so proud with his achievments 🙂
Both Kani and daddy very proud 🙂
Juba at the start
Juba also very proud 
Watch out!
Leon – a boy to look put for in the future!
Sheriff wonder if there are any hotdogs on that stick.. 
“If I kiss you, would you give me a treat”??
Sheriff – planning his next move… 
Isi love to annoy Sheriff 🙂
Daddy with his backpack in front, with his two sons Kano and Leon behind 🙂
The gang 🙂
2018-04-02T12:11:27+00:00September 23rd, 2012|

120912 ~ Chistinenheide-puppies

2018-04-02T12:11:43+00:00September 18th, 2012|
Me and my father went to see Dasty vom Treffenwald and Ivy von der Christinenheide’s puppies at kennel Christinenheide in Berlin. It was so nice to meet Roxana, her familiy and her dogs again, and last but not least meet Dasty vom Treffenwald. I have had him in my thougts for quite some time now, as I was thinking of him as the sire of Isi’s planned litter. When I met him I had no doubt – he was the ONE! Dasty is a wonderful dog in every way. He is almost 8 years old, but doesn’t look that way. His coat are good, he have a sound bodystructure and a great mentality. I am sure he will be a perfect match for Isi. Below are some photos of Dasty and his puppies. 
Isi’s aunt and the puppies mother Ivy von der Christinenheide begging for food
Isi’s aunt and the puppies mother Ivy von der Christinenheide begging for food

2018-04-02T12:11:43+00:00September 18th, 2012|

13 September 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:11+00:00September 13th, 2012|
6 of 10 puppies from our A-litter is now x-rayed, and the results are back……..
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “Maggie” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Afer Ventus “Enya” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Amazing Grace “Varga” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani” HD A/A ED 0/0
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon” HD A/A ED 0/0
This means that all 6 have perfect hips and elbows, they are all super healthy and have wonderful mentality. I could not have asked for anything more! Thank you wonderful owners who takes such good care of your Wayosi-monsters 🙂
2018-04-02T12:09:11+00:00September 13th, 2012|

120909 ~ Mentalitytest

2018-04-02T12:12:01+00:00September 11th, 2012|
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Leon and Pål
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Kiwi – and some paparazzi’s 🙂
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Juba – not convinced… 
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Kani… Or at least Ingunn.. 
Photos by Trine Landmark and Mona Hansen
2018-04-02T12:12:01+00:00September 11th, 2012|

11 September 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:11+00:00September 11th, 2012|
9 September Leon, Kani, Maggie, Juba and Kiwi traveled with us and their owners to Sätra in Sweden for their mentalitytest. The youngers are still young, and this test is a good help to get to know the dogs better. The mentalitytest is also called “mental conditions for dog training” and this is a very appropriate description for this test. For the older dogs we use the test to see “how did they end up”. 
Kiwi was first out, and she showed that she is a VERY good dog. The judges smiled when they came back with the results, and was happy to tell me that “this dog is a VERY good dog”. The test showed that Kiwi is open and social towards people, she abreacts quickly, direct and independently, she have a very good concentration and get the highest scores for nerveconstruction. She is also gunshot proof. A perfect balance between her mental traits, and a dog like this surely does not “grow on threes”. Kiwi is not just beautiful, she also have a proven wonderful mentality! 🙂 See her MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
Maggie did a very good test, and even if she is only 14 months, she shows a very good balance and a very good nerveconstruction. I am sure this girl will end up to be even better than her mother Kiwi and father Sheriff. See her MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
Leon also did a very good test, and he also have a very good balance and good nervconstruction. With time I’m sure this boy will get full score on nerveconstruction, abreaction and concentration, just like mummy Kiwi and sister Maggie. And just to emphasize, these scores is not easily earned! See his MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
Kani and Juba also did great, and showed good nerves, concentration and abreactions. But they are still very much “puppyish” and needs time to mature. But with time and experience, I am sure these two would do just as good as their more “grown up” siblings 🙂 See Kani’s MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test will come later. See Juba’s MT-protocol in swedish here and video of the test here
It’s important to remember that the youngsters are only 14 months old, and there are still happening much in their minds at this age. But I’m extremely happy to see that all our dogs tested this weekend either got relatively good nerveconstruction or good nerveconstruction, showing that they are strong and concentrated, abreacts quickly and reacts correctly in every situation.
See more photos here
Leon Leon Kiwi Kiwi Juba Kani

2018-04-02T12:09:11+00:00September 11th, 2012|

26 August 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:12+00:00August 26th, 2012|
We have had a busy weekend at the show-arena, and I am happy to say that we have had some quite good results this weekend.
>>>National show Drammen 25 August
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” – Excellent 2, CQ, Best Male 4
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” – Excellent 1, CQ
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi” – Excellent 2, CQ, Best Bitch 2
>>>National show Drammen 26 August
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon” – Excellent 1, CQ, Best Male 1, CAC, BOB
>>>Breed speciality show Randsfjorden 26 August
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani” – Excellent 2
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” – Excellent 4, CQ
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba” – Excellent 1
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi” – Excellent 2, CQ, Best Bitch 2
I was very surprised to hear that Leon had recieved his first CAC and gone BOB, as his owners had not told me they had entered 🙂 They were so nervous, and thoght that if it was no preassure, it would not be so scary 🙂 And so Gry showed him all by herself and did great! And he wagged his tail the whole time as he always does. A happy boy for sure 🙂
At the breed-clubs “small” special today at Randsfjorden, we had 4 dogs entered, and all got excellent. I am so happy to see how Kani develops and get more muscles, and even when he gets more masculine, his baby approach is just the same. The judge also commented on his lovely and friendly temperament, and that warms a breeders heart!
See more photos here.
 Kani  MLH8273  MLH8276 Kiwi  MLH8576  MLH8573
 MLH8601  MLH8619  MLH8226  MLH8239  MLH8242 Juba

2018-04-02T12:09:12+00:00August 26th, 2012|

120826 ~ RR speciality at Randsfjorden

2018-04-02T12:12:41+00:00August 26th, 2012|
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani”
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani”

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani”

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani”

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani”

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “Kani”

Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff” (with a small wound after removing a benign lump)
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Kani thinks he is small enough to sit on the lap….
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”

Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”

Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”

Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”

Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”

Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi All That Jazz “Juba”
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon” with his CAC-ribbon
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon”
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “Leon”
2018-04-02T12:12:41+00:00August 26th, 2012|

12 August 2012

2018-04-02T12:09:13+00:00August 12th, 2012|
Our sweet Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) have been to her third official show as a junior today, and she for the third time in a row won the juniorclass with championquality. See her critique her and photos here. Way to go Hanna and Maggie, we are very proud of you 🙂
Kani (Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart) have been hiking in the norwegian mountains and we have gotten some photos of him in the beautiful norwegian nature here. Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) have been here for the weekend, and I took some new stacked photos of her. She is such a sweet girl and both daddy Sheriff and “aunt” Isi was happy to have her her on visit 🙂 See more photos of her weekend here
  Juba Juba Isi and Juba
2018-04-02T12:09:13+00:00August 12th, 2012|

4 August 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:51+00:00August 5th, 2012|
There haven’t been any big news lately, but I have collected a bunch of nice photos from our “puppies”. We have been here and there on holidays, the dogs have come with us off course, and we have been training obedience and tracking. It’s been a long time since I have trained obedience with Sheriff, but he surprised me by still knowing all the exercises and worked with such a joy and happiness. I’m so happy to see that he still have the sparkle at a age of 7 year. Isi have also trained a bit this summer, and she was so happy to be able to work again. This is what she is bred for, and this is what she loves more than anything!
For the last 7 months, Sheriff have had 2 small lumps. One in the ridge and one on his shoulder. They haven’t grown, but now I decided to remove them. Histology done by my wonderful collegues showed no pathology, in other terms no danger. Sheriff and Kiwi have also been to the chiropractor, and they both had some lockups who needed some adjustments, but other than that they were all fine. So a little 7-year old service for Sheriff there 🙂
At the Swedish Specialityshow in Gysinge, Jenny Jurnelius took some photos of Kiwi, Maggie and Juba. Thank you so much Jenny! See the photos here
2018-04-02T12:15:51+00:00August 5th, 2012|

120727 ~ JJ-Photos

2018-04-02T12:16:48+00:00July 31st, 2012|
Amazing photographer Jenny Jurnelius took some beautiful photos of mother and daughters at the Swedish Speciality Show at Gysinge Bruks in July.
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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 Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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 Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old
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Wayosi All That Jazz “JUBA” 1 year old


2018-04-02T12:16:48+00:00July 31st, 2012|

17 July 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:53+00:00July 17th, 2012|
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) had her debut in the official showrings a month ago, and the judge Dr. Agnes Kertes Ganami gave some comments after the show, that I found on SRRS’s webpage. I was so happy to read what she had written after the show: 
“I would like to mention shortly the dogs I have still in my mind and impressed me.
(…) The junior class winners, the “future of the breed” ULON-HILLS LEO THE FIRST ATLAS and WAYOSI A KIND OF MAGIC.” Thank you so much for these nice words about our precious girl! 

2018-04-02T12:15:53+00:00July 17th, 2012|

16 July 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:53+00:00July 16th, 2012|
We spent the weekend at the Swedish National Specialityshow at Gysinge Bruk and had a wonderful time with good friends! Thanx everyone for a wonderful weekend! 🙂
We had some very nice results, and I am so proud of our “babies”. 
Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) had his debut as a show-dog and he behaved beautifully and was maybe the happiest dog on the show. He wagged his tail constantly, giving big hugs and kisses to everyone who wanted one 🙂 He was awarded Excellent 3 in juniorclass, out of 7 entered males. He got the critique: The head is a bit too strong for my taste, could use a little more forechest, the crowns in the ridge are a bit off set, over all good balance, moves well.
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) had her 2nd outing in juniorclass and won the class (11 entered females) with champion quality and ended up as 6th Best Female with res.CAC (of 75 entered females).  She got the nice critique: The bitch is not shy, but lacks training. Beautiful head – perfect plains, strong underjaw, the right forechest, I like her angulations in front and rear, good balance overall. I could like a little longer ridge, excellent movements. Thank you dear Ulrika Blom for perfect handling of our princess!
Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) got Excellent 3 and championquality with the critique: Beautiful head, I’d prefer more depth of the chest, good laid back shoulders, the rear angulation is a bit too much at the moment, correct movements.
Kiwi (Tappinskis Peach And Passion) was entered in championclass (14 entered females) and got Excellent with the critique: Very good head, very nice front assembly, maybe a bit to much forechest, her ridge is a bit too short, moves well.
Sheriff’s daughter Nephora (Dahidos Canephora af Hilandra) got Excellent 1 with champion quality in working/hunting-class and ended up as 8th Best Female (of 75 entered females) with the critique: Beautiful head, correct front assembly but her pasterns are a bit to straight, nice rear angulation, moves well, I’d prefer a wider ridge.
So all Sheriff’s offsprings at the show got excellent and was placed in their classes 🙂 See more photos here!
I also got to show Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton who was awarded Excellent 2 in working/huntingclass with champion quality.
15072012  MLH7577 DSC 0488 DSC 0676  MLH7554
 MLH7350 DSC 0449  MLH7524 DSC 0629 DSC 0871 

2018-04-02T12:15:53+00:00July 16th, 2012|

120715 ~ Swedish specialityshow

2018-04-02T12:21:17+00:00July 16th, 2012|
We spent the weekend at the Swedish National Specialityshow at Gysinge Bruk and had a wonderful time with good friends! Thanx everyone for a wonderful weekend! 🙂
We had some very nice results, and I am so proud of our “babies”. 
Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) had his debut as a show-dog and he behaved beautifully and was maybe the happiest dog on the show. He wagged his tail constantly, giving big hugs and kisses to everyone who wanted one 🙂 He was awarded Excellent 3 in juniorclass, out of 7 entered males. He got the critique: The head is a bit too strong for my taste, could use a little more forechest, the crowns in the ridge are a bit off set, over all good balance, moves well.
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) had her 2nd outing in juniorclass and won the class (11 entered females) with champion quality and ended up as 6th Best Female with res.CAC (of 75 entered females).  She got the nice critique: The bitch is not shy, but lacks training. Beautiful head – perfect plains, strong underjaw, the right forechest, I like her angulations in front and rear, good balance overall. I could like a little longer ridge, excellent movements. Thank you dear Ulrika Blom for perfect handling of our princess!
Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) got Excellent 3 with championquality with the critique: Beautiful head, I’d prefer more depth of the chest, good laid back shoulders, the rear angulation is a bit too much at the moment, correct movements.
Kiwi (Tappinskis Peach And Passion) was entered in championclass (14 entered females) and got Excellent with the critique: Very good head, very nice front assembly, maybe a bit to much forechest, her ridge is a bit too short, moves well.
Sheriff’s daughter Nephora (Dahidos Canephora af Hilandra) got Excellent 1 with champion quality in working/hunting-class and ended up as 8th Best Female (of 75 entered females) with the critique: Beautiful head, correct front assembly but her pasterns are a bit to straight, nice rear angulation, moves well, I’d prefer a wider ridge.
So all Sheriff’s offsprings at the show got excellent and was placed in their classes 🙂
I also got to show Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton who was awarded Excellent 2 in working/huntingclass with champion quality. His brother Klever won BISS-12, and Keaton is another great-looking male from this litter 🙂
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Maggie with handler Ulrika
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Juba, Kiwi and Maggie
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Juba, Kiwi and Maggie
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Hanna happy for her nice prize! 🙂
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2018-04-02T12:21:17+00:00July 16th, 2012|

11 July 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:53+00:00July 11th, 2012|
We had a visit from Kaizer and his family yesterday, and it was so nice to see him again. We have not seem him since november, so I was happy to see that he have developed into a strong, masculine male with a wonderful temperament. He is very playful, loves his family and especially their 4-year old and he have inherited mum Kiwi’s love for hunting flies 🙂 Kaizer will be tried in hunting for Moose, deers and birds, as well as Lynx this fall. It will be very exiting to see how it goes. He have some very sound hunting-instincts, and I think he will be doing quite well. Some pictures of him here.
 MLH7202  MLH7243  MLH7252  MLH7312
2018-04-02T12:15:53+00:00July 11th, 2012|

9 July 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:54+00:00July 9th, 2012|
Our A-litter turns 1 year old today, and we wish them a happy birthday!
They are all healthy and happy, and are starting to behave quite nicely 🙂 They all have much motor, and are loaded with energy, and once in a while I get some rather funny mails and sms’s from their owners, stating that they soon would leave them with me and go on a holiday! 🙂 Luckily it seems they are growing up and calms down a bit now, and I keep reminding that they would need up to 1 more year to settle down completely.. But all in all I am very pleased with the litter. They are extremely curious, very social towards people, happy all day long, unafraid and have a high willingness to work. I got what I wanted, and now we will wait to see the official HD/ED-scores in september, and MH (mentalitydescription) for the whole litter in May 2013.
I have also put together a photo showing how similar Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) and his “brother from another mother” Diezel (Damisis Aboisso) is. Both are two lovely males with a wonderful mentality, sharing the same father 🙂
We have spend the weekend at 2-days show in Tvååker, Sweden. We had a great time around the ring as usual, despite the judges not beeing on our side this time 😉 On our way home we stopped in Bovallstrand and said hello to Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day). It was so nice to see Emma, Sebastian, Hanna and their older ridgeback Stella again, and I can see that Juno have not found out that she is 1 year old yet.. 🙂 
1yearold 800  brothers2 liten 120708 120708Juno 120708Kani 120709Maggie
2018-04-02T12:15:54+00:00July 9th, 2012|

120707 ~ Tvååker

2018-04-02T12:22:11+00:00July 9th, 2012|
We attended the 2-days dogshow in Tvååker, and I had Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) and Kiwi (Tappinskis Peach And Passion) with me. We met up with Damisis-breeder Petra who brought Binah and Sheriff’s son Ralph (Damisis Amourj), and Annelie with her dogs Atlaz and Sheriff’s son Diezel (Damisis Aboisso). We had a great time around the ring, despite the judges not beeing on our side this time 😉 
Juba was surprised by the rain when it was her turn in the ring, and as the princess she is, she did not want to stand pretty in the ring. The judge commented: “When moving you can see the problem from behind, because of rain, due to that the prize” 🙂 Well, what can I say 🙂
Juba and me in the pooring rain!
Juba (looking like a mixture between a shrimp and a German Sheperd! 🙂
 Juba and Kiwi


2018-04-02T12:22:11+00:00July 9th, 2012|

5 July 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:54+00:00July 5th, 2012|
If the nature are with us, we are hoping to have another litter after Sheriff spring/summer 2013. His new girlfriend is a lovely swedish female, Ridgebow’s Odara of Zazazela “HIKI”, wich I have followed for a long time, and I have met several of her offsprings. We look very much forward to this planned litter. Read more here.
2018-04-02T12:15:54+00:00July 5th, 2012|

4 July 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:54+00:00July 5th, 2012|
We had a little “mini” get-together a couple of weeks ago at our place, and you can see the photos here. We are planning a bigger get-together when the dogs can run free in the forrest 🙂
I have updated Juno‘s ear-special with a couple of new photos here, “normal” photos of Juno here, Kani here, Aragorn here, Juba here, Maggie here and Kiwi here.
120507Juno 120705Kani 120705Kani2 120705Maggie2
120705Maggie3 bilde 1 bilde 4 bilde 5 
2018-04-02T12:15:54+00:00July 5th, 2012|

120624 ~ Meeting

2018-04-02T12:22:25+00:00July 5th, 2012|
Wayosi All Fired Up “ARAGORN” 11 months old
Wayosi All Fired Up “ARAGORN” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” 11 months old
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” 4 years old
Kani (black collar) and Aragorn (light collar)
Kani, Aragorn and  Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) also came for a quick visit…
And the brothers felt that they had to mate their sister….
2018-04-02T12:22:25+00:00July 5th, 2012|

22 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:55+00:00June 22nd, 2012|
I have put together a little album called “Juno’s earspecial”. I often find photos on facebook of her, never wearing her ears like she should. So it was time to collect them in a little album 🙂 Take a look at the album HERE.
2018-04-02T12:15:55+00:00June 22nd, 2012|

19 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:55+00:00June 20th, 2012|
Other Wayosi’s have also been active during the weekend. Aragorn have participated at a weekendcourse in obedience and Varga have attended a search-course (search for lost people in the forrest) and impressed the instructors with her motor, motivation, learningabilities and mentality! I stole some photos of Aragorn (Wayosi All Fired Up) and his owner Marianne. Especially one photo shows so much love! 
Nephora (Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra – Sheriff x Hilandra) have also been out this weekend, and was rewarded Excellent 2 with Ck in working/huntingclass at SRRS Speciality at Årsta castle! Congratulations 🙂
We are so proud of all of you!

120617Aragorn 120617Aragorn2 120617Aragorn3 120617Nephora

2018-04-02T12:15:55+00:00June 20th, 2012|

17 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:56+00:00June 20th, 2012|
Maggie (Wayosi A Kind Of Magic) have had her debut in the official showrings, and juniorclass. Hanna had entered her to SRRS Stockholms specialityshow at Årsta castle, and even though Hanna was nervous Maggie would act like the little monster she is, Maggie was a little angel and behaved beautifully with superhandlers Johanna Falk and Helena Boberg. Maggie managed to gain ecxellent and place as # 1 in juniorclass with Ck (out of 8 entered), and was thanked of in best female when it was only 6 dogs left. So what a debut! I could not be happier! Doing good at show is one thing, but the thing I am the most happy with, is to see that Maggie is just as easygoing and social as her mother, father and siblings, and couldn’t care less when some complete strangers takes the leash, offers some treats and enters the showring with them. Just the way I want them to be 🙂
Maggies album is updated with new photos from the show and at home and her critique can be seen her.

17062012-IMG 1446 17062012-IMG 1454 17062012-IMG 1464 17062012-IMG 1477 17062012-IMG 1524

2018-04-02T12:15:56+00:00June 20th, 2012|

15 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:56+00:00June 15th, 2012|

Hektor (Wayosi Anything But Ordinary) have been visiting us for some days, and this was the first time we saw him after he moved to Sweden at 8 weeks. He lives on a farm with horses in Sweden, and enjoys the life of a farm-dog. I was very happy to see that he have developed into a stunning male, and have the wonderful mentality as the rest of his siblings have! I can’t wait to see what the future brings for this wonderful dog! See stacked photos here, head photos here and mixed photos here

 MLH6071  MLH6156  MLH6165  MLH6163  MLH6317 

2018-04-02T12:15:56+00:00June 15th, 2012|

120615 ~ Hektor visiting

2018-04-02T12:22:44+00:00June 15th, 2012|
Hektor (Wayosi Anithung But Ordinary) visited us for the first since he moved to Sweden at 8 weeks, so I was so happy to see him again. He have developed into a stunning and powerful male, with an amazing sweet personality. Can’t wait to see what the future brings for this lovely fellow!
This boy can move!!
Hektor follows Isi everywhere, he thinks she looks heavenly 😉
2018-04-02T12:22:44+00:00June 15th, 2012|

13 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:57+00:00June 13th, 2012|

Our A-litter turned 11 months 9th of June, and I can’t believe how the time is flying away! Almost all the girls have had their first heat, the boys are developing into big powerful males, an I’m happy to see that they have not forgotten what they have learned from daddy Sheriff, and are submissive and shows a very good language around other dogs. Let’s hope it stays that way 🙂 I have gotten some short movies of Maggie were she takes her first swim, and rocking around at home 🙂 We also met up with Kani at obedienceclass last day, and I took some photos of him with my phone. He is such a sweet “little” big baby, and have now rounded 45 kilos! 45 kilos of gold, as his owners says 😉


120613Kani 120613Kani2 120609Juno 120609Maggie 120609Kani

2018-04-02T12:15:57+00:00June 13th, 2012|

09 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:57+00:00June 9th, 2012|

I’m happy to see that Sheriff’s blood is continued with his lovely offspring and their puppies! Damisis Ariana “TIISHA” (Sheriff x Olivia) got 8 puppies 11 May 2012 with stunning Sorbonne, and I’m so exited to follow these little hearbreakers! There are 5 males and 3 females, were 2 of the males are ridgeless and one female with 3 crowns. No DS, no kinks or any other faults!

Sheriff’s stunning son, and my big LOVE, Damisis Aboisso “DIEZEL” (Sheriff x Olivia) will sire a litter in Holland during 2013/2014 with lovely Red Packs Addicted To My Way “LANA” at Kennel Kuanzia Kani. I have met Lana personally, and she have just as amazing mentality as Diezel. I’m following with exitement 🙂

120608Tiisha 120608Diezel

2018-04-02T12:15:57+00:00June 9th, 2012|

08 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:57+00:00June 8th, 2012|

I have completely forgot to show everyone the wonderful gift I got from our lovely puppy-byuers for my 30th birthday! One day in May Leon and Juba with owners came driving into our courtyard with the most amazing gift from ALL our lovely A-litter “puppies” and owners. On top of that they had been planning this secretly on a facebook-page they had created and made secret for me, for several months! I have now gotten accsess to the “secret” facebook-page, that are open for people with Wayosi-dogs 🙂

THANK YOU SO MUCH! This meant a lot to me, and I’m so happy to have the most fantastic puppy-family! Love you ALL! 🙂


2018-04-02T12:15:57+00:00June 8th, 2012|

07 June 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:58+00:00June 7th, 2012|

I have gotten a lot of new photos of the “puppies” from our A-litter. Click their names to see the photos – Juba, Juno, Leon, Maggie. I also put together a little collage of Juno, Juba, Kani and Maggie showing of their sofa-sitting-styles, that they share with a lot of their full- and halfsiblings 🙂


120527Juno 3kopi 120527Leon 120607Maggie01 collage

2018-04-02T12:15:58+00:00June 7th, 2012|

30 May 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:58+00:00May 29th, 2012|
The happening of the year in the Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback Club was finally here, and we had been looking forward to this weekend for quite some time. We had 5 dogs from our A-litter entered, as well as daddy Sheriff and mum Kiwi.
We spent the days around the ring with lovely people and dogs, and had an even greater time eating, drinking and laughing almost all night long 😉 
Thanks to all lovely people involved in this fantastic weekend! 
Juniorclass males
– Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “LEON” – Very Good
– Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart (l) “KANI” – Good 
Championclass males
– Kuzonga’s Cheriff “SHERIFF” – Excellent
  » Very nice dog, good proportions, very nice head, good neck and front, well balanced in body, nice hindquarters, moved very well. 
Juniorclass females
– Wayosi Amazing Graze (l) “VARGA” – Excellent 3
  » Well balanced livernosed girl, good color, just a little light in eyes, nice feet, good tailset. moved very well covering ground.
– Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO” – Excellent
  » Well balanced bitch, nice head and front, nice hindquarter, good tailset, moved well covering ground.
– Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA” – Excellent 1, CQ, Best Bitch 2, res.CAC!!!
  » Very nice bitch, good size and color. Nice front and strong hindquarters, good tailset, moved very well
Championclass females
– Tappinkis Peach And Passion (l) “KIWI” – Excellent 1, CQ 
  » Nice feminin bitch, livernose, lovely head, neck and earset. Good front and hindquarter, nice feet, moved very well.
So Juba topped this already amazing weekend of by going Best Bitch 2 with res.CAC, only 10 months old! It’s unreal, and a absolutely amazing feeling seeing my own kennel-name on the winnerslist! Even if we had some nice results, I was so happy to see how nice tempered these dogs are. All 5 juniors entered the ring without any concerns, they behaved beautifully and had an amazing contact with their handlers/owners. They stood like statues when the judge examined them, and wagged their tails happily. I could not ask for more! Varga had never met her handler before, they trained for 5 minutes, and Varga acted like she had known Gunn Tove for ever! This is exactly the types of dogs I want to breed!! See more photos HERE!
  MLH5371  MLH5683  MLH5529  MLH5268 
 MLH5161  MLH5471  MLH5498  MLH5186 
2018-04-02T12:15:58+00:00May 29th, 2012|

120527 ~ Norwegian Ridgeback Speciality show

2018-04-02T12:23:02+00:00May 29th, 2012|
The happening of the year in the Norwegian Rhodesian Ridgeback Club was finally here, and we had been looking forward to this weekend for quite some time. We had 5 dogs from our A-litter entered, as well as daddy Sheriff and mum Kiwi. We spent the days around the ring with lovely people and dogs, and had an even greater time celebrating, eating, drinking and laughing almost all night long 😉 Thanks to all lovely people involved in this fantastic weekend!
Juniorclass males
– Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “LEON” – Very Good
– Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart (l) “KANI” – Good
Championclass males
– Kuzonga’s Cheriff “SHERIFF” – Excellent
– Wayosi Amazing Graze (l) “VARGA” – Excellent 3
– Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO” – Excellent
– Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA” – Excellent 1, CQ, Best Bitch 2, res.CAC!!! LaughingLaughing
– Tappinkis Peach And Passion (l) “KIWI” – Excellent 1, CQ
So Juba topped this already amazing weekend of by going Best Bitch 2 with res.CAC, only 10 months old! It’s unreal, and a absolutely amazing feeling seeing my own kennel-name on the winnerslist! Even if we had some nice results, I was so happy to see how nice tempered these dogs are. All 5 juniors entered the ring without any concerns, they behaved beautifully and had an amazing contact with their handlers/owners. They stood like statues when the judge examined them, and wagged their tails happily. I could not ask for more! Varga had never met her handler before, they trained for 5 minutes, and Varga acted like she had known Gunn Tove for ever! This is exactly the types of dogs I want to breed!!
   MLH5157  Leon
 MLH5161    Leon – happy as always! He always have this happy attitide towards the judge, and I just LOVE it! This is how it should be! 
 MLH5164  Leon
 MLH5172  Leon
 MLH5175  Leon
 MLH5186Kani and owner Ingunn. It was Ingunn’s first time in the show-ring, and I am amazed how well they did!
Kani had full focus on Ingunn all the time, and behaved like the wonderful little man he is!
 MLH5196Sweet Kani!  
 MLH5225 Kuzonga’s D’ Uncas of Embo
  MLH5235  Kuzonga’s Cheriff 
 MLH5253 Championclass males 
 MLH5261  Kuzonga’s Foenix
 MLH5263  Foenix
 MLH5268  Sheriff
 MLH5276  Sheriff 
 MLH5320 Sheriff 
 MLH5323 Championclass males line-up
 MLH5331 Lovely Kuzonga’s Foenix
 MLH5352 Kuzonga’s Cheriff
 MLH5363 At the end of the day on saturday, the Wayosi dogs and owners thought it would be a good idea to make a group-photo…. 
 MLH5368 It starts with Kiwi and Sheriff starting a fight over a treat…. 
Then Juba find some other things to do, and Leon goes hiding… 
 MLH5371But finally! 🙂
 MLH5377 Sooo obedient! 🙂
 MLH5378 And all hell brakes loose again.. 🙂
 MLH5379 Cutie Juno at the barbeque on saturday evening
 MLH5388 Juno practicing to the show on sunday
 MLH5390 Behaving quite nice
 MLH5396 Standing pretty!
  MLH5401 Both mum Emma and Juno standing pretty, well done!
 MLH5402Juno doings some trix, like putting her head in Emma’s hand!
  MLH5414 Sweet Gunn Tove (friend and superhandler) and Varga in juniorclass. Varga had never met GT before she entered the ring with her and behaved like a pro!
 MLH5416 Juba and Juno
 MLH5417 Juba
 MLH5424 Juno
 MLH5430 Varga
 MLH5432 Varga
 MLH5433 Varga
 MLH5444 Juba
 MLH5446 Juba
 MLH5449 Juba
 MLH5454 Sweet Juba!
 MLH5456 Juba
  MLH5470 Juno
  MLH5483  MLH5485 Varga
 MLH5488 Varga
 MLH5489 Juba
  MLH5556 Kiwi
 MLH5558 Kiwi
 MLH5564 Kiwi
  MLH5584Championclass female line-up
  MLH5585 Kiwi
 MLH5587 Kiwi
 MLH5589 Kiwi
 MLH5594 Kiwi
 MLH5605 Kiwi
 MLH5612 Juba in best female line-up
 MLH5616 Kiwi in best female line-up
 MLH5617 Kiwi
 MLH5676 Juba is happy as always 🙂
 MLH5677 We are slowing down the group, my little junior have to trot slowly, or else her kangaroo-genes kicks in 🙂
 MLH5679 And we ended up as Best Female 2!!! Trine (Juba’s co-owner) crying a little bit 🙂
 MLH5680  MLH5682  MLH5683 Juba
 MLH5684 Juba
 MLH5685 Juba
 MLH5695  Kuzonga’s breederclass
2018-04-02T12:23:02+00:00May 29th, 2012|

29 May 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00May 29th, 2012|
I have stolen some photos of Sheriff’s 4 lovely puppies at Kennel Hunting Pride, both stacked and mixed photos. They look so nice, and I just love those livernosed faces 🙂 Read more and see photos HERE.
garamba litter_3weekstack_male1 garamba litter_3weekstack_male4 garamba litter_3uker_hosdisco3
2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00May 29th, 2012|

120517 ~ At home and Leon

2018-04-02T12:23:28+00:00May 22nd, 2012|
Sheriff enjoying a marrow-bone..
Sheriff jumping for some dried bread!



 As ridgebacks most, Sheriff loves to be in the sun





Isi and Leon
Leon kissing up to aunt “Cruella de Ville” as we like to call her 🙂



 We had some family over on 17th of May, Norways constitutional day



 Leon and I practicing for the Ridgeback Speciality Show next weekend. 


 Leon 10 months old





















2018-04-02T12:23:28+00:00May 22nd, 2012|

15 May 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00May 15th, 2012|
Kani have now moved to his new home, with Ingunn and Jon Sverre in Oslo, just 20 minutes from us! I wish you the best of luck with this wonderful dog with a heart of gold, and welcome you to the the “Wayosi-gang” 🙂 See some photos her of Kani and Isi playing in our now fenced garden, before he left.
The biggest disapointment with Isi being empty have now let go, and we are looking forward to new plans in the fall. Isi is expected to come into heat in october/november, and the plans are starting to fall into place. We are chosing another male, because we don’t know if it is the natures way of telling or not, but I’m sure we will find another amazing male for Isi 🙂
2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00May 15th, 2012|

120513 ~ At home

2018-04-02T12:23:49+00:00May 13th, 2012|
Beautiful Kani!
We are fencing our garden, so the dogs can run free all day long.
Mister Wayosi taking a little coffee-break.. Yes, it was chilly 🙂
Kani and my little brother Amund
All things are potentiall toys 🙂
This photo would have neeb perfect if it was sharp.. 
Look! No feet on the ground 🙂
2018-04-02T12:23:49+00:00May 13th, 2012|

8 May 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00May 8th, 2012|
We did an ultrasound on Isi yesterday, and we could not se any small embryo sacs. This means we will not have any small puppyfeets in our house this summer. We were off course very disapointed, but nature have the final call. We are already planning for the next try, and will come back with more info when all is decided.
2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00May 8th, 2012|

29 April 2012

2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00April 29th, 2012|
We have attended 2 national shows this weekend in Eidsvoll, Norway. On Saturday we had Juba and Leon entered for judge John Wauben, and they both gained VG. They both got nice critiques, but needed to mature and develope more all over. 
 MLH4607  MLH4608  MLH4618  MLH4668
On Sunday we had Juba and Kani entrered for judge Eli-Marie Klepp, which also handed out 2 VG’s to our juniors. She also thought they needed to mature, but they got a very nice critique I absolutely could agree with. Kani charmed his way to the judge, who said: “powerful beautiful junior (…) large dog with a wonderful temperament, good luck in the future“. I couldn’t be happier for this words about our golden boy! A sweet temper hangs much higher for me than anything else.
 MLH4730  MLH4731  MLH4698  MLH4708
As the judge also pointed out, Kani needs more muscles in his paws. He had lost a lot of muscles when we got him back from the guidedog-school. We are working on building muscles on him, but he will need much time and careful training to get better. But he is slowly getting better and better! The most lovely boy no matter how he looks!…
2018-04-02T12:15:59+00:00April 29th, 2012|

28 April 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:00+00:00April 27th, 2012|
I have stolen some photos on Facebook of some of Sheriff’s offspring. Dahidos Canephora af Hilandra “NEPHORA” gained Exc with CK and was 3rd Best Female with res.CACIB at Västerås, Sweden today. Congratulations Marie and Mats! I also stole a photo of her brother Dahidos Laurentii af Hilandra “WINSTON” looking better for each time I see him. Sheriff’s offsprings are developing slow, but good 🙂 Sheriff’s daughter Tiisha is having puppies in Kennel Thakawi in a couple of weeks, and the pregnancy really suits her! 
120428Nephora 120429Winston 120429Tiisha
2018-04-02T12:16:00+00:00April 27th, 2012|

22 April 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:00+00:00April 23rd, 2012|
Sheriff, Kani and I met up with Leon, Juba and Enya (that came all the way from Fredrikstad to meet us) and went for a walk in the city to have some environment-training, and let the dogs run free in a fenced area outside Lillestrøm. I thought it was a large fenced area, but it turned out it was small and MUDDY! But the youngsters loved it, while Sheriff was not very satisfied and was rather crumpy over the conditions 🙂 Need I say we had some dirty dogs that had to go straight in the shower when we came home.. I have gotten new photos of Juno here, Juba here, Maggie here, Leon here, Hektor here, and also a new photo of Kani on “easter-holiday” here
 MLH4494  MLH4527  MLH4511 120423Maggie
2018-04-02T12:16:00+00:00April 23rd, 2012|

120422 ~ RR-meeting

2018-04-02T12:24:03+00:00April 23rd, 2012|
We went for a walk in our little city Lillestrøm together with Juba, Enya, Kani and Leon from our A-litter, as well as daddy Sheriff. We trained some showing, and walked around in the city for some environment-training, and then we went to a fenced place outside the city were the dogs can run loose. All the dogs had a great time swimming around in the mud, except from Sheriff that was rather grumpy in the shitty weather 😉
Juba 9 moths old, practicing for her first show as a junior
She have developed into a lovely feminine female!
The mud-hole! But the dogs loved it! Kani and Luna
Kani and Luna wresteling, Juba and Enya in the back
Leon dirty even around his eyes!!
Leon, Juba and Enya
Cutie Less (Hunting Pride Etosha Egamisha)
Juba after a refreshing mud-bath.. I hear it’s good for the skin.. 😉
Sheriff – almost clean. The cleaner, the grumpyer 🙂
Kani and Luna
Enya 9 months old, first time stacking since 8 weeks 🙂
2018-04-02T12:24:03+00:00April 23rd, 2012|

Kiwi through her pregnancy

2018-04-02T12:25:46+00:00April 14th, 2012|
Day 59
Weight: ?  Waist: 88 cm (+34 cm)   Belly: 96 cm (+28 cm)
Day 55
Weight: ?  Waist: 89 cm (+35 cm)   Belly: 94 cm (+27 cm)
Day 54
Weight: ?  Waist: 88 cm (+34 cm)   Belly: 93 cm (+26 cm)
Day 51
X-ray of Kiwi’s belly. How many puppies can you see?
Weight: 43 kg (+13 kg)  Waist: 84 cm (+30 cm)   Belly: 91 cm (+24 cm)
Day 50
Weight: ? kg  Waist: 84 cm   Belly: 89 cm
Until today she has gained a total of 30 cm around her waist, and 22 cm around her belly!
Day 49
Weight: ? kg  Waist: 79 cm   Belly: 86 cm
Until today she has gained a total of 25 cm around her waist, and 19 cm around her belly!
Day 47
Weight: 41 kg  Waist: 78 cm   Belly: 84 cm
Until today she has gained a total of 24 cm around her waist, and 17 cm around her belly!
Day 43
Weight: ? kg  Waist: 74 cm   Belly: 78 cm
Until today she has gained a total of 20 cm around her waist, and 11 cm around her belly!
Kiwi in her new puppy-box day 41
Weight: ? kg  Waist: 70 cm   Belly: 76 cm
Day 37
Weight: ? kg  Waist: 67 cm   Belly: 76 cm
Day 24
Weight: 33 kg  Waist: 54 cm   Belly: 67 cm
Day 22
Ultrasound showed that Kiwi is pregnant, and have a little bunch of puppies inside her!
Weight: 33,2   Waist: 54 cm   Belly: 67 cm
5 days
May 14
9 days before mating
2018-04-02T12:25:46+00:00April 14th, 2012|

A-litter blog

2020-08-03T08:31:01+00:00April 6th, 2012|


Saturday 3/9-2011  – 56 days old

The puppies are 8 weeks old today, and the first two is leaving us to start their new lives. Miss White – Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno” is leaving us to live with Emma and Sebastian and the ridgeback Stella, outside Gothenburg, Sweden. Mister Red – Wayosi Ambitions by Cheriff “Leon” is leaving us to live with Gry and Pål and their 2 children in Maura, Norway. I wish them all the best in the future, and I am very happy that these 2 will have active and dedicated homes!

In the last couple of weeks we have been taking the puppies out on all sorts of adventures. We have taken they in the car every other day, and they are now completely still and lays down to sleep when we drive. I think they like to spend time in the car now. We have been taking them to our friends and family, and I was always surprised to see how outgoing and self-confident they were in every situation. They have been at the lake near us to explore nature and water, and they just loved it.

Last Tuesday we had a judge here to test the puppies with PAT-test (puppy aptitude test), and the result was just wonderful! The puppies were all outgoing and social, curious, showed no dominance or fear and was not afraid of any sounds. They were very playful and showed a lot of interest in objects. The judge and audience said that it shouldn’t be any mental problems with these puppies, but if I were going to have some of them back, it’s because of their high activity-level! 😉 I got so much positive feedback from my friends in our working-dog association, and they were all very surprised to see these little puppies acting the way they do, because this is not the way they are used to see the Rhodesian Ridgeback on courses, at the veterinary etc. So I am really proud that this combination, up until now, have turned out the way I had hoped. So now I cross my fingers for the rest of their life’s, and hope for healthy, happy and beautiful dogs.

A lot of new photo albums have been published, as well as 8-weeks stacked photos.


Friday 19/8-2011  – 41 days old

The days are flying away now, and the entire day is used to care for the puppies. Each day they get to come out alone for 15 minutes, and I am very proud to see how their mentality is like. They are all very outgoing, social and curious, and always run around with their tail held high with a lovely attitude. They have a lot of instincts for playing, fighting with a pull or chains (!!) and they love to steel shoes and carry them around. They are a active little bunch, that would like it to be action all the time. They for sure let’s us know when they want something to happen! 🙂

Sheriff doesn’t quite know how to handle the little monsters, so he mostly stays out of the way. Isi on the other hand loves the puppies, and are the best play-aunt. Kiwi does her best to correct and educate the puppies, and she is doing a good job, and gets better at it each day!

New photos from last week here and new individual photos from day 49 (7 weeks ) here.


Friday 19/8-2011  – 41 days old

Oops.. And the time flew! The puppies are starting to become small little monsters now! We have 10 little aliens in the puppybox right now, and they manage to make the total mess in only few minutes! 🙂 But I love the fact that they are so wonderfully social, they have a lot of curiosity, and a lots and lots of play and interest for tugs and pulls. I am very happy with this litter, they are all I ever wanted! They seem to be great mentally, but they also look very good exterior wise. They are all very type-like, and their exterior qualities harmonize. I can’t wait to see these little wonders in the showring in the future!

We have found some amazing homes to our wonders, but we still have 2 correct livernosed males that are looking for a good, lasting and active home. This boys are 2 active boys, with a super attitude towards everything and everyone. I think they will be suited for both exterior and showing!

They destroyed their first and second set of collars, so we try again… Miss White, who became Miss Beige, is now Miss White again.. Mister Yellow is now Mister Brown. Difficult?? Yes, I know! 😉

We took the puppies in the car for the first time 2 days ago, and drove to my mothers house. She had made the best puppy-garden there, and all of her dogs toys were lying on the grass. It was doggy-heaven for the little monsters, and I think they had the best time of their 5 weeks old life! 🙂

See a lot of new pictures from day 38 here and a lot of lovely photos of the puppies playing in my mothers garden day 39 here.


Friday 12/8-2011  – 34 days old

I just can’t believe that the puppies soon are 5 weeks old already! Even though I know our puppies have fantastic new owners, I would miss the little devils to death!

They are getting more and more like little dogs every day and they all have the most fantastic personalities. Today our little “fatso” Miss Beige, was the first to climp the opening in the puppy-box, and she run around on the kitchen and the entrance with her tail held high and lots and lots off attitude!

They have spend many hours outside today, and they have tried all the new “objects” in the puppy-garden. They heard the lawnmower for the first time, and they run towards the fence to figure out what this sound was. A bunch of happy and curious puppies for sure!

We will publish 5 weeks stacked photos on Sunday, but here are som photos from day 33 and day 34.


Saturday 6/8-2011  – 28 days old

The puppies are 4 weeks old today, and I can’t believe they are leaving us in 4 weeks. They are developing so fast from day to day, and we see big differences every day. Today we have taken the very first stacked photos of our 10 wonders, and I think it went quite well. It was the first time stacking so small puppies for me, and the first time Børge had to take photos and tell me if it looked good or not. He had a steep learning curve! 🙂

They also got their second deworming and we weighed them. Miss Pink and Mister Grey have been the smallest ones since birth, and they weighed 2,9 kg now, while all the others weighed between 3,3 kg and 3,4 kg. The biggest one was Miss Beige (former Miss White) who weighed 3,5 kg. She is big, but I guess it is because of her very developed awareness of food!

The puppies have been outside for several hours today, and they are expanding their horizon every day. Today some of them was all round the puppy-garden, and some of them stretched out in full gallop the way puppies do it in this age. So cute!

See the individual photos here and mixed photos here.


Wednesday 3/8-2011  – 25 days old

A bunch of new pictures can bee seen here and here. All the photo albums are linked from the A-litter page.  The lightning destroyed our internet-connection a couple of days ago, so I haven’t been able to update our homepage for a couple of days.

We are now starting to get some more routine on things, for example feeding, cleaning, cutting nails etc. The puppies gets food 3 times a day now, and Kiwi gives them milk when they are hungry. Poor little girl is sore on her nipples because the puppies teeth are growing and they are quite rough on her.

We take the puppies out every day now, but it is very warm outside, so they need to be in the shadow. They are out for 30 – 60 minutes and they love it. Especially Isi loves to bee with the puppies outside, and she is laying next to them all the time and try to play with them. They are a little to small to understand her play-invites, but  soon I think she will have 10 piraia’s hanging on her legs and tail! 🙂 It’s so beautiful to see how kind Kiwi is, and that she have let Isi be around the puppies from they were 2 weeks old. Kiwi have welcomed every visitor to see her puppies, and she have never shown stress or anxiety towards our handling of the puppies. The perfect little mommy!

Sheriff and Børge have been to the mountain for 1 week now, and just a few hour after they left a week ago, Kiwi started to bark more at sounds from the outside than she had used to. It quickly become clear to me that she had taken over Sheriff’s guarding-duty! 🙂 When he wasn’t her to take care of things, she had to step in. So when Sheriff arrived home yesterday, Kiwi stopped guarding and let him get is old job back. So funny to see! 🙂

Sheriff has had a great week with all the attention circulating around him, just as he likes it! So when he got home yesterday, it was almost like he wanted to go back to the mountain when he saw all the puppies! 🙂 But it was good to have my boys home again!


Saturday 30/7-2011  – 21 days old

We have taken individual photos of the puppies today, which can bee seen here and some mixed photos here. They are growing fast, and I see more and more of their personality every day. Some of they are very curious and active, while others are more calm and don’t have the same curiosity. Yet…  But everyone seems very straight forward and they seek company by people and often fall a sleep next to our visitors.

We have tried to feed them wet dry-food twice today, and only some of they wants it. Kiwi has quite a lot of milk, so I think they still get what they need from her. We have made a puppy-garden outside with the help from my father, and it turned out great! A lot of space, but not too much, entrance to our veranda and grass, bushes and other exiting stuff. Now the puppies can spend their days outside when the weather is good.

The life in the puppy-box are quiet before the storm! 🙂


Thursday 28/7-2011  – 19 days old

There have been a lot of change in just two days! From one hour to the next, the puppies went from sleeping beauties to awake little monsters! 🙂

They now run/waggle around, play with each other, bark and growl and throws themselves at us when we enter the box. And this at 19 days, I can only guess how it would be like in 2 weeks!

They tried meat for the first time, wich they absolutely loved. Then we tried puppy-food, and they loved that to. So now they get a little puppy-food in addition and they eat well and almost fell a sleep in the food. They are so cute!

They got their first deworming today, and they thought it tasted very funny. But they quickly fell a sleep again. We took them outside for the first time time today, and they walked around with their tail held high, and then felt a sleep in the shadow. Isi was thrilled to see the puppy outside the box, and Kiwi did not mind that Isi were smelling and trying to play with the puppies. She would be the perfect reserve-mom for the puppies!

Sheriff has traveled to the mountain with Børge, so its only me, Isi, Kiwi and the 10 little monsters her. I think Sheriff would love to spend some time on the mountain, being the only dog and getting all the attention! 🙂

We still have a few puppies that are waiting for the perfect home. If you want a dog to work or hunt with and could provide an active, loving and lasting home, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Pictures from day 18 here and day 19 here.


Tuesday 26/7-2011  – 17 days old

A lot have happened with the puppies since my last post. They have now all opened their eyes, and “walks” around and exploring the puppybox. Mister Grey, Mister Blue and Mister Yellow was the first to climb out of the box, and I woke up one night and found Mister Blue sleeping next to my bed on Kiwi’s blanket. 

Today they got to try their first meal, and they were all crazy about the meat. Definitely inherited Kiwi’s and Sheriff’s passion for food!

We have cut their nails for the 3rd time, and this time some of them was really difficult to handle. They did not want to sit still, and was crawling and screaming. But we waited them out, and eventually they were all still and quiet.

Sheriff think the puppies are boring, and don’t pay them any attention. Isi on the other hand, is so curious and stands outside the box and stares at them all day. She wonders what those smelly and noisy things are, and doesn’t quite dare to go close to them yet. Kiwi lets her stand outside the box, as long as she don’t make noise!

Kamilla Lysaker was here today and checked for Dermoid Sinus, and luckily she either did not find any. But she confirmed my suspicions that Miss Black probably will get offset crowns.

New individual 2 week- pictures and some new pictures of the puppies 17 days old here.

puppy / grams Birth 10 days 17 days %
Miss Black 460 1300 1700 369
Mister Yellow 550 1300 1800 327
Mister Orange 595 1420 2100 353
Mister Red 550 1220 1700 300
Mister Grey 400 1090 1500 375
Miss Green 550 1340 1800 327
Miss Pink 520 1200 1500 288
Miss Purple 500 1250 1700 340
Mister Blue 595 1450 1900 320
Miss White 540 1320 1900 351

Thursday 21/7-2011  – 12 days old

All of our cute little puppies have now opened their eyes and they have the most beautiful little eyes. They are much calmer when we handle them now, and they were calm and easy to handle when we cut their nails again the other day. It seems they now sleep and eat, no crying anymore. Kiwi have found a good interval for feeding them, and they are happy and gaining weight every day.

Kiwi makes me so proud. She is the coolest mother ever, and don’t stress at all when we are handling the puppies, moving them when we clean the puppy-box or have visitors. She is just so happy and proud over her puppies,  and wants to show them to everyone! She don’t mind Sheriff and Isi taking a peak at the puppies, and loves to spend some time outside digging big holes in the ground together with Isi, chasing our cat or search for treats. No worries at all! These puppies will for sure have the coolest and most laidback mother ever, so I guess they will never feel what stress is all about when they are together with their mother. More pictures here.


Tuesday 19/7-2011  – 10 days old

Miss Black has now started to open her eyes, and I guess the others are coming after soon. The most beautiful little eyes! We are totally in love! They are developing so fast! I have cut their nails 2 times already. They are growing so much! They have all doubled their weight now, and the heaviest one aren’t Mister Orange anylonger, but Mister Blue with 1450 grams! A lot of new pictures here.

  Birth 7 days 10 days %
Miss Black 460 1000 1300 182
Mister Yellow 550 1120 1300 136
Mister Orange 595 1200 1420 138
Mister Red 550 1020 1220 121
Mister Grey 400 950 1090 172
Miss Green 550 1100 1340 143
Miss Pink 520 1000 1200 130
Miss Purple 500 1000 1250 150
Mister Blue 595 1090 1450 143
Miss White 540 1030 1320 144


Sunday 17/7-2011  – 8 days old

Everything is going great, and Kiwi has now learned to sleep outside the puppybox and when she feels it’s time for feeding, she lays down together with the puppies. This way the puppies are more quite because they eat and sleep with a nice interval, and Kiwi also get some sleep. When she enter the puppybox they wake up right away and throws themselves over the milk, eats and then fall asleep with a nipple in their mouth. So cute! 🙂 They are just getting bigger and bigger, and they are stronger and are starting to use their legs a little bit more, instead of just crawling. More pictures here.


Saturday 16/7-2011  – 7 days old

New individual pictures of the puppies here.

Every puppy has gained a lot of weight, and 6 of them have doubled their birthweight, while the other 4 are soon there!

Kiwi is in good shape, and she spends more and more time outside the puppybox. She feeds them regularly, but loves to come with us for a longer walk, or searching for treats outside.

  Birth 7 days %
Miss Black 460 1000 117
Mister Yellow 550 1120 103
Mister Orange 595 1200 101
Mister Red 550 1020 85
Mister Grey 400 950 137
Miss Green 550 1100 100
Miss Pink 520 1000 92
Miss Purple 500 1000 100
Mister Blue 595 1090 83
Miss White 540 1030 90


Friday 15/7-2011  – 6 days old

The puppies are getting bigger and bigger everyday, and they are starting to make more noise. They scream when they are not satisfied, and I think they sounds like little piglets when they don’t get the milk fast enough! Kiwi has been out with the other dogs today, searching for food in the grass and digging whole under the trees. She is her old self again, happy all the time and with a big Kiwi-smile! 🙂

New pictures here.


Thursday 14/7-2011  – 5 days old

I will start to write about the puppies development in this blog. It is also good to have something to look back at later! 🙂

Our puppies was born 8th and 9th of July, but we register the puppies birth to 9th of July. The birth took 14 hours, and most of the puppies arrived with ease. Puppy #4, little Mr Red, came with his backlegs first, and his fetal bladder was ruptured. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his backlegs, and the placenta hadn’t losened, and thus prevented him from coming out. After some fumbling, we were able to cut the umbilical cord and he came out. He was very weak, but we rubbed him alot and then he came to life with a big scream! He started to eat right away, and is a fighter. The rest came with 1-2 hours between, and sadly one beautiful correct liver male was stillborn.

The puppies are 5 days old today, and they are getting bigger and bigger. Mister Orange is our biggest puppy, and he for sure know how to get food. He push his brothers and sisters away to get the best nipple, so I have to keep an eye on him during feeding. I have been sort of concerned for him, because his belly is very big and sometimes a little bit hard. I was afraid he had gotten constipated, but he seems ok and sleeps like a baby. Little Mister Grey was the smallest when born, and he still is. But he has gained weight, and we place him at the best nipples so we know that he gets enough milk.

Kiwi cares perfectly for her puppies, but sometimes she gets frustrated when one puppy is screaming for something and she doesn’t quite know why. Usually that means it is hungry, so I tell Kiwi to lay down, the puppy gets milk, and everyone is happy! 🙂 Kiwi have had some after-contractions, and when her uterus contracts, she starts digging in her puppy-box and obviously it hurts a bit. We don’t want her to dig in her puppy-box, because she could dig the blankets over her puppies, and by mistake lie down on them. So we keep an eye on her, and when she starts digging, we let her dig in my bed next to the puppy-box instead.

I am really amazed by how cool and secure Kiwi is concerning her puppies. She doesn’t mind Sheriff and Isi standing outside her puppy-box, as long as they don’t come in. Already from day 3 did she want to come with us for a walk, and she loves to spend some time in our garden searching for food in the grass, together with the other dogs. Kiwi have a very strong mentality, as this only confirm!

Her you can see the puppies weight-progress, and everyone has gained weight very quickly, and some have almost doubled their birthweight already.

  Birth 3 days 5 days %
Miss Black 460 690 850 84
Mister Yellow 550 760 915 66
Mister Orange 595 830 1020 71
Mister Red 550 760 870 58
Mister Grey 400 550 750 87
Miss Green 550 750 900 63
Miss Pink 520 680 830 59
Miss Purple 500 690 850 70
Mister Blue 595 740 930 56
Miss White 540 780 930 72
2020-08-03T08:31:01+00:00April 6th, 2012|

06 April 2011

2018-04-02T12:16:01+00:00April 6th, 2012|
I have made a new album of Isi, with a selection of my favorite photos of her, and updated her other albums as well. I have also updated with new photo’s in Ecco’s album.
2018-04-02T12:16:01+00:00April 6th, 2012|

02 April 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:01+00:00April 2nd, 2012|
I got a little movie of Maggie, she is full of lust for life and speed! 🙂 
I also got a new photo of Juno.
2018-04-02T12:16:01+00:00April 2nd, 2012|

31 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:02+00:00March 31st, 2012|
Kani (Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart) and I took the train to Oslo together with Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) and her owner Trine. We walked around whole central-Oslo, and also visited Akershus Fortress were we took some photos. The dogs got to experience both trains, trainstation, crowded places, noices and they behaved great. They were so tired at the train home that they almost fell asleep standing up 🙂 See a lot of photos from the day here
 MLH3975  MLH4028  MLH4085 
 MLH4116  MLH4140  MLH4150
 MLH4159  MLH4188 
2018-04-02T12:16:02+00:00March 31st, 2012|

120331 ~ Kani & Juba

2018-04-02T12:25:58+00:00March 31st, 2012|
Kani (Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart) AND I took the train to Oslo together with Juba (Wayosi All That Jazz) and her owner Trine. We walked around whole central-Oslo, and also visited Akershus Fortress were we took some photos. Enjoy!
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
 Juba & Kani
Juba & Kani
2018-04-02T12:25:58+00:00March 31st, 2012|

29 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:02+00:00March 29th, 2012|
I recieved some new photos of Maggie, and they are just lovely! Thank you Hanna and Johan! See the photos here.  I have also stolen a new photo of Juno, see it here.
thumb IMG 1376 thumb IMG 3488 thumb IMG 3493

2018-04-02T12:16:02+00:00March 29th, 2012|

22 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:03+00:00March 22nd, 2012|
We recieved some new photos of Juno (Wayosi Another Sunny Day), see them here. One new photo of Juba here.
 MG_3142  MG_3223  MG_3177

2018-04-02T12:16:03+00:00March 22nd, 2012|

21 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:04+00:00March 20th, 2012|
I have taken some new photos of Kani today, as well as one hairy photo of Isi 🙂 Se more photos here!
 MLH3534  MLH3564  MLH3554  
2018-04-02T12:16:04+00:00March 20th, 2012|

120320 ~ Kani, Isi and Sheriff

2018-04-02T12:26:17+00:00March 19th, 2012|
Sheriff and Kani
Crazy Kani!
Isi and Kani is always up for a good play 🙂
Isi, soon 3 years old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” – 8,5 months old
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” – 8,5 months old

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” – 8,5 months old

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” – 8,5 months old

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart “KANI” – 8,5 months old

2018-04-02T12:26:17+00:00March 19th, 2012|

18 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:04+00:00March 17th, 2012|
Sheriff’s son Damisis Aboisso “DIEZEL” (liver) rocked the show-rings at Malmø International Show today, and ended up BEST MALE and BOS with CAC and CACIB. New photos of Diezel here.
Diezel was expertly handled by Ilse Hulsebos, and acted like he had always known her. In reality they had met 30 minutes before entering the ring!  But he would follow you to the moon and back if you have treats for him, just like his dad Sheriff 🙂 

 diezel267 diezellarge108 diezel095 diezel251
Juno have been out show-training and I got this photo. She’s developing so nicely, and is so much like her litter-sister Maggie. I hope to see Juno in the show-ring soon 🙂
2018-04-02T12:16:04+00:00March 17th, 2012|

16 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:05+00:00March 16th, 2012|
We attended MyDog International Show in Gothenburg, and got some really nice results! Kiwi was Excellent 2 with CQ and Best Bitch 4 on thursday, and Excellent 4 with CQ on Friday. Sheriff’s drop dead gorgeous son Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” was Excellent 3 with CQ on Thursday, and was Excellent 1 with CQ and Best Male 2 with CAC and res-CACIB on Friday! See more photos here.
2018-04-02T12:16:05+00:00March 16th, 2012|

120311 ~ Kennelmeeting

2018-04-02T12:26:30+00:00March 11th, 2012|
Kiwi – in super shape again after the birth!
Aragorn got sore on his feet, and had to get some comfort by mum Marianne 🙂
Sheriff is thrilled to see Thoril who came to visit us!
 MLH3316  MLH3326
Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA” – 8 months old
 MLH3334  MLH3336
Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart (l) “KANI” – 8 months old
 MLH3367  MLH3364
Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff “LEON” – 8 months old
 MLH3384  MLH3374
Wayosi Amazng Grace (l) “VARGA” – 8 months old
 MLH3425  MLH3426
Wayosi All Fired Up (l) “ARAGORN” – 8 months old
 MLH3436  MLH3437
Tappinskis Peach And Passion (l) “KIWI” – 4 years old
 MLH3451  MLH3458
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “SHERIFF” – 6,5 years old
The gang!
Kani sure knows how to charm the ladies! 🙂
2018-04-02T12:26:30+00:00March 11th, 2012|

11 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:05+00:00March 11th, 2012|
We had a lovely day on our kennelmeeting, see photos here! 5 of 10 puppies was present, as well as mum Kiwi, dad Sheriff and airedale-auntie Isi. All the dogs was happy to be out in the lovely weather, and I am so proud of our fantastic puppies!
 MLH3481 collage 
2018-04-02T12:16:05+00:00March 11th, 2012|

A-litter 8 months today!

2018-04-02T12:29:41+00:00March 9th, 2012|
Congratulations to our A-litter who is 8 months today! 
Iza have been mated to Sheriff and we now cross our fingers for puppies in the middle of May. We are proud to present Sheriff’s new girlfriend Qira, read more about this combination here.


2018-04-02T12:29:41+00:00March 9th, 2012|

9 March 2012

2018-04-02T12:16:05+00:00March 9th, 2012|
Congratulations to our A-litter who is 8 months today! 
Iza have been mated to Sheriff and we now cross our fingers for puppies in the middle of May. We are proud to present Sheriff’s new girlfriend Qira, read more about this combination here.

See some new photos of Kani under.

 MLH3222  MLH3226  MLH3218  
2018-04-02T12:16:05+00:00March 9th, 2012|

120223 ~ Various

2018-04-02T12:30:06+00:00February 24th, 2012|
Isi attacking Sheriff…
He stood still for 1 second, but he off course closed his eyes…
My little beauty!
2018-04-02T12:30:06+00:00February 24th, 2012|

21 February 2012

2018-04-02T12:19:51+00:00February 21st, 2012|
Kani loves to train obedience and shows such a attitude and motivation!

MLH 2774  MLH 2774-1 
2018-04-02T12:19:51+00:00February 21st, 2012|

080128 Bjørnåsen

2018-04-02T12:33:37+00:00February 20th, 2012|

På parkeringsplassen på Nuggerud

Sheriff speider etter noe gøy å jage..

Kommer du eller?

Ved branntårnet på Bjørnåsen

Skal vi denne veien?

Vakker natur i Østmarka

Her lukter det godt..

Kongen av Bjørnåsen.

2018-04-02T12:33:37+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080204 Qulan

2018-04-02T12:33:38+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Hvordan aktivisere en aktiv RR når man har dårlig tid en kveld? – gi kveldsmaten i aktivitetsQulan!

Dette gjør jeg stadig vekk, når lang tur med hunden ofres til fordel for studier. Sheriff synes dette er kjempegøy, og han blir helt vill når jeg tar frem Qulan. Det er aktivitetsQulan fra Nina Ottoson, og er lett for hundene og trille, uten lyd og annet vissvass.

2018-04-02T12:33:38+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080213 Hvaltjern

2018-04-02T12:33:39+00:00February 20th, 2012|

13.februar var vi på Hvaltjern sammen med Stine, Noah og Storm, hvor gutta koset seg i snøen. Rampen Storm var i sitt ess, og irriterte som vanlig vettet av Sheriff! Men Sheriff og Noah fikk vise sin kjærlighet til hverandre med bestevenn-rundsleikinga si når rampen var i bånd.


Du og jeg Noah…

Du er så fin du Noah!

Noah synes snø er det deiligste som er..


Balansere på tømmerstokker er ingen sak for Sheriff’en.

Fine gutten til mamma’n sin

Den sorte armè, med sjefs-rampen i tet.

Gutta under innkalling. Førstemann!

Og så prøvde vi en innkalling til fra sitt, men Noah ble sittende, fordi det hadde mutter sagt at han skulle….

Men de to andre lot seg lure!

15.februar gikk vi en liten tur med Mamma og Millie.

Lille Millie på 4 mnd.

2018-04-02T12:33:39+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080317 Mountain

2018-04-02T12:33:40+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi var på Storefjell høyfjellshotell påsken 2008 med hele familien min, samboer og 2 bikkjer. Og vi hadde ett helt fantastisk vær!

Milevis med fjell og nydelige skiløyper!

Jeg og bikkjene tar en pustepause i solen etter lang tur innover fjellet. Bikkjene koser seg masse.

Sheriff står selvfølgelig, for han vil jo ikke forfryse ballene sine! ☺

Vakre Ecco

Sheriff bedriver sin favoritt-hobby, å spise pinner!

Ecco koser seg i snøen

Jeg fikk overtalt min samboer Børge til å bli med på skitur også, men han var glad han ble med etterpå.

Lillebror Amund leker med Børge og Ecco.

Appelsiner og soling hører med.

2018-04-02T12:33:40+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080327 Hvaltjern

2018-04-02T12:33:41+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi gikk tur på Hvaltjern med Stine og Noah, og lot gutta løpe litt på skistadioen. Rampen Storm måtte være hjemme alene, så Noah fikk litt alene-tid med mamma’n sin og verdens beste kamerat Sheriff. De delte en ball begge hadde lyst på til tider, men de ordner opp så fint seg i mellom.

Sheriff er lei seg for at han brølte til Noah… Sorry Buddy!

I love you.. 

Litt uklart, men her ser man hver bidige muskel på Sheriff.

Haha, jeg fikk tak i ballen…

Jeg flyyyr!

Få den ballen da!


Kom og ta meg da vel?..

2018-04-02T12:33:41+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080419 Various

2018-04-02T12:33:42+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Bilder fra gutta på jordet i Nittedal, og fra trening sammen med Stine, Noah og Storm på Hvaltjern. Bildene er redigert på redigeringskurs hos fotograf Simen Myrberget, og har i utgangspunktet ikke veldig bra kvalitet. Men det er utrolig hva man kan gjøre med bilder om man har det rette verktøyet.. Nå gjenstår bare øving, før bildene blir bra.

Ecco liker å apportere, apportere og apportere.. En liten retriever i denne hunden..

Utstilling skal det bli til sommeren, så da må man øve på å stå pent.

Ecco er fra bruks-linjer, som i utgangspunktet ikke er noe å stille ut,

men Ecco har ganske gode proposjoner, men dessverre litt myk pels..

Det endelige resultatet i PhotoShop, utgangspunktet kan sees under…

Ganske mye forskjell…

Sheriff liker å følge trening fra balkong-plass… Man kan jo ikke ligge på bakken før juni..

Sheriff’s beste venn Noah, etter noen redigeringer på sikkel og andre ting som ikke egner seg på nett! 🙂

Skisse av Storm

Og dette var utgangspunktet..

Jeg jobbet litt med det, og så ble det slik..

Skisse av Sheriff

Dette var utgangspunktet, og når jeg jobbet litt med det…

Ble det slik

Dumbo i farta..

2018-04-02T12:33:42+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080526 Bjørnåsen

2018-04-02T12:33:43+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Gutta koser seg på gresset

Søte Ecco

Dette var hva som møtte meg da jeg kom over en topp.. 
Og Ecco som var nydusjet og fønet da jeg hentet han på kennelen…


2018-04-02T12:33:43+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080603 Valsjøen

2018-04-02T12:33:43+00:00February 20th, 2012|




Og så er det viktig å passe på ballen sin så ikke Millie får tak i den..

2018-04-02T12:33:43+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080608 Nittedal

2018-04-02T12:33:44+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff er i “doggy-heaven” da muttern hadde kjøpt masse nye leker fra Clean Run!

Den nye bitepølsa med vaskebjørn-skinn var helt topp!

Alt var gøy!

Oops.. Rulla rundt og havna her..

Ecco har sin helt egen vannkanne som han bærer rundt!

Vannkanna har han hatt siden han var valp.

2018-04-02T12:33:44+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080609 Hvaltjern

2018-04-02T12:33:45+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Stine syntes det var viktig å ta bilde av at Sheriff tisser…

På med sporsele, for nå skal vi gå spor

Først sporoppsøk

Der var sporet ja..

Flink gutt som finner tennisballen. Sheriff sleiker seg rundt munnen i forventning om godis..

Videre bærer det..

Her var det nytt spor ja.. Litt bakspor først..

Før han går sporet i riktig retning

Og finner boksen med godbiter som Stine hadde lagt igjen.. Forventningen om godis er stor, sjekk tunga til Sheriff!

Sheriff morer seg stort over “play-pole”en jeg kjøpte fra USA.

Gutta fikk leke litt i vannet etterpå, men stakkar Noah måtte ligge i bilen fordi han har operert poten sin..

Kult, se hva jeg fant!

Storm syntes tingen i vannet var litt skummel..


Yea!! Se hva jeg fant!

Sheriff ser passe små-gal ut…

Jeg fant en spade!

Sheriff synes Storm plasker litt for mye..

Bare pass deg, den er min!

2018-04-02T12:33:45+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080625 Hvaltjern

2018-04-02T12:33:46+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi var på hvaltjern for å bedrive litt ringtrening og lydighetstrening. Stine skal stille Sheriff for meg på NKK Bjerke søndag 29.juni, hvis formen fortsatt er god og hun klarer å løpe. Jeg skal stille Ecco i ringen ved siden av, og rasene har oppmøte samme tid, så selv om jeg hadde rukket å ta begge to, koser Sheriff seg i ringen når han får gå med andre.

Stine tester formen

Sheriff synes imidlertid det hele er kjedelig, og prøver å leke litt


Ser bra ut både hund og fører, skulle ikke tro Stine var 4 uker fra termin!

Etterpå var det fritt frem for Sheriff’s favoritthygge- å rulle seg i gresset!


Etter en tid i bilen, mens to sorte skøyere fikk trene litt var det igjen Sheriff sin tur, denne gangen for å trene litt lydighet…

Sheriff digger Wubba-Kongen

Trener på å gå foran i line, men ser vel ut som snusing i line….

Det er bedre..

Fremadsending til kjegle


Få mat da!

Pølsa kommer flygende..

Jeg tar’n!


Full rulle til mutter’n

Flink hund det.. Lurer på hvorfor føreren har sånn knekk i knærne..

Lineføring, god kontakt


Forflyttninger på stedet

2 skritt høyre

Og så skulle vi teste krypen, men Sheriff ville heller rulle seg i gresset…

Dette er mye bedre mutter’n…

Vi prøver igjen..

Nei, Sheriff vil rulle seg i gresset..

Prøver å fortelle Sheriff at man kan konsentrere seg bittelitt

Sånn ja det var bedre

Så prøver vi med oppreist fører

Veldig bra, for- og bakpart er tilstrekkelig lav

Og så pølse..

Og tennisball

Sheriff i utmerket kondisjon 3 år gammel

Så leker vi litt med bitepølsa vår med vaskebjørnskinn, den er knallkul

Vakker jeg?

Fremadsending til rute, tester om det fungerer, vi har liksom aldri lært inn denne..

Men joda, gikk greit det, bortsett fra at Sheriff løper ned kjegla..

Men plasserer seg rett i ruta.

Prøver fra alle kanter, ikke helt perfekt denne gangen

Da må mutter fortelle hvor jeg ønsker han skal stå

Og da får man pølse

Prøver igjen

Veldig bra!

Versågod pølse!

Fokus på ruta

Fin inngang

Men apporterer kjegla..

Mutter forteller at det gjør man ikke..

Neste gang lar vi den stå

Siste test med full øvelse, Sheriff reagerer raskt ved kommando

Full rulle

Fin inngang

Plasserer seg fint

Går en lengde før han dekker

Men en finfin øvelse, med god plassering mellom kjeglene.

Da gjenstår det å finne en super formel på hvordan alt skal fungere i konkurranse!J

2018-04-02T12:33:46+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080706 WDS

2018-04-02T12:33:49+00:00February 20th, 2012|

40 deltakende hunder i Åpen klasse.

Sheriff stod kjempefint, og ventet tålmodig på pølse. Flinke hunden!

Foto: Marie Holmstrøm


Vi ble plukket ut blant de 7 siste, og konkrransen var hard.

Her var det verdensvinnere og multichampions vi bare har lest om. Og lille norske Sheriff!! 


Men ikke vår tur til å bli plassert idag..

Sheriff var fortsatt sulten, og tok ikke øynene av maten til Børge..

2018-04-02T12:33:49+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080704 Circuit

2018-04-02T12:33:49+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Åpen klasse, 43 hunder

Nesten hele “norske-gjengen” var her, og det var kjempekoselig

Årsta slott, ett vakkert sted i vakre omgivelser

Vi koset oss masse i solen

Mens noen måtte være i buret sitt med kalde håndklær på seg for å ikke omkomme i varmen..

Sheriff har ikke lest at hans opprinnelsesland er Afrika…

Plutselig dro hele dommerteltet avgårde..

Flying dog…

Sheriff hadde dagen idag, og var plutselig “Sheriff-vil-og-kan” i ringen.

En fryd å stille idag

I fint driv

Str pent for dommeren gjorde han også. Det er greit så lenge ikke muttern peller så mye på han

Vi ble belønnet med Excellent (1.premie med CK) og skulle inn igjen i konkurranseklasse.

Foto: Marie Holmström

Foto: Marie Holmström

Foto: Marie Holmström

Foto: Marie Holmström

Og vi løp og løp og løp i ringen i konkurranseklassen


Og endte til slutt blant de 7 siste, men ble ikke plassert denne gangen. Men jeg er strålende fornøyd, vi var de eneste norske (tror jeg??) igjen på slutten.

2018-04-02T12:33:49+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080706 Stockholm

2018-04-02T12:33:51+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff og Børge skimtes i bakgrunn, på “Chochladkoppen” på Stortorget i Gamla Stan


Sheriff synes ikke man kan ligge her, så da står man…

Børge venter på servering

Sheriff i kjent positur…

Tigge jeg nei??..

Ja takk, jeg vil gjerne ha en pølse!

Et fint klokketårn..

Vakt utenfor slottet

“Hei du- flytt deg!” Jada…

Sheriff kjeder seg

Vaktskifte på slottet

Utsikt fra slottet


Sheriff var helt utslitt etter utstillingen på Årsta Slott fredag..

Utsikt over Gamla Stan, slottet sees midt på bildet.

Utsikt fra Skeppsholmen og over til City

En sånn båt skulle man hatt.. Utsikt fra Skeppsholmen til Gamla Stan

Sheriff og Børge på dra-tur..

Utsikt fra Skeppsholmen til Kastellholmen. Djurgården og fornøyelsesparken Grøna Lund sees til venstre på bildet.

Vasamuseet i bakgrunnet

Grøna Lund

2018-04-02T12:33:51+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080712 Show

2018-04-02T12:33:53+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi hadde en supertrivelig helg i Sverige med mennesker og dyr fra Kuzonga, Inanda Mellberg og Minjimba Ridge. På lørdag kom også Petra for å heie på oss, og det var jo ekstra trivelig! Petra gjorde en flott jobb som fotograf! 🙂

  Vi kan også vise noen triks før det er vår tur foran dommeren

Etter utstillingen måtte man pakke sammen alt utstyret, så da dekket vi hundene i ringen, og tenkte vi like gjerne kunne trene litt fellesdekk.

Sheriff til venstre på bildene, Kuzonga’s Bayana J’adore (som hadde løpetid!) og Kuzonga’s D’Uncas av Embo.

Jeg synes det er fint at Sheriff kan ligge ved siden av en løpsk tispe, og ikke gjør antydninger til å gå bort til henne.

Sheriff er meeeeget interessert i henne i andre situasjoner, men i denne situasjonen var han under kommando og da vet han hva som gjelder.

2018-04-02T12:33:53+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080719 Western Norway

2018-04-02T12:33:54+00:00February 20th, 2012|

  Veiene på Rugsund er så smale at kun 1 bil får plass i bredden

  Utsikt mot havet, en stor båt sees i bakgrunnen

 Jeg og Sheriff dro til fjells, utsikt på vei oppover

  Sheriff speider utover sitt rike

  Utsikt ned på hytta

  Hytta sees som en prikk på midten av bildet

  Bekkene var store og aktive, og vannet smakte helt nydelig

  Utsikt på vei oppover, ca 100 meter fra målet

  Her var målet, Rauddalen, som tidligere ble brukt som sommerseter

   Utsikt over Rauddalsvatnet

  Og så var vi på vei ned igjen

  Sheriff speider utover og får all info om vilt og sau fra vinden

En staselig herremann

  Børge var superfornøyd da han fikk 2 store sei på stang fra båt

Mens hans far bare fikk en liten makrell fra dorg..

  Sheriff syntes fisken var skummel..

  Og løp så fort han kunne når Børge kom etter han med fisken

  Nabojenta Kita

Og her hoppet Sheriff ned når Børge kom fra fisketur.. Var redd han skulle brekke bena jeg..

2018-04-02T12:33:54+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080719 Playing with Reja

2018-04-02T12:33:55+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff fant seg en ny lekekamerat på vestlandet. En vakker BC frøken på ett år som heter Reja.

Sheriff synes det er gøy å bli jaget, og Reja synes det er gøy å jage. Perfect match igrunn


Sheriff i ett av sine glupe øyeblikk…

Sheriff koser seg i gresset

Og så er det kjempegøy når fatter’n jager meg!!

Sheriff fant en ledning som man kunne ha drakamp med

Ett av Sheriff’s mindre kloke øyeblikk i bildeserie under:

Løper så fort han klarer etter Reja….

Setter snuten i bakken… Hvorfor?

Og går rett på trynet!

Sklir på siden bortover bakken   

“Shit, what happened?? ” 

To gode venner

Sheriff sitter på låvebrua og speider utover

2018-04-02T12:33:55+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080724 Visiting puppies

2018-04-02T12:33:56+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi dro til Sävsjø for å besøke Olivia og valpene og deres tobente familie. Valpene var 9 uker nå, og flere av de var flyttet til sitt nye hjem. Sheriff dør i varmen, og ville stort sett bare ligge i skyggen og sove. Sheriff og Olivia var som alltid overlykkelige over å se hverandre, men begge var veldig påvirket av varmen, og lå stort sett og sov.

Sheriff fant seg en favorittplass der det var kaldt og skygge.

Valpene var som alltid glade for å se folk, men de var også slitne i varmen.

Sheriff og Olivia fikk være med oss å gå tur og bade, og syntes det var veldig deilig

Sheriff kommer løpende over dammen


Olivia syntes det var deilig

Olivia koset seg og syntes det var godt å rulle seg på jordet



Sheriff henter pinne

Sheriff i sivet


Olivia med pinne

Koser seg i gresset

Så kommer Sheriff løpende..

Jippi, la oss leke litt!

Sheriff i tet

Olivia hopper over Sheriff

Mor, far og alle barna

Olivia sjekker barna sine

Hvem er du??

Sheriff og Olivia jaget Sunekatten opp i ett tre..

Og barna fulgte med, og lurte på hva de voksne drev med??

Sheriff prøver å leke litt med valpene, men finner fort ut at de var litt ekle likevell! 🙂


Au, ikke ballene mine!!

Ambriz har stjålet Janne’s hanske

Og så var det på tide å dra hjem og spise middag..

Helt utslitte vi…

2018-04-02T12:33:56+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080728 Nittedal

2018-04-02T12:33:59+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi koset oss i gresset hjemme hos pappa, og deretter dro vi til Kjultjern i Nittedal for å bade

Ecco leter etter ballen sin, og tar letteste vei til jordet- over hekken 

Leter etter ballen

“Hva driver du med??”

“Finner du noe?”

“Tror jeg bare står her og hviler meg litt”

“Hmm, hva var det?”

“Er du sikker på du kastet ballen?”

Ecco fant ballen sin til slutt, han gir ikke opp så lett selv om det var kjempevarmt!

Deretter dro vi til Kjultjern. En gåtur på 3 km for å komme til vannet, men her er det nesten aldri folk, og en kjempefin badeplass.

Sheriff trives aller best når han kan svømme med redningsvest, og da ligger han bare ute i vannet og dupper, og drar på svømmeturer på egenhånd.

Ecco derimot er en naturlig svømmer og apportør, og svømmer som om han skulle vært retriever (han tror jo at han er det…)

Ecco synes flyte-wubba-kongen er helt topp

 Sheriff er fornøyd og glad, digger tennisballer

  Kniper øynene!

Og så fikk Sheriff det plutselig for seg at han ville ha ballen NÅ!! Spenstig hund da…

2018-04-02T12:33:59+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080726 Swedish RR Specialityshow

2018-04-02T12:34:01+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Den svenske RR-spesialen ble holdt på Tånga Hed i Vårgårda, og det var VARMT!! 30 grader minst i skyggen. Sheriff slet veldig i varmen, og selv om han var meget sliten holdt han koken selv om farten ble litt dårlig. Vi endte som nr. 2 i åpen klasse ( av 20 hunder) og deretter som 6.beste hannhund (av over 50 hannhunder). Åpen klasse-vinneren ble 5.beste hannhund med CERT, så vi var 1 hund unna certet denne gangen! Uflaks! 🙂

Tusen takk til Marie og Gunn Tove for de fine bildene!

Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

 Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

 Er han ikke fin med sløyfa si??   Foto: Gunn Tove Jensen

  Foto: Marie Holmström

    Foto: Marie Holmström

    Foto: Marie Holmström

    Foto: Marie Holmström

 Sheriff begynner å bli sliten stakkars lille venn! Etter at beste hannhundklassen var ferdig bar det rett bort

til vannslangen og fikk spylet Sheriff ordentelig. Det syntes han var helt nydelig!  Foto: Marie Holmström

2018-04-02T12:34:01+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080823 Danish RR-specialityshow

2018-04-02T12:34:01+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Jeg ble spurt om å stille 5 mnd gamle Excellence’s Bakira i valpeklassen på spesialen, og hun endte som BIR Baby! Hun er datter av Sheriff’s bror Zazu.

På søndag ble hun kun belønnet med lovende, dommeren skulle nok helst sett at hun oppførte seg bedre. Men dette var første gang hun var på utstilling, og hun ville gjerne til sin eier/oppdretter og var meget ukonsentrert. Men så er hun bare en valp da…

 Sheriff. Lyset var meget dårlig i hallen, så det ble kun få bilder av oss fra helgen.




Alle deltakere fikk vin med RR-logo

Jeg tok bilder av Zazu, Cike og Issa før jeg dro på søndag

Kuzonga’s Chunuka Zazu

Kuzonga’s Chunuka Zazu

Kuzonga’s Chunuka Zazu

Kuzonga’s Chunuka Zazu og hans eier Catja

Kuzonga’s Chunuka Zazu

Kuzonga’s Cirkeline

Kuzonga’s Cirkeline

Kuzonga’s Cirkeline

Kuzonga’s Cirkeline

Hunting Choir’s Issa med BIS veteran pokalene sine

Hunting Choir’s Issa

Hunting Choir’s Issa

Hunting Choir’s Issa

Hunting Choir’s Issa

2018-04-02T12:34:01+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080829 Nittedal

2018-04-02T12:34:02+00:00February 20th, 2012|

  Sheriff har fått seg Østrand-sekkeseng

  Hva er det??

  Det er noe der??

  Kult, det var en puseball!

 Ecco får den ikke!!

  Sheriff later som han ikke hører meg rope på han.. Han vil ikke inn i hundegården.

  Dette er dyremishandling.. Muttern, pliiis…


Nytt klistremerke til bilen.

2018-04-02T12:34:02+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080906 Horse and ATV

2018-04-02T12:34:04+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Amund 4 år kjører ATV helt alene. Full konsentrasjon

Amund 4 år og Tina 8 år

Amund viser frem bremsesporene sine

Tina 8 år og Mozart 14 år (og 150 for tung etter 4 mnd beite!….)

2018-04-02T12:34:04+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080914 Sheriff

2018-04-02T12:34:04+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff fikk være med på ridetur i skogen og storkoste seg. Han prøvde å få hestene til å løpe ved å bjeffe på de, men Mozart gav Sheriff finger’n i sitt stille sinn. Da vi red forbi pappa, satte jeg igjen Sheriff i kjettingen, så han kunne stå der til jeg kom tilbake fra stallen. Sheriff begynte ulekoret allerede da jeg hadde ridd 20 meter fra han, og slik hadde han stått i 1,5 time… Så ufattelig trist at mutter’n bare drar! Han er nok overbevist om at han går glipp av masse gøy!

Da jeg kom tilbake var han helt desperat etter kontakt, og det gav noen morsomme uttrykk!

Ecco i farta

Tina og Mozart – 500 kg vs 30 kg

2018-04-02T12:34:04+00:00February 20th, 2012|

080920 Nittedal

2018-04-02T12:34:05+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff fikk ett løpekick, og da hjelper det ikke om hekken på 1,5 m står i veien..

Det hører til historien at han landet oppå en rull med netting, og lagde merker på pappas nysådde plen… 

Gutta koset seg på det nyslåtte jordet, endelig kan man strekke på bena!

  Sheriff synes apportbukken er sååå gøyal, og apporterer mer enn gjerne.

  Men så har man litt ego-tendenser, og vet ikke helt om man vil gi den fra seg..

  ” My precious….”

  Sa du noe?

  Bytte med mat? OK! 

2018-04-02T12:34:05+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081011 Hvaltjern

2018-04-02T12:34:06+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Noen blinkskudd av Sheriff under innkalling.

2018-04-02T12:34:06+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081028 Training-gathering

2018-04-02T12:34:07+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Denne helgen var vi på treningssamling i regi av NRH på Starmoen ved Elverum. Vi hadde meldt oss på rundering, teigsøk, patruljegang og høyfjellsøk (hvis toppen på Budor kan kalles høyfjell…)

Skogene på elverum er jo bare helt fantastiske, med åpent flott terreng

Myrene på Budor

Det ser så flott og tørt ut, men det er VÅTT

Sheriff klar for overværsøk og vet godt hva vi skal

Sheriff fant figuranten på bortimot 200 m overvær

Løper over myrene…

så vannet spruter!

En liten fotoseanse av søteste Baby

Verdens tøffeste JRT

Ligger og venter på å bli funnet

Mildt sagt våt på bena…

Fint terreng da!

Spinnelli the rottweiler


Tina og Amund var hos meg en kveld, og verdens største sofagris synes barna er superkule

Verdens beste barnevakt Sheriff

2018-04-02T12:34:07+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081101 Rescue-search

2018-04-02T12:34:08+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Leteaksjon i Valdres 081101

Jeg og Sheriff har vært på vår aller første leteaksjon! En 72 år gammel jeger har vært borte i Synnefjell i Valdres i 2 uker, og etter at den offisielle aksjonen ble avsluttet ble NRH forspurt å stille i en frivillig leteaksjon i helgen, hvor hunder under utdanning fikk delta. Hundene måtte kunne melde for å få lov å være med. Dette var en unik mulighet til å få se hvordan en ordentlig leteaksjon fungerer, og selv om det var -15ºC og 20 cm snø, tenkte jeg at dette måtte vi bare bli med på. Klokken 05.00 dro jeg oppover til Valdres, og klokken 09.00 var vi i søk i egen teig, som var ganske stor, hele 1000m x 400m. Da vi ble bedt om å gjøre finsøk, dekket jeg teigen med 30 meter mellom hver sløyfe, og tittet under hvert tre for å være helt sikker. Sheriff fikk gå med ObTrack-dekken og snøsokker, og hadde det veldig behagelig i kulden. Etterhvert ble sokkene fulle av is, slik at jeg byttet til andre sokker. Det gikk veldig bra lenge, men så etter en stund begynte han å halte, mulig han fikk seg en strekk, så da avsluttet jeg søket og returnerte til KO. Teigen var da 60% nøye avsøkt, så noen andre tok den siste delen. Vi brukte 5 timer på å dekke vår del av teigen, og hadde tilbakelagt 1.3 mil. Jeg ble med i en teig til, sammen med en annen hundefører og hennes hund, og her gikk jeg ytterligere 6 km. Klokken 17.30 var denne teigen delvis dekket, men vi måtte gi oss pga mørket. Da jeg kom hjem var jeg mildt sagt sliten, så jeg sovnet klokka 21.00 og sov til 12 neste dag! Er rimelig støl etter å ha tråkket rundt i myr! Bilder fra dagen under.

Utsikt fra bilen på vei opp til teigen.


Sheriff ute av bilen før søk

Utsikt mot Veslefjellet, vår teig lå i bunnen av fjellet

Sheriff klar for dyst

På vei opp i teigen, jeg gikk opp en midtlinje i teigen, og dekket den nordover mot syd.


Sheriff hadde det greit med dekken, men det var nok litt kaldt for han. Vi gikk i mye myrer hvor han ble våt, hvorpå han ble kald da vi kom over i lyng og tørr snø.

Sheriff ble litt våt og kald, og gravde seg ned i lyngen da vi tok en pustepause.

2018-04-02T12:34:08+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081127 Various

2018-04-02T12:34:09+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Her er ett utvalg bilder fra november måned fra blant annet treninger, konkurranser og annet.

Tur på Losby med Lotta, Nemi og Aud Grete


Lotta tar seg en dukkert, mens Nemi susser på Sheriff

Nemi prøver å komme opp av vannet


Sheriff får suss av Lotta 

LP2 på Vikingskipet 

Fri ved fot


Fremadsending til kjegle


Lek og moro etter vikingskipet 



Sheriff fikk nytt regndekken på Vikingskipet som måtte prøves ut 

Sheriff apporterer godbitboksen sin

Ecco fikk ny lilla kong og var veldig fornøyd med det

Rundering og grilling på Bøleråsen 081123 





2018-04-02T12:34:09+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081128 Fall in the forrest

2018-04-02T12:34:10+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Is på Halsjøen

Og Sheriff syntes det var kult med is.. Jeg derimot syntes det var skummelt, isen er vel ikke så tykk ennå!

Men det bryr ikke Sheriff seg om..

Det er gøy med is!

Sheriff lurer på om det er noe spennende i skogen

2018-04-02T12:34:10+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081119 Studio-photos

2018-04-02T12:34:10+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi var på PetShopGirls i Oslo 19.november 2008 hvor vi hadde avtalt studiofotografering med Nina Reistad. Jeg er ingen studiofotograf, så jeg ønsket meg noen fine portrettbilder av Sheriff vi kan forstørre opp på lerret og ha i stua. Sheriff er den fødte modell, har tusenvis av uttrykk og synes det er gøy å stå foran kamera. Alle bildene under er det Nina Reistad som har tatt, og er scannede bilder fra fotoboken vi fikk etter fotgraferingen.

Foto: Nina Reistad

Dette bildet brukes som reklame for dekkenet han har på seg. Sjekk snusleppa..

Foto: Nina Reistad

Verdens største nese..

Foto: Nina Reistad

Foto: Nina Reistad

Foto: Nina Reistad

Det blir nok dette som blir forstørret på lerret i stua

Foto: Nina Reistad

Men jeg er veldig svak for dette, har bestilt dette i forstørrelse også, og kommer til å få laget ramme med tykk svart kant og tykt passepartout rundt.

 Foto: Nina Reistad

Foto: Nina Reistad

Foto: Nina Reistad

Utrolig søt med snusleppa si!

Foto: Nina Reistad

Sheriff hørte en lyd utenfor studio..

Foto: Nina Reistad

Kjeder seg 

Foto: Nina Reistad

Skulle egentlig ligge død, men så ble det slik istedenfor.. Men synes det er ett stilig bilde da man ser ridgen, uten at det må være det tradisjonelle sitte-bildet.

2018-04-02T12:34:10+00:00February 20th, 2012|

081220 Sheriff and his Christmas-present

2018-04-02T12:34:11+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff fikk julegaven sin på forskudd i år, og han var strålende fornøyd.

Sheriff har bare hatt en vanlig skumgummimadrass til seng, med masse dyner og tepper oppå. Og så har han fått låne mitt dyre Aukrust-ullteppe…

Men så kom jeg hjem med ny seng fra PetShopGirls, og han klarte ikke vente med å bruke den til den var satt på plass engang 🙂

Ny stor Donut-seng i str XXL. Hele 140 cm bred. Håpet er jo at kanskje 2 hunder får plass samtidig! 😉

Men når jeg var der klarte jeg ikke dy meg, og måtte bare ha dette halsbåndet:

Legg merke til Bling-bling hundebein pynten på venstre side! 

Sheriff vil heller sove i den nye sengen, enn å være modell…

Og til sist ennå ett bilde av den fine Sheriffen.

2018-04-02T12:34:11+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090102 Christmas And New Year

2018-04-02T12:34:12+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff lurer på om det er noen rådyr i skogen

Gå opp sa muttern, og da gjorde Sheriff det..

Men skjønte ikke helt hva han skulle gjøre der oppe..

Sheriff støvsuger bakken

Her lukter det godt…

Liten gakkgakk i dammen på Losby

Man blir trøtt av å gå lang tur

Og så kan man leke seg litt med kong med leverpostei inni


Fine farger over Fetsund og Rælingen 2.januar 2009

Fetsund Lenser 2009

Fetsund Lenser 2009

Fetsund Lenser 2009

Fetsund Lenser 2009

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

Nyttårsraketter 2008

2018-04-02T12:34:12+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Maggies first show

2018-04-02T12:42:38+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” have been on her first puppy-show today and became Best Female Puppy and BOS. Congrats Hanna! Se picture and critique her.
2018-04-02T12:42:38+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090130 Photocourse

2018-04-02T12:34:13+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Jeg hadde meldt meg på studiokurs hos Yngve Ask på Scanout, for å lære mer om generell fotografering, innstillinger på kamera og bruk av lyssetting. Vi hadde flere oppgaver med å fotografere mat, klær, fiskestenger etc, og til sist tok jeg noen bilder av Sheriff med lyssetting som jeg kan gjøre selv, uten å måtte ha studiolys for hundre tusen. Ett kjempelærerikt kurs!

Kun studiolys fra høyre, blenderåpning 22, lukker 1/30 sek.

Sheriff syntes det var kjedelig..

Bildet var egentlig fint, synd at gulvet ikke var dekket til..

Fortsatt studiolys på høyre side, samt forfra over og underifra.

Bakgrunnen ble byttet til hvit, og studiolys ble byttet ut med trådløs blitz med diffusor på ene siden, og reflektorparaply på andre siden, med blitz som baklys. 

Sheriff syntes det var kjedelig. Bildet ble ikke oe bra i fargene, blenderåpningen stod på 5,6 da jeg hadde glemt å stille den ned. Bakgrunnen kom ut som orange på råfilen, men hvitbalansepunkt ble satt, og dermed ble bildet korrigert. Genialt verktøy Capture NX2!

Her var blitzene stilt opp litt for mye

Ble veldig skarpt lys, slik at høyre side omtrent ble brent ut.

Sheriff synes lyset var skarpt stakkar

Og så syntes han at han hadde jobbet lenge nok, og ville ha kjeksen som lå på bakken foran meg



Fortsatt litt skarp blitz, kan med fordel stille den noe ned, og heller stille hvitbalanse og farger etterpå i Capture NX2

Begynner å hjelpe litt med lyset her

Sheriff vil igjen ha kjeks

  Og nedenfor en serie med gummitryneSheriff



2018-04-02T12:34:13+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090201 Nittedal

2018-04-02T12:34:13+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Dro en tur til pappa og bare surret rundt i snøen.

Deretter fikk vi søndagsmiddag hos mamma. Helt genialt å slippe å lage mat selv!

Sheriff hjelper mamma med oppvasken.. Fortsatt litt smak på asjettene..

Og Sheriff måtte ordne klørne sine litt, han er så snodig fordi han putter hele labben inn i munnen og tygger på den..

2018-04-02T12:34:13+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090208 Playing in the snow

2018-04-02T12:34:15+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Ecco elsker snø!
Og i Nittedal er det masse snø
Veldig fornøyd med å ha funnet ballen sin
Bare man har en ball i munnen er alt topp!
Sheriff syntes ikke det var såå himla gøy, han ville heller gå tur
Men Ecco var fornøyd som alltid
Drakamp med ball i strikk, jeg passet godt på å ikke slippe nå..
 Ecco har litt problemer med at snoren på ballen festet seg rundt foten
Det har kommet så ufattelig mye snø!
Hele hundegården er snødd igjen
Det er 1 meter snø inne i hundegården, hard snø i bunn, med løssnø oppå
Riste av seg litt av snøen
Jeg og Sheriff gikk 2 timer innover Nordmarka syd fra Sørlie i Nittedal til Movatn og tilbake! Deilig tur, og Sheriff elsker å trekke på ski. Nå begynner jeg å bli stødigere på bena, og Sheriff litt med kontrollerbar. Dette kommer til å bli veldig bra til slutt!  
Sheriff er skikkelig fornøyd og sliten i kveld iallefall!
Det er sinnsykt mye snø der vi bor!
Får ikke opp verandadøren engang..
Måtte bare ta noen bilder da det verste snøfallet kom lørdag. Det var fullstendig kaos på veien rundt her da alle veier snødde igjen. Omtrent bare meg med 4-hjulstrekk her.
Gangveien rundt naturreservatet var snødd igjen.
Bilene på parkeringsplassen var borte..
Dette er egentlig en hyggelig rasteplass langs gangstien
Bilen min syntes nesten ikke morgenen etter
Fra vinduet vårt
Dagen etter ble Børge kommandert til å måke verandaen!
2018-04-02T12:34:15+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090211 Skiing

2018-04-02T12:34:17+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi gikk en times tid på Hvaltjern i Fetsund. Herlig skiføre, men da blåsmøringen ikke ble ordentlig korket ut under skiene, ble det litt hakkete kan man si. Men det passer meg igrunn fint at det ikke går så fort i nedoverbakkene! 🙂 Men neste gang skal det korkes ordentlig, så det går litt bedre fremover!

Nydelig blå himmel gir en deilig vinterfølelse

Sheriff synes det kan bli litt kaldt i -13ºC, så da er ett tynt fleecedekken midt i blinken.

Etter hvert ble det litt kaldt på potene til Sheriff, så da satte jeg på tynne potesokker. Da var det ikke kaldt lenger, og Sheriff var storfornøyd!

2018-04-02T12:34:17+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090227 Bad Sheriff..

2018-04-02T12:34:17+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Sheriff bruker tiden sin til å finne på rampestreker når vi er på jobb. Stort sett er han på matjakt..  Dette var hva som møtte meg da jeg kom hjem en dag..

Skammer seg litt??


Posebiter overalt


Under ullteppet hans finner jeg masse pose-rester.. Gjemt der med vilje??


Og da jeg ser denne forstår jeg; rampen har igjen åpnet skuffen og dratt ut posen med tørrfisk.. Heldigvis var det bare 2 biter i den.. Forrige gang var den full…


Her har rampen igjen vært på ferde.. Til venstre i bildet sees en tom flaske med tøymykner, og i munnen har han ett stivt kjølehåndkle..



2018-04-02T12:34:17+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090228 Skiing

2018-04-02T12:34:18+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Da det deilige februarværet kom, måtte man selvfølgelig dra på en skikkelig skitur. Vi gikk fra Losby, over Østmork, gjennom Badstudalen til Setertjernstua. Ca 15 km tur/retur, og det kjentes både for 2- og 4-bente! Vi holdt oss stort sett på bena, bortsett fra 1 skikkelig møljefall i bunn av en bakke. Godt ingen så oss! 🙂

Stine og Storm i farta


Koser oss i sola på Setertjernstua


Pysa fikk på seg genser og fikk sitte på sitteunderlaget.. Hund du liksom.. Mer katt egentlig! 🙂



Storm er glad bare han har en tennisball. Det er hund det tenker jeg!


Men Sheriff liker å sitte på krakken med sitteunderlag og med mutter’s genser på seg..


2018-04-02T12:34:18+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090103 NRH-training

2018-04-02T12:34:18+00:00February 20th, 2012|

NRH-treningen legges i vinterhalvåret til industriplasser og liknende. Vi er heldige som får tilgang til energibygget på Gardermoen, her kan vi trene både innendørs og utendørs.

Sheriff har en samtale med Mette. han vil ha pølse, og hun vil at han skal sitte på plass. Hun gir opp etter å ha blitt hoppet på gjentatte ganger.. Sheriff er like høy som Mette når han står på 2 ben..




Har du noe mat der?



Sheriff er snill med barn, og han trenger ikke alltid løpe de over ende..



Det er vel ikke elg på Gardermoen vel??


Sheriff hilser på Kita og Tin-Tin


Sheriff har funnet Mette som lå gjemt oppå den sorte kassen. Det tok sin tid før Sheriff klarte å lokalisere henne, han var gjentatte ganger oppå bordet i bakgrunnen for å få mer info, og flere ganger rundt varmekjelen..



Her blir Monica funnet, og løsbittet tas med til meg


Løsbitt avlevert, da kan man hente godis hos figuranten!


Vårt nyeste lagmedlem Sam, 9 uker gammel grå-schæfer.







Den flygende Sheriff  bakgrunnen


Ser voldsomt ut, men bare lek.


Sheriff syntes faktisk Sam var litt søt.



Tin-Tin og Kita








Rampen Sam har knabbet en hanske..


Marco, verdens gladeste schæfer!





Her inne i energibygget bråker det fælt, det er mange trange og mørke rom, og ventilasjonen sørger for at det blir vanskeligere for bikkjene å lokalisere figurantene.








Bratte trapper er det også, som noen hunder synes er skumle å gå i. Sheriff tok trappen på strak arm første gangen, og det syntes jeg var flott å se!


Monica blir overfalt av en lykkelig Marco


Marco og Petter






Til og med jeg synes denne trappen er ekkel







2018-04-02T12:34:18+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090319 Walking on Haugerud

2018-04-02T12:34:19+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Vi gikk en tur på Haugerud golfbane med Stine, Storm, Noah og Tobias. Så vidt jeg kunne lese meg til, er det ikke ekstraordinær båndtvang i Nittedal, og på Haugerud er det oversiktlig og fint.

Sheriff syntes det luktet godt av Noah

Så godt at han helst ville parre han på ordentlig..

Etter at Noah fikk kreft i poten sin, vil Sheriff gjerne ri på han. Om det er medisinen til Noah som får han til å lukte godt vites ikke..


Storm og Sheriff



Så lenge de kunne sleike, lot Sheriff være å parre Noah

Gale Noah

2018-04-02T12:34:19+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090321 NRH-training

2018-04-02T12:34:20+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Eksi lurer på om Sheriff vil leke
Sheriff er betenkt
Sam, mer populært kalt Rutta.
Sheriff fikk prøve seg på sesongens første spor, langs en grusvei hvor det har kjørt biler og gått folk tidligere på dagen
Han syntes det var litt rart.. Hvilken spor mener hun??
Dette sporet!
Og da sporet han seg til boksen med pølser
Sheriff vil gjerne leke litt med boksen sin
2018-04-02T12:34:20+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090330 Playing in the snow

2018-04-02T12:34:21+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Hvem skulle trodd at gutta er 4 år allerede. De to mest barnslige 4-åringer jeg vet om! :))

2018-04-02T12:34:21+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090401 Easter-mountain

2018-04-02T12:34:23+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Slikt vær gjør meg lett til sinns!
Når sola tittet frem var det utrolig deilig!
Sheriff er veldig fornøyd med sin nye non-stop dogwear sele. Ecco har også fått en, og fungerer veldig bra på begge gutta.
Etter 15 km skitur, var det godt å slappe av i sola utenfor skihytta i alpinbakken på Skei. Selvfølgelig må man ha dekken og liggeunderlag! 🙂
Potene tåler alt! Sunn og frisk hund! 🙂
På fredag flyttet vi over på hotellet, og været ble ennå været. Dette er skihytta i bakken hvor jeg satt alene torsdag og fredag og leste bok
Lillebror Amund prøvde slalom for første gang
Og ble veldig flink
Sheriff er sur fordi han ikke får sitte ved siden av meg, stakkars hund som må ligge på reinsdyrskinnet… Men både jeg og Ecco er fornøyde og trives!
Reinsdyrskinn, dekken og teppe, da koste Sheriff seg selv om vinden ble ganske så kald
Lillesøster Tina er også blitt flink på slalom
2018-04-02T12:34:23+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090412 City-easter

2018-04-02T12:34:23+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Etter vår lille utflukt på fjellet, ble det en rolig hjemme-påske. Sola skinte ekstra godt en dag, og jeg og dyra slappet av i sola på terrassen. Da jeg satte ut stoler og puter, tok Sheriff seg til rette, og synes som vanlig at det er helt naturlig at en hund skal sitte på stol…

God oversikt over nabolaget

Soler seg

Katten tok seg også godt til rette, så da ble det ingen ledig stol til meg..

En liten tur i skogen ble det også, med sesongens første skogspor. 300 meter, ca 1 time gammelt.

Sheriff husket godt hva han skulle, men jeg skulle gjerne hatt ennå mer intensitet, men det kommer etterhvert!

Lørdag gjorde vi som mange andre, og dro til Oslo for å kose oss i solen med utepils. Vi tok toget, som Sheriff synes er spennende. Mye å kikke på utenfor! Glass-heisen på Nationaltheatret er også veldig spennende, og Sheriff kjører den med skrekkblandet fryd! Da vi går ut av heisen, løper han gjerne inn i den igjen, og vil kjøre mer! Er såå nysgjerrig!

Vi satte oss på Lekteren på Aker Brygge, og Sheriff koset seg i solen i nærmere 5 timer. Han fikk ligge på det fine teppet han fikk av sin Hilandra, og pyntet med sitt tøffe “Sheriff”-halsbånd fikk han masse oppmerksomhet fra fine vestkantfruer og små barn. Og det setter Sheriff stor pris på! 🙂 Han var meget behersket, og lå pent og pyntelig selv når vi fikk mat. Han veltet kun 1 Irish Coffee, som han kastet seg over og slikket opp alt som rant på gulvet.. Han gnagde til og med på treverket i gulvet for å få mer! :)) En hund etter Irish med andre ord!

Etterpå tok vi toget hjem til Lillestrøm og dro hjem til noen venner og tok et lite vorspiel. Da de andre skulle ut, gikk jeg og Sheriff gjennom byen og hjem. For å si det sånn så er jeg ikke mye redd når jeg går med han gjennom mørket og forbi bråkete ungdomsgjenger! Jeg vet han vil beskytte meg, og bare utseende hans for alle til å stoppe opp og se beundrende på Sheriff istedenfor å bråke! 🙂 Men redd er i alle fall ikke han, samme hvor mye bråk og folk det er i byen.

2018-04-02T12:34:23+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090217 Training

2018-04-02T12:34:24+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Storm på fremadsending
2018-04-02T12:34:24+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090419 Agility-course

2018-04-02T12:34:25+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Søte Whinnie vet hva hun skal
2018-04-02T12:34:25+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090531 Norwegian Speciality-show

2018-04-02T12:34:26+00:00February 20th, 2012|

Annelie and Petra came all the way from Sweden to participate with the Olivia-pups Diezel (Damisi’s Aboisso), Ralph (Damisi’s Amourj) and Ambi (Damisi’s Ambriz).

Diezel thinks I am scary when I tell them to stop playing!

Ralph is testing his fathers toleranse

And Ambi is testing her fathers bed

Sheriff thinks shows is boring..

Me and Diezel traing heal

Ralph to the left, Diezel number two



Ralph and Diezel

Petra and Annelie happy and warm

Me and Sheriff demonstrated Rally Obedience with Lene and Kali

Sheriff thinks it is to hot to lift his legs

Cooling down

Sheriff in the ring

Sheriff is bored, cooling down under the car

Our swedish visitors taking a nap!

Sheriff saying helo to cousin Zhinga

Beatiful Zhinga













Ralph taking a nap
















2018-04-02T12:34:26+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090616 Skagen and Vejen

2018-04-02T12:34:29+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Sheriff is convinced  he sees someone he knows..
A lot of wind
Again he beliefs the children are coming to pet him..
Sheriff at the very tip of Denmark
2018-04-02T12:34:29+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090726 Swedish RR-speciality show

2018-04-02T12:34:30+00:00February 20th, 2012|

We were lucky to get a bed in Janne and Petra’s caravan, and it was so cosy and convenient to sleep close to the show-ring! The caravans was small, but as long as we got a bed to sleep in and such nice company we had a great time! We barbecued each evening, and had great laughts and a lot of good drinks.

In short, Sheriff and his offspring did great at the show!

Diezel (Damisi’s Aboisso): 1.quality, 2.winner with CQ in juniorclass

Ralph: (Damisi’s Amourj): 1.quality, 3.winner with HP in juniorclass

Tiisha (Damisi’s Ariana): 1.quality in juniorclass

Ambi (Damisi’s Ambriz): 2.quality in juniorclass

Sheriff: 1.quality, 1.winner with CQ in working / huntingclass, 10th Best Male!

With this placement in best male, Sheriff has been placed in best male class at the Swedish specialityshow 2 years in a row! Last year he placed as 6.th best male! 

Our cosy caravans

We wanted one of these, preferably one of the red ones!

Dahidos Canephora av Hilandra, Sheriff’s lovely 8 months old daughter .


Lovely movements 


Great body

Cutie Nephora. She got a nice critique, but did not want to show here teeth today, so she did not get a placement in the large puppyclass.

Me and Diezel (Damisi’s Aboisso)

Petra and Ralph (Damisi’s Amourj) 


Photo: Marie Holmstrøm

Diezel stands as a statue when the judge looks at his teeth

And so does Ralph 

Diezel with 1.quality, and 2.winner of juniorclass with CQ

Ralph with 1.quality and 3.winner of the juniorclass with HP

Caos when trying to stack the guys 


And the guys have to have a little play after behaving for a long time!

The daddy, Sheriff 

Worlds greatest Sheriff! 

And he can make some tricks, like roll around

Lying dead…

while rolling around! 

Sheriff in working / huntingclass

Photo: Marie Holmstrøm

I am looking confused? 

But we win the working / hunting class as the only one in the class with CQ

The lovely Sheriff! The judge commented that Sheriff was “the good old Ridgeback type”!

Sheriff and Me wonder what we have won. Sheriff wonder if there are any food there?

And I am pleased to win a Rhodesian Ridgeback white wine!

In best male class. Sheriff placed himself as 10.th best male! There was not many CQ’s handed out this day, and I am very proud of placing as 10th best male! This made Sheriff the best Norwegian dog of the show.

Ralph, Diezel and Sheriff.

Sheriff looking tired and bored.. Decides to lay down!

Diezel and Ralph 

 In the afternoon we decided to take a walk around the Tjoløholm Castle, and let the dogs take a bath.

Diezel was so exided to be in the water!

Tisha, Diezel, Ralph and Ambi got to run loose in the water, and they were so happy!

Look out, Diezel is out of control!

 4 happy Sheriff-children in the water!

 The happy familiy of 6! In front Sheriff and Tiisha, in the back Ambi, Ralph, Olivia and Diezel

 The Castle


Tiisha in juniorclass, rewarded 1.quality but was not placed. But she got a really nice critique!

Olivia in open class, rewarded 1.quality.



Olivia’s lovely expression



Sheriff against Moa in competition about “best working / hunting ridgeback”.

  Photo: Marie Holmstrøm


Moa wins, but she is a lovely bitch, so well deserved!

  Photo: Marie Holmstrøm 

2018-04-02T12:34:30+00:00February 20th, 2012|

090919 Obedience-training

2018-04-02T12:34:34+00:00February 20th, 2012|

We had some obediencetraining with Ecco, Sheriff and Baltus, together with my sister Tina (9 years), my brother Amund (5 years) and my stepsister Madalena (14 years).


Tina, Sheriff, Me, Amund, Baltus and Ecco


Training “Fremadsending til ruta” – send away, dow and recall. Sheriff loves this excersice!

What did you say?

I am standing! Get here with the food!

I can lay down to!


And the best reward Sheriff can get – rolling around in the grass while I pet him!

Heelwork again

And send away one more time

Perfect positioning in the square.

Directed retrieve – the left dumbbells in the right of the picture

And Sheriff licks his mouth when he hears the command, thinking that he will get a treat!

Good Boy!

And then it was Ecco, and he is as always super excited to work

Heelwork – turns and turnabouts

Retrieving his toy

Happy dog!

Retrieving dumbbell


Training send away

Sheriff is very excited, and starts yawning.

Happy Baltus

Kissing his Mom

Sheriff traing heelwork with Tina

Lay down

Very nice!

Crazy? No, just happy! Sheriff is just a fantastic dog, he works with everyone, as long as they have some treats!

Amund is trying to train with Ecco, but Ecco rather wants to train with me!

And the strange Baltus loves to play with water!

– The End-

2018-04-02T12:34:34+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091002 Sheriff

2018-04-02T12:34:36+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Posing at the golf-track
Posing and some running..
Sharp sun in the eyes
And this crazy dog with no fears running like a madman on the dam! I stood with my hart in my throat! But Sheriff had full control!
Gorgeous  is the only word for this dog! He has it all!
My best Sheriff!
2018-04-02T12:34:36+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091008 Isi

2018-04-02T12:34:37+00:00February 20th, 2012|
2018-04-02T12:34:37+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091021 Pictures from the week

2018-04-02T12:34:37+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Sheriff is hiding from Isi, and have laid down on a little pouffe
And Isi has stolen Sheriff’s bed…
As always Sheriff in front, with Millie and Isi as “tail”
Isi 12 weeks on the day. A beutiful little Airedale!
Suddently one day Sheriff decided that Isi was cute afterall, and he started to play with here!
The big big dog is so gentle to the little puppy
And she gnaws his ear!
2018-04-02T12:34:37+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091031 Playdate

2018-04-02T12:34:39+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Everyone is searching for some treats one the ground
Isi loves people, and children is her favorits!
Developing nicely
Ecco has discovered our neighbours airplane..
And he run, and run and run.. I think he ran for almost 1 hour! Good condition traing at least!
Oops, the plane hasn’t got more batteries.. 
Isi and Baltus, our two german-puppies
Sheriff found him self a man who could pet him…
Sheriff in the playful corner.. 
Baltus want’s to play also
Dispite the big difference in size, they play very nice with eachother
And Ecco is running after the plane..
Some elk or roe-deer?
Walking with the children..
Typical expression for Sheriff!
Isi is very playful 
And have a lot of fight!
Isi is trying our old biting-arm for the first time! And she liked it very much! 🙂 
A little collage!
2018-04-02T12:34:39+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091113 Losby

2018-04-02T12:34:41+00:00February 20th, 2012|
2018-04-02T12:34:41+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091116 Mondaywalk

2018-04-02T12:34:43+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Isi is following her big hero
She is growing a lot, as is her coat. Soon I have to try to trim her down..
Playing with here new pink kong with whistle.
Hunting Sheriff with the kong in her mouth
A little mud is no problem for this guy!
Crazy dog?
Cutie dog!
Sheriff also wants to play with the pink kong
The funniest is to fetch it for me!
2018-04-02T12:34:43+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091207 Various

2018-04-02T12:34:44+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Isi 4 months old and her coat is completely grown out
4 months
Sheriff with his new collar and cutie Millie
Sheriff gets tired when visiting my mother 
Isi 4,5 month, first trimming of the coat
Sheriff think the whole thing is just boring…
Isi half-trimmed, I have trimmed her back
Fully trimmed, and she looks very much like her mother and grandmother now! 🙂 I trimmed all the black coat because she should grow brown coat on her shoulders and hips.
Little cutie-pie! Her head is cut with machine, and looks a bit strange just now.. But in 2 weeks she should look good! 🙂
Isi and Sheriff relaxing together at home
Sweet Sheriff
Everyone cudling on the sofa
Isi playing with her new everlasting treatball
 Playing with eachother
Sheriff has become the biggest baby!
2018-04-02T12:34:44+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091213 Nittedal

2018-04-02T12:34:46+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Isi and Baltus playing
Sheriff also trying to join the little ones
Where did they go??
My little sister Tina and little brother Amund
Sheriff playing
Isi trying to steal Sheriff’s toy
Any roedeer anywhere?
Love you!
2018-04-02T12:34:46+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091220 Out on a cold Sunday

2018-04-02T12:34:47+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Isi relaxing on the sofa
Isi with her big hero Sheriff
Just a ordinary saturday evening!
Sheriff wants to have it comfy..
Our playmate Whinnie the working spaniel
Springer spaniel Tabitha and Whinnie playing with Isi. Sheriff is doing thing by his own..
Here he comes, not that satisfied due to the hard and cold snow..
Did you say food?
Any roedeer anywhere??
Tabitha and Whinnie
2018-04-02T12:34:47+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091226 Christmas Holiday

2018-04-02T12:34:48+00:00February 20th, 2012|
Going for a walk
Running to get some treats
Sheriff loves to play with the children in the family
Waiting to run
The day ended with a long scratch on one ear, and then we had to make this thing,
so that he did not managed to shake his head and start bleeding on his ear again! 🙂
We have A LOT of snow now, probably 60 cm.
Almost drowning in the snow..
2018-04-02T12:34:48+00:00February 20th, 2012|

091231 New Years Eve walk

2018-04-02T12:34:49+00:00February 20th, 2012|
We have cirka 60 cm snow now, and the thermometer has passed – 20 degrees!
A lot of snow on the fields, and the roedeer have trouble finding food.
We went for a walk with our trainingbuddie Gro with here labradors Victor ( 7 year male) and Kelly ( 6 months female). It was very cold, about -15 degrees, so both dogd and people was dressed.
Sheriff and Victor measuring eachother, just to tell eachother that they did not want any trouble! I have to say I am very proud of Sheriff, he can walk with any male, and we have to remeber that Victor an Sheriff is two grown males with their own pac. Not many males is so nice with other males, and have the same excellent bodylanguage as Sheriff does.
Still quite high tail routing, but still language at its finest!
And then everything is settled, and we can start the walk! The puppies at the right, having a blast together!
Any roedeers there? Sheriff hoping for anything to chase around each turn..
What are they looking at? Sheriff as always in the front, but Victor wants to be close to us.
Sheriff and Kelly
Kelly and Isi
The very best dog in the world, THE VERY BEST SHERIFF!
Poor Kelly is beeing bullied by Isi..
What did you say??
I am coming!
2018-04-02T12:34:49+00:00February 20th, 2012|

100111 Mondaywalk

2018-04-02T12:34:52+00:00February 18th, 2012|

The day started with a lovely weather, and it wasn’t that cold, only -15 degrees. The last weeks we have had down to – 32 degrees, and neither people, dogs or cats wanted to go outside. Well actually Isi didn’t seem to be affected by the cold, but I would rather stay inside! 🙂

Outside our appartement

We headed out to Hauger golftrack, but sadly the sun was hiding behind the fog. I was looking forward to a walk in the sun, and taking photos in the sun, but not today…


I do love the winter, but when it is so cold as now, some of the joy disappeares.. But I could live with -15 degress! 🙂


Sheriff runs as fast as he can

I’m coming!

Isi – the little monster


Love you!



Also crazy!

Sheriff with all his legs in the air

Isi is creeping up on Sheriff


creeping.. Look at her expression!

Cutiepie with snuff lip and 6 stitches in his left ear.

Isi creeping up on Sheriff

But he easily outrun her!

Sheriff has found some roedeer “treats”

A lady with moustache!

2018-04-02T12:34:52+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100113 Winterwalk on Losby

2018-04-02T12:34:53+00:00February 18th, 2012|


“The Gang”



Isi is spotting the skiers

Whats that??

Isi is creeping up on poor Sheriff

Sheriff is stopping, pretending he doesn’t see the crazy terrier..

She’s in my way..


Isi is developing very nice, good angulations, good coat, but probably a bit long in her back, just as the most working-airedales is.

Sheriff is still the fastest!

The two best friends

2018-04-02T12:34:53+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100128 Playing and running

2018-04-02T12:34:55+00:00February 18th, 2012|

We had to go outside in the sun! The sun has been away for some time now, so both me and the dogs thought it was very nice with some sun again!

Happy Ecco

Sneek-attack on Sheriff


Our two working-airedales

Ecco stealing Isi’s toy

And Isi trying to get it back.. Ecco not so happy about that…

Ok, one toy each is the best!

Sheriff is freezing on his paws


Sheriff is still freezing..

Oops, lost her ball

Sheriff asking Isi to stay away from his skin! 🙂


Sheriff with his ball

2018-04-02T12:34:55+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100130 Walking with Zhinga

2018-04-02T12:34:57+00:00February 18th, 2012|

We went for a walk on the golftrack with Sheriff’s niese Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga



Flying Zhinga


More flying Zhinga!


Zhinga “attacking” Sheriff, notice Sheriff’s closed eyes! 🙂


Both dogs flying, looking so stupid! 🙂

Zhinga won the ball!

Sheriff and Isi also wants the ball!

Cutie Zhinga

Zhinga sneek-attacking Sheriff

Zhinga standing, but she is cold, so she crums her back! But a very feminin female!

Zhinga also can wave, just like her mother Cike! 🙂

Looking like a squirrel!

2018-04-02T12:34:57+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100220 International show Bø

2018-04-02T12:34:58+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Kuzonga’s Cheriff 3.rd best male and Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga 4.th best female at the international show at Telemark 20.th february 2010.

2018-04-02T12:34:58+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100221 Photoshoot

2018-04-02T12:34:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Thank you soo much Roxana for helping me taking theese lovely stacked photos of Sheriff and Isi!

Playing with Isi shoes that she has a good grip, and we now need to start training and make the grip even better!

Isi and our german-friend Scotti (Ironman von der Hebriden)


Isi is drowning in the snow

Where is Isi?

Scotti is also drowning!


Ohoh, I’m stuck!

Can someone help me please?

2018-04-02T12:34:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100328 Various

2018-04-02T12:35:01+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Here is a “couple” of pictures from the last month. March was a snowy, boring month, and not that much exciting happened….

Sheriff taking a nap on his new sheepskin. He just loves it, that big cuddly ridgeback..

Isi yawning

Isi always trying to run passed Sheriff..

Isi always starts creeping up on Sheriff when he comes running towards here.. A little GIF-animation of the attack…

Looking for Sheriff


Isi watching here bone..


A little crawling in the snow in honor of the photographer


Drop dead gourgeous Sheriff!

Hm? What did you say?

Soo typically Sheriff-expression.. Looking like Dumbo!

What? Food out there?

OK! First to the treat!

Isi is a little bit faster that Sheriff in the deep and cold snow

Sheriff wants the treat, but isn’t that satisfied of the situation…

Looking happy? 🙂

OK, empty!

Isi is struggling in the snow

And Sheriff also! I had to give him a big kiss after this! He is just so cute! 🙂

My gourgeous ones! Sheriff looks like having a rim of coat, but the collar and the rug pushes his skin uppwards! 🙂

And a picture of Sheriff looking ashamed after I took him in the act of stealing the kitchen-knife AGAIN! I just don’t know what that dog sees in the knife….

Looking so ashamed…

Isi found a treat in the corner of the porch-door..


This is what I see when I look out of my bedroom window! A flock of up to 9 roedeer. They have been here the entire winter.

Sheriff stands like this all day long! 🙂 He is whining and barking at them, and wants to go outside and chase them. But that is not allowed. Do I need to say that Sheriff has to walk in a leash outside our home at all times?

2018-04-02T12:35:01+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100523 RR Speciality show

2018-04-02T12:35:03+00:00February 18th, 2012|
This year the Rhodesian Ridgeback speciality show was held at Oppdal. Over 100 ridgebacks was participating. Judge: Dorothy Grayson-Wood.

Sheriff wonder if I have anything to eat…

Sheriff and me in championclass. 11 dogs entered.

Sheriff showing of his movements


Sheriff showing his teeth to the judge

Soon to be 5 year old Sheriff. He has never looked as good as now! I think he shows power, strenght and health!

Thanzi best championmale, Sheriff 2nd championmale. Two males making some actions outside the ring! 🙂

Line up in Best Male.

Sheriff’s daughter Cleo, so much like her father! Showing of her excellent movements!

Cleo winner of Open Class!



I handled Rex Ventors Rakel in Best Bitch, behind us Cleo.

Beautiful Rakel


Me and Rakel. Rakel was 3rd Best Bitch with the CAC! 🙂 Congratulations owner Anne-Karin Rognerud at Chanjamaa Kennel!

2018-04-02T12:35:03+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100528 Various

2018-04-02T12:35:04+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Finally some pictures of our new home. A very cosy and old house in my homeplace Fetsund.

We have a lot of space, fields on all sides, and the dogs is so happy here!

We also have our very own barn, were I can trim Isi’s coat, or train obedience when the weather is bad.


Sheriff enjoying a treat

Isi also want the treat..

Sheriff took this years first swim May 17th. The water was very cold, but Sheriff didn’t seem to care..


Sheriff relaxing in front of our barn


Isi eating the lilacs…

Isi anjoying the gras

Isi terrorizing Ecco

And then she terrorize Sheriff… Poor dogs!

Haha, look at that expression on Sheriff! 🙂

Sheriff is happy to see me, and goes crazy!

But he is stuck in the leash…

That dog has 1000 expressions! 🙂

2018-04-02T12:35:04+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100622 Triple Dog Show

2018-04-02T12:35:06+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Sheriff, first day showing. 1.winner in working/hunting with champion quality

Showing of his movements

Sheriff happy as always

And a very tired dog after the first day!

Isi came along as a mascot, charming anyone that came in here way! 🙂

Sheriff second day of showing

Sheriff’s son Damisi’s Aboisso, 4.winner with champion quality in a large Open class!

Sheriff, 2.winner in working/hunting with champion quality

Damisi’s Aboisso “Diezel” 2 years

Damisi’s Ammourj “Ralph” 2 years

Damisis Ambriz “Ambi” 2 years

Third day showing, only a first prize this day.

And both dogs very tired!

2018-04-02T12:35:06+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100630 WDS, BISS-10 and holiday

2018-04-02T12:35:07+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Two tired dogs at our apartment on holiday in Copenhagen

Isi at the beach in Søndervig, Denmark

And a summerpicture was mandatory

Sheriff at World Dog Show 2010. He got 1.quality (Very Good), even though I think he deserved an excellent! 

Sheriff at the Swedish Speciality Show 2010. He was 3.winner in working/huntingclass with champion quality

The very best! 

Sheriff’s son Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” 2.winner in a large Open class with champion quality and ends up as 6.Best Male!!

Gorgeous Diezel!

Diezel and Isi playing at the beach

Sheriff’s daughter Damisis Ariana. 1.quality with champion quality in a Open class of 25 females!

And a little summary of our dog-holiday!

2018-04-02T12:35:07+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100713 Home

2018-04-02T12:35:08+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Isi and Sheriff is having a blast playing in our big garden! Sheriff maybe using this as a mating-ritual, but Isi is happy unaware of Sheriff’s dirty thoughts!

The old man gets tired after chasing a vigorous young girl! 🙂

2018-04-02T12:35:08+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100717 Norwegian holiday

2018-04-02T12:35:09+00:00February 18th, 2012|
The dogs and I spent 4 days at the Norwegian West Coast, at our cottage outside Molde in Møre og Romsdal. My mother and my stepfather has a cottage by the fjord and the little village Batnfjordsøra. The weather at the west coast isn’t always the best, but we had luck, and had 2 days with lovely sun. Then we had to take some lovely swims in the sea, a lot of pictures at the buttom!

Our little cottage

View of the fjord

View of the meadow behind the cottage. 20 sheeps was grazing on the other sides of the fence

Isi and Millie watching the road

Isi enjoying a snack

Millie posing in my mothers bed of flowers


Millie on seaweed

Millie waiting on auntie Anna’s door


Isi and Sheriff

Sheriff watching the road

Still on work, watching the road

Sheriff 5 years old and still in his best shape!

Isi also posing in my mothers bed of flowers

My mother and Sheriff taking a breath after a walk up the valley

Isi taking her very first swim, and she really enjoyed it and was an excellent swimmer!

Had to dry her coat in the grass afterwards

The crazy little girl!

This is our fjord-beach! But as long as it is some meters free some seeweed, I am more than happy!

Sheriff also decided that the water was of good enough quality, and swam and swam. He have to have something to retrieve, and his precious ball had to go in the water!

Isi was an excellent swimmer, and she swam, even when it was nothing to retrieve.

Looking crazy..

And the obligatory shake afterwards..

Isi going in..

and under..

what a look!…

My precious boy!

2018-04-02T12:35:09+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100725 Norwegian holiday

2018-04-02T12:35:11+00:00February 18th, 2012|
Another week at the Norwegian West Coast – Rugsund

Our first week of holiday was spent at the red arrow, in Batnfjordsøra outside Molde. Our last week was spent in Rugsund, in Nordfjorden.

View from the terrace of our cottage. Hornelen in the background, Northern Europes tallest sea cliff.

Sheriff is wondering if someone is coming to visit?

Isi wants to come inside..

Sheriff chillin…

Hello! I want something to eat!

Sheriff in his favorite position..

Oh my God! I think someone is coming to visit!! Juhuu!

Sheriff’s daughter Løveklippen’s Chanecia Cleopatra “Cleo” came for a visit

Both Isi and Sheriff was more than happy to see her!


Taking a cooling wade

5 years old and still a puppy!

Ahhh.. Lovely!

Sheriff’s #1 in “Best things about the summer”!

Løveklippens Chanecia Cleopatra “Cleo” 2,5 years old

She looks so much like her father, with an even better exterior!


I can, I can!

Cleo also loves to roll around in the grass!

Some familiar resemblances?


2018-04-02T12:35:11+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100902 Germany with Isi

2018-04-02T12:35:12+00:00February 18th, 2012|
I travelled to Berlin, Germany September 2nd to visit my good friend Roxana who bred Isi’s mother (kennel Christinenheide), and also to visit Isi’s breeder (Roxana’s sister that own the kennel Von De Drift). We travelled by airplane, and Isi had to stay together with the luggage on the plane. But she was so happy and calm when I met here after the flight, so she showed that she has a very good and strong head!

In Berlin we had a sightseeing, and Isi and her good friend auntie Ivy (Ivy von der Christinenheide) was behaving so nicely! They are only 13 and 15 months old, but they travelled by train, was so obidient and showed the strong nerves from the workinglines. Both Roxana and I was so proud of our young girls!

We had the most wonderful 6 days in Rüdnitz with Roxana and her familiy! We were walking the dogs, trained obedience and protectivework, talked about dogs 24/7 and the 6 days went so fast! Isi showed me that she is the sweetest little dog with the biggest heart and greatest nerves. I am so proud of here!

Thank you Roxana for the wonderful time with you!

In front of the gouverment-building

On Brandenburger Tor

Branderburger Tor

In front of Berliner Dom with Fernsehturm berlin to the right.

Ivy (Ivy von der Christinenheide) on protectivework training



A very proud Ivy

And then it was Isi’s turn to try some bitingwork. The harness says ” Ich darf alles” that means “I can do everything”!

Isi wathing the funny man

Says hello

The arm was funny to bite on!

Looking like a madgirl, but this little girl didn’t show any aggression.

Isi’s grand uncle Borax (Borax von der Christinenheide) 9 years old

Forgets to bark, and focus on the hotdog instead…


The cutest old guy Borax!

And then we had to trim Isi’s coat a little bit, and take some stacked photos of here. She lookes so great!


And then it was time for some playing

Isi (on the right) and her german bestfriend Ivy

Isi and Ivy

Isi (right) and Ivy

Isi (on the ground) and Ivy

Flying Ivy..

Isi (left) and Ivy

Isi jumping

Bites the dust….

Isi on the right



Isi and Ivy playing on the couch. Isi on top.

Ivy tracking

From left: Marina and Gianna (Gianna von der Christinenheide, Isi’s mothers sister), Me and Isi, Ivy and Roxana and Charlotte (Charlotte von der Christinenheide, Isi’s grandmother)

Ivy and Isi

Gianna, Ivy and Isi



2018-04-02T12:35:12+00:00February 18th, 2012|

100908 Outside

2018-04-02T12:35:14+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Sheriff with his precious tennisball

So precious..

and it tastes soooo good!

2018-04-02T12:35:14+00:00February 18th, 2012|

101022 Outside

2018-04-02T12:35:15+00:00February 18th, 2012|

I have bought a new car, A Mercedes Vito 4×4. I now have more room for more dogs, and could also sleep in the car if neccesary when traveling.

Of course our stickers had to be placed on the new car also! 

Sheriff found the Frolic…


Sheriff almost exploding in excitement! Searching for treats is the most funny thing!

He also LOVE his dumbell, he could carry this thing around for a long time.

He also steals it out of my bag, and some times he steals in from the judge-table during obedience-competitions…


Because we loose them in the forrest, and Sheriff destroys them, I ordered 50! new tennisballs with squeeze from U.S.!

He also loves his squeeze-balls!

Best friends! Sheriff and Isi

Cute little Indie (Shavano’s Ms Indie) has been here a couple of days, and the three dogs love each others company! Here are som pictures of the dogs enjoying yet another lovely sunny autumnday. Indie is the brown one with the collar! 🙂

The trio out walking

Huh?? Ooops..

2018-04-02T12:35:15+00:00February 18th, 2012|

120212 Varga Visiting

2018-04-02T12:35:17+00:00February 18th, 2012|
Kiwi and Varga
Sheriff, Kiwi and Varga
Varga seeing her self in the mirror! 🙂
Who’s that scary dog??
2018-04-02T12:35:17+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110917 10 weeks old

2018-04-02T12:41:08+00:00February 18th, 2012|
>We had the first puppy-meeting today, and even though we were only 3 puppies, we had a good time! 🙂

Mister Orange – Kani with light brown collar, Miss Green – Juba with red collar and Mister Red – Leon with dark brown collar.

2018-04-02T12:41:08+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110902 55 days old – individual

2018-04-02T12:41:11+00:00February 18th, 2012|
The little monsters was totally crazy for the food last time we took individual photos, so I thought that this time they would have something to eat first so that they would be a little calmer.. Yeah right.. They are just like their mother and father – desperate after food and goes completely bananas when they smell something good. So I have to excuse their big bellies! 🙂

#1 Miss Black

Wayosi Amazing Grace (l)

#1 Miss Black

Wayosi Amazing Grace (l)

#2 Mister Brown

Wayosi Aces High (l)

#2 Mister Brown

Wayosi Aces High (l)

#3 Mister Orange

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart (l)

#3 Mister Orange

Wayosi Achy Breaky Heart (l)

#4 Mister Red

Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff

#4 Mister Red

Wayosi Ambitions By Cheriff

#5 Mister Grey

Wayosi All Fired Up

#5 Mister Grey

Wayosi All Fired Up

#6 Miss Green

Wayosi All That Jazz (l)

#6 Miss Green

Wayosi All That Jazz (l)

#7 Miss Pink

Wayosi Afer Ventus (l)

#7 Miss Pink

Wayosi Afer Ventus (l)

#8 Miss Purple

Wayosi A Kind of Magic

#8 Miss Purple

Wayosi A Kind of Magic

#9 Mister Blue

Wayosi Anything But Ordinary (l)

#9 Mister Blue

Wayosi Anything But Ordinary (l)

#10 Miss White

Wayosi Another Sunny Day

#10 Miss White

Wayosi Another Sunny Day

2018-04-02T12:41:11+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110902 55 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:12+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Cutest when they sleep? 😉


How do one know that the puppies are ready to leave for their new homes?

– When they make a total chaos wherever  they go!!



2018-04-02T12:41:12+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110830 52 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:15+00:00February 18th, 2012|
We took all the puppies in the car, and drove to a little lake near us. We first tried to take all 10 out at the time, but these little monsters are not afraid of the world, and ran away in every directions with the speed of the light.. So we had to take 5 and 5, and then we had some kind of control! 🙂

Met a nice man with a canoe that they had to check out properly..

2018-04-02T12:41:15+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110829 51 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:17+00:00February 18th, 2012|
We took the puppies out in our barn were we have artificial grass and a lots and lots of exiting places to explore. The puppies loved it, and went totally crazy! I had to use the “built-in” flash, so the light on the photos are not very good…

This table were moving as the puppies run on it, and they didn’t care at all that the ground underneath their paws were moving! 🙂

Waiting for the veterinary-check!

2018-04-02T12:41:17+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110827 49 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:18+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#2 Mister Brown

#2 Mister Brown

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#4 Mister Red

#4 Mister Red

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

2018-04-02T12:41:18+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110820 42 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:21+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#2 Mister Brown (former Yellow)

#2 Mister Brown (former Yellow)

#2 Mister Brown (former Yellow)

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#4 Mister Red

#4 Mister Red

#4 Mister Red

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

and we seemed to forget Miss Pink!… But we will remember her next time! 😉

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#10 Miss White

#Miss White

#10 Miss White

2018-04-02T12:41:21+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110817 39 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:22+00:00February 18th, 2012|

The puppies drove car for the first time when we drove to my mother and played in her garden. The puppies made a total mess of my mothers flowers, just as they should! 😉

2018-04-02T12:41:22+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110816 38 days old

2018-04-02T12:41:26+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Puppy on mission….

Mother and daughter

Kiwi’s way of playing – destroy it!!

Puppies have stolen my washcloth for the floors..

2018-04-02T12:41:26+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110813 35 days

2018-04-02T12:41:28+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#4 Mister Red

#4 Mister Red

#4 Mister Red

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#9 Mister Blue

#8 Mister Blue

#8 Mister Blue

#10 Miss Beige

#10 Miss Beige

#10 Miss Beige

2018-04-02T12:41:28+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110806 28 days old – Individual

2018-04-02T12:41:31+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

# Mister Red

# Mister Red

# Mister Red

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#10 Miss Beige (former white)

#10 Miss Beige (former white)

#10 Miss Beige (former white)

2018-04-02T12:41:31+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110730 3 weeks old – individuelt

2018-04-02T12:41:41+00:00February 18th, 2012|

The puppies outside

We have build a puppy-garden since our property don’t have fences.

Now the puppies can be outside all day long when they are older! 🙂

2018-04-02T12:41:41+00:00February 18th, 2012|

110730 3 weeks old

2018-04-02T12:41:42+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Some of the puppies were very tired during the photosession and could hardly hold their eyes open! 🙂 Some of them also have some dry skin, but as Kiwi get’s more fat and meat in her food, it will disappear very soon!

#1 Miss Black

 #1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#1 Miss Black

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#2 Mister Yellow

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#3 Mister Orange

#Mister Red

#Mister Red

#Mister Red

#Mister Red

#Mister Red

#Mister Red

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#5 Mister Grey

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#6 Miss Green

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#7 Miss Pink

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#8 Miss Purple

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#9 Mister Blue

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

#10 Miss White

2018-04-02T12:41:42+00:00February 18th, 2012|

19 days old

2017-08-13T13:20:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Kiwi’s way of making her bed…

First try with “real dogfood”. They really liked it!

Isi is so curious, but don’t dare to come all the way inside the puppy-box yet…

Miss White loving the “worm”

Everybody loves the worm! 🙂

First visit outside

Isi is so curious about the puppies, but so gentle and nice

Want to play?? A little bit early for that Isi! 🙂

Kiwi and 4 of her puppies. Kiwi loves the fact that she can eat whenever and how much she pleases, and she takes advantage of it..

She is maybe a little bit to fat, even tough she needs energy to feed her puppies.. 🙂

My sister June with the puppies

The two bestfriends

And this is how tired one gets after spending 45 minutes outside when you are 19 days old! 🙂

2017-08-13T13:20:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

18 days old

2017-08-13T13:20:24+00:00February 18th, 2012|

2017-08-13T13:20:24+00:00February 18th, 2012|

17 days old

2017-08-13T13:19:56+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Isi is soo curious!

They love their IKEA-worm!

Kiwi gets to relax on my madrass

And then we decided to remove the box, and let them move around a bit

Felt asleep right here…

Almost falling out..

2017-08-13T13:19:56+00:00February 18th, 2012|

2 weeks old

2017-08-13T13:19:37+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

livernosed, correct

#1 Miss Black

livernosed, correct

#1 Miss Black

livernosed, correct

#1 Miss Black

livernosed, correct

#1 Miss Black

livernosed, correct

#2 Mister Yellow

livernosed, singelcrown

#2 Mister Yellow

livernosed, singelcrown

#2 Mister Yellow

livernosed, singelcrown

#2 Mister Yellow

livernosed, singelcrown

#3 Mister Orange

livernosed, correct

#3 Mister Orange

livernosed, correct

#3 Mister Orange

livernosed, correct

#3 Mister Orange

livernosed, correct

#3 Mister Orange

livernosed, correct

#3 Mister Orange

livernosed, correct

#4 Mister Red

blacknosed, correct

#4 Mister Red

blacknosed, correct

#4 Mister Red

blacknosed, correct

#5 Mister Grey

livernosed, correct

#5 Mister Grey

livernosed, correct

#5 Mister Grey

livernosed, correct

#5 Mister Grey

livernosed, correct

#6 Miss Green

livernosed, correct

#6 Miss Green

livernosed, correct

#6 Miss Green

livernosed, correct

#7 Miss Green

livernosed, correct

#7 Miss Pink

livernosed, tiny kinked tail

#7 Miss Pink

livernosed, tiny kinked tail

#8 Miss Purple

blacknosed, correct

#8 Miss Purple

blacknosed, correct

#8 Miss Purple

blacknosed, correct

#8 Miss Purple

blacknosed, correct

#9 Mister Blue

livernosed, correct

#9 Mister Blue

livernosed, correct

#9 Mister Blue

livernosed, correct

#9 Mister Blue

livernosed, correct

#10 Miss White

blacknosed, correct

#10 Miss White

blacknosed, correct

#10 Miss White

blacknosed, correct

#10 Miss White

blacknosed, correct

2017-08-13T13:19:37+00:00February 18th, 2012|

11 days old

2017-08-13T13:18:57+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Isi is so curious on the little ones!


2017-08-13T13:18:57+00:00February 18th, 2012|

10 days old

2017-08-13T13:18:19+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Kiwi relaxing

2017-08-13T13:18:19+00:00February 18th, 2012|

8 days old

2017-08-13T13:17:45+00:00February 18th, 2012|
2017-08-13T13:17:45+00:00February 18th, 2012|

1 week old

2017-08-03T21:58:53+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

Weight at 1 week: 1000g, livernosed, correct



#2 Mister Yellow

Weight at 1 week: 1120g, livernosed, singel crown



#3 Mister Orange

Weight at 1 week: 1200g, livernosed, correct



#4 Mister Red

Weight at 1 week: 1020, blacknosed, correct



#5 Mister Grey

Weight at 1 week: 950g, livernosed, correct



#6 Miss Green

Weight at 1 week: 1100g livernosed, correct



#7 Miss Pink

Weight at 1 week: 1000g, livernosed, small kink in tail



#8 Miss Purple

Weight at 1 week: 1000g, blacknosed, correct



#9 Mister Blue

Weight at 1 week: 1090g, livernosed, correct



#10 Miss White

Weight at 1 week: 1030, blacknosed, correct





2017-08-03T21:58:53+00:00February 18th, 2012|

6 days old

2017-08-03T21:56:21+00:00February 18th, 2012|

2017-08-03T21:56:21+00:00February 18th, 2012|

4 days old

2017-08-03T16:44:26+00:00February 18th, 2012|


2017-08-03T16:44:26+00:00February 18th, 2012|

3 days old

2017-08-03T16:43:46+00:00February 18th, 2012|


2017-08-03T16:43:46+00:00February 18th, 2012|

2 days old

2017-08-03T16:43:11+00:00February 18th, 2012|



2017-08-03T16:43:11+00:00February 18th, 2012|

1 day old

2017-08-03T16:42:19+00:00February 18th, 2012|

#1 Miss Black

Birthweight 460g, livernosed, correct



#2 Mister Yellow

Birthweight 550g, livernosed, singel crown



#3 Mister Orange

Birthweight 595g, livernosed, correct



#4 Mister Red

Birthweight 550g, blacknosed, correct



#5 Mister Grey

Birthweight 400g, livernosed, correct



#6 Miss Green

Birthweight 550g, livernosed, correct



#7 Miss Pink

Birthweight 520g, livernosed, tiny kink in tail?



# 8 Miss Purple

Birthweight 500g, blacknosed, correct



#9 Mister Blue

Birthweight 595g, livernosed, correct



# 10 Miss White

Birthweight 540g, blacknosed, correct




2017-08-03T16:42:19+00:00February 18th, 2012|


2017-08-03T16:40:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

2017-08-03T16:40:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Norwegian Winner Show 2011

2017-08-03T16:38:58+00:00February 18th, 2012|
Kuzonga’s Cheriff Excellent, CQ, 4th winner in Champion Class and ended up as BEST MALE 4.
(Photo: Päivi Sormunen)
Me and Sheriff. Very happy owner! 🙂
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “KIWI” Excellent with champion quality in champion class.
 Considering that there are only 5 months since she gave birth to 10 puppies, and her tits and belly haven’t drawn up properly, I was very happy for this result! 🙂 The judge commented “happy and lively bitch”.
D’ Isolde von de Drift “ISI” was awarded Very Good, and I am happy with our blue ribbon! Expertly handled by Julie Wilberg! The little girl is looking good, even though her coat and leg hairs was a little too short today. But we can’t do anything with those never-growing leg-hairs! 😉
2017-08-03T16:38:58+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Outside at home

2017-08-03T16:35:06+00:00February 18th, 2012|
We have Iza living with us while my friend Kamilla is in the Alps on a race. Iza in one of my all time favorites, she is just such a happy, funny and kind dog! My dogs love her, and at the moment Sheriff is in totally love with her, and he thinks she smells like heaven.
Sheriff is tired after chasing Iza
Sheriff and Iza
Isi and Iza
Two good friends
Sheriff trying to sneak into Iza from behind while she is playing with Isi. That’s not proper Sheriff!
Enough is enough!
Is this the best way to impress the girls Sheriff?
Don’t think Iza think so! 🙂
Sheriff and Iza
We went for a walk with the Skjønhaug family, who have little cutie Less.
Isi, Iza and Less
Isi, Iza, Less and Less’s mother Nadde
Iza freezing on her feet
Sheriff also want to sit on the table…
Bad boy…
Cutie Nadde
Nadde’s look alike Less
2017-08-03T16:35:06+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Running in the sand

2017-08-03T16:32:52+00:00February 18th, 2012|
 NUCH LP1 LP2 BH Kuzonga’s Cheriff aka “Sheriff”
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga
Dame Fortuna’s Adino to the left, and Sheriff to the right.
Sheriff talking to Adino and says he must behave! 🙂
Happy Adino
Sheriff letting Adino sniff him…
and then some education..
First up the hill..
and Sheriff is the boss, and want’s to be on top…
Then the girls Isi and Zhinga came out to play some more with Adino
Isi, Zhinga and Adino!
2017-08-03T16:32:52+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Various pictures from easter

2017-08-03T16:30:58+00:00February 18th, 2012|
Isi and Zhinga
Zhinga is playing “catch and fetch” with my sister Tina.. The ball got lost under the garden-house..
Yes, got it!
Zhinga: “give me that ball!”…
Zhinga playing, and Sheriff in the foreground leaving all the playing to the youngsters
Zhinga love the “try catch me game”..
Zhinga: “play with me!”
Amund (6 years) and Sheriff practice some healwork
Sheriff could work with anyone as long as they can provide a treat..
“Jump, Jump”
Sheriff is jumping for the treats
Isi and Sheriff
Zhinga have stolen the cat-toy..
Then Isi stole the cat-toy from Zhinga…
And Zhinga stole it back..
Catch me if you can!
Sheriff having a “spring-feeling”
Zhinga: “try to get it!”
Zhinga once-again have stolen a cat-toy…
Isi want’s it also..
Sheriff trying very discreet to steal it from Zhinga..
Isi and Sherff
Isi and Zhinga
Isi and Zhinga
Isi have stolen a spunge, and Zhinga really wants it
Yep, Zhinga got it!
Zhinga: “have to destroy it before the other does…”
Oh oh…
2017-08-03T16:30:58+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Wire-bear test

2017-08-03T16:26:34+00:00February 18th, 2012|
For a long time I have been very interested in the Ridgeback as a hunting dog, and also if it would be able to be used on search after bear, both as an hunting resource and to search for wounded bears. The number of bears is increasing in Norway and Sweden, and were we live there are a slight possibility to meet bear, or get close to it without knowing.
 The hunting association in our area arranged a test on what they call a “line-bear” (linebjørn på norsk). It is a bear-skin mounted on a line, and moves around and back and forward on the line. The bear-skin have the smell of predator (rovvilt) and the dogs act totally different around this smell, than they do on for example elk or horses etc. As the Rhodesian Ridgeback originally was bred to be a resource in hunting lions, I thought it would be interesting to se how they would react to the sight and smell of a bear. A dead bear, but it still have a lot of predator-smell, because the skin have been added smell regulary.
I don’t know how the lion-hunt actually took place, if the dogs were quiet and controlled the lion with a minimum of sound, or if they had a lot of sound and “irritated” the lion. As a bear-dog one would prefer a dog with little or no sound, with the courage to hold the animal at a distance, without being to bold or to get to close. A dog with a lot of sound and noise would more likely irritate the bear, and try to defend it self and get aggressive. Maybe it also would try to attack the dog that makes all that noise, and If the dog didn’t have all the courage it pretend it have, and hide behind the owner, guess who’s in trouble?? If the dog would get to close to the bear, it is a very high risk that the bear would kill it with one bite or with one hit by its paws.
It is also very good to know how your dog would behave around bear, if you suddenly was to meet a bear in the forrest. Would the dog bark and irritate the bear, would it have respect and be silent etc? It is very good to know how your dog would sound like in these situations. I experienced that it was easy to hear the difference in the bark in everyday life and when the dog faced a preditor.
First dog out was Sheriff. He was more occupied with peeing on top of the other dogs pee, than see what was around the next corner.. Suddenly he saw that there was something there.. He didn’t make a sound, he showed very much respect for the “animal” and moved around the bear at a distance on 4-5 meter to figure out was this was, and use the wind to get the smell of it. He solved everything about this himself, and didn’t even one time ask for my support. After a while he decided that the bear only “hung” there, and then he had one eye on the bear, and continued to pee where the other dogs had been. He never let his tail down, and showed that he was comfortable with the situation, he never wanted to run away, neither did he show aggression to the bear. When I approached the bear, Sheriff came right away and smelled on it’s coat. He showed that he had a lot of respect for the predator-smell, and handled the situation very very good.
“so, what’s next?”
“smells dangerous..”
“yeye, what’s the fuss about..”
Next one up was Kiwi. She immediately started to smell and try to figure out was the smell was all about. When she saw the bear, she went strait towards it, with her tail held up and bristle, making no sound. She very quickly made contact with the bear, smelled at it and understood that this was a predator. She backed away from it, showing that she had respect but still had it under control. She started to smell around in the forest, keeping an eye on the bear, and she neither didn’t showed any fear, rather than respect for the predator. When I approached the bear, she checked it out with her constantly wagging tail, but still with respect. I was so surprised that she actually was more triggered by the predator-smell than Sheriff, and she really showed that she is not only beautiful, but a true Ridgeback.
The judge said that I could walk these dogs in forest with bears, without being afraid that they would irritate the bear. They wouldn’t’ run away, but carefully check it out, and keep on doing their own business with an half eye on the bear.
As Isi kept one hell of a noise while the other dogs got to go in the forest, we decided that she also could give it a try. She started running around in the forest, having fun, and then she suddenly saw the bear. She ran away from it, placing her self on the highest point, were she had an good overview of the bear. She started to bark at it, showing both respect and fear, but as the time went by she started to show a little bit authority and one could se that she thought the whole thing was exiting and scary at the same time. When I approached the bear, she didn’t quite had the guts to come near it, but she stood there barking and looked angry! 🙂  Isi would easy irritate the hell out of the bear, so if I hear this kind of barking in the forest, I should be aware that suddenly a little Airedale terrier could come true the forest with one angry bear after her. When she barks like that, it wouldn’t care if she had all the courage in the world, because the bear would be angry. But if Isi were trained for this from she was a little puppy, she probably could make a very good bear-dog. She has the terrier-aggression in her and they also have been known to hunt predators as mountainlions. After this session she was probably 10 cm higher, and thought that she was the toughest little girl in the world. So she needed the self-esteem this gave her. Lets only hope there are no bears in the forest we track or search in! 🙂 Then I would be in trouble! 
2017-08-03T16:26:34+00:00February 18th, 2012|

SRRS Västra’s two-day specialityshow in Vårgårda

2017-08-03T14:15:18+00:00February 18th, 2012|
We spent the weekend at SRRS Västra’s two-day specialityshow in Vårgårda. We had two super nice days around the ring, meeting and talking with all the nice RR-people! 🙂 Our results was quite nice, with Sheriff’s son Diezel topping it  by winning a large openclass and placing as 5th best male with res.CAC.
Kuzonga’s Cheriff “Sheriff”
Saturday under judge Eddie Patterson
Excellent, Champion Quality
Critique: 6 year old male. Head of correct proportions with good eye. Good neck. Front and rear angulation good, with good forechest, of good ribbing and loin. Ridge and crowns correct. Moved ok, slightly loose in front, but overall excellent.
Sunday under judge Harold Tattro
Excellent 3, Champion Quality
Critique: Nize sized. 6 year old male. Good fit condition. Balanced, masculine head. Strong, flowing neck. Good angulations front and rear. Nice strong topline and long ridge. Good bend of front pastern. Short hocks. very nice balanced dog overall.
Tappinskis Peach and Passion “Kiwi”
Saturday under judge Cath Davies
Excellent, Champion Quality
Critique: Livernose bitch with good pigment. Eyes harmonizing with coat color. Elegant neck into good front, good bone and feet. Balanced body. Well muscled hindquarters. Good ridge and crowns. Kept her topline on the move, a little bit erratic in movement.
Sunday under judge Denise Tattro
Excellent 3, Champion Quality
Critique: Lovely head, very nice ears. Beautiful frontfill. Lovely feet and pasterns, nice ridge, beautifully balanced. Lovely bitch
Thank you Josefine for handling her! 🙂
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
(Kuzonga’s Cheriff x Hayawani Damisi Sikelele)
Saturday under judge Eddie Patterson
Sunday under judge Harold Tattro
Excellent 1, Champion Quality, 5th Best Male, res.CAC
Damisis Ariana “Tiisha”
(Kuzonga’s Cheriff x Hayawani Damisi Sikelele)
Saturday under judge Cath Davies
Sunday under judge Denise Tattro
Kuzonga’s Fuga Zhinga “Zhinga”
(Kuzonga’s Cirkeline x Minjimba Ridge Ajari by Enzi)
Saturday under judge Cath Davies
Sunday under judge Denise Tattro
Very Good
2017-08-03T14:15:18+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Sunny afternoon

2017-08-03T16:24:28+00:00February 18th, 2012|
Isi trying to destroy her ball…
Isi could need a haircut….
Sheriff eating grass.. All summer long he eats grass…
Isi and Kiwi
Kiwi have to be attached to a rope, or else she are chasing our cat,
and pregnant ladies shouldn`t be running around in the neighborhood! 🙂
The dogs favorite – search for food in the grass!
2017-08-03T16:24:28+00:00February 18th, 2012|


2017-08-03T09:34:53+00:00February 18th, 2012|
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “JUNO”
Wayosi Amazing Grace (l) “VARGA”
Wayosi Amazing Grace (l) “VARGA”
Wayosi Ambitions by Cheriff “LEON”
Wayosi Ambitions by Cheriff “LEON”
Wayosi Ambitions by Cheriff “LEON”
Wayosi All Fired Up (l) “ARAGORN”
Wayosi All Fired Up (l) “ARAGORN”
Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA”
Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA”
Wayosi All That Jazz (l) “JUBA”
Wayosi Afer Ventus (l) “ENYA”
Wayosi Afer Ventus (l) “ENYA”
Sheriff’s 3 year old son, Dahido’s Mibirisi av Hilandra! Just as lovely as his daddy!
2017-08-03T09:34:53+00:00February 18th, 2012|

MyDog International Show

2017-08-03T09:30:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|
I have spend some days in Gothenburg together with Kiwi, Sheriff’s son Diezel with his owner Annelie, and Diezel’s breeder Petra with her young female Binah. We had a great time together, and got some really nice results!
Damisi’s Aboisso (l) “DIEZEL” Excellent 3 with champion-quality in Open Class (sire: Kuzonga’s Cheriff).

Tappinskis Peach And Passion (l) “KIWI” Excellent 2 with CQ and BEST BITCH 4!!


Damisi’s Aboisso (l) “DIEZEL” Excellent 1 with champion-quality in Open Class, BEST MALE 2 with CAC and res-CACIB (sire: Kuzonga’s Cheriff).
Tappinskis Peach And Passion (l) “KIWI” Excellent 4 with CQ.
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” in Open Class line-up
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel”
Damisis Aboisso “Diezel” with his CAC-rosette
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Tappinskis Peach And Passion “Kiwi”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
Wayosi Another Sunny Day “Juno”
2017-08-03T09:30:59+00:00February 18th, 2012|

Weekend with Maggie

2017-08-03T09:27:29+00:00February 18th, 2012|
I spend the weekend in Stockholm, attending SRRS’s lecture with Jan Gyllensten about “Our dogs mentality – in everydaylife and breeding” and stayed with Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE”, her “big-sister” Ridgebows Nandisa od Zazazela “DISA” and her owner Hanna. See pictures here. It was so nice to seeing them again, and Maggie is just the most lovely little girl – and appears just as crazy as I like them to bee! 😉
I also got to meet Maggies friends Hamnuddens Fellow Caesar “CAESAR”, Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton “KEATON” and  Ridgebows Righteous Ramaya of Navy “MAKEBA”. All of them lovely and sound dogs that I believe will have good influence on crazy Maggie! 🙂
Tired Maggie
Hungry Maggie
And tired Maggie again..
So tired…
Maggie also want to be tucked in…
just like her “big-sister” Disa.. Actually Disa can’t sleep without beeing tucked in! 🙂
Maggie’s lovely ridge!
The whole gang out for a walk
Maggie with her best-friend Caesar.. Or at least Maggie thinks he is her best friend.. Not sure if he thinks the same! 🙂
“Caesar – I love you!”
Poor Ceasar!
Rubber-face-Maggie – just like her parents!
We want what you’re have!
Maggie goes for it….
Lovely Caesar
Just learned how to fetch – and loves it!
And of course Maggie is in the middle of all the caos…
Maggie stole Hanna’s glove – and ran away with it..
Wohoo! Try to catch me!
Maggies sometimes-best-friend Keaton
Big-sis Disa
Cool Disa
Cutie Maggie – sitting still for a couple of seconds…
“The gang”
Keaton, Caesar, Maggie, Makeba and Disa
And then Maggie couldn’t sit still anymore…
And destroys the peace and quite..
“Hi boys, I love you!”
Half-sisters Disa and Makeba
“Bro’s” Keaton and Caesar
Maggie – had to wear the leash for safety measures! 😉
Trying to stack Maggie, but she’s a little to high at the rear at the moment! 😉
Lovely Keaton!
Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Keaton
Maggie drop-dead-tired, and her eyes are crossed..
It’s a hard life when your breeder comes for a visit! 🙂
2017-08-03T09:27:29+00:00February 18th, 2012|

New homepage and Kani’s back home

2017-08-03T09:33:05+00:00February 17th, 2012|
Welcome to our brand new homepage! All pages are not yet updated, but we are working on it! Please let us know if you are experiencing any strange “stuff”.
Our lovely livernose-boy Kani flunked out of guide-dog-school with flying colors! 🙂 Now he is back home with us, and time will show what the future brings. But we are so happy to have him back, he is the sweetest ridgeback-boy, and even daddy Sheriff loves him!
 MLH2719_600  MLH2675  
2017-08-03T09:33:05+00:00February 17th, 2012|

Mentalitytest (MT) Sätra

2017-08-03T16:16:21+00:00February 10th, 2012|




Didn’t get much afraid…


This actually managed to scare him abit! 🙂





Again, not afraid at all..





That man was very funny!



What is that?


Oh, no worry!


Let me go, I want to say helo!

2017-08-03T16:16:21+00:00February 10th, 2012|

30 January 2012

2017-08-03T09:08:43+00:00January 30th, 2012|
I have spend the weekend in Stockholm, attending SRRS’s lecture with Jan Gyllensten about “Our dogs mentality – in everydaylife and breeding” and stayed with Wayosi A Kind Of Magic “MAGGIE” and her owner Hanna. See pictures here. It was so nice to seeing them again, and Maggie is just the most lovely little girl – and appears just as crazy as I like them to bee! 😉 
2017-08-03T09:08:43+00:00January 30th, 2012|

27 January 2012

2017-08-03T09:09:04+00:00January 27th, 2012|
We are happy to introduce the sire of our planned Airedale Terrier litter this spring! The choosen one is Wilson von Erikson “BOR” and we are very pleased to get the oppurtunity to include him in our breeding-plans. Read more about the planned litter here.
Juba and her owners visited us last weekend, and we went for a lovely walk in the snowy forrest, and we also got to take some photos. See them here.

2017-08-03T09:09:04+00:00January 27th, 2012|

1 january 2012

2017-08-03T09:07:04+00:00January 1st, 2012|
We have recieved some new photos of our cutie Maggie! See them here.
We are sorry to inform that Sheriff’s girlfriend Fahari is not pregnant, and that all our work didn’t give us any puppies. But we have made some really nice acquaintances we don’t want to be without.

2017-08-03T09:07:04+00:00January 1st, 2012|
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